Mr. Romney and the iPhone

From left to right: lid, iPhone 4 in plastic holder, written documentation, and (top to bottom) headset, USB cable, wall charger. Evidence the earth and universe are billions of years old not shown

Great segment on Maddow last night about where Mittens is getting his save-o-murica jobs program ideas from. One of his experts is the same guy who served in the Bush WH and who reportedly 1) pushed several Bush tax cuts saying they would lower the deficit, 2) predicted Iraq would be over quickly, and 3) went on to join Goldman-Sachs as a mortgage derivative cheerleader writing at one point these deadly financial mutations would “lend stability to the banking sector.” As noted before, there is virtually no failure so great that it cannot be richly rewarded in today’s corporate arm of the Republican Party.

Now the same asswipe is pushing Romney to propose, you guessed it, tax-cuts for the wealthiest Americans and massive deregulation for all corporate sectors. More of the same awesome sauce we’ve always seen from these strangely well-funded serial fuck-ups. But then right after that block, Maddow shows a shot of Romney getting all scientific, man, and whipping out his iPhone to use in a strained analogy between landlines and Obama. An iPhone, technology, dare we say science!

From which we now safely infer there may be flavors of science acceptable to the low information right-wing sheeple who may hold the fate of the nation in their clasped, praying hands. The one which studies particles and waves moving through substances and vacuum. Quantum mechanics.

Are the fundies really OK with quantum mechanics? It’s progress, if so, and we should be all for it. But I don’t think they’ve thought it through. Because not only is the field chock-full of metaphysical implications that do not bode well for cosmic creator entities, at least those which are purportedly both omnipotent and omniscient, it happens to prove the creation story in the bible dead wrong. Wrong by many orders of magnitude, as in 99.9999999999% wrong. As in the only thing standing between 100% wrong and Genesis is a flimsy barb-wire fence.

From quasars on the event horizon of the background radiation to the local group to Super Nova 1987A right next door in the Large Magellanic Cloud, the evidence carried on waves of visible and invisible light for an ancient universe interlock like the corners of Abe Lincoln’s freshly hewn log cabin. From radio waves flying through the air at millions of cycle per second to the frenzy of electrons boiling around the doped nuclei of commercial silicon by the trillions, the evidence for an ancient planet covers that same log cabin with perfectly joined Legos. Now add in the evidence from geology, biology, paleontology, etc.

It’s a lock. The earth and universe are billions of years old.

There was no creation event a few thousand years ago as described in Genesis. Therefore there could be no original sin by Adam and Eve. Thus, there would be no need to be saved from the consequences of it. And that’s pretty much the end of the line for all flavors of Abrahamic faith.


  1. pHred says

    Maddow shows a shot of Romney getting all scientific, man, and whipping out his iPhone to use in a stained analogy between landlines and Obama.

    Okay – I won’t even describe what kind of a picture flew through my head at the idea of a stained analogy from a GOP candidate – suffice it to say it was not pretty. Ick, ick, ick.

  2. snafu says

    I also watched this segment on Maddow last night. The analogy was strained as well as strange. Quarters, payphones and cellphones. Romney never did explain what was so ‘cell-phone’ about his jobs plan (at least in the clipped shown on TRMS).

    Romney is not a gifted communicator.

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