LRO in on moon landing hoax

Apollo 17 landing site as seen by the NASA LRO on 6 Sep 2011

Seen above is the final resting site of the lunar excursion module Intrepid’s descent stage as seen by the sharp eye of NASA’s LRO orbiting above. To the far right is an old Surveyor spacecraft which landed a few years before to check out potential Apollo landing sites. To the left is Head Crater. And it’s all connected by what looks like trails!

What could the trails be?

You have to hand it to those nefarious NASA eggheads. Not only did they fake a landing on the moon, they actually left behind fake equipment and rows of footprints and moon buggy tracks between all these places to backstop their conspiracy!


  1. ttch says

    Oh, come on! You think those guys with the big government-funded telescopes aren’t in on the conspiracy? Give me a break!

    [required smiley omitted]

  2. Francisco Bacopa says

    I used to have a neighbor who was a moon landing denialist. I made little progress refuting his “evidence”. I tried to explain to him how fro certain types of radiation HDPE plastic is very good shielding. I showed him photographs taken here on earth with natural light that had the same divergent shadows he took to be a sign of artificial lighting in the moon photos. None of that worked.

    What did work was getting him thinking about human capabilities and motivations:

    I reminded him that we had enemies at that time. Wouldn’t the Russians have been watching us closely and put together an even better case for a fake moon landing right after the first alledged landing to discredit the US?

    Faking a moon landing would have required the cooperation of thousands of people. Wouldn’t a few have spoken out? And how can you get that many people to keep a secret anyway?

    Groups in other nations besides the USSR could point their radio telescopes and the moon and a few did so at the time of the landings. There would have been immediate rumors that there were no signals coming from the moon.

    Sometimes it’s better not to argue about the small scale evidence but instead to go after motivations and capabilities.

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