The present government of Bangladesh is called ‘secular’.
People who do not know the meaning of secular call this government ‘secular’.
Asif Mohiuddin was brutally stabbed by the Islamists. Now the government arrested him for the crime of being an atheist.
His blog was banned by the government a few days ago.
His yesterday’s facebook message was:
Yesterday 3 bloggers of Bangla blog community have been arrested for not believing in any organized religion and for criticizing of the religious fundamentalism, religious institutions and religious Dogmas. Few days back, 84 freethinker bloggers were listed by some religious fundamentalist groups named ‘Hefajat e Islam” and the list was submitted to the government to arrest them and to impose Blasphemy law on them. I’m one of the listed bloggers, and In January, I was stabbed brutally by some Al-Qaeda terrorist group in Dhaka. And after one month, Blogger Rajib Haidar was slaughtered by the same group. Now our co called secular government are doing the rest of the job. May be they will arrest me today or tomorrow morning.
There was a time in the 17-18th century in Europe when women who excelled in knowledge, science and philosophy more than men were blamed for witchcraft and were burned alive by the churches and their theocratic government. Education and thus advancement for women has always been a threat for radicalism so this is why the church and the government indulged in burning the progressive women by branding them as witches.
The exact same situation is in Bangladesh right now. The whole new generation who brought in a revolution in Bangla blog community with their advancement in science, philosophy and critical mind, who wrote against the religious fundamentalism and in favor of our great liberation war, freedom of speech, secularism and democracy will be burned alive just like witch-hunt in the late middle ages.
Religious sentiments are so easy to be offended, that sentiment is always ready to be hurt. Religious fundamentalist always search google, facebook and youtube for the contents that hurts their sentiment and always cry to stop those Blasphemy! I don’t know who told them to search those things and hurt themselves! This is so ridiculous and nonsense.
Religious feelings can be hurt in a number of ways. The mass slaughter of cows at Muslim ‘Qurbani’ festivals may be offensive for the Hindus who worship the Cows as gods. Similarly, public worship of idols, celebrating the Bangla New Year and giving flowers at the Shahid Minar in a Muslim-dominated country can offend a true follower of Islam because all of the cultures are forbidden in Islam. Moreover, followers of other religion might not accept or feel insulted when someone says that ‘Islam is the best religion in the world’, or it might hurt Muslims when a Hindu person claims that all humans are born as Hindus. So as a matter of fact, if you want to prohibit the criticism on religion, you have to prohibit the statements that go in favor of the religion also.
The general people who take religion as a part of humanism, aren’t really interested in such propaganda that relates to religious ignominy but when things like these are used in political deceptive maneuvers, they make people believe that their own religion is endangered and to protect it they have to take part in war, murder, rape and what not. This was exactly how the genocide of 1971 was planned in Bangladesh, in the name of Islam, Pakistan army killed 3000000 of our people and raped more than 200000 women.
So Insulting religion is obviously a political issue, political leaders just want to use religions for their dirty politics and to save the religion, they want middle aged laws to be imposed and to promote religion based education system which is not compatible with modern age. The listed bloggers were solely doing the right job to separate religion from politics and the state. When religion remains out of the politics which gets dirty at times, it will remain sacred and then no one will ever want to disrespect it, or insult it.
To drag religion into politics and playing with it like a football is the real offense towards religion. So separating the religion from the state is the primary concern of the Blogger community in Bangladesh, also to save the religions from being insulted.
Just a couple of days ago, four Islamists were arrested for stabbing Asif.
Today Asif was arrested.
Does the government try to prove that Asif is as guilty as the Islamists who tried to murder him?
Asif wrote blogs expressing his thoughts on atheism, secularism and humanism. He did not kill anyone in the name of atheism. He asked no one to kill anyone to save atheism. He used his keyboard or pen to tell the truth. Islamists nearly killed Asif with knives. The government of Bangladesh thinks there is no difference between Asif, the freethinker and a bunch of murderers.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was a soft-core Islamist. She is now trying to be a hard-core Islamist. She is helping the Islamists for their dreams–of turning Bangladesh into a fundamentalist country–come true.
Sheikh Hasina has been preventing me from entering my country because I am an atheist and a feminist. She put enlightened bloggers in prison because those bloggers do not believe in God.
‘What is the difference between Islamists and Sheikh Hasina?’ I asked.
A friend of mine said, ‘the difference between Islamists and Sheikh Hasina is that Islamists do not pretend to be secular.’
Religion is used by the powerful to control the festering mob. It’s main drawback is that the wise see through its use so very easily; its value that the wise are so few and far between.
Sooo worried about the future of Bangladesh. Seems like there is no one can stand against these islamist fundementalist. Jamat and Shibir always wanted to kill these forward minded bloggers, now the Govt is also against them. Don’t know where are they going to go for shelter.
WRONG WRONG WRONG. Taslima, You are lying.Bloggers were arrested because they insulted the fellings and believes of muslims.Freethinking is everyones right .But you can not hurt anyones fellings and believes directly or indirectly by insulting.Specially for religion. Islam says to show respect to other religion and believes and never force anyone to convert .But that does not mean that atheist have any right to insult anyones believes. So its a duty for every religious person (for every religion) to give proper punishment to the CRIMINALS. SO YOU ARE A LIER.
you are an ignorant bigot. you’ll never fathom the real point she is trying to make .
athiest is don’t believe in God or no religion.
I have no comments about athiest.
but anti-religion
in the bangladesh about 90% muslim people, its impossible to do something against islam.
yes its true many bd poeple don’t know who athiest and who anti islam.
bd muslims never allow anti-islam.
what ever you think its one’s freedom/freethinking
I have to sincere to others freedom, not hurt him
other automatically will be sincere about my freedom
selfish never be happy
Taslim nasreen is an athiest. She don’t believes at any relegion. She believes at free sex. I want to tell her, in bd have 70% real muslim. If a men who doesn’t believe at any relegion, it’s well because it’s his private matter bt why he stand against islam. why he tell wrong about islam??