Trump treats his followers as if they are stupid

In an essay, former labor secretary Robert Reich writes that serial sex abuser Donald Trump (SSAT) is mind-numbingly stupid and gives multiple examples to support his thesis.

But there is another aspect to this and that is that SSAT seem to think that his followers are mind-numbingly stupid as well. Take the following things that SSAT constantly rants about in his speeches and which his surrogates sometimes parrot.

  • The newer environmentally-friendly low-flow washing machines and dishwashers don’t get enough water to function properly, so that clothes and dishes do not get clean.
  • The low-flow shower heads only allow a trickle of water and prevent people from getting clean.
  • The newer low-flow toilets no longer flush properly and require multiple flushes to clear the waste,
  • The classified documents that he is charged with improperly removing were in a bathroom at Mar-a-Lago and since bathrooms can be locked, they were secure.

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The real choice before us

Joe Biden’s feisty State of the Union address may not have had any immediate impact on voters but it does seem to have had an impact on media coverage of his age. I notice much less chatter about it now, except in the right wing media world. I hope the real differences between him and his rival become more of the focus.

Trump’s speeches are increasingly incoherent and insane

At his rallies, serial sex abuser Donald Trump (SSAT) gives long, rambling speeches that run well over an hour and sometimes approach two hours. Most of us do not have the patience, let alone the stomach, to spend so much time listening to such drivel. But reporters covering his campaign have no choice and Susan Glasser of The New Yorker writes that although watching short clips may make us think that his speeches are terrible and reveal signs of dementia, you cannot appreciate the full measure of how bad they are until you watch them in their entirety, and that in his latest speech at a rally in Georgia, he was “building a whole new edifice of lies”. She compared his speech to Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech delivered two days earlier.
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Trump’s one key to political success

Robert Reich, former labor secretary in the Clinton administration, writes that although serial sex abuser Donald trump (SSAT) is mind-numbingly stupid, he does have one skill that has enabled him to achieve the level of success that he has.

I have to wonder why the mainstream media isn’t discussing Trump’s extraordinary stupidity.

The media continues to discuss Trump’s criminal indictments, and is — finally! — noticing that Trump is becoming less and less coherent. But why isn’t it reporting on something almost every lawmaker and journalist in official Washington knows — that Trump is remarkably stupid?

I don’t mean just run-of-the-mill stupid. I mean extraordinarily, off-the-charts, stupifyingly stupid.

Consider the views of the people who worked most closely with him during his presidency. Anyone remember when Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called Trump a “f—king moron?”

Or when National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster called him a “dope?” And Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, and even Rupert Murdoch all referred to Trump as an “idiot?” (Technically, Murdoch called him a “f—king idiot.”)

Trump’s chief economic adviser Gary Cohn described Trump as “dumb as sh-t,” explaining that “Trump won’t read anything — not one-page memos, not the brief policy papers; nothing. He gets up halfway through meetings with world leaders because he is bored.”

When one of Trump’s campaign aides tried to educate him about the Constitution, Trump couldn’t focus. “I got as far as the Fourth Amendment,” the aide recalled, “before his finger is pulling down on his lip and his eyes are rolling back in his head.”

After providing more examples of SSAT’s stupidity, Reich says that he does possess one aspect of what is known as ’emotional intelligence’ and that is the ability to “recognize and influence the emotions of others.”

This is where Trump’s brain outperforms the brains of ordinary mortals. He knows how to manipulate people. He has an uncanny ability to discover their emotional vulnerabilities — their fears, anxieties, prejudices, and darkest desires — and use them for his own purposes.

This genius — combined with utter stupidity in every other dimension — poses the clearest and most terrifying danger to America and the world. 

People will be analyzing SSAT’s weird and dangerous psychology for decades to come, trying to understand what it is that makes so many people fall under his spell.

What exactly is the problem with TikTok?

In a rare display of bipartisanship, the House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly to force ByteDance, the owner of the social media app TikTok, to either sell it to a US buyer or face tough restrictions on its ability to operate in the US.

The vote was a landslide, with 352 Congress members voting in favor and only 65 against. The bill, which was fast-tracked to a vote after being unanimously approved by a committee last week, gives China-based ByteDance 165 days to divest from TikTok. If it did not, app stores including the Apple App store and Google Play would be legally barred from hosting TikTok or providing web hosting services to ByteDance-controlled applications.

The vote in the House represents the most concrete threat to TikTok in an ongoing political battle over allegations the China-based company could collect sensitive user data and politically censor content. TikTok has repeatedly stated it has not and would not share US user data with the Chinese government.

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How committed are so-called ‘Never Trumpers’ to not vote for him?

There can be no doubt that serial sex abuser Donald Trump (SSAT) is an awful person and that there are people who once voted for him who are quite disgusted now. The real question is how many such people there are and whether they will eventually end up voting for him anyway, will vote for Biden, will not vote at all, or will vote for a third party candidate.

The conventional wisdom is that those who have voted for SSAT in the past, especially in 2020 when no reasonable person could have had any doubt about how awful he was, had drunk so much of the Kool-Aid that they would go back to him. Jordan Klepper’s interviews with some supporters of Nikki Haley seem to support that gloomy view. There were those who spoke of SSAT in the harshest possible terms, even calling him an existential threat to democracy. But when Klepper pushed them to state what they would do if finally faced with the choice of voting for Joe Biden or SSAT, they hemmed and hawed before finally saying that they would vote for SSAT. So much for these people being ‘never Trumpers’.

The cognitive dissonance is strong in these people.
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The power of metadata and the photo puzzle

I am not a very tech savvy person and so am constantly being surprised by what modern technology can do. Take for example, the current kerfuffle over the doctored photo released by the British royal family. I am amazed at what could be gleaned from the photo.

David McCoy, the imaging manager at the Guardian, said: “The first step in analysing this image is reading through the file’s embedded metadata to determine the photographic settings of the base camera image. In this case, we can see that a Canon 50mm f1.2 lens was used for this initial image, set to an aperture of f3.2, which will give moderately shallow depth of field.

That is pretty impressive, to me at least, but the article goes on to describe all the other things that were inferred.

The whole thing is a minor puzzle. I am not sure why the photo needed to be doctored at all and why, given their resources, they could not have hired a professional to do a better job that would not have aroused suspicions in the first place.

Michael Kosta of The Daily Show joked that he knew at once, even without any forensic analyses, that the photo had been doctored because you can never get three children to all smile at the same time for a photo.

Israel blockade of Gaza challenged

Joe Biden has long been one of the staunchest supporters of Israel and has even called himself a Zionist. He has been a steadfast supporter of that country’s governments, refusing to condemn them even when they did the most appalling things. So it was no surprise when he rushed to Israel following the October 7th attacks by Hamas and embraced prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, although Netanyahu had shown his disdain for Barack Obama when he was president and Biden was vice-president and Netanyahu even accepted an invitation to speak to Congress, bypassing the Obama White House. Netanyahu’s preference for serial sex abuser Donald Trump (SSAT) and Republicans is not hard to discern.

Biden’s seeming unqualified support for Israel has angered many progressives in the US and infuriated many Arab Americans who see him as condoning the ongoing slaughter of Gazans by the Israeli military machine. The US has been increasingly isolated on the world stage as leaders of many countries and the United Nations have condemned the Israeli policy of essentially starving the entire population of Gaza, numbering about two million people, by refusing to allow in relief trucks to bring in adequate amounts of food, water, energy, and medical supplies. Israel controls ground access to the Gaza strip and has long imposed a blockade to prevent access even by sea. The situation is so bad that the few relief trucks that Israel allows in have been besieged by starving people and Israeli troops have opened fire on them, reportedly killing over a hundred.
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Jon Stewart on who the ‘real’ Americans are

He discusses something that has also long irritated me, and that is the claims by GOP politicians that ‘real’ Americans are those that live in the middle parts of the country in rural areas, as if the vast majority who live in cities and the coastal areas count for less.

This is part of a more general pattern. GOP politicians seem to think it is perfectly acceptable to sneer at big cities and the diverse array of people who live in them as somehow being less worthy, while reacting with outrage if any Democratic politician even slightly disparages rural white America.