Joe Biden’s feisty State of the Union address may not have had any immediate impact on voters but it does seem to have had an impact on media coverage of his age. I notice much less chatter about it now, except in the right wing media world. I hope the real differences between him and his rival become more of the focus.
OK, I know you like puns, but this is extreme.
Conservatives at rallies have openly stated they would be happy if Trump made himself dictator. Biden’s age is just an attack of convenience for them, they don’t care about a single real issue.
Trump-age health system: Guy in rags hits a gong, shouts “bring out your dead!”
(Yes, I am a Monthy Python enthusiast)
Biden’s State of the Union impacted me and I didn’t even watch it — I’m going to vote for him even harder. Then again I’d vote for anything, animate or not, that ran against Trump. How could anyone with a functioning brain be undecided here?
@ 3 birgerjohansson
As you should be. 🙂
Yeah, well…
I agree that the choice is stark. The bar has been lowered to the point where an 81 year-old corporate Dem is now the obvious choice. But we on the left need to understand that the task before us is more than difficult; it may be impossible. Fighting a well-funded and well-organized and fanatical fascist movement is a daunting task.
All I can suggest is that, on the single issue of anti-fascism, we need the largest possible tent. I abhor Liz Cheney and would submit that she is wrong on every issue but one: the danger of Trump and his fascist cult. On that issue I make common cause with her but as to how to actually work towards real political change in the correct direction I am stumped.