Encouraging reproducibility in science

There is a problem in the current science climate which seems to reward original and exciting new research more and seems to value whether the results are true less. I have written before about the problem of journals publishing papers where the results don’t hold up under subsequent examination and how difficult it is to get them to publish articles that contradict earlier ones. [Read more…]

Review: Sherlock, Season 2

I finally got around to seeing the three episodes in the second season of the highly acclaimed series of the famous detective and his Boswell. I wrote about the three episodes of the first season earlier (here and here). The series is based loosely on the Conan Doyle stories, and the word ‘loosely’ is used advisedly since events are placed in contemporary London and contain only the basic plot elements of the original stories on which they are based. [Read more…]

The abusive practices of Scientology

Scientology has again got what it hates, negative publicity about its abusive practices. The Village Voice has published a two-part series (part 1 and part 2) largely based on information provided by John Brousseau, a a member of the cult since 1977 until he left in 2010, and at one time brother-in-law of its current leader David Miscavige, the two of them having married two sisters. [Read more…]