Punishing disagreement of US foreign policy

The issue of Ukraine and Crimea and Russia has dominated the news in the last week, with much of the US media portrayal consisting of repeating US government assertions that this is an example of Russia throwing its weight around and interfering in the internal affairs of another nations, as if the US never does such things. The reality is that the US is constantly interfering in the internal affairs of other countries either overtly by sending in troops or covertly by supporting destabilizing efforts against governments it does not like.
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Getting the facts straight on Social Security

Abby Huntsman, daughter of failed Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman. has like many children of well-known politicians, parlayed her family connections and fame into a career as some sort of media personality. And as is the case with media personalities, they feel free to make assertions on policy matters with little attention to facts.
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Anita Hill

Those above a certain age will remember Anita Hill and the explosive confirmation hearings over Clarence Thomas’s nomination to the Supreme Court in 1991. I recall following those events and right from the beginning I believed her story and felt that Thomas was a sleazy character personally with extreme views and should never have been confirmed to the court.
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Reactions to Obama being Between Two Ferns

Stephen Colbert looks at the concerns expressed by Fox News that president Obama appearing with Zach Galifianakis on a web comedy show demeans the presidency. In their weird little minds, starting illegal wars, torturing people, engaging in a vast global spying program, waging cyberwars and the like do not harm the presidency but appearing on a show widely watched by young people (over 13 million people have so far seen the 6:30-minute clip) to promote his health care plan is somehow hugely damaging.
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The Daily Show on the torture report

The CIA is shocked, just shocked, and even saddened that anyone would suspect them of doing something wrong and say that some low-techies may be responsible for whatever spying may have been done on the staffers of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, though they are not acknowledging that such things happened. Maybe the CIA does not hire interns, the usual underlings who are blamed for anything that goes wrong.
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Medea Benjamin’s terrible experience with airport authorities

Long-time peace activist Medea Benjamin of CODEPINK describes the terrible experience she had in Cairo while trying to get to Gaza to attend the International Women’s Day celebrations there as part of a 100-member international delegation that included “representatives from France, Belgium, Switzerland, Australia, the UK, Ireland, Canada and the United States” and “who ranged in age from 18 to 84, included Nobel Peace Prize winners, doctors, writers and students.”
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Why the torture report is such a hot potato

CIA director John Brennan may have seriously miscalculated when he publicly derided senator Dianne Feinstein for accusing the CIA of spying on her staff and clandestinely removing some of the documents that she says her staff had been given access to in their investigations of torture by the US government. Unnamed administration sources went even further and accused committee staffers of actually stealing documents from the CIA and triggering an investigation. If senate staffers, not previously known to be masters of internet espionage, could pull off such a feat against the CIA, that would be truly impressive.
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