Justice – American style

Indefinite detention, torture and testimony obtained from torture, spying on attorney-client conversations, solitary confinement for months and years, no habeas corpus, military tribunals that suspend normal rules of due process, all these are now part of the brave new world that we live in as a result of the war on terror. Ah, for the days of the Cold War when the US used such charges to bludgeon the Soviet bloc nations as part of the propaganda blitz to show the world how evil they were and how superior the US system of justice was. [Read more…]

You mean deer can’t read?

Some time ago, I came across an amusing audio clip of a woman calling a radio talk show to complain about the fact that she had collided three times with deer within the past year near places where there were deer crossing signs. She said that she couldn’t understand why the state placed those signs in high traffic areas instead of places where there were fewer cars. It began to slowly dawn on the radio hosts that the woman thought that the deer chose their crossing points based on the signs. [Read more…]

Parting fools from their money

I have written extensively about the fact that the Republican party is increasingly out-of-step with what the country is thinking, especially as a result of demographic changes and that its main problem is that its base has been fed a steady diet of rhetoric against women, minorities, immigrants, and LGBT groups for so long that taking that food away from them is likely to provoke howls of anger. [Read more…]

Interesting theological discussion

Given my disdain for the entire field of theology, I did not think that I would write such a title for a blog post but author Gary Wills and Stephen Colbert, while both Catholics, had quite a difference of opinion on what their church should be like. While I liked what Wills had to say, I continue to be a little puzzled by why such people still want to be considered Catholics when they have so little in common with it. [Read more…]

All celebrity interviews should be like this

Offbeat comedian Zach Galifianakis has an online show called Between Two Ferns where he interviews celebrities. In this two-part special, he interviews some of the people who have been nominated for Oscars this year, in which they are given roughly the same amount of time to speak as Oscar winners get at the ceremony. I think this is a wonderful idea that should be adopted by all talk show hosts. [Read more…]