The Greatest Living American WriterTM has given up on Donald Trump

In this essay, Neal Pollack explains what made him switch.

So it is with the utmost intellectual and moral authority that I can state that Donald Trump represents the greatest threat to the Republic’s moral standing since the rise of pay-per-view motel porn. While we managed to endure that other scourge, and even thrive with it, my considered opinion is that Trump would finish us off. And not in a porn kind of way.
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Understanding Donald Trump

One of the fascinating things about the Trump campaign has been the number of theories that it has spawned about the man himself, his supporters, and what that combination says about the nature of American politics today. What has triggered this is a sense of incredulity that someone so seemingly vain, shallow, ignorant, childish, and boastful could generate such enthusiasm in so many people that he could possibly be elected president. Even if he loses, we can expect about 50 million Americans to have chosen him. That’s an extraordinary number and cannot be dismissed as fringe elements.
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From the sublime …

“Every religion in the world has denounced every other religion as a fraud. That proves to me that they all tell the truth – about others.” – Robert Green Ingersoll (Thanks to Randy P.)

… to the ridiculous.

“For the record, I do not think I am God. I believe in God. If God ever wanted an apartment in Trump Tower, I would immediately offer my best luxury suite at a very special price.” – Donald Trump, writing in Think Like a Billionaire.

What Trump supporters say amongst themselves

On July 30, I was driving my daughter from Boston to New Hampshire to attend a wedding when we noticed a long convoy going in the opposite direction. The convoy consisted of large vehicles, trucks and SUVs and the like, all flying American and Confederate and ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ flags, never a good sign because it signaled that they were hyper-patriots and likely white supremacists and xenophobes.
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The new Trump team

There has been a shake-up in the campaign of Donald Trump with Steve Bannon coming on a chief executive and Kellyanne Elizabeth Conway as campaign manager and the seeming demotion of Paul Manafort who will retain his job title. Such changes so late in the game are rare and are usually taken as signs that things are not going well in a campaign, so the Trump campaign has taken some pains to paint these changes as mere trifles.
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Unexpected ending in third Test between Australia and Sri Lanka

Yesterday I predicted that the third and final Test match between Australia and Sri Lanka in Colombo was poised for an exciting finish on the last day with either team capable of winning and the result possibly going down to the wire at the end of the final day’s play. The final result, though, was that by the mid afternoon, Sri Lanka had won easily by 163 runs.
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