Where the Democrats stand on civil rights

The Daily Show compares the records of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders on civil rights issues.

(This clip aired on February 25, 2016. To get suggestions on how to view clips of The Daily Show and The Nightly Show outside the US, please see this earlier post. If the videos autoplay, please see here for a diagnosis and possible solutions.)


  1. StevoR says

    Realistically Bernie Sanders is pretty much already out of the race though.

    Bernie Sanders has at least driven a for-the-USA Far left-wing agenda a lot further than most folks ever thought it could go and raised a lot of good questions and made a lot of good speeches and points so good on him for that. He would have made a great first Jewish US President and has earnt and deserves a lot of respect. He’d also make a good Vice-Presidential pick I think.

    But its now pretty clear that the Democratic Party candidate for POTUS is going to be Hillary Clinton and its time I think to unite behind her and ensure that we don’t get Trump or even worse -- if thankfully much less likely now -- Cruz running the United States of America with all the horrible implications that has for our planet.

  2. John Morales says

    StevoR, what’s with your “we”?

    (Leaving aside your record at prognostication, you’re not an American!)

  3. Dunc says

    Everybody on the planet has to live with the POTUS -- that’s part of the thing about being the world’s only superpower. We don’t get to vote, but we still have to deal with the consequences.

  4. John Morales says

    Dunc, I respect the Americans’ right to self-determination, and as an outsider, I’m not about to exhort people to vote one way or another.

    As for POTUS, I’ve previously noted the position is not that of a monarch of yore; there are plenty of checks and balances.

  5. Dunc says

    I also respect the Americans’ right to self-determination, but that doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to have an opinion.

  6. John Morales says

    Yeah, well… if you can’t vote, your opinion is just an annoyance to those who can.
    As for StevoR’s opinion, well. I suppose even he can’t always be wrong, naive and stupid as he may be.

    (Me, I wouldn’t be too impressed with Americans who told me how they think I should vote)

  7. Dunc says

    You are also entitled to your opinions, however worthless and annoying they may be. However, if you’re going to criticise other people for expressing opinions which are, in your worthless and annoying opinion, themselves worthless and annoying, we run the risk of a stack overflow due to infinite recursion.

  8. John Morales says


    However, if you’re going to criticise other people for expressing opinions which are, in your worthless and annoying opinion, themselves worthless and annoying, we run the risk of a stack overflow due to infinite recursion.

    Does not your evident hypocrisy embarrass you, O critic?

  9. Dunc says

    That was the whole point, John. However, I didn’t bargain for your legendary combination of literal-mindedness and lack of self-awareness…

  10. StevoR says

    @2. John Morales : StevoR, what’s with your “we”? (Leaving aside your record at prognostication, you’re not an American!)

    Neither are you.

    And like you I’m human.

    Hence my use of ‘we’ here -- Trump would be bad for humanity as a whole, the pale blue dot and all aboard it.

  11. Holms says

    But its now pretty clear that the Democratic Party candidate for POTUS is going to be Bernie Sanders and its time I think to unite behind him and ensure that we don’t get Trump or even worse…


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