Great moments in mainstream journalism

Michael Grunwald is a reporter for Time magazine. He recently sent out a tweet that said, “I can’t wait to write a defense of a drone strike that takes out Julian Assange”.

He has since deleted the tweet but nothing even truly disappears in the internet. In the face of a backlash he apologized for the tweet calling it ‘dumb’ but he has a long history of supporting drone strikes attacking those who are concerned about civil liberties. [Read more…]

Edward Snowden clarifies his situation

I was reading the Wall Street Journal that the conference hotel provides and came across this article today that suggests that there are splits between the three groups that are providing support to Edward Snowden: Wikileaks, Glenn Greenwald, and Snowden’s father’s husband and wife legal team of Bruce and Mattie Fein. Mattie Fein said that they were concerned that the other two groups were not acting in Snowden’s best interests and were working for their own benefit and even trying to make money off him. [Read more…]

Should I start drinking?

I don’t drink alcohol. There are several reasons for it. One is that I just never developed the taste for it and find it unpleasant. Another is that Sri Lanka has a real drinking problem with many people drinking far too much too often and I had considerable first-hand awareness of the negative effects on them and their families and careers, which turned me off at an early age. The third is that on the solitary occasion where I had several drinks, I noticed that I was losing control of what I said and did, and it was not a pleasant feeling. As a result, I only drink wine on very rare occasions when offering a toast or something and have a beer once or twice a year at events where there is no alternative. [Read more…]