Down the rabbit hole with Ken Ham

Ken Ham claims to have been reading the science news. Oh, really?

Sometimes when I read the science news I just have to laugh. It seems that secular scientists are willing to believe anything, no matter how ridiculous, rather than admit the truth that they know in their hearts. There is a Creator (Romans 1:20–21). Well, in the news recently there was a story about scientists from the UK who reportedly found a “tiny metal circular object” in Earth’s stratosphere, and they are now “suggesting it might be a micro-organism deliberately sent by extraterrestrials to create life on Earth.”

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Mike Adams thinks he’s just like a poor black gay child

Jimmy Kimmel put together a nicely scathing PSA on those damned stupid anti-vaxxers. Here it is:

Guess who got upset about it?

Mike Adams, the demented Natural Health Ranger. It’s an amazing rant. He announces that he, and all the other people who refuse to prevent terrible diseases in their children, are just like gay and black people, because they’re hated by bigots.

Really. He goes there.

Then he claims that the PSA is making fun of sick children, and shows photos of disfigured and dreadfully ill children, claiming they’re all of kids damaged by vaccines.

I think it’s obvious how fallacious his nonsense is, so I don’t need to say more…especially since you can go read Orac, who definitely says more.

As pointed out in the comments, the RationalWiki has a good summary of Mike Adams’ lunacy.

Schadenfreude time!

You may have heard that a pair of no-talent MRA hacks named Jordan Owen and Davis Aurini were making a bad “movie” called The Sarkeesian Effect. The excerpts seen so far have been uniformly atrocious: bad lighting, bad sound, droning interviews, all somehow supposed to make Anita Sarkeesian look bad.

Well, it’s a pair no longer. Owen fired Aurini. Aurini is threatening to accuse Owen of absconding with all the money they raised. It’s hilarious!

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EMPs. Amish cure. $37. That’s the gist.

I get a lot of crap in my email, especially since trolls love to sign me up for weird mailing lists. This morning I got something from “Christian Reader Alerts”, and this is what it said:

It’s a weird little weapon that could kickstart WWIII.

A weapon so easy to produce…that fifth graders make a small version of it for their science projects.

A weapon so powerful, that it could cause a global economic crash, mass pandemics and vicious food riots…at the same time!

And latest reports from DHS reveal that majority of our enemies are preparing to use THIS against us.

>>Click Here To Find Out More>>

So I clicked There to Find Out More.

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These are the people who want to control your reproductive tract, ladies

I guess you don’t need a medical degree to run for office, and heck, you don’t even need grade school anatomy.

An Idaho lawmaker received a brief lesson on female anatomy after asking if a woman can swallow a small camera for doctors to conduct a remote gynecological exam.

The question Monday from Republican Rep. Vito Barbieri came as the House State Affairs Committee heard nearly three hours of testimony on a bill that would ban doctors from prescribing abortion-inducing medication through telemedicine.

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