Order soon!

The latest special t-shirt from woot is this one:


I don’t think they’ll last long so you better get your order in fast.

Woot seems to track their sales stats closely; I wonder if there is a significant preference for cephalopods on shirts over, say, flowers or trios of wolves or something.

Friday Cephalopod: Live! From Iowa!

Uh-oh. It turns out that Iowa is even more remote from the ocean than Minnesota (we at least have a great lake connecting us to the Atlantic, sorta), and it’s darned hard to find an Iowa-Cephalopod connection. Except, of course, that once upon a time the great inland sea stretched up this way, and mighty ammonoids would have been swimming about my hotel room. Oh, well, in honor of our absent shelled cephalopods, here’s a nautilus.


It’s going to take an awful lot of global warming and some major geological activity to submerge Iowa again, you know.