Episode CCCXXXV: The Sparlock thread

Jehovah’s Witnesses once again confirm that they’re a mob of dour, po-faced killjoys. Watch MommyJW suck all the joy of of SonJW’s life, in the name of her invisible deity.

Remarkable, isn’t it, that the all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving cosmic creator of the universe is so very concerned about a child’s plastic toy…and not even the toy itself, but whether the fictional backstory of the toy accords properly with dogma.

(Episode CCCXXXIV: Eject! Eject! Eject!.)

Limping on home

Alas, this is my very last day in Iceland. I’m packing up and cleaning up, and heading off to the airport this afternoon, then flying for 6 hours. I estimate that I’ll get home about 10pm Central time, when I will flop into bed and may not move for a long, long time.

You know what that means: the blog will be neglected even more than it has lately. Behave yourselves! I don’t want to get home to find beer spilled all over the carpet and bras dangling from the ceiling fan. If you’ve left bloody creationist entrails all over the place…well, that’s OK. I’ll clean those up when I get home.

Also when I get home, I’ll be putting up the much-delayed Carnival of Evolution. It’s been delayed because Iceland happened, and I’ve been terribly distracted by marvels of nature. Sadly, my laptop also seems to be dying a death of paroxymal seizures — I’m hoping to be able to diagnose it and fix it when I get home, and barring that, I’ll be able to use one of the other laptops at home, but right now I’m limited to the iPad, which isn’t so great for longer writing projects.

So, epic foreign saga time is almost over, look for Pharyngula to be back to its old self Monday morning.