I watched this ad for a new service unbelievingly. Who at Virgin America thought this was a good idea?
Maybe it’s a kind of psychological test — a kind of video gom jabbar. If you’re watching it and thinking that this is a wonderful idea for all involved — the men get to be generous and charming, the women get free alcohol and compliments — then you’re an animal. If you watch it and are appalled at the attempt to use access to unwilling, trapped women as an enticement to use his commercial airline, you pass the humanity test.
If you don’t see it yet, read this account of a woman who was harrassed on a flight without Richard Branson’s facilitation. Are you getting a little closer to humanity yet?
If not, one more thought. Watch the video. Imagine yourself buying a ticket to get access to hot chicks on the flight. Imagine all the hot chicks watching this same video, and immediately rebooking their flights to a different airline. Imagine boarding the flight to discover it’s entirely occupied by leering lechers who are peering around the cabin looking for the available women.
I know I don’t want to be on that flight. I’m not going to be on that flight. Virgin America won’t be getting my business.