What is part of their job description?

Both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland are making a reduction in the legal blood alcohol driving limit from 0.08 to 0.05%. This is facing opposition from an unexpected quarter: Catholic priests are concerned about driving home after Mass. Well, now, how terrible for them.

“Perhaps it could be enough for you to fail a drink-driving test,” the Rev. Brian D’Arcy, a priest from Enniskillen, told the Irish Times. “I don’t like to use the word wine, as it is Christ’s blood in the Eucharist — but it still has all the characteristics of wine when in the blood stream.”

So it’s OK to drive if it’s Jesus who has lowered your response time, diminished your coordination, and addled your perceptions, but not if it’s alcohol? And do these guys seriously believe that that’s Jesus’s blood in your circulatory system afterwards? Weird.

I did learn something new…

Priests say the new limit would put them over the legal limit after fulfilling their duties during the Mass, which include drinking all consecrated wine not distributed during communion.

What a racket — here I thought godless evilutionists had it easy, what with their porn and moneybags, but the Catholics have made gurgling down any leftover wine an official duty. At the next EAC meeting, I’m going to have to move that we make it Official Policy that atheists are allowed to eat the last office donut, they are required to bogart that joint, and even if they are the last man or woman on earth, you must have sex with them.

Faith based solutions

I understand that we’re currently running some ads on scienceblogs for an organization that promises to harness the power of religious institutions to solve environmental problems (I use an adblocker, so I’m afraid I haven’t seen it). It’s a nice sentiment, but you can imagine what I think of the utility of religion, and of people of faith imagining that their delusions have something to contribute to finding real solutions. If you can’t imagine that, here…a comic to help you out.



I’ve known this site for a long time, but a reader just sent me a link to it, so maybe I shouldn’t take for granted that you all know about it, too…it’s Fundies Say The Darndest Things, a collection of ripe and juicy quotes culled from Christian discussion boards. Some of them I suspect to be the product of godless trolls, but others, including some of the most outrageously ridiculous statements, are definitely from steadfast fundamentalists.