Talk among yourselves for a bit — I’m on my way to Minneapolis, where I will deliver Skatje to Minicon and to partake of the entertainment there for a little while, before driving back home in the cold and the dark to a busy weekend of paperwork.
Lots of biology, and a little godlessness today:
The latest edition of the Tangled Bank is online at Balancing Life. I hope you like mangos.
The next Tangled Bank will be at Balancing Life; send those links in to me or
Many carnivals to keep you distracted on St Patrick’s Day!
GrrlScientist has put up the latest edition of the Tangled Bank at Living the Scientific Life.
At last, it’s time for Encephalon, the carnival of neuroscience. There were a lot of submissions, and I’ve tried to organize them into four categories: basic and cognitive neuroscience addresses the problem of understanding brains, more medically and psychiatrically inclined work tries to fix brains, a few crazy dreamers think about technological ways to improve brains, and some rare individuals wonder about how brains evolved. I should mention that brains are incredibly complex and all of these efforts are struggling against the immensity of the problems…but it’s fun to try and to watch, and sometimes we actually make progress.
I also need to complain that the last Encephalon was done pirate style, depriving me of a creative schtick I could have used. Curse you, Jake Young, you scurvy dog.
Here are a few carnival announcements, but otherwise talk about whatever comes to mind.
And remember, on Monday Encephalon will be posted here—so send me links to neuro-related articles.
The Tangled Bank will be at Living the Scientific Life on Wednesday—send those links to me or
Well, finally…a certain evil monkey quite playing around to bring us Tangled Bank #74, in which he says cruel things about me. You’ll want to read it just to see how he crushed my delicate feelings.