I’d like to get wider notice for this article on The Torontoist.One of Toronto’s hotels,the Four Seasons, is planning a new development on Grenada that will likely wipe out the endangered Grenada dove. Key words: birds, extinction, development
Tony Snow: “Do you want Karl Rove on TV, or do you want the truth?”
The Carnival of Mathematics
For commentary on mechanisms of acquisition of quotes on Starbucks cups, see the following link (“I Am a Venti Scribe” – Los Angeles Times, 3/23/07): http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oe-stein23mar23,0,4993403.column?coll=la-opinion-columnists
I’d like to get wider notice for this article on The Torontoist.One of Toronto’s hotels,the Four Seasons, is planning a new development on Grenada that will likely wipe out the endangered Grenada dove. Key words: birds, extinction, development
Tony Snow: “Do you want Karl Rove on TV, or do you want the truth?”