It’s been a while since I mentioned Joseph Mercola, the alternative medicine cancer quack with a vast empire of snake oil supplements.
If anti-vaccine influencers had a king, it would be Dr. Joseph Mercola, the osteopathic physician whose supplement empire has netted him a tidy fortune of $100 million. Mercola has been a power broker in alternative medicine circles for years—as my colleague David Corn has reported, he received a publicity boost more than a decade ago from celebrity doctor and erstwhile US Senate candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz, who called him a “pioneer in holistic treatments.”
You’d think he’d be riding high right now, given that the quacks have been been put in charge health, science, and medicine in this country. But it seems his fake drug companies are getting a bit of a shakeup.
This week, the supplement industry trade publication Natural Products Insider reported that last week, Mercola suddenly fired four members of his executive team. He also announced that his company would be going in a new direction, reportedly informing his staff in a video that “my new goal is to reach billions, literally billions, around the world with a new paradigm of how to increase joy in their life.”
He doesn’t have a grand plan. What he’s got are delusions of grandeur, fueled by a psychic. The con man has been thoroughly conned!
The details of Mercola’s “new goal” and “new paradigm” are scant, but according to the article, he made the changes in management after extensive consultations with a psychic named Kai Clay, who sometimes goes by the name of Bahlon.
Janet Selvig, Mercola’s sister, was one of the executives who was fired. In an interview with Natural Products Insider, she expressed concern about Bahlon’s influence on her brother:
Selvig said she confronted her brother about the odd behavior on Jan. 31 after seeing hours of videos of his trance channeling sessions with Bahlon. “I just felt immediately that he was being taken advantage of,” Selvig said.
The confrontation did not go well. Selvig said her brother was very dismissive of her concerns and defended his work with Clay. “He thinks the book is going to save the world,” Selvig said. “He believes that he’s [Mercola] a god and he’s been reincarnated. And he even referred to himself as the new Jesus.”
On Feb. 2, Selvig was shown an email sent to a coworker from Mercola’s address announcing the doctor’s intention to fire Selvig, Rye, Boland and a fourth executive. The email offered the CEO spot to a different Mercola team member who later turned down the position. The email went on to explain “reasons for the mutiny,” describing the Catholic church as a “global cabal” that controls “50% of the world’s worth” and “created all the pain that most people experience.”
Who is Kai Clay? Who is Bahlon? Just ask him.
Ever hear of channeling? Or Light Language?
Meet BAHLON an ancient and wise high-vibration entity from the Causal Plane channeled by Master Trance Channel Kai Clay.
The messages and healing energy shared during their packed group events are always uplifting, are often staggeringly predictive—filled with the Divine healing energy of Universal love, hope and healing.
And now sometimes when available, his 10 year-old daughter Sera joins with Bahlon to share full conversations in Light Language (and interpret these in English for all) followed by Light Language meditations so powerful many say they can “feel it in the bones of every past life, present and future life.”
It’s nice that Mercola has been taken in by a New Age crackpot, but…Bahlon has also roped in his 10 year old daughter Sera. A ten year old! That is child abuse. I found a video of Bahlon and his daughter babbling (and that’s all it is, babble) at each other, if you’re curious about what “light language” is. It’s horrible and gross, and I only listened to a few minutes of it before I had to close it. Maybe you’re made of sterner stuff? I hope not, because no one should want to listen to this creep lying to a child.
You’d expect that a multilingual, ancient, and wise high-vibration entity from the Causal Plane would know the difference between “less” and “fewer.”
IINM, Orac wrote about this a year ago.
James 2:24
Such a talented 10y/o, she can read, speak and sign in light language. By the tone of her voice and confidence of what she says tells me her father has been grooming her for his next big grift. Using a child (his own daughter) to steal money from the gullible makes him a worthy grifter and very sick man.
The ringing of the bell immediately reminded me of Pavlov’s dogs and the circle of flashing lights made me think of weaker minds being hypnotized. The light gibberish is icing on the cake.
“Far away across the fields, the tolling of the iron bell calls the faithful to their knees, to hear the softly spoken magic spells”
From “Time” by Pink Floyd.
Light Language is light on language.
Holiness preachers speaking in tongues are as old as the hills…well, make that about 150 years. As my dad would say, why does the spirit need to speak in gibberish that has to be interpreted? It’s all part of the show.
In keeping with this idiocy, word is that Dumpster is signing EOs to kill the Department of Education today.
Of course Orac would have been on top of this well before me.
Bahlon? I think I,ve mey his cousin, Bahumbug.
God I hate it when your fingers haven’t woken up before you start typing early in the morning .
He’s claiming to have invented a male multiple orgasm pill?
Well, I guess that makes for a refreshing change from the usual (antisemitic conspiracy theories), at least.
As long as those two repulsive grifters are shafting each other, let’s all wish great success to both sides!
If we dug a little deeper into Mercola’s batshittery, I bet we’d find that the Catholic Church is a Jewish conspiracy.