I know the community here doesn’t need to hear this, but…
My one reservation about the video is that he focuses on intersex conditions with known biological markers. Most trans people do not have those markers; instead, the determination and differentiation of sex are so complicated and tangled that even in typical patterns of expression you get non-binary outcomes.
But yes, those ‘scientists’ who are now actively promoting bad science to benefit conservative, religious positions need to be called out more, and shamed.
Bad science being used to support religious beliefs? The religious curs are dishonest to themselves and their god when they purposely use any means to convince their followers to not believe anything that is not the bible says. But then again, the bible urges them to do that.
Saying it more often does not make it more true.
I agree that trans women are women. But saying “my god is real” more often doesn’t make that more true either.
I wonder sometimes about the value of saying it at all. Maybe we’ve really reached the limit of people who can be convinced or rebuked–regardless of their actual feelings-into not objectifying us in a hateful manner. Feels kinda hopeless, if I’m being brutally honest.
@Ada, the bigots are ascendant for a while due to wealth and power, not popular support. This too shall pass and humans will move forward again.
Sometimes the doom overwhelms me.
Generational change, Ada. Seems glacial. But it’s real.
Familiarity with the concept grows over time.
Normalisation ensues, leading to eventual acceptance.
(The impediment to acceptance is purely cultural)
@ ^
Yes, but we’re in a period of regression. Transgender people were much more normalized and accepted ten years ago than they are today.
Well, yes. Words of hope when things might otherwise seem hopeless.
(Why not?)
Record number of anti-LGBTQ legislation filed in 2023
‘Epidemic’ of anti-transgender violence highlighted in new report
U.S. support for LGBTQ+ rights is declining after decades of support.
We shall overcome. But the next four years ain’t gonna be no picnic.
Stand up to transphobia (and allied prejudices) wherever you can.
If you can afford it, donate to LGBTQ+ rights advocacy organizations.
Make it known to any queer people in your life you’ve got their back.
Another consideration: medical science is still advancing. Certainly has not hit a wall.
Not saying it’ll be like Banks’ Culture, where people can will themself to change sex (sex, not gender!) at will, but am saying it might be a shitload more efficacious than current state of the art.
[musical interlude — youngster’s reaction]
I should have also said: Ignore the haters and trolls. When you stand up for LGBT rights they will call you “woke”. They will sneer at you as “virtue signalling”. They will call you “fecalbubulum” or “demented fuckwit” (actual things trolls have called me even on this very blog, lol). Realize it’s self-loathing. They hate you for not being a bigot, because it makes them feel bad about themselves. So to save face, they have to pretend not being a bigot is some bad shameful thing.
Ignore them. They’re idiots. They can’t hurt you, they’re chattering voices on the internet. Stand up for what’s right anyway.
Only when you ignored months’ worth of me complaining about you mismynimg me, and arguing with me about how my own name works.
Why you always, always get so personal is for psychiatrists to determine, but it’s certainly a thing.
Remember when you sicced me onto the transphobes?
Fucking transparent, you are.
Quote me. Go on. Try.
An author I recall reading back in the day.
Ye olden days, last century and all.
Sympathetic portrayal of trans women.
Since you always try to fuck up the topic with your personal lying bullshit venom, UnSilentBub.