Living the dream, I think he should do it full time

I never worked in a fast food joint, but I had lots of friends who did; it’s a common, mundane job experience for a lot of people. It’s not an extraordinary claim at all for someone to say they worked at a McDonald’s in their youth, but to Donald Trump it is some kind of unlikely experience, like claiming to be a UFO abductee. He’s been raging about Kamala Harris claiming to have worked in fast food 40 years ago, and thinks it is a winning argument to deny her experience.

To make his strange point, Trump volunteered to work at a McDonald’s over the weekend.

As Trump put it reporters when he got off his plane: “I’m going for a job right now at McDonald’s,” before adding, “I really wanted to do this all my life.”

I wish he had, although it would be unfair to the customers — he’d suck as an employee. But OK, he charged off to pretend to experience the life of a fast food worker.

One catch: he didn’t. The McDonald’s was closed and the streets cordoned off, while he walked in, spent a few minutes shuffling fries, and then handed out a few containers. That was it. It was a photo-op, nothing more.

Police closed the busy streets around the McDonald’s he was visiting and cordoned off the restaurant as a crowd a couple blocks long gathered, sometimes 10- to 15-deep, across the street straining to catch a glimpse of Trump. Horns honked and music blared as Trump supporters waved flags, held signs and took pictures.

It was a notable event to celebrate, the fact that Donald Trump did ten minutes of actual work.

You just know that in his future rambling babbles, he’s going to claim that Kamala Harris never worked in fast food, but he, the lazy phony, did.


  1. birgerjohansson says

    If you want to get distracted from the orange terror and the sad, death-related work, look for the comet in the sky.
    The time is running running out to see the comet with the naked eye, it will be down to magnitude 4 the 22th October.

    It is by now quite high in the western sky and you can see it at twilight preferably before the moon rises. For star maps see internet, for instance Sky and telescope.

  2. Artor says

    In other news, that McD’s location was inexplicably out of hamberders after the stunt was over. There was nothing but a pile of ketchup-stained wrappers left behind the counter.

  3. wobbly says

    You know, I know political stunts like this aren’t necessarily anything new, but the fact that this poster boy for the idle-rich will hold up this act of cosplaying as a wage-slave for a couple minutes as some kind of fucking achievement is uniquely infuriating.

  4. Ridana says

    I hope his next stunt is working on an auto assembly line, from “just taking parts out of boxes and plugging them in,” since “a child could do it.” Of course they’d have to scrap the car once he’s done, for safety reasons…

  5. Snarki, child of Loki says

    Next up: Trump puts in a shift at a Boeing assembly plant!

    Are we sure that hasn’t already happened?1??

  6. Captain Kendrick says

    Do they let inmates in low security federal correctional institutions operator deep friers in the kitchens?

  7. robro says

    Heather Cox Richardson says this in a lead up to her coverage of the MacDonald’s photo:

    To anyone paying attention, it is clear that Trump is not in any shape to manage the government of the United States of America. He is canceling interviews and botching the ones he does sit for, while falling asleep at events where he is not actually speaking. He lies incessantly even when hosts point out that his claims have been debunked, and cannot answer a question or follow a train of thought. And his comments of the weekend—calling the vice president a “sh*t vice president,” telling a woman to get “your fat husband off the couch” to vote for him, and musing about a famous golfer’s penis—indicate that he has no mental guardrails left.

    On the photo op, she says:

    It was an odd moment, for Trump has never portrayed himself as a man of the people so much as a man to lead the people, and the picture of him in a McDonald’s apron undercuts his image as a dominant leader.

    But in any case, it was all staged: the restaurant was closed, the five “customers” were loyalists who had practiced their roles, and when Trump handed food through the drive-through window, he did not take money or make change.

  8. robro says

    Just saw a meme on FB where Kamala is talking to some man…perhaps Emhoff…saying, “Can you believe I triggered that man into suiting up at a McDonald’s to pretend to cook fries?”

  9. CompulsoryAccount7746, Sky Captain says

    McDonald’s Donald Trump Worked at Failed Last Health Inspection

    Trump […] did not wear gloves or a hairnet during his visit, stating that his hands were “nice and clean.” According to the Meidas Touch, he went straight to work without washing his hands.

    Employees not washing their hands was one of the reasons that restaurant failed its most recent inspection. […] not wearing hair restraints […] not storing some food at the correct temperature.

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