Why are creationists so pasty pale at Answers in Genesis?

AiG owns a private jet.

That jet frequently darts down to the Cayman Islands for one-day visits. I guess they don’t have time to visit the beautiful sunny beaches of the Caribbean.

Strange. What are they doing down there? Why do they frequently fly there and then come straight back? You can track N190JK and try to puzzle out what they’re doing.

Wild guess:

The Cayman Islands are considered a tax haven because the Caymans do not impose a corporate tax, making it an ideal place for multinational corporations to base subsidiary entities to shield some or all of their incomes from taxation. The Cayman Islands do not impose taxes on residents. They have no income tax, no property taxes, no capital gains taxes, no payroll taxes, and no withholding tax.

But that makes no sense! AiG has been working so hard to get all kinds of tax breaks here in America, why would they need to evade taxes even more than that?

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