You don’t get to control teacher’s lives once they go home

In the 19th century, there was a different set of rules for teachers.

Among the terrible crimes: “Any teacher who smokes, uses liquor in any form, frequents pool or public halls, or gets shaved in a barber shop will give good reason to suspect his worth, intention, integrity, and honesty.” But also “Women teachers who marry or engage in unseemly conduct will be dismissed.” Those were the old conservatives. The new conservatives are just as dictatorial and demanding, but they have some different rules.

“And I think our conservative idea is that parents and families should determine what children learn and what values they are brought up with. It’s so many leaders of the left. I hate to be so personal about this, but they are people without kids who try to brainwash the minds of our children,” Vance said in the clip.

“And that disorients me. And it disturbs me. Randi Weingarten, who’s the head of the most powerful teacher’s union in the country, doesn’t have a single child, he added.

“If she wants to be brainwashed and destroy the minds of children, she should have some of her own and leave ours the hell alone.”

So the party that thinks all women should be traditional homemakers, and doesn’t want to invest a penny on childcare, now thinks that skilled professional teachers should be required to have children.

How about if you leave the private lives of teachers the hell alone?

Wow, but Vance sure is a creepy weird autocrat. Don’t elect him, OK?


  1. microraptor says

    Vance is a creepy weirdo and Trump is a convicted felon who whines about being prosecuted while selling NFT trading cards, and yet somehow this is still a close election.

  2. Reginald Selkirk says

    On the other hand, if an off-duty teacher engages in behavior which indicates they could treat children badly, it might not go well for them.

    Parents call for ouster of Chicago radio host as high school volleyball coach after mocking Gus Walz

    Chicago public school parents are calling on local radio personality Amy Jacobson to step down as head coach of Amundsen High School’s boys and girls varsity volleyball teams after she mocked Gus Walz, the son of vice presidential candidate Tim Walz, last week…

  3. birgerjohansson says

    Mocking a disabled child is bad. If the child has intellectual disabilities it is worse.
    The dying Epaminondas on the battlefield: “I have given Thebes two daughters, the victories of Leuktra and Mantinea”.

  4. Walter Solomon says

    A couple of years ago, I was watching an Our Gang marathon. They were all filmed in the ’30s and one episode, “Teacher’s Beau,” had the kids congratulating their teacher on her upcoming marriage. Of course hijinks ensue and so on.

    The point is as strange as the ’30s seem from my perspective, it’s definitely not as strange as the 1870s. People get weirder the further you go back in time except for Republicans who are weird in contemporary times. Morals and culture are fluid despite the efforts by conservatives to make them not so.

  5. raven says

    JD Vance the wacko:

    “And that disorients me. And it disturbs me.

    Vance is a wacko who isn’t in contact with reality.
    It disturbs me that someone that warped had children. They are probably going to have a dismal childhood.

    It’s so many leaders of the left.

    It’s hard to see what Vance is trying to say here.
    It’s incoherent.
    I think he is claiming that teachers are all leftists who are brainwashing everyone’s kids.
    Which isn’t even remotely true.

    Teachers are drawn from the US population and reflect the views of the US population. For every Progressive teacher in the public schools, there is also a MAGAt far right fundie xian with a bible on their desk who is trying to slip xianity into the classrooom.

    Even in the 1960s, that was the case.
    The school administration where I went to high school were all right of center at the least. We once had a school assembly where some guy from the John Birch society told everyone about the commie menace and how they were going to take over the USA any day now. Of course, there weren’t enough US commies to fill up a McDonalds.
    It was surreal.

    I’m also finding it hard to believe that even in Ohio, the voters elected someone like JD Vance.
    He is really the senator from the Trad Catholics, Natalists, Lunatic Fringes, and Fascists.

  6. Rich Woods says

    @Iasius #3:

    What was their problem with barber shops?

    They might get a tooth removed and be considered unclean in the vicinity of a church.

  7. raven says

    I hate to be so personal about this, but they are people without kids who try to brainwash the minds of our children,”

    Cthulhu, this guy is dumb and warped.

    He is obsessed by whether other people have children or not.
    Vance has 3 kids and apparently thinks that is some sort of achievement. So what?
    My cat had more kittens than that. (Before I adopted her and after that she was spayed.) It’s 80% of the US population with children.

    Vance also shows a mean streak. He is a cruel and viscous creep.
    The childless run around 20% of the US population.

    Most of those are childless not by choice but by external circumstances.
    At least half of them are infertile and may well have wanted children but were unable to. Some have serious genetic diseases in their family. Some just never found a partner who also wanted children.
    The childless don’t need Vance to imply that they are inferior because of these facts on the ground.

    I’ve got a better idea.
    Why don’t we keep JD Vance and his weird breeder cultists away from us, our children, and…our cats.

  8. fredbrehm says

    JD wasn’t raised a Catholic so he experienced Nun of those disturbing childless ladies.

  9. says

    I always wonder about those rules. Since my grandmother was a 30 year old schoolmarm in 1918 in Idaho and married my future grandfather, a 17 year old. Obviously those rules were not as powerful as they sound.

  10. imback says

    @2 Reginald, at the end of that article, quite the non-apology from Amy Jacobson to Tim Walz:

    Regardless of his politics and whether he’s lying to the American public or not and is a fraud, I mean clearly he loves his family and clearly his kids love him.

  11. Alverant says

    My grandma read me the “Little House on the Prairie” books and I remember Laura being a teacher until she got pregnant.

  12. birgerjohansson says

    I am not sure which time period would fit Republican values. Using ‘The Black Adder’ as source, I think it would be the aristocracy during the 15th century.
    “Loot Geneva”
    “-The Swiss are our allies!”
    “Have the troops wear German uniforms”.

  13. Steve Morrison says

    @#12: I’ve seen those alleged rules before, in one of Jan Harold Brunvand’s collections of urban legends! But they were attributed to (IIRC) the New England Stagecoach Company.

  14. Tethys says

    Everything he says is because he himself is a brainwashed tool of the He man woman haters cult.
    They bankrolled his political career, so of course he parrots their fears about public education being a terrible thing that is ruining society.

    He has zero credentials in education or child-development, just a bald assertion that schools are brain washing their students into understanding things like science and history and respecting others regardless of race, gender, age, religion, etc…

    Yale should be ashamed of themselves for producing so many right-wing frat boys with degrees.

    I do wonder why the media isn’t reporting about the fact that his wife clerked for two of the white men that currently sit on SCOTUS. So many red flags.

  15. Tethys says

    I think getting shaved at the barber would have been seen as a sign of profligacy. Wasting money on booze, drugs, or gambling is still considered low-class behavior, and would never do for a person who was supposed to be a good role model for their students.

  16. lanir says

    “If she wants to be brainwashed and destroy the minds of children, she should have some of her own and leave ours the hell alone.”

    An interesting point! Now for him to make that point, well, he’s got a few years of work ahead of him. Why, you ask? Simple. He’s not a teacher. By his own logic he hasn’t the slightest justification for speaking up about how teachers teach as he’s not one himself.

    Of course that falls afoul of the very heart of conservatism, which seems to be “Rules for thee but none for me.” I understand that there are many, many conservatives who would argue that this is not the case, that they have some other core philosophy. But they’re missing the point. The best way to stop people from calling you a hypocrite is to stop being one.

  17. devnll says

    I think I’d doubt those rules even if @12 and Snopes hadn’t debunked them; according to them, male teachers couldn’t ride in a buggy with themselves? Or any other male except their father or brother?

    But yes, irregardless, JD is terrifying. Though I suppose it’s fitting that he be disturbed and disoriented by normal people, since that’s how they react to him. I like the consistency of how Republicans don’t want to pay teachers more, don’t want social services that would support low-income job-holders – like teachers! – in having a family, and still want to whine about teachers without families.

  18. unclefrogy says

    regardless of what he says about who should be able to vote or not we all recognize the truth that he would be perfectly happy he was crowned King and absolute ruler for life. Like many of the far right would also like to command the “Laws of Nature” including the Market Place as well.
    While he may not be Tomás de Torquemada he would welcome someone like that on his side

  19. brucej says

    @garydargan #8

    A friend of mine’s mother was a teacher in the ’50s. She was dismissed from her job for getting married. This was routine until the passage of the Civil Rights Act banned this kind of bs.

  20. Bekenstein Bound says

    I thought conservatives were strongly in favor of women getting married. Why punish them for something you’d expect them to be encouraging instead?

  21. bravus says

    I presume the thinking back in the day (assuming this thing is real) was that a woman needs to put her whole self and life into teaching while she’s teaching, but then needs to put her whole self and life into wifing and mothering when she’s doing that, with nothing left over for teaching.

    I think the breeding fetish of modern ‘conservatives’ (when it’s not just a straight up fetish) tends to arise out of ‘white replacement’ theory. It’s white people specifically who they want to breed a passel of kids to avoid the brownification…

  22. rietpluim says

    And I think our conservative idea is that parents and families should determine what children learn and what values they are brought up with
    Also Vance:
    people without kids who try to brainwash the minds of our children
    The only sense I can make of this is that it’s okay to brainwash children when you do have kids, otherwise it’s completely incoherent.

  23. Kagehi says

    @1 microraptor

    Sadly, this is not hard to figure out. I work with the sort of fools that are making it “close”. In simple terms, none of them even watch Fox any more, because it has, sometimes, had people on it calling Trump out. No, they are reading/watching crap from things like Stormfront, and other so called “media”, which is pure propaganda. When they do watch the regular media they believe anything, and everything, that repeats the outright lies, gaslighting, and fictions that Trump and his political allies say, and reject everything else as a lie. They, kind of like us, are fed up with the anti-journalism conducted by mainstream media, but while we see the problem as them failing to do their job, and just repeat any crap they hear, without fact checking anything, Trump’s supporters see everything as either, “The truth, as Trump and the ‘real media’ tells us.”, vs., “Everything else, which is a lie. Trump says so, so it must be.” They have bought into this bullshit as completely as they do the Sunday sermons they get from similarly egregious liars, who also play the game of, “No, even if the Bible says that some place, and I am not going to admit it does, that isn’t what it MEANS.” Their whole world view is like this. Everything it the truth that reflects the utter crap they have been hand fed by con artists, liars, and conspiracy theorists, but the “real” liars are literally everyone that sometimes tells the truth, never mind anyone that almost always tells the truth.

    How else do you agree that the contents of Project 2025 is terrible, agree that people who worked for Trump, as cabinet members, wrote it, and, if they bothered to look, could find evidence that he not only endorses it, but probably helped write parts of it, yet still also believe Trump when he claims that he knows nothing about it, but apposes parts of this thing he doesn’t know anything about, and which he had nothing at all to do with, other than the very simple fact that they, to paraphrase Aron Ra on the similar subject of religious BS, “Don’t know, don’t want to know, won’t let you show them, and even if they show them, will still refuse to pay attention and believe anything you show them.”, literally anything Trump has said, or done, in support of it? Because this is the reality of these people, and their “news” they actually believe in – If someone says Trump did bad things, its a lie, and fake, and they will flat out never, ever, watch anything that shows him actually doing so, or will try to spin it as exactly what their own “trusted sources” do, which is cleverly edit things to spin it to look bad (or good), while having no damn problem at all believing anything and everyone ever done in “favor” of Trump in the same vein.

    They have, after all, been taught to see this as “normal” – never show the whole speech, never show speeches that are “bad” for your own side, if you do, only give the highlights, that emphasize your point, and *literally talk over the rest of it”, and never, ever, encourage someone to look at original sources, read past the margins of the “accepted content”, bother to double check if you are being told the truth, but actually checking those original sources, or otherwise, in the case of speeches, actually watch the entire freaking speech. Nope, just do what “traditional media”, has taught everyone to do, because its easier, and lets the “news people”, tell you what was in it. And, never, ever, especially, wonder what was said at any speech, rally, or event that they don’t report on – there, after all, can’t be anything different, or important, if Newsmax, or even the no longer trustworthy Fox, isn’t talking about it, right?

    You can’t expect people to change their minds who are so freaking lazy, and so convinced of the piety, or patriotism of their delusional position, that they literally do nothing but sit on their ass and be spoon fed the “truth”, and then call everyone who questions the narrative (for any reason, including contradictory facts) fools, who don’t, “understand what is really going on.” This is what Trump’s “supporters” have come to – the same percentage of the population who totally believed everything writing in the Weekly World News, back in the day, too, because they would never lift a damn finger to check if the person, or event written about really did anything described, and refused to read anything that might contradict it either.

  24. says

    Gotta say it again, “Welcome to the new Dark Ages”. Project 2025 sounds like they included a lot of these 1872 rules for teachers and applied them to women everywhere, WTF.
    They have vaccines for the new strains of covid and the flu. But, when are they going to be able to inoculate us so we can stop this insanity? (Snarky answer, the anti-vaxxers won’t let them develop that, it would prevent their children from becoming drooling knuckle-dragging imbeciles like the are!)

  25. Bekenstein Bound says


    This sounds like people who are wedded to some ideas for emotional reasons and therefore can’t just be reasoned out of it.

    Conservatives seem to “think with their emotions” and regard truth and falsehood as “makes me feel better” vs. “makes me feel worse” rather than “comports with other testimony/evidence” vs. “does not so comport”. They have not only an alien moral compass to non-conservatives but an alien epistemological compass. Yet it’s also not exactly based on “makes me feel better”, or they’d all be Pollyanna optimists, which quite clearly they are not. They believe things that confirm positive self-beliefs but also things that confirm worst fears about others. And always there’s that yearning for intergroup violence and seeking of a “permission slip” to unleash that violence — as happened on January 6, 2021. Perhaps they even have an alien ontological compass, one that regards some ingroup/outgroup distinction as fundamental, the zero meridian of their inner maps of the world.

  26. nikolai says

    He hasn’t even thought through his own warped “argument”.

    If he genuinely thought that Weingarten is brainwashing kids, the last thing he should want is for her to have kids of her own.

    He’s redefined “brainwashing” to mean what most of us mean by “education”, and just wants to use his “conservative idea” to ensure that no one usurps his role as God-appointed brainwasher.

  27. Akira MacKenzie says

    @ 29 and 34

    You have to remember that the right believes their economic and social ideology is woven into the very fabric of the universe, usually by Christian Gawd. Challenging capitalism, male chauvinism, or the supremacy of the White Americans would be akin to challenging the existence of gravity of claiming that 2 + 2 = squirrel; a complete and total anathema to what is “true.” Therefore right-wing ideology is supposedly undeniable “true,” the only way the evil and depraved “left” can spread their satanic and false beliefs is be forcing it upon people, tricking them, or “brainwashing” their children.