the fact the ur-fact checker site is no longer reliable is cosmically amusing, philosophically significant, but back on earth it is just sad and frustrating.
Walter Solomonsays
Emma Vigeland on The Majority Report guessed it was probably fake too. It’s really hard to tell these days given the cultishness of the MAGAteriot.
I always figured JD Vance stans didn’t have it in them to milk their hero
Of course it’s fake. One of the photos shows a cup with its contents spilled on the ground. I’m pretty sure somewhere in the orange fraudsters bible it still declares onanism to be a sin and Trumpers wouldn’t disobey the decrees of their false prophet.
@ ^ garydargan : LOL!
Okay, its probly -not certainly – fake – but the fact that the jizz cup thing is so easuily believable is one huge sign of just how very werid ina bad way these Trumpists are.
I gave up on Snopes years ago. Back when those protests were taking place in 2017 and 2018. They were happy to follow the “official” police reports, which were verified as false by eyewitness reports. Then, there was the mealy mouthed “We’re totes not certain that some of the cops in DC let in the insurrectionists on January 6th!” when the provided video actually showed some of the cops opening the barriers. Most of the comments on Facebook were “What are you guys watching? Because it’s freaking obvious!”
FWIW, I never believed, and I’m pretty sure most other people didn’t believe, that there was anyone’s actual jizz in any of those cups. The cups and the labels were never anything more than what passes for “cultural markers” among Retrumplitarians — just another embarrassingly stupid stunt to pretend they’re somehow owning the libs.
I have no issue with goofy lies like this. They don’t typically muddy the waters like this, & are useful in the national dialog to remind people that, no, gross, creepy weirdos like Vance & Trump aren’t normal.
Vance didn’t fuck a couch, but he’s the hyper-intrusive natalist creepazoid who you could believe would fuck a couch. His views & the underlying morality needdd to have them are so skin-crawly vile that the joke sticks. Like Cameron’s dog cum addiction, & Cruz’ murders in CA.
Same with the pizza cups, sorry. Hit posy a bit too early.
The Republican cults are believably carrying around cups of simulated penis slime, because they have already violated a great number of social norms. The golden Trump statue actually exists, somewhere. There are videos of Trumpists calling him as important as Christ. There is actual art of Trump bring saved by God to commemorate an event in which one of his supporters was killed in a mundane mass shooting event.
The lie is a good one because it’s useful to remind the greater whole that there is no real majority behind Trump. Also… it’s a needed reprieve from the horror & fear Trump knows how to weaponize into despair against & among his opponents.
Well, the big difference is that the diaper-wearing, ear bandaging, golden statue worshipping etc were all about the convicted felon, whereas the alleged semen cups were about Vance. There is no second place in a personality cult.
Matthew Curriesays
There’s an internet law, not really a law, but not a bad take, called “Poe’s Law,” which basically says if you’re radical enough it becomes impossible to tell the difference between truth and parody. This is a pretty good example. About the only thing stopping it from being real is that the people with the cups would likely be embarrassed to admit what animal they got it from.
the fact the ur-fact checker site is no longer reliable is cosmically amusing, philosophically significant, but back on earth it is just sad and frustrating.
Emma Vigeland on The Majority Report guessed it was probably fake too. It’s really hard to tell these days given the cultishness of the MAGAteriot.
I always figured JD Vance stans didn’t have it in them to milk their hero
Of course it’s fake. One of the photos shows a cup with its contents spilled on the ground. I’m pretty sure somewhere in the orange fraudsters bible it still declares onanism to be a sin and Trumpers wouldn’t disobey the decrees of their false prophet.
@ ^ garydargan : LOL!
Okay, its probly -not certainly – fake – but the fact that the jizz cup thing is so easuily believable is one huge sign of just how very werid ina bad way these Trumpists are.
I gave up on Snopes years ago. Back when those protests were taking place in 2017 and 2018. They were happy to follow the “official” police reports, which were verified as false by eyewitness reports. Then, there was the mealy mouthed “We’re totes not certain that some of the cops in DC let in the insurrectionists on January 6th!” when the provided video actually showed some of the cops opening the barriers. Most of the comments on Facebook were “What are you guys watching? Because it’s freaking obvious!”
Then there’s this:
Snopes has been hot garbage for years.
@6: I mean, they’re wearing diapers and are wrapping their ears in coffee filters. The jizz cup thing ain’t that far fetched.
FWIW, I never believed, and I’m pretty sure most other people didn’t believe, that there was anyone’s actual jizz in any of those cups. The cups and the labels were never anything more than what passes for “cultural markers” among Retrumplitarians — just another embarrassingly stupid stunt to pretend they’re somehow owning the libs.
I have no issue with goofy lies like this. They don’t typically muddy the waters like this, & are useful in the national dialog to remind people that, no, gross, creepy weirdos like Vance & Trump aren’t normal.
Vance didn’t fuck a couch, but he’s the hyper-intrusive natalist creepazoid who you could believe would fuck a couch. His views & the underlying morality needdd to have them are so skin-crawly vile that the joke sticks. Like Cameron’s dog cum addiction, & Cruz’ murders in CA.
Same with the pizza cups, sorry. Hit posy a bit too early.
The Republican cults are believably carrying around cups of simulated penis slime, because they have already violated a great number of social norms. The golden Trump statue actually exists, somewhere. There are videos of Trumpists calling him as important as Christ. There is actual art of Trump bring saved by God to commemorate an event in which one of his supporters was killed in a mundane mass shooting event.
The lie is a good one because it’s useful to remind the greater whole that there is no real majority behind Trump. Also… it’s a needed reprieve from the horror & fear Trump knows how to weaponize into despair against & among his opponents.
Well, the big difference is that the diaper-wearing, ear bandaging, golden statue worshipping etc were all about the convicted felon, whereas the alleged semen cups were about Vance. There is no second place in a personality cult.
There’s an internet law, not really a law, but not a bad take, called “Poe’s Law,” which basically says if you’re radical enough it becomes impossible to tell the difference between truth and parody. This is a pretty good example. About the only thing stopping it from being real is that the people with the cups would likely be embarrassed to admit what animal they got it from.