Verðandi eats!

All of the black widows have been fed! Here’s Verðandi just as she delivered a fatal bite to a mealworm.

Once again, the background is the lid of the container, annoyingly. Black widows are not very dynamic pets, since they like to just sit in one place and wait for their prey, and they don’t do much and are mostly inactive. I guess when you’re that pretty you can afford to be so lazy.

Skuld is sulking

My male black widow has found a cozy place. He’s snuggled down in a bed of moss, and he’s hard to spot if you don’t know what you’re looking for. I had to stick my camera lens way down into his hidey-hole, so even if you’re unfamiliar with Latrodectus, I suspect you’ll have no trouble finding him.

Kent Hovind will hate this

Did you want to listen to a podcast that does a deep dive on Kent Hovind? This one is rather savage, so I enjoyed it. It covers his early career — getting a fake degree from a Bible college, his years spent teaching “high school biology” (which turns out to be entirely at unaccredited Christian schools) — and then gets into his tax fraud and infatuation with sovereign citizens.

And then it ends, just before the prison years. I guess we’ll have to wait for part two.