Surprise. Candace Owens, the anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist, has been fired by Ben Shapiro, the Jewish conservative weirdo. I suspect there were irreconcilable differences.
The feud began last November when Owens tweeted that “no government anywhere has a right to commit a genocide.” While she did not specifically mention the State of Israel, her remarks were widely condemned by her fellow conservative media figures. Soon after, Shapiro publicly called Owens’ behavior “disgraceful” and chided her “faux-sophistication” on the Israel-Hamas conflict.
Days later, their feud became even more personal. Owens posted to X a series of Bible verses suggesting “you cannot serve both God and money.” That pointed remark was viewed by many as a not-so-subtle use of the antisemitic “dual loyalty” trope against Shapiro, who responded: “Candace, if you feel that taking money from The Daily Wire somehow comes between you and God, by all means quit.” Owens hit back that her boss was “utterly out of line” and “acting unprofessional and emotionally unhinged for weeks now.”
That same week, Owens appeared for a friendly interview on Tucker Carlson’s web show, where she lamented Shapiro’s “ad hominem attacks” and said she would not respond to him on a “level of intellect” because “there’s nothing that he has expressed… that he fundamentally disagrees with in terms of what I said.” Carlson agreed, taking issue with how Shapiro had skipped past saying “‘I don’t think she’s correct’ or ‘Maybe she doesn’t know what she’s talking about,’” and went straight to labeling her “absolutely disgraceful.”
I don’t care for either one’s opinions, they’re both stupid and annoying. But at least there was some entertainment value in watching them shred each other.
There was also some real educational value in watching how Shapiro and other Retrumplitarians reacted to a bland generic statement, by one of their own, about genocide. Too bad Owens couldn’t hold the high ground she’d so briefly but decisively taken…
I’ve mingled with leftists for a while and I’ve seen the kind of arguments that make them tear themselves apart. So, what does it say about conservatives that, apparently, the opinion that tears them apart is “Genocide is wrong”?
Owens and Shapiro. Clearly made for one another by a loving god. Oh, just imagine the future public spats they will have together! The fast-paced monologues. The tight yet not forced smiles. The pitter-patter of tiny egos. It all melts my godless commie pinko lefty liberal woke heart!
Let them fight
Liberals believe genocide, but conservatives think it’s sometimes wrong?? Tell me more about your “pro-life” values….
@5 Matt
What do liberls believe about genocide?
I’m going to assume you meant that liberals believe genocide is wrong.
Inevitable? Dunno. Maybe?
Karmically satisfying in a car crash, peanut-munching crowd kinda way.*
.* To reference and yoik from one of Sylvia Plath’s poems.
She just learned that every token gets spent.
@5: Believe what about genocide? You’re missing words. And context.
Yes, I meant liberals believe genocide is always wrong. Not sure how that got left out, except that I was in a hurry.
@10: Okay, that makes sense.
Nice to see a conservative weirdo go nuts when an conspiracy theorist says something sensible for a change.
Naturally. Today’s “conservatives” believe that some governments do too have a right to commit a genocide – or more than one, for that matter. Owens and Shapiro just differ over which governments belong to that exclusive club.
FWIW The Young Turks have covered this feud pretty extenstively with their videos here – Ben Shapiro REBUKES Candace Owens After Anti-Semitic Tweets – 17 mins long and here too – Ben Shapiro Dares Candace Owen To Quit The Daily Wire – under 15 mins long. Plus another one here – Candace Owens Gets The Boot From The Daily Wire – 17 mins long. as well as at least one other clip by TYT on this and maybe more.
FWIW, Owens wasn’t fired because her contract didn’t allow it, but it appears that Shapiro wanted her gone badly enough that he was willing to buy out the rest of her contract.
Crazy to think that Owens ended up being the most reasonable voice in the room at the Daily Wire…
leopards eating faces party
although a big fat contract buyout isn’t exactly getting your face eaten by a leopard, the sentiment is there