How much do you hate the gays?

You have to hate them an awful lot to be compelled to move from Canada to Russia, as this one family did. When asked why, the only reason the family patriarch gives is that there were just too many gay & trans people in Canada.

A Canadian family of eight sold their farm and moved to Russia. Why? They wanted to raise their kids in Russia’s morally superior environment.

“Well, Canada is not the same country it used to be,” said daddy in a video interview, “and we didn’t feel safe for our children there in the future anymore. There’s a lot of left-wing ideology, LGBTQ, trans, just a lot of things that we don’t agree with that they teach there now, and we wanted to get away from that for our children.”

But it didn’t take long for the immigrants to regret their decision. Their Russian bank accounts were frozen, and since the family doesn’t speak a lick of Russian, they have had trouble asking the morally superior Russian authorities to release their funds.

Wait. They don’t say specifically where he’s from, but he’s a Canadian farmer. He was raising his family on a vast empty plot of land raising wheat or sugar beets or something, in a community of fellow conservative Canadians. He probably never saw a gay or trans person in his daily life, so this is a problem that didn’t really affect him — he was just seething in his grand isolation, worrying that one of his many kids might turn out gay, so he packed up and moved to a country where it might be more socially acceptable to murder them?

Wow, he must really hate gay people. I’m sort of perversely impressed with his passion and commitment and self-destructive stupidity.

I also think more people with that attitude out to feel free to emigrate to Russia. Tucker Carlson, I choose you.


  1. Ada Christine says

    How do you teach somebody to be LGBTQ exactly? Is it the same as teaching somebody to hate LGBTQ people?

  2. says

    I was about to say the Russian authorities should have made things easier for these eager immigrants; but then I realized Putin doesn’t need any right-wing Western idiots moving to Russia, and neither does Russia — they’re much more use to him (and less of an expense) staying here and doing whatever they can to make the West a divided, backward hellhole.

  3. robro says

    It was momma that said they were “disappointed” with Russia, but Daddy tried to reframe momma’s complaint. Even so, it doesn’t sound like it’s going well.

    And yes, Tucker could move there as far as I’m concerned. And, the entire Donald clan…perhaps they have motivation now that they can’t do business in New York for a few years. They seem to think Putin-land is a wonderful place. However, I wouldn’t stand too close to the windows in tall buildings if I was them. Putin allies have a tendency to fall.

  4. ardipithecus says

    He didn’t hate gays enough to emigrate to Uganda. Better climate and more repressive toward gays. . . . Naw ,it couldn’t be that . . . could it?

  5. says

    Robbo: They may have overstayed a standard tourist visa, hoping to just be welcomed as heroic principled defectors by a country full of fellow haters, and just opened bank accounts and started transferring money into them. These don’t seem like the kind of people who have any clue what it takes to permanently move to another country.

  6. says

    @1: These guys demand total obedience from their children. If they say do something, they expect it to be done. So te mere mention of LGBTQIA+ people will naturally cause their children to become gay, lesbian, transgender, or all of the above.

    These “parents” don’t see their children as actual human beings with individual thoughts. Nope, they’re simply an empty vessel that can be influenced by outside forces.

  7. says

    One of the things they’re supposedly afraid of is vegans. In Saskatchewan. Yeah, right. There are of course vegans here(my cousin’s daughter might be one, she definitely vegetarian), but on the influence scale they have very little.

    The Russian government has supposedly been trying to get right wing Americans to move to Russia. I doubt it will work, and the hardcore weirdos who might want to probably already have some foothold in Russia, like Steven Seagal. Steve loves him some Putin.

  8. Akira MacKenzie says

    Looking back on my teenage-to-early-20s life* I wonder why exactly did I hate LGBTQ people?

    It’s simple, people I trusted and considered their word as undeniable truth–namely my fucking right-wing parents–told me I should. They also exposed me to other public figures who’s word was supposedly gospel: Namely Rush Limbaugh and his various squawk radio imitators. They also told me how condoms don’t stop the HIV virus, how gay men trick young boys into rape and thus create MORE gay men, how lesbian are man-hating harpies who claim that “all sex is rape,” and that our “country’s moral fabric is decaying” and unless patriotic, Christian, Americans stand up against the tide of immorality the world will descend into uncivilized bedlam. Oh, and anyone who says otherwise must be lying and evil to be defending such things. After hearing all that, why wouldn’t anyone NOT think that LGBTQ people, be they “deranged” or “malevolent?”

    What changed my mind? Rejecting theism and religion was a big step. When your morality supposedly was written by an conveniently-invisible, immortal, super-being who you are never supposed to doubt or question, your ethical outlook changes when you realize that gods, goddess and other magical beings don’t exist. That and actually meeting real life LGBTQ people and finding out they are the child-raping, hyper-sexual “perverts” that my parents and “El Rushbo” told me they were. Acceptance didn’t come instantly or all at once, but I figured out it was all bullshit.

    *Always with shame and regret, but not for the reason most people think. While most people regret the sex, drugs, booze, and the general fun of youth, I actively shunned all that in the name of Christian conservative morality and virtue. Now, I’m a lonely, angry, 49-year-old virgin with poor social skills. (Not that my looks help, mind you.)

  9. raven says

    If these all hate all the time fundie xians would move to Russia and renounce their US citizenship, I’m sure we could all set up Gofundme’s for them.

    It’s a win win situation.
    We get rid of people who are a drag on our society while Russia gets some dysfunctional losers.

    Unfortunately, they almost never walk their talk.

    I do have to commend this Canadian farmer for actually doing more than just talk.
    I’m guessing that about now, his 8 kids think he is an idiot.

  10. doubter says

    I feel sorry for the children. There are eight of them, so the chance of at least one being something other than heterosexual is fairly high. I hope they can find their way home.

    As a Canadian, my message to the parents is: No need to hurry back! I’m sure Uncle Vlad will look out for you.

  11. Akira MacKenzie says

    After hearing all that, why wouldn’t anyone NOT think that LGBTQ people are “deranged” or “malevolent?

  12. Akira MacKenzie says

    @ 15

    “If these all hate all the time fundie xians would move to Russia and renounce their US citizenship, I’m sure we could all set up Gofundme’s for them

    I think they would likely not be welcome since even though American rednecks share Putin’s fascist desires, they aren’t the right brand of Christian.

  13. birgerjohansson says

    I believe the people in charge of Air Canada should definitely move to Russia.
    As should former conservative leader Harper, and his successor.

  14. robro says

    Akira MacKenzie @ #19 — “…they aren’t the right brand of Christian” I was wondering if immigration to Russia required conversion to Russian Orthodox. I doubt it but still a thought. Even if they didn’t have to convert, you have to wonder what happens to them without their “community of like believers” (aka their cult). Without that they may feel particularly at sea.

    A nit: the article says “family of eight” which would be 6 children and parents.

  15. says

    I feel sorry for the children. There are eight of them, so the chance of at least one being something other than heterosexual is fairly high.

    And the chance of at least one being outside their parents’ ridiculously narrow definition of “normal” — with or without actually being LGBTQ+ — is well nigh 100%.

  16. says

    …in fact, it’s quite possible that at least one of their kids HAS either come out, or is at least being seen, as not quite fitting inside their binary worldview, and that’s what made them panic and bugger off to Russia — to keep their kids from becoming even more frighteningly unusual.

  17. acroyear says

    Its ok. He’s got another future ahead of him…probably a short one.

    An able-bodied NON-RUSSIAN man? Just draft him and send him to the Ukrainian front.

  18. Akira MacKenzie says

    @ 16

    I feel sorry for the children. There are eight of them, so the chance of at least one being something other than heterosexual is fairly high.

    It’s part of the reason why I’ve come to despise families and parents. Not only are the adults’ lives ruined by having to rear children, the children suffer by inheriting the bigotries of their progenitors.

  19. NitricAcid says

    PZ, I can guarantee you that this man has encountered members of the LGBT+ community in Saskatchewan- he just didn’t recognize them.

    @#6 I doubt a Saskatchewan farmer would consider Uganda to be a better climate. Russian weather is simply what he’s used to. Uganda would be heat stroke 360 days a year.

  20. Jazzlet says

    One article I saw quoted the father as complaining about all the rainbow flags everywhere in Saskatchewan, which seemed a rather slight thing to move halfway round the world to avoid.

  21. tacitus says

    I was wondering if immigration to Russia required conversion to Russian Orthodox. I doubt it but still a thought.

    Yes, very doubtful given around 10% of the Russian population is Muslim.

    But I wouldn’t be surprised if Canadian evangelicals were the object of suspicion though, nor would I be surprised if this was an attempted shakedown of a family who deposited significantly more money than the bank typically sees in the accounts of locals. Corruption is far worse in Russia than in Canada — so much for their moral society. If you haven’t lived in a place where a little extra cash in hand is needed to smooth the way, it can come as a bit of a shock.

    Also, if all that happened was their bank accounts were frozen, they got off lightly. Many immigrant men are being promised Russian citizenship in exchange for becoming cannon fodder for the meat attacks in occupied Ukraine.

  22. says

    The sheer arrogance of trying to move to another country without having at least basic knowledge of that country’s predominant language is typical for Americans, even when they are Canadians. Outside of North America, there are a lot of languages and you cannot presume that everyone will be coddling you and speak English. I can understand the frustration of someone encountering a language barrier and meeting with an unsympathetic bureaucrat who does not speak English in many scenarios because bureaucrats dealing with foreigners should know English since it is an internationally used language. But that sympathy evaporates when someone wants to become a citizen of said country. Since they moved for the “superior” Russian culture, they should have started with learning Russian so they could appreciate that “superiority” firsthand.

    I strongly doubt that these dunderheads have the nous to actually learn a Slavic language, especially one that also has its own alphabet in addition to a lot more complicated grammar than that of English.

  23. NitricAcid says

    It honestly shouldn’t surprise me that he’s a Dutch-Canadian. A lot of the Dutch people who came here in the 50s came from the most religious and conservative parts of the Netherlands, and a lot of them tried to stay as religious and conservative as possible after they arrived (they wouldn’t want to be assimilated by those secular Canadians). Arend here has that same attitude- Canadians are too left-wing and tolerant of LGBT+ness, so he has to take his family and flee.

    (If you doubt my blanket statement about Dutch-Canadians, my mother was considered somewhere between a black sheep and a heretic by her parents because she married a Canadian instead of a fellow Dutch immigrant. And a number of my cousins have the same attitude towards the LGBT+ community.)

  24. Walter Solomon says

    Yes, very doubtful given around 10% of the Russian population is Muslim.

    And, of course, the traditionally Tibetan Buddhist country Republic of Tuva that’s also part of the Russian Federation.

  25. birgerjohansson says

    Timgueguen @ 11
    Afraid of…vegans ?!
    Yeah, I can see the vegans trying to do a Richard Kiel on them, steel teeth and all.

  26. says

    How much do you hate the gays?

    Number of times a gay has tried to shove their sexuality into my life: 0
    Number of times a christian has tried to shove their religion into my life: hundreds

    I’m all about selfishness in these matters: if it doesn’t affect me, I don’t care. In fact, I think there’s something kind of weirdly creepy about caring about things that don’t affect you in the slightest.

  27. says

    According to the Daily Kos article, they had assistance from officials in getting actual citizenship, and then the bank they had transferred everything to froze their assets because the transfer had been so large (and therefore “suspicious”), and as soon as they were de facto impoverished all the officials who had helped them get in stopped talking to them, which is what prompted the mother’s video condemning the situation.

  28. Steve Morrison says

    @35: Maybe they’ve read James Blish’s Cities in Flight novels and are afraid of the Vegan Tyranny.

  29. gijoel says

    @27 You forgot to mention that Uganda is full of black people. Cause you don’t have just one regressive belief but all of them.

  30. Larry says

    So, +10 points for taking action instead of just yapping his pie hole but minus eleventy-billion-trillion points for accepting as truth what his RW peers and talk radio mouth breathers said about Russia being some kind of christo-fascist paradise. Hope his children enjoy their stint in the Russian military.

  31. Matt G says

    Reg : If you want to join the People’s Front of Judea, you have to really hate the Romans.

    Brian : I do!

    Reg : Oh yeah, how much?

    Brian : A lot!

  32. NitricAcid says

    @#39 I didn’t forget that- I was responding to #6’s direct insinuation about that.

    He may very well be a racist. There is a lot of overlap between racism and homophobia. But the Venn diagram of the two is not a perfect circle. I’m assuming that Arend grew up in the same kind of rural prairie town that I did, in the same era I did, where we got several chapters in our curriculum telling us that racism is always bad (but not a word about not beating up LGBT+ folk, other than to make sure you don’t get their blood on you).

    So I can think of a number of reasons why he’d pick Russia over Uganda, without involving skin colour.

    Russian food is a lot like Ukrainian food, which is what half of Saskatchewan thinks of when they’re asked about “normal Canadian food”.

    Russia grows the same kind of crops that he’s used to raising. Uganda (according to Google) doesn’t.

    Russia is always in the news, loudly bragging about defending its people from the LGBT+-friendly west. Uganda seems to be trying to slip under the radar- I haven’t heard about it in mainstream media is a long time.

    Of course, it very well may be that he’s a racist, and I’m just projecting because I hate the fact that Canadians are often racist, despite what they tried teaching us in school. I’ll shut up now.

  33. John Morales says

    [NitricAcid, I very nearly pointed out what you just did — that you were directly responding to #6.
    Now I am glad I held off — first, it vindicates my judgment, and second, your voice is worth hearing]

  34. vereverum says

    It’s an educational experience for them. Inferring from the article,
    they have also learned that while living in Russia, it is unwise to criticize Russia.

  35. NitricAcid says

    @#43 Thanks, JM- I seldom hear that latter sentiment.

    One more reason he might prefer Russia to Uganda- hockey. Russians definitely play it. Ugandans…I suspect it’s not big there.

    Arend, on the other hand, does not think my voice is worth hearing. Some of my comments on his YT channel have been deleted. Can’t imagine why.

  36. says

    The family came from the prairie provinces by the way. Alberta I’m pretty sure, but my memory isn’t perfect, so it could have been Saskatchewan.

    The one child who didn’t come with the family is college aged. I don’t know if they’re actually in college or not, but if they are, that would have been a reason why they didn’t feel that they could move in that moment but still agreed with the family generally.

    Of course they may not agree with the rest of the family. But stats say we agree with our family of origin more often than not, because we were specifically raised to believe that their perspectives are at the very least sane and reasonable, which gives them a large head start toward convincing a person to endorse them.

    So we can joke about how that person knows their parents are fucked up, but in truth there’s pretty good odds that their reason for remaining in Canada was much more prosaic.

    In other words, I wouldn’t let my queer kids hang out with them without a LOT more evidence that they’re not fucked up by being raised by this demented duo.

  37. NitricAcid says

    @# 46 Crip Dyke- it was Saskatchewan. The college-aged kid may be avoiding the Russian draft, may be in college, or may just be dating. All very good reasons to not go to Russia, regardless of their feelings on “FREEDOM!!”.

  38. NitricAcid says

    Saskatchewan was the birth-place of Medicare. Now it’s become so much more like Alberta that it’s tragic.

  39. battycat13 says

    So, either one or more of his kids are gay (which is possible, there are 8 of them), and so moving them to Russia will be really a terrible thing for them. Or, none of his kids are gay, and so moving them to Russia will be really a terrible thing for them.

    Upside? None. This is a man more invested in his ideology than he is in his kids.

  40. battycat13 says

    So, either one or more of his kids are gay (which is possible, there are 8 of them), and so moving them to Russia will be really a terrible thing for them. Or, none of his kids are gay, and so moving them to Russia will be really a terrible thing for them.

    Upside? None. This is a man more invested in his ideology than he is in his kids.

  41. numerobis says

    Saskatchewan is the only province that hates its indigenous population worse than Quebec does, so those anti-racism lessons clearly are required, but not sufficient.

  42. unclefrogy says

    so to “protect” the family from the immorality of leftist influence and protect their freedom from corruption he moves to a country run by gangsters and openly corrupt with much less freedom and little apparent voice in how the country is run

  43. says

    birgerjohansson@35 I suspect they believe in some conspiracy theory that the Canadian federal government is in cahoots with the UN, vegans, and who knows who else to ban meat any day now.

  44. NitricAcid says

    @#54 You probably wouldn’t be surprised to hear that nearly all of our anti-racism education was focused on African-Americans (because we could use segregation as an example of the evils of racism, while pretending that Canadians never did anything of the sort) and new immigrants (such as those from the Indian subcontinent). Racism against Indigenous people…well, we had a totem pole at our high school (in the prairies, remember), called our sports teams the Warriors and Braves, and divided the student population into “tribes” for intramural activities.

  45. cartomancer says

    I mean, I currently hate the gays quite a lot right now, but mostly because they keep ignoring me and making me feel unwelcome. We’re an unfriendly bunch sometimes.

  46. jrkrideau says

    @ birgerjohansson
    I believe the people in charge of Air Canada should definitely move to Russia.
    As should former conservative lead Steven Harper.

    We would be guilty of crimes against humanity if we inflicted That on Russia.

  47. says

    “Saskatchewan is the only province that hates its indigenous population worse than Quebec does…”

    Oh yeah, if any Americans still have rose-coloured glasses about Canada and racism, Google “Saskatoon starlight tours”.

    Or residential schools.

    It’s impossible to build a nation based on theft and genocide and white supremacy and have it become “good”. When the proponents of Palestinian genocide ask “doesn’t Israel have a right to exist?” I’m sorry, but I’m still not convinced of Canada’s right to exist.

  48. John Morales says

    In the news:

    A Russian legal NGO, First Dept, said the woman, named by the media in Russia as Ksenia Khavana, may stand accused of transferring $51 (£40) to a Ukrainian charity on 24 February 2022, the day Vladimir Putin launched his invasion of Ukraine. She faces up to 20 years in prison.

    Russia’s FSB security agency reported on Tuesday that it had detained a 33-year-old woman from Los Angeles who holds dual citizenship. Reports said she had attended the Ural Federal University in Ekaterinburg and later married an American citizen and moved to the US.
    Asked about the case, the US national security spokesperson John Kirby reiterated warnings about US citizens travelling to Russia.
    Khavana’s arrest in January occurred shortly before Putin confirmed there were backroom talks with the US to negotiate a prisoner exchange, including the jailed Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich. Dual citizens are less often considered in such trades.

    jrkrideau, the Russian stooge and useless idiot: I do very much wish you would emigrate to Russia, too.

    After all, it was you who claimed Russia was an unstoppable juggernaut that would quickly triumph, back in the early days of their “SMO”. I have not forgotten.

    Also, I remember when you wrote this: By the way, I am not a “Russian apologist”. I am a full- fledged Russian supporter and have been since the Crimea return to Russia.


    (By ‘return’ you mean ‘invasion’, of course)

    So. Go put your money where your mouth is, stooge.

  49. John Morales says

    [we had a ksenya who won the OM, back in the day here in Pharyngula. Very cluey, she was]

  50. John Morales says

    So. jrkrideau, you wrote: I am a full- fledged Russian supporter and have been since the Crimea return to Russia.

    Here’s the fact:

    (That’s ‘Human Rights Watch’, in case you wonder)

    In December 2022, ten months into the full-scale military invasion of Ukraine, the Duma extended the scope of Russia’s ‘gay propaganda’ law forbidding the public portrayal of ‘non-traditional sexual relations’. Previously focused on minors, the prohibited exposure would now apply to any age group. Why would Russia’s parliament do this in the middle of a war?

    The amendment might appear to have been a trivial effort to distract the public from Russian military losses in Ukraine. But the restrictions, which render life precarious for LGBT+ individuals in Russia, have a much more ambitious purpose—to consolidate conservative support at home and position Russia as the defender of ‘traditional values’, in opposition to ‘the west’.

    The ‘gay propaganda’ law has been at the heart of Russia’s domestic politics and foreign engagement—a symbol of its wholesale rejection of universal human rights. Its extension is but one further step in representing LGBT+ rights as a foreign threat and a Trojan-horse ‘enemy within’.

    And so it goes. Russia, under Putin, tries to go back to Czarist days.

    And idiots (whether useful or not) who need not suffer the consequences of it, are all for it.

    Again: jrkrideau: I do very much wish you would emigrate to Russia, too. Please.


  51. John Morales says

    [Of course, you’d better pick either Moscow or St. Petersburg (a.k.a. Petrograd or Leningrad), jrkrideau, if you want indoor plumbing and luxuries such as paved roads and so forth. I seen it!]

  52. John Morales says

    Come on, jrkrideau.

    Please, please! Tell us how you’re gonna leave Canada (fucking lefty softy place) and go to Russia, your land of wonderfulness. Where the LGBT+ individuals have a most precarious life, even when they try to hide their nature.

    Oh, sorry… am I hammering on you? Unfairly, you r4eckon?

    Well, imagine you were LGBTIQA+ and actually in Russia.
    You’d be hammered, alright. Possibly, literally. Or worse.

    Again: I do very, very much wish you would emigrate to Russia, too.

    (Poetic justice, that’s the thing)

  53. Silentbob says

    @ 65 Morales

    Russia, under Putin, tries to go back to Czarist days

    I take it you are withdrawing your earlier claim that Russians are “fascist”? (Or perhaps your new claim is the old Russian monarchy was “fascist” long before even communism existed, let alone the explicitly anti-communist movement known as fascism?)

  54. John Morales says


    I take it you are withdrawing your earlier claim that Russians are “fascist”?

    You truly are an ignoramus.

    Yet again:

    (“Part of a series on Neo-fascism”)

    (Or perhaps your new claim is the old Russian monarchy was “fascist” long before even communism existed, let alone the explicitly anti-communist movement known as fascism?)


    @ 64
    How embarrassing! I’m sure she keeps it too herself (as you do).

    You are truly an idiot. And so very, very clueless.

    Kseniya, OM. Acclaimed by her peers.

    She was cluey as fuck, unlike you. Got the plaudits, unlike you. Smart, unlike you.


    Of course, that was back when this place hummed. SB days, back in the mid 2000s.
    You were never a thing then, now you’re a weed, O SoylentBlob.

    Obsessed with me, for some reason. But so very, very stupid!

  55. John Morales says

    Anyway, gadflies aside: By the way, I am not a “Russian apologist”. I am a full- fledged Russian supporter and have been since the Crimea return to Russia.

    Again: I very, very much wish jrkrideau would support Russia by moving there, instead of supporting it here on this blog. Like, walk the walk instead of just talking the talk.

    (Cowardice exemplified, bullshit exposed)

  56. Silentbob says

    (off topic)

    For those who don’t know what I’m talking about (everyone not called Morales or Myers) there used to be these cringeworthy “awards” (that were meant to mock awards) on Pharyngula, but as happens with cults, people started to take them seriously and acutually (believe it or not) put them in their ‘nym like they’d ACTUALLY a real award. So PZ shut them down in 2012. Morales – to the surpirse of no one – was one the original cultists. X-D

    Here’s Morales hilariously winning his OM – which to his credit, he’s been too ashamed of to ever mention since. X-D

    (/off topic)

  57. John Morales says

    For those who don’t know what I’m talking about (everyone not called Morales or Myers) there used to be these cringeworthy “awards” (that were meant to mock awards) on Pharyngula, but as happens with cults, people started to take them seriously and acutually (believe it or not) put them in their ‘nym like they’d ACTUALLY a real award. So PZ shut them down in 2012.

    Ah yes, the plaudits from other commenters, the best and the smartest. Since deprecated.

    (Someone is still hurting that they never made the grade)

    Here’s Morales hilariously winning his OM – which to his credit, he’s been too ashamed of to ever mention since. X-D


    Not just obsessive, but a lying liar (well, perhaps just deluded or merely forgetful).
    Ashamed? Heh. You wish.


    How this dickhead has survived on Pharyngula this long when people who weren’t one tenth the troll went to the dungeon, I don’t know.

    I’m John Morales, OM.
    Order of the Molly, back in the day.



    I remember that you once (so very stupidly, as is your wont) claimed I could not Google.

    (Typical contrafactual incompetence and bullshit from you, SmellyButt)

  58. John Morales says

    [BTW, gotta love how the UnSilentBugger disses the Order of the Molly, but thinks the Dungeon was just fine, though that is also now deprecated]

  59. John Morales says

    [ah, memories — from the StinkyBlob’s own link:]

    Posted by: eddie Author Profile Page | January 18, 2010 9:08 PM

    Re: aratina cage of the OM @68;

    “I’m not sure who it could be”

    Me neither. I think, after looking at the list of previous winners that, at the time I started noticing your fine work, I thought we’d not heard from probly Ichthyic or Kseniya in a while. Must be some weird pattern recognition gone wrong. I seen Ichthyic comment just yesterday. Last I seen of Kseniya was around the Ukraine’s got talent thing.

    Those were the salad days!

    (To be fair, I just had some fun on a recent thread, so this is still Pharyngula!)

    Gotta love how my hatefan sustains my claims, inadvertedly.

  60. John Morales says

    BTW, Bob the Unsilent, thanks. I could hardly be fucked to delve into the archives, but thanks to your obsessive interest in me, the occasion is yet again manifest, and so you save me the trouble.

    →“John Morales of the next! He’s very sagacious, and deals with people in a more controlled manner than I ever could”

    →“John Morales, who is long overdue.”

    Right. So very long ago, now. December 2009!

    (Time flies! Nostalgia is!)

  61. John Morales says

    Ah, well. Nostalgia is not what it was…

    For those who might yet wonder, I shall use the SmellyBog’s link (kudos for that, I’m not that obsessive!), and quote:

    We have a monthly award here on Pharyngula, in which commenters can nominate and vote for one of their own as the best and most interesting and most deserving of acknowledgment. It’s called the Order of the Molly, after the late Molly Ivins, who was also one of those people most of us know only from her writings, but with whom we also wish we could have a conversation…and you know they’d be great at it, too.

    And, sad as it is,this is the ref:

  62. John Morales says

    Last one, I promise:

    Kseniya →I’m going to vote for Kseniya based on insightful, relevant posts and reasonably conccluded thoughts.
    →Kseniya, who is insightful and very, very funny.


  63. John Morales says


    Oh, right. She got her OM in May 2007, a couple of years before I did. Shoulda mentioned that.
    She was superior, of course. I’m not in the upper echelon.

    Same link, of course.

    (Hey, thanks, Silentbob! So many memories!)

  64. Silentbob says

    Hey Morales – back in the olden dayes when you were winning awards for commenter most likely to agree with everything and not rock the boat – did it occur to you one day you’d be seen as this clown stuck in the past incapable of arguing his way out of a metaphorical wet paper bag. I mean like you are now. Did you foresee it, or was like a surprise that snuck up on you?

    Also did you ever in those dayes post seven comments in a row in the same thread, or is this comedic performance a new thing for your dotage?

  65. John Morales says

    Ah well, obsessive idiot must obsess. Fun times!

    Hey Morales – back in the olden dayes when you were winning awards for commenter most likely to agree with everything and not rock the boat

    Whatever makes you imagine that? I was acknowledged to be an asshole, to be truthful.

    (But cluey, unlike you)

    did it occur to you one day you’d be seen as this clown stuck in the past incapable of arguing his way out of a metaphorical wet paper bag.


    No, it never occurred to me that some obsessive loser would imagine that and so bring it up.
    You were never a thing at the time.

    (off topic) For those who don’t know what I’m talking about (everyone not called Morales or Myers) there used to be these cringeworthy “awards”

    It ain’t me stuck in the past, StinkyBub, it’s you bringing it up.
    Had you not looked up the linkies and adduced them, I would not be quoting from them.


    Also did you ever in those dayes [sic] post seven comments in a row in the same thread, or is this comedic performance a new thing for your dotage?

    Rarely, but that’s because in those days there would at least a hectocomment count, if not a kilocomment count, in every single thread. It was busy busy busy, unlike now.

    (Hey, did you see the recent thread about Dr. Mann? I did that right there, to other fools. Now, I do it to you!)

    ‘Tis fun.

    Here, yet again:

  66. John Morales says

    [actually, truth machine was also OM. Everyone acknowledged he was an asshole, but that his logic was impeccable and his relentless logic was overwhelming. Which is why I chose him as my Sifu]

  67. John Morales says

    See, this always, always happens with the losers.

    Snipe, run, run away. Frustrating, for us competent commenters. And so it looks like I’m spamming, for people who can’t fathom the timestamps.

    Anyway. Molly Ivins: (Ibid.)

    Ivins’s pithy assessments of politics and life at large crackle with broad Texas humor. Combining her talent for culling information with her razor-sharp wit, she throws a powerful knockout punch. … Whether one agrees with her or not, Ivins’s pen pierces both the brain and the funny bone.

    In case it’s obscure to idiots, this is an allusion to that most stupid claim from the Smellybot:
    winning awards for commenter most likely to agree with everything and not rock the boat.

    (Not rocking the boat is kinda opposite to the concept at hand!)

  68. John Morales says

    Ah, memories. Thanks, bobulus the unsilent, for looking up the past and linking to it.

    (See, you’re not entirely useless)

    From your cited link, February 2008:

    →I’m gonna nominate Truth Machine, in particular for his tenacity. I get bored with a thread or something, and weeks later he’ll still be going at it.
    →There are so many names, of course, but there can be no finer sight in the blogosphere than checking a few day old thread, and scrolling down, only to find about 30 posts by this guy – taking names (of literally everyone) with his barbed rhetoric and kick-you-in-the-nuts grandiloquence.

    Ah, memories!

  69. Silentbob says

    @ 70


    I honestly don’t know which is more cringeworthy: The name calling you’d never expect from anyone over five, or the references you’d never hear from anyone under fifty. I guess it’s the combination of the two that makes for Morales’ particular brand of cringeworthiness. X-D

  70. Owlmirror says

    For those who don’t know what I’m talking about (everyone not called Morales or Myers)

    raises eyebrow

    there used to be these cringeworthy “awards” (that were meant to mock awards) on Pharyngula

    You must have been around a long time if you remember the Molly awards at all, and that John Morales was awarded one, but your memory is defective if you imagine they were meant to mock anyone or anything.

    but as happens with cults,


    people started to take them seriously and acutually (believe it or not) put them in their ‘nym like they’d ACTUALLY a real award. So PZ shut them down in 2012.

    So…. you imagine that it was specifically putting the “, OM” in ‘nyms, that led to PZ “shutting them down”?

    Such as, for example [* checks Infinite Thread *], “Lynna, OM”? Like that?

  71. numerobis says

    I’m so confused. Did some messages get deleted or did John Morales just go off at an imaginary foe?

  72. John Morales says

    [OT + meta]

    numerobis, not imaginary. Silentbob has done his best to pester me for years now, both here and elseblog.

    Basically, trying to troll me. Misnyming me. Calling me a troll, in his best DARVO style.

    And, when it comes to being trolled, I react thus. I become, um, a tad vehement, and get frustrated as the minutes and the hours pass with no response. It’s their thing, this business of jibing and diving.

    (Go Google for yourself, if you doubt me)

    To the point, sorry, PZ. I did get carried away. I reckon you know what’s going on, too.

    I shall try to restrict myself when it comes to that particular person’s prodding with a formulaic acknowledgment I’ve been testing.

    Also, PZ: thanks for the forbearance, I know I’m asperous, but at least I am genuine.

    (And, hopefully not boring when not, um, boring in)

    And, I suppose I should note Owlmirror was of the top tier of those acclaimed, unlike me.

    (Explained their ‘nym, once. I have not forgotten)

  73. Silentbob says


    Sorry, we were talking about homophobia in Canada. I apologize for participating in the troll’s derail. This shit is serious.

  74. John Morales says

    Ah well, let’s balance it out with a topical comment: The featured goddist basically instantiated Matthew 5:29.

    (Pluck your family from the dangerously permissive society, since you can’t pluck the society from your family)

  75. NitricAcid says

    The farmer is still making videos saying how great Russia is, but he’s turned off the comments on several of them. Can’t imagine why.

  76. Silentbob says

    Sorry, but this is too funny not to share! X-D

    Apparently, when Morales said to PZ

    I shall try to restrict myself when it comes to that particular person’s prodding with a formulaic acknowledgment I’ve been testing.

    he meant he’s going to ritualistically chant DARVO at me:



    Dude, it’s a deal. The only thing you’re allowed to say to me from now on is your mantra. Stick to that and we’re golden. X-D