The former SCROTUS (so-called ruler of the United States) is even more unhinged and desperate than usual these days, and keeps having his lawyers filing the same defense of “all charges should be dismissed because of complete presidential immunity”, something which the judges keep having to remind them doesn’t exist. The civil suit should have completed by Election day with the full amount of what Trump owes decided, and that amount known, leaving only the multiple appeals. According to various legal experts, the courtroom in Fulton county will be hearing Trump’s case by then as well, if it isn’t wrapped up by then. #45’s increased slurring of his words during his speeches is making the case of why he’s less cognitively capable for the job as well.
I’m also not worried about the MAGAt team returning their rotting orange king to office, despite the polls, because of how often polls from a year before the election fail to be proven as accurate. Team MAGAt failed the Republicans in 2018, 2020, and 2022. They’ve consistently lost the election battles over abortion in even the reddest states, and their continued clutching to it for 2024 is unlikely to be less of a losing cause.
And are there many ads for 2024 Democratic candidates yet? As a Canadian, I tend to miss most of the US campaign ads.
We do our best to try and make things better, fairer, kinder, happier for more people and, at least, less bad for more people this year and all the time.
Akira MacKenziesays
Oh great. I’m still alive.
Reginald Selkirksays
Happy Gnu Year.
Anybody got any ideas?
Drinking a lot of alcohol doesn’t help.
Turning off the news for a year might help but it has its problems as well.
Try getting a cat.
Yeah, I don’t have a lot of ideas about getting through 2024 either.
2024 is greeting me with the coldest full week of the winter so far-
-18°C — -20°C.
I do not have the energy to come up with cunning plans to avoid the apocalypse.
Maybe feed endangered predators with the carcasses of corrupt politicians?
I could help out with that.
Are bald eagles and California condors scavengers or will they puke if they are fed the SCROTUS?
Tardigrades survive harsh environments because they have a protein that turns the intracellular gunk into gel.
Downside: the protein is harmful to neural cells.
Our brains are toast anyway if Fox News becomes the government TV Channel, so I say “go for it”: hibernate until the mess has run its course.
Or use neural networks aka AI to design analog proteins that do not damage nerve cells.
-Maybe design airborne Ebola to attach to chemical markers in the cells of far-right sociopaths. I like this idea more, by I do not want to be the one to clean up the resulting mess.
SCOTUS rules in Trump’s favor that former Presidents cannot be charged with anything, ever, so Biden has him and everyone who watches FOX News shot. Oh, and 6 members of POTUS. Then casually mentions ‘It’s a lot easier to have Congressmen and Senators shot though…’ before nominating more Justices.
Oh, wait, you wanted moral, principled ideas… uhm… lots and lots of hard work? Not gonna lie, I’m kinda rooting for the ‘Biden has them all shot’ option at this point.
eer… 6 members of SCOTUS. Stupid just waking up fingers.
It mystifies me that everyone is always so eager to bid farewell to the old year because so much bad stuff happened, as if bad stuff isn’t going to continue to happen. I’m sure everyone will be thrilled to say goodbye to 2024 by the time December 31 rolls around again. I wasn’t planning to stay up to midnight, but the family watched Barbie and then I started reading and by 11:15 I went to bed and was still awake when the fireworks started. I’ve got a lot of writing projects, so my New Years Resolution (I don’t generally bother with them, but on occasion I make them, and sometimes even start them early!) is to write every day, even if it’s only a few sentences. My problem has been staring at the page and feeling like I have to write 1,000-2,000 words. Even 100 a day will add up.
To get it right: Bette Davis said – “Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night.”
But, (to mis-use the popular mis-quote) I’m sure the entire coming year will be a VERY bumpy ride. (I just hope there won’t be a deadly crash near the end)
One of my new years resolutions is to not feed trolls.
Brace yourselves, everyone. I hope we can hold most of the chaos at bay and have some honesty, health and kindness in 2024. And best wishes to Arachnomyers
You’ll pleased to learn that the Washington Post has a headline reading “2023 will be remembered as the year climate change arrived.” Great! About time even though it is four decades late.
And, thank you @2 StevoR for your enlightened comment.
I never could figure out the fascination of changing a number. That’s all it is, really, there’s no magic, no mythical change, a changing of a number based upon orbital location.
Not science, really, New Year’s Day is just another fucking horoscope.
So, my prediction is, the sun will rise in the east and set in the west, occasionally viewable, depending upon cloud cover. Gravity still doesn’t exist, the earth just sucks.
And my massive chest muscles will continue to settle peacefully below my beltline.
Oh, and I’ll continue my uninterrupted victories with 5 year old kids in funny face making contests. Mine is just naturally funnier.
But, in homage for the past year of death threats galore, I sincerely hope the lot of you all die – of a ripe old age. Eventually. Later, rather than sooner, if you please.
Now, food for thought…
Annoyingly, the entire dance number seems to elude my finding it. The almighty copyright gods must’ve smitten the videos.
Now, excuse me, gotta check the river. Don’t want it to stop, might get wet…
shermanj @ 12
Unfortunately, you may be right. Trump being ordered to pay an exact amount or found guilty in any court case, Trump being denied as the Republican candidate, or becoming the candidate and losing the 2024 election, may all become triggers for domestic terrorism from his followers. MAGA falling hard enough to go boom at the ballot boxes though could pretty much force the Republican party to finally distance themselves from that movement.
I’m hoping that after Trump gets charged, the MAGA politicians who played a role start facing prosecutions themselves. Questions remain, like “how did the rioters know which windows were not extremely difficult to break”, or “why were the panic buttons removed prior to the attack”, or “what other senators or house members fed information to the rioters prior to January 6”.
@16HidariMak asked: Questions remain, like “how did the rioters know which windows were not extremely difficult to break”, or “why were the panic buttons removed prior to the attack”, or “what other senators or house members fed information to the rioters prior to January 6”.
I reply: Very astute questions. I’ve never seen anyone else ask them before. Thanks for the thought provoking comment. (notice I said thought provoking not violence provoking thus, hopefully, proving I’m not part of the magat. cult)
Robro @ 13–yeah, I was just looking at the Washington Post and found that headline to be supremely annoying. Arrived, like it’s some sort of event and not a continuum. When I was working at Bath Nature Preserve on the BioCON project in 2000 and 2001, CO2 levels were approximately 375 ppm. Now, they are something like 418 ppm. It makes me so fucking angry that this is being treated as an event rather than the consequence of something we knew about for a long time and could have done something about, but the people “in charge” chose not to.
No, no, we can’t do this, it won’t be permitted…
HidariMak @ #16 — I’m inclined to think that the best outcome would be for Trump to get the nomination then get tromped in November, along with many other Republicans. That would probably put an end to him as well as this post-Reagan juggernaut the GOP has been on. While there might be trouble after the election, he would not be a good position to marshall a force of any sort as in 2021. But that’s a fantasy and some of the other outcomes are really scary.
I’m still waiting.
Trump warned us all, Biden was gonna hurt God.
I’m waiting.
And here I thought copyright was perpetuated unto perpetuity.
Well, close enough for government work, anyway. By the time copyrights now lapse, fossils have grown ancient.
Anything to halt progress and innovation, to stagnate mediocrity.
Unprotected under copyright, calling people commies. Especially when the speaker doesn’t have a fucking clue what a commie actually was.
Was, because pure communists have been extinct in the wild for generations.
BTW, as a veteran, I do wonder, isn’t the Army by nature a socialist organization at its heart? That whole communal defense and all?
Excuse me while I get under cover…
@#23: That particular strip probably falls under parody and so is safe, but in general: specific depictions of Mickey Mouse (comics and movies and TV shows) are copyrighted, but the character of Mickey Mouse is trademarked, and trademarks do not expire (as long as the owner legally enforces them), so anybody who tries to use the expiration of the Steamboat Willie copyright to make new Mickey Mouse content out of a naive reading of IP law is going to be in for a nasty surprise.
The former SCROTUS (so-called ruler of the United States) is even more unhinged and desperate than usual these days, and keeps having his lawyers filing the same defense of “all charges should be dismissed because of complete presidential immunity”, something which the judges keep having to remind them doesn’t exist. The civil suit should have completed by Election day with the full amount of what Trump owes decided, and that amount known, leaving only the multiple appeals. According to various legal experts, the courtroom in Fulton county will be hearing Trump’s case by then as well, if it isn’t wrapped up by then. #45’s increased slurring of his words during his speeches is making the case of why he’s less cognitively capable for the job as well.
I’m also not worried about the MAGAt team returning their rotting orange king to office, despite the polls, because of how often polls from a year before the election fail to be proven as accurate. Team MAGAt failed the Republicans in 2018, 2020, and 2022. They’ve consistently lost the election battles over abortion in even the reddest states, and their continued clutching to it for 2024 is unlikely to be less of a losing cause.
And are there many ads for 2024 Democratic candidates yet? As a Canadian, I tend to miss most of the US campaign ads.
We do our best to try and make things better, fairer, kinder, happier for more people and, at least, less bad for more people this year and all the time.
Oh great. I’m still alive.
Happy Gnu Year.
Drinking a lot of alcohol doesn’t help.
Turning off the news for a year might help but it has its problems as well.
Try getting a cat.
Yeah, I don’t have a lot of ideas about getting through 2024 either.
2024 is greeting me with the coldest full week of the winter so far-
-18°C — -20°C.
I do not have the energy to come up with cunning plans to avoid the apocalypse.
Maybe feed endangered predators with the carcasses of corrupt politicians?
I could help out with that.
Are bald eagles and California condors scavengers or will they puke if they are fed the SCROTUS?
Tardigrades survive harsh environments because they have a protein that turns the intracellular gunk into gel.
Downside: the protein is harmful to neural cells.
Our brains are toast anyway if Fox News becomes the government TV Channel, so I say “go for it”: hibernate until the mess has run its course.
Or use neural networks aka AI to design analog proteins that do not damage nerve cells.
-Maybe design airborne Ebola to attach to chemical markers in the cells of far-right sociopaths. I like this idea more, by I do not want to be the one to clean up the resulting mess.
SCOTUS rules in Trump’s favor that former Presidents cannot be charged with anything, ever, so Biden has him and everyone who watches FOX News shot. Oh, and 6 members of POTUS. Then casually mentions ‘It’s a lot easier to have Congressmen and Senators shot though…’ before nominating more Justices.
Oh, wait, you wanted moral, principled ideas… uhm… lots and lots of hard work? Not gonna lie, I’m kinda rooting for the ‘Biden has them all shot’ option at this point.
eer… 6 members of SCOTUS. Stupid just waking up fingers.
“Build that wall”. On the Canadian border. :)
It mystifies me that everyone is always so eager to bid farewell to the old year because so much bad stuff happened, as if bad stuff isn’t going to continue to happen. I’m sure everyone will be thrilled to say goodbye to 2024 by the time December 31 rolls around again. I wasn’t planning to stay up to midnight, but the family watched Barbie and then I started reading and by 11:15 I went to bed and was still awake when the fireworks started. I’ve got a lot of writing projects, so my New Years Resolution (I don’t generally bother with them, but on occasion I make them, and sometimes even start them early!) is to write every day, even if it’s only a few sentences. My problem has been staring at the page and feeling like I have to write 1,000-2,000 words. Even 100 a day will add up.
To get it right: Bette Davis said – “Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night.”
But, (to mis-use the popular mis-quote) I’m sure the entire coming year will be a VERY bumpy ride. (I just hope there won’t be a deadly crash near the end)
One of my new years resolutions is to not feed trolls.
Brace yourselves, everyone. I hope we can hold most of the chaos at bay and have some honesty, health and kindness in 2024. And best wishes to Arachnomyers
You’ll pleased to learn that the Washington Post has a headline reading “2023 will be remembered as the year climate change arrived.” Great! About time even though it is four decades late.
And, thank you @2 StevoR for your enlightened comment.
I never could figure out the fascination of changing a number. That’s all it is, really, there’s no magic, no mythical change, a changing of a number based upon orbital location.
Not science, really, New Year’s Day is just another fucking horoscope.
So, my prediction is, the sun will rise in the east and set in the west, occasionally viewable, depending upon cloud cover. Gravity still doesn’t exist, the earth just sucks.
And my massive chest muscles will continue to settle peacefully below my beltline.
Oh, and I’ll continue my uninterrupted victories with 5 year old kids in funny face making contests. Mine is just naturally funnier.
But, in homage for the past year of death threats galore, I sincerely hope the lot of you all die – of a ripe old age. Eventually. Later, rather than sooner, if you please.
Now, food for thought…
Annoyingly, the entire dance number seems to elude my finding it. The almighty copyright gods must’ve smitten the videos.
Now, excuse me, gotta check the river. Don’t want it to stop, might get wet…
shermanj @ 12
Unfortunately, you may be right. Trump being ordered to pay an exact amount or found guilty in any court case, Trump being denied as the Republican candidate, or becoming the candidate and losing the 2024 election, may all become triggers for domestic terrorism from his followers. MAGA falling hard enough to go boom at the ballot boxes though could pretty much force the Republican party to finally distance themselves from that movement.
I’m hoping that after Trump gets charged, the MAGA politicians who played a role start facing prosecutions themselves. Questions remain, like “how did the rioters know which windows were not extremely difficult to break”, or “why were the panic buttons removed prior to the attack”, or “what other senators or house members fed information to the rioters prior to January 6”.
@16HidariMak asked: Questions remain, like “how did the rioters know which windows were not extremely difficult to break”, or “why were the panic buttons removed prior to the attack”, or “what other senators or house members fed information to the rioters prior to January 6”.
I reply: Very astute questions. I’ve never seen anyone else ask them before. Thanks for the thought provoking comment. (notice I said thought provoking not violence provoking thus, hopefully, proving I’m not part of the magat. cult)
Robro @ 13–yeah, I was just looking at the Washington Post and found that headline to be supremely annoying. Arrived, like it’s some sort of event and not a continuum. When I was working at Bath Nature Preserve on the BioCON project in 2000 and 2001, CO2 levels were approximately 375 ppm. Now, they are something like 418 ppm. It makes me so fucking angry that this is being treated as an event rather than the consequence of something we knew about for a long time and could have done something about, but the people “in charge” chose not to.
No, no, we can’t do this, it won’t be permitted…
HidariMak @ #16 — I’m inclined to think that the best outcome would be for Trump to get the nomination then get tromped in November, along with many other Republicans. That would probably put an end to him as well as this post-Reagan juggernaut the GOP has been on. While there might be trouble after the election, he would not be a good position to marshall a force of any sort as in 2021. But that’s a fantasy and some of the other outcomes are really scary.
I’m still waiting.
Trump warned us all, Biden was gonna hurt God.
I’m waiting.
Meet Tom the Dancing Bug’s newest character: Mickey Mouse!
And here I thought copyright was perpetuated unto perpetuity.
Well, close enough for government work, anyway. By the time copyrights now lapse, fossils have grown ancient.
Anything to halt progress and innovation, to stagnate mediocrity.
Unprotected under copyright, calling people commies. Especially when the speaker doesn’t have a fucking clue what a commie actually was.
Was, because pure communists have been extinct in the wild for generations.
BTW, as a veteran, I do wonder, isn’t the Army by nature a socialist organization at its heart? That whole communal defense and all?
Excuse me while I get under cover…
@#23: That particular strip probably falls under parody and so is safe, but in general: specific depictions of Mickey Mouse (comics and movies and TV shows) are copyrighted, but the character of Mickey Mouse is trademarked, and trademarks do not expire (as long as the owner legally enforces them), so anybody who tries to use the expiration of the Steamboat Willie copyright to make new Mickey Mouse content out of a naive reading of IP law is going to be in for a nasty surprise.
Figured out how Trump will win the election.
He’ll win by two voters and himself surviving his pandemic.
Which is his goal anyway, President of One, lording over, oh shit, no workers…
Dud never was brilliant.
Hey PZ, did you ever read the book I sent you, the political satire “Cultural Practices of the Heartland”?
@19 I’m angry about that too. Global warming due to increased CO2 is the end-of-the-19th-century science !