Look at a map

Did you know that Philadelphia is in the southeast corner of Pennsylvania? That to the southwest is Delaware, and to the south and east is…New Jersey? I guess Dr Oz was hoping that Pennsylvanians were as ignorant of their geography as he is.

I’ve been vastly entertained by the incompetent campaign of Oz, and the masterful way Fetterman has been ripping him up. This is going to be an example brought up in political science classes for decades to come.


  1. wzrd1 says

    South of Philly? Republicans used to know – Boeing Vertol.
    Guess defense isn’t important to them now, only Trump is.

  2. says

    According to Wikipedia, Dr. Oz grew up in Wilmington, DE (which is southwest). But it still isn’t Pennsylvania.

    And the latest from Oz is that he hired folks to cosplay as jail prisoners, making fun of (and trying to scare people about) the two guys on Fetterman’s staff who spent 27 years in jail after being wrongfully convicted of murder and then released.

  3. StevoR says

    id you know that Philadelphia is in the southeast corner of Pennsylvania? That to the southwest is Delaware, and to the south and east is…New Jersey?

    No but then I’m an Aussie and I also thought it was both a movie and an ancient Hellenic city that the Anmercian one wa slater named after ..

    Huh, its actually two ancient cities in Jordan and Turkey resepctively. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philadelphia_(disambiguation) )

  4. billseymour says

    wzrd1 @1:

    Guess defense isn’t important to them now, only Trump is.

    I note that that Liz Cheney, who’s fairly far right even among Republicans, is being hounded out of the party because she’s not utterly shameless on exactly one point.  I conclude that the Republican party, at present, is Trump and nothing but Trump; and that’s scary.

  5. says

    For a while, it worked. Some Critterz players told Rest of World that, at one point, they were earning more than $100 a day playing the game. At its peak, it had around 2,000 daily players, some of whom enlisted other players to help build their in-game empires for a cut of the crypto they earned.

    That is the absolute definition of a pyramid scheme. The people who get in early make money off of those who come by later.

  6. says

    Just south-west-ish of Philadelphia is Chester, which seems to be a dirt-poor, mostly black suburb that Dr. Oz almost surely did not grow up in or anywhere near.

  7. mcfrank0 says

    I grew up in that white spot directly West of Philly and south of the Route 202 marker that sits like a spider on the intersecting white roads. Before the bypass was complete, I spent my childhood giving directions to people who could not find their way back out of town on the appropriate route. (West Chester, PA)

    The Philly media referred to itself as the “Tri-state area”, but I thought of myself as being in a quad state region. (The Boy Scout camp I attended straddled the Pennsylvania/Maryland border. The Mason-Dixonmarkers were a prominent feature of the camp.)