What took them so long? » « I need those bugs to feed my spiders! Bringing the facts Oh, this is good. They Got Pfizer. I Got Moderna pic.twitter.com/8Z9Jc4pdFo — Drew Comments (@sjs856) August 11, 2021 Solid information throughout. Pay attention. Share this:PrintEmailShare on TumblrTweet What took them so long? » « I need those bugs to feed my spiders!
PaulBC says 30 September 2021 at 3:31 pm “mRNA new but it ain’t that new” (succinct and to the point) OK, mRNA is actually really old, but I read it as “Proposals for clinical use of mRNA”. Nvm. That’s why I don’t make these videos.
“Bass Ackwards” indeed!
Outstanding! This man is a hero!
“mRNA new but it ain’t that new” (succinct and to the point)
OK, mRNA is actually really old, but I read it as “Proposals for clinical use of mRNA”. Nvm. That’s why I don’t make these videos.