This is a huge grading day — final grades are due on Wednesday. But I took a brief break this afternoon to take a few pictures on this frosty foggy day.
This is my favorite photo, though.
That’s a screenshot of the piece of the Canvas window for my cell biology class: usually, that big white space lists all the assignments awaiting grading. They’re done! Nothing left to grade! It hasn’t been that clear since mid-September!
Cell bio is done, two more classes to go (they were much smaller than cell, though, so they won’t take as much time.)
We’ve basically just departed fall and had flurries once and no hard freeze yet.
I really don’t envy you at all. But then, I’m biased against cold weather, as Raynaud’s syndrome is quite unpleasant. My hands get cold, it literally feels like someone drove a truck over them.
PZ, I think your pictures the past few weeks have been really lovely.
Ditto again…very lovely pics, and I especially like your favorite, the tree-shadowed road leading into the mist. It is how the world feels now, but more peaceful.
Here in Monterey, it was 75 yesterday and 77 today on my patio. I sat out there and enjoyed some rose’.
It will soon be cooler and rainy, so I enjoyed it while I could.