I’ve got a research student, Ade Atolani, and we’ve been in the lab recently, learning the basics…which mainly involves learning how to configure and aim a camera at a spider, throwing in a few flies, and talking about what’s going on during the bloodthirsty gladiatorial games. Then we do a few things to figure out how to transfer files and upload them to YouTube. Here are a couple of examples, nothing too exciting, but just the ordinary routine of getting a student comfortable with observing spider behavior.
This one is an adult:
This is a month-old juvenile:
Maybe we should start selling tickets to the spectacle? We can’t do betting, though, because the spider always wins.
PZ, I posted a link to this the other day – David Attenborough celebrates spiders. Not sure if you’ve seen it anywhere, but if not I thought you might enjoy it.
@SC (Salty Current)
Much as I like David Attenborough, this PR ploy from the house of Windsor disgusts me. They might claim to care about the environment but only when it doesn’t impact on their love of bloodsports:
Help meeee! I am Spartacus!
@Jaws #3:
throws stone
The Doc wrote ” We can’t do betting, though, because the spider always wins.”
I have a pet Spider hunting wasp ,maybe we could arrange a play day ?
Rubs hands ,and gives a evil chuckle .
Many years ago i was sitting in a Shropshire Copse ,watching and listening to the natural world going about
it’s business ,i looked to see where i was going to place my hand ,and there was a little wasp dragging something off .
Forget if it was a spider or a catapillar .
kingoftown @ #2, well, I didn’t even get who the kids were until I read some of the responses (was wondering why there wasn’t more diversity…). I see it as more of a vehicle for Attenborough to enlighten new generations (including these cute children), which outweighs any royal PR value. Here’s a longer one, also from the other day, but it doesn’t feature spiders:
“Sir David Attenborough Answers Questions From Famous Fans.”