After all, it’s a bigger problem for Iowa and Missouri than it is for New York City.
Hey, guys. We need to talk. About your sperm.
Here’s the thing. I see a lot of noise online about measures of masculinity: you have to have a Y chromosome (but no, you don’t, and I’m going to guess that fewer than 1 in a hundred have actually checked to see if they have one). I hear about testosterone levels…but T levels vary greatly from person to person, and over the course of your lifetime, and within a very broad range, don’t affect your health or fertility or libido. The biggest nonsense is all the talk of soy and soy boys, and sorry, gang, soy products are good for you and really don’t have any significant effect on your sexuality by any measure.
But you know what has shown a real, measurable, and worrisome trend over the years? Sperm counts and sperm morphology. On average, we men are making fewer sperm than our father’s generation was, and what we’re making has a greater frequency of abnormalities. You should care about this. Declining sperm counts are also correlated with higher frequencies of testicular cancer, hypospadias, and cryptorchidism, and testicular dysgenesis in general.
Mother Nature has been kicking you in the nads for decades. You should wake up and pay attention.
This is not to imply that your manliness is a product of your sperm count — if you have had a vasectomy, a very mature and responsible thing to do, your sperm count is zero, yet your masculinity has not been diminished.
What it is is a canary in the coal mine situation. You are producing on the order of 100,000 delicate, specialized sperm cells every minute — imagine that, you’ll make roughly a million sperm while watching this video. It then takes over two months for each sperm cell to mature. It has to be carefully nurtured in your testes, refined down to a streamlined little torpedo with minimal wasted space, and packaged with specific enzymes, bristling with chemical sensors and signalling triggers, all poised to race through a fiercely hostile environment and home in on a single cell as a target.
You are basically manufacturing a 100,000 precision-guided ovum-seeking missiles every minute, and it’s easy for things to go wrong. Did you have a fever in the last few months? Boom, production measurably drops. Are you a smoker? Whoops, volume declines by as much as 10%. Your testicles are delicate and fragile. You know this. You learned that at a very tender age. Even subtle environmental insults can affect quality control in the sperm production line, making analysis of semen a useful tool for for identifying growing problems.
This is not to say that semen analysis is easy. It turns out that there is a lot of individual variation, a lot of even regional variation (which I’ll get to later), and methodological variation. It takes considerable statistical rigor to extract the signal from the noise. For example, there are a lot of studies of sperm counts from individuals going to fertility clinics — that means there’s potential for some extreme sampling bias. There have been changes in how we count sperm — it’s increasingly common to use automated flow cytometry, with computers doing all the counting, a technique that wasn’t available 50 years ago. So the studies have to control for a lot of variables. But the answers are…not good.
Let’s look at one of the granddaddies of this kind of research a paper by Elisabeth Carlsen and colleagues, from 1992. This is a paper that looked at 61 other papers published between 1938 and 1990, involving sperm counts from 14,947 men, and controlling for a lot of those confounding variables. And the alarming results are shown here.
There is a lot of variability, obviously, but the trend line is down, down, down. We drop from a mean count of 113 million per milliliter in the 1940s to 66 million per milliliter in the 1990s. Yikes. This is a decline of about 1% per year.
Can we get a second opinion on that? Yes. Getting an independent reanalysis is a good idea, and in 2000 Shanna Swan and her colleagues provided one. They added 47 more papers to the data set, and specifically looked at trends between 1990 and 2000. The diagnosis holds up. It’s a little worse, actually. The decline in American sperm counts is about 1.5% per year; and when you pull out the European and Australian data, they’re even worse off, with a decline of about 3% per year.
Uh-oh. You may be saying to yourself at this point that those are massive declines — at this rate, won’t humanity go extinct within a century or so? I will point out that those are AVERAGES, OK? It suggests that there will be increasing numbers of men who will have fertility problems, but others will not. It’s those others who will just father all the babies. Cue shudder of terror from all those guys who march around chanting “You will not replace us”…you might be replaced after all. We’ll see. Although there’s no indication of a “white genocide” going on, because those average numbers are declining all around the world.
It’s also not an irreversible trend. We have some data from a Danish study that focused on one location in Denmark, tracking the average sperm counts here in the 21st century. The good news is the numbers went up! Slightly. Very slightly.
A at the top is a graph of sperm concentration and the middle graph B is of total sperm count. They go up a bit between 1996 and 2010! It might not be readily visible to the eye, but trust me, it’s statistically significant and real. Yay!
The bad news is the bottom graph, C. That’s a plot of the percentage of morphologically normal sperm, and that’s flatlined. Worse, that percentage is in the single digits. You might be making a million sperm while watching this video, but maybe 90% of them are defective. That’s not great. The authors point out that the levels are so low that about 15% of men will need clinical help if they want to have children, and another 27% are going to have to make a prolonged effort to getting anyone pregnant.
What’s doing this to us? One hint comes out of regional comparisons. Back in the 1970s researchers compared sperm counts in New York City vs. Iowa City, Iowa, and noticed something of concern: those urban testicles are far healthier and more fertile than those corn-fed testicles in the Midwest. Higher sperm counts in New York City? Outrageous.
So let’s do a thorough study and compare different American regions. This paper looks at sperm parameters in four different places: New York City, Los Angeles, Minneapolis Minnesota, and Columbia Missouri. The comparisons between Minnesota and Missouri are most enlightening, because both are Midwestern states with much in common, but the Minnesota sampling is from a metropolitan area, while the Missouri samples are much more rural.
I’m sorry to say that Missouri comes in dead last on all measures, except ejaculate volume — men in every state are putting out about the same amount of semen. It’s just that Missourians are pumping out lower quality sperm. Nothing personal, guys.
Really, it’s not your fault. What’s different about rural vs. urban? It’s the farm products. In the countryside, you are swimming in herbicides and pesticides that are sprayed on local farms. So the researchers did blood tests on these men, looking for metabolites of common agricultural chemicals. We’ve all got ‘em, but if you’re living in farm country, you’ve got more of ‘em than if you live in a city. And they found a clear correlation between poor sperm quality and numbers, and the concentration of pesticides and herbicides in the blood.
They even identified some of the bad agents: alachlor, diazinon, atrazine, and metolochlor. Avoid getting exposed to these, as they well probably pollute your precious bodily fluids.
To my vast relief, because it is mosquito season where I live, DEET doesn’t seem to have an effect.
So the bottom line is that everyone’s sperm are messed up — but some are more affected than others. Ironically enough, it’s the red-staters who are getting wacked in the testicles most of all — the same red-staters who want to reduce environmental protections, and who put Scott Pruitt in charge of the EPA. Conservative guys, why aren’t you concerned about conserving the quality your little Onward Christian Soldiers? Maybe it’s because this is another of those attributes of masculinity that you can’t actually see without making a special effort.
Oh, and speaking of irony: while browsing the literature on sperm counts, it was really weird to see that most of the authors behind this research are women. Or Danes. So I looked up a few other things, and perhaps to no one’s surprise, women are far more concerned about preserving the environment than men are, and women are better environmentalists than men are. So the people who ought to be most concerned about this issue are the ones doing the least to investigate it, and the ones doing the most to make it worse.
What can be done? I can tell you that I can’t escape pesticides — I live in rural Minnesota, this is the peak time of year for farmers to treat their crops, and this stuff is in the air and water around me. We have to think in the long term, and that means strengthening government regulations, better monitoring of farm chemicals.
Or are you really willing to swap your balls for cheap corn?
A few sources:
Carlsen E, Giwercman A, Keiding N, Skakkebaek NE (1992) Evidence for decreasing quality of semen during past 50 years. BMJ 305(6854):609-13.
Jørgensen N, Joensen UN, Jensen TK, Jensen MB, Almstrup K, Olesen IA, Juul A, Andersson AM, Carlsen E, Petersen JH, Toppari J, Skakkebæk NE (2012) Human semen quality in the new millennium: a prospective cross-sectional population-based study of 4867 men. BMJ Open 2(4).
Swan SH, Elkin EP, Fenster L (2000) The question of declining sperm density revisited: an analysis of 101 studies published 1934-1996. Environ Health Perspect. 108(10):961-6.
Swan SH, Kruse RL, Liu F, Barr DB, Drobnis EZ, Redmon JB, Wang C, Brazil C, Overstreet JW; Study for Future Families Research Group (2003) Semen quality in relation to biomarkers of pesticide exposure. Environ Health Perspect 111(12):1478-84.
Swan SH (2006) Semen quality in fertile US men in relation to geographical area and pesticide exposure. Int J Androl 29(1):62-8.
New Ways of Thinking about Environmentalism: Elaborating on Gender Differences in Environmentalism
Women, more than men, say climate change will harm them personally
Next step: has anyone correlated sperm quality with pregnancy outcomes &/or birth defects?
I have often thought that simply having my testicles removed would save me a lot of bother when it comes to potential illnesses later in life. Sadly my doctor didn’t see eye to eye with me, so the plans were shelved. Given that I’ve been suffering from mild, occasional and inexplicable discomfort in the region for the last couple of months, I’m beginning to wish they hadn’t been.
For all complaints that it’s an undemocratic bureaucracy, or perhaps because of that, the European Union has been somewhat more effective at regulating problem chemicals. Alachlor is banned, and atrazine and diazinon are banned, but with derogation for “essential uses”.
I’m curious whether studies of sperm count control for things like hydration, which definitely influences ejaculate volume but probably not the total sperm count — drink more water, you make more ejaculate with lower sperm concentration. Or frequency of ejaculation: I expect the rate of sperm production to be either constant or only slightly increased with more frequent ejaculation, but the fluids in the ejaculate to be on a more on-demand schedule, with more frequent ejaculation leading to lower sperm concentration and lower total sperm count per event. We’ve been harping on people to drink more water, and harping on them less, and less believably, to refrain from masturbating. Is this something that’s been controlled for?
Shhh! Have you not seen The Handmaid’s Tale?
You don’t want to go giving the red-staters any ideas now…
“I never thought pollution would hurt me!” says the person who voted for the “Pollute Everything for Private Gain” Party
Mr. McGuire: “I want to say one word to you. Just one word: Pthalates…erm, pardon, plastics”
Along with related, like Bisphenol A (BPA) – used to line aluminum canned food and soft drink cans), Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) – used to make pipes that carry drinking water), furans and dioxins – used in the manufacture of pesticides to paper, as well as a product of combustion of those commodities.
Not to mention flame retardants (used to be lots of PCBs, now banned in US, but its replaced by lots of PBDEs, TBBPA, and BADP and dozens of other compounds) that is used to treat clothing, rugs, furniture – and textiles made out of…plastic.
Of course [pest-herb]-icides certainly don’t help either. There are a shitload of poisons out thar. Many of them serious endocrine and hormone disruptors.
Everything is seriously poisoned.
Just ask the amphibians in your local water holes and streams…if there are any left.
If there are, they’re probably not males, and have a high rate of defects.
Seen many or any honeybees or butterflies lately? Me neither. Nowhere near the countless numbers one used to see at a single glance across any open field or prairie. Kids today think I exaggerate when I tell them how populous and diverse wild insect pollinators were when I was a kid.
They’re almost all gone.
Everything is dying.
We’ll follow if we don’t wise the fuck up.
This is an important post, but did you really have to go with the weaponized sperm attacking the passive damsel ovum metaphor? I thought we got past that twenty years ago.
Every time I see people talk about loss of fertility as a drawback I do a double-take >.>
I was under the impression that red-staters yammer a lot about lower sperm rate and how white people are going extinct and yadda, yadda, yadda.
(Isn’t that the premise of the Handmaid’s Tale– a paranoid fantasy that even if red staters paranoia was true and their methods work it would still be a nightmare.)
How else will we be able sustain our capitalist
pyramid schemesystem if we don’t keep popping out an ever increasing number of consumers?I seem to recall that castration actually extends life expectancy by several years on average.
@10 No it just seems like that .I expected to see comments about precious bodily fluids aplenty on here .
Glad to hear that the men living in the Colonies are pitching in with more than that awful rhetoric…
“…soy products are good for you and really don’t have any significant effect on your sexuality by any measure”
Maybe in general, but upon a time I worked as a food chemist for a UK company called British Soya Products.
We were doing raw soya flour bagging/storage trials and once a month we would have a tasting to see how the stuff was getting on—ewwwwwww! The nasty-beany ‘flavour’ (for want of a better word) definitely put me off thoughts of sex, or indeed really wanting to go on living till the next month.
@ cartomancer
Weren’t you just channeling Eusebius??
@ richardelguru
I expect that his histories were the Origen of my misgivings, yes…
So THAT was what ‘produced enervate Origen’?
Thank you for this post. I had no idea, but this occurred to me as a possible cause even before I reached the paragraph:
So, General Ripper should have ordered an attack on Big Farma rather than the Commies.
Doesn’t this mean that they will start recruiting Handmaids next ?
There are also papers discussing greater rates of birth defects in farm communities — I was just taking the sperm perspective, so I didn’t discuss those, but I could have.
Someone on youtube mentioned that the graphs seem to flatten out in the 1970s. They don’t flatten, but one of the papers mentioned that there was a slight change of slope beginning in the 70s, which made me think of another potential cause: we started seriously regulating leaded gasoline then. It would be interesting to look at that, but you’d expect a greater urban effect if lead were the cause.
But yeah, generally, we’ve been doing a great job of poisoning ourselves.