Except for the hateful, cruel, petty people who live in it.
I’d vote that we deport Bad Santa there to some shithole country elsewhere, but I’m afraid that no matter where he is, he’s already squatting in that hole.
I was so impressed when the young woman who was brought here when she was 2 says she didn’t have health insurance for 18 years, and the Republican in back triumphantly announces that she didn’t have health insurance either, and that’s how she lost her eye. Yeah, that’s a great argument for your political party, lady.
rrutis says
I tried to think of something funny to say about the MAGA nitwits. But I am stricken by the callous belief they hold that the US can just deport someone to a country they may have never even visited and think they (the deportee) will be able to survive, much less last long enough to reapply for legal immigration status.
Holms says
Notice the affront caused by Jimmy’s failure to join the conservatives in their gushing praise of America. Nothing but blind praise is acceptable to those shits.
Owlmirror says
I was sad that I had no shoes, until I met someone who had no feet. So I shot both my feet, because spite.
Rich Woods says
@Owlmirror #3:
You had the wherewithal to shoot your feet? Pfft. I had to hack both of mine off with a piece of flint.
It made me the man I am today.
ripplerock says
1. rrutis: That’s exactly what I was thinking. I don’t understand how this works. How do you send someone who came to the U.S. as a baby “back” to a country they essentially never lived in? They won’t have a job, they won’t have a a place to live, possibly they won’t have family, friends, or anywhere to go or anything to do, are they just left on a street corner and told good luck?
Robert Westbrook says
I am certain that a huge part of 45’s appeal is the straight-up sadism, the naked cruelty. I don’t know what percentage of a given population gets its literal jollies from seeing suffering on a grand scale, but they all came out on November 8, 2016.
robro says
rrutis @ #1 & ripple rock @ #5 — Republicans love unborn fetuses, but not after they’re born. Besides, their parents should have foreseen that the US would someday be ruled by heartless idiots who are more interested in the money they make from thinly veiled corruption than in helping make our community better.
Tabby Lavalamp says
I don’t know if Kimmel’s people knew who they were getting, but… https://splinternews.com/jimmy-kimmel-gave-a-national-spotlight-to-anti-immigran-1822670669
Marcus Ranum says
Fuck nationalism.
John Morales says
Seems like a perverted conception of nationalism to me; clearly, someone who came into a country as a toddler and grew up there to adulthood is more of a national than someone who has just come in as an immigrant. They’re already part of the fabric of society.
It will be interesting to see what the result of the stresses imposed on society from this idea that without the right antecedent paperwork someone can not truly be an American will be.
(Unless they’re from Norway, I guess)
chrislawson says
“…the Republican in back triumphantly announces that she didn’t have health insurance either, and that’s how she lost her eye…”
Ah, the old “I’ve suffered and now I’m going to make sure everyone else does too” argument.
unclefrogy says
you here all this talk about MS-13
just where and how do they think they come into being?
from deported gang kids from L.A. after of course spending some time in U.S. jails and on U.S. streets first.
learning about power and control from U.S. authorities.
uncle frogy
ebotebo says
MAGA causes me to become nauseous almost instantly, and I do wish I could blow chunks on their silly, stupid ‘ats!
davidc1 says
Tabby @8 ,followed the link ,i wonder what the woman in blue and the younger of the two guys wearing MAGA (made in China)
really think about the one eyed black woman and the woman with the dead guy on her chest?
I wonder what would have been thire reaction if instead of having a 2 year child she was pregnant and said if she was deported she would have an abortion ?
Don’t think comedian’s are really the right people to have defending DACA ,needs someone who would (as you Americans say) tear the bigots a new A hole .
“It’s All Bottoms With You Americans Isn’t It ”
Basil Fawlty .
Ragutis says
Just for fun they should try this with a nice lily white Canadian or N. European.
Rob Grigjanis says
Marcus @9: Like most human inclinations, nationalism can be ugly as fuck, or quite beautiful. I always find this song (and others of the same kind) very moving, even though I’m not Belgian, and my Flemish/Dutch is non-existent. The French version is also lovely.
robertbaden says
Ragutis: Does that Polish Doctor they grabbed recently count?
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