We have Cafe Scientifique on the last Tuesday of every month, which just happens to fall on Halloween this year. So we’re having appropriate content — come to the coffee shop, learn all about carbohydrates from Alyssa Pirinelli, and then go hand out carbs at home!
blf says
Indirectly related, Invasion of maize-eating caterpillars worsens hunger crisis in Africa:
That certainly isn’t a treat — unless you’re a larval pest with a voracious appetite — and is a very nasty trick.
jack16 says
Are any of these worms edible?
Caine says
I always get a pang when I read these, so close and yet so far. I wish I was close enough, I’d be a regular.
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
Would be very interesting to hear the talk (my specialty was carbohydrate chemistry). But too far away.
Had to check out the speaker’s academic pedigree. Impressive.
CompulsoryAccount7746, Sky Captain says
@Caine #3:
Some venues have a podcast, but I didn’t find one from “Common Cup Coffeehouse”.
Podcast: Café Scientifique, Carnegie Science Center (Pennsylvania)
Podcast: Café Scientifique, Bell Museum (Minnesota)
/BellMuseum includes most eps in a YouTube playlist.
Podcast: SciCafe AMNH (New York)
/A YouTube playlist was freshly updated and seems to be maintained by AMNHorg, but I got there with a search, not seeing it on the channel itself. *shrug*