Not how it actually works

I can’t relate to this cartoon — it’s too impractical.

We do not have a food delivery service in Morris.

I do not buy bugs in a store. Well, I will occasionally buy a few crickets from the pet store in town or waxworms from a bait shop, but those are just special treats.

I have a big tank in the basement where I raise swarms of mealworms (they’re easy!) and an incubator at my lab where I’ve got tens of thousands of fruit flies.

I am beginning to suspect that the cartoonist doesn’t actually have much experience with raising a house full of invertebrates.


  1. imback says

    The cartoonist was surely not concerned with anything deeper than their joke about the word grub.

  2. says

    Now, if only PZ could hybridize his spiders into a massive antifa army of giants to destroy the
    Maggots that Are Governing America (MAGA), that would be a positive first step toward reducing the amount of destruction MAGA is wreaking on this country (actually, on the whole world).

  3. dangerousbeans says

    A local pet store offers delivery so i could actually do this. Not that i have as many spiders to feed as PZ

  4. Bekenstein Bound says

    Buh-buh-but spiders are not insects … and PZ should have been the first to point that out …

    Now, if only PZ could hybridize his spiders into a massive antifa army of giants to destroy the
    Maggots that Are Governing America

    I’ve seen that movie!

    HANK PYM: I know “socialism” is a loaded word, but we could learn a thing or two from them.

    C’mon PZ, if you’re secretly an Avenger I think now is the time to act. :)

  5. fishy says

    I’m in a dark mood.
    I’m picturing someone breaking into your home after some catastrophic awfulness and discovering your horde of protein.

  6. dangerousbeans says

    @Bekenstein Bound
    Nah, Jerry is selling insects. He doesn’t care what you do with them (at least that’s what he told the cops when i released 10,000 of his crickets into a homophobic Church)

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