Hey Lofty, I share your birthday! Hope you have a happy one.
Screw candles, I plan to light a small bonfire tonight, to mark the day. It’s the sort of atavism that makes me happy.
chigau (違う)says
Happy Birthday, Skylar!
Happy Birthday, Ray!
What a Maroon, living up to the 'nymsays
@Pierce R. Butler,
So, re Pinkie and the Brain, which one was insane?
Pinkie was the one that had no connection to reality. The Brain was the megalomaniac ‘genius’. Both are arguably insane. IIRC, the ‘theme song’ had “one is a genius, the other’s insane” in the lyrics.
What a Maroon, living up to the 'nymsays
You’re right about the lyrics, but they don’t specify which one is the genius and which one was insane. But notice the order:
They’re Pinky and the Brain
Pinky and the Brain
One is a genius
The other’s insane
So one possible (not necessary) inference is that the first one mentioned is the genius. The Brain tried to take over the world every night; that fits one popular definition of insanity (not one I agree with, but there is a certain irrational compulsion in his actions).
And yeah, Pinky seemed disconnected from reality, but perhaps that was his genius.
What a Maroon, living up to the 'nymsays
Or just watch this and tell me Pinky’s the insane one.
Not sure what today means to you but for me it’s my birthday. I lit the fire early to celebrate.
Ah, yes, a scene taken from A. A. Milne’s not well received Winnie the Pooh Visits The 1960s.
That volume is up there on the shelf right net to “The Little Engine That Didn’t Give a Fuck.”
Pooh & Piglet were the prototypical Pinkie & Brain?
The shameful truth about Winnie-the-Pooh.
Happy Birthday, Lofty!
Happy birfday, Lofty! Burn it ALL!
Today is the day our borrowed child Skylar turns 4!
She is very beautiful:
Hey Lofty, I share your birthday! Hope you have a happy one.
Screw candles, I plan to light a small bonfire tonight, to mark the day. It’s the sort of atavism that makes me happy.
Happy Birthday, Skylar!
Happy Birthday, Ray!
@Pierce R. Butler,
So, re Pinkie and the Brain, which one was insane?
Pinkie was the one that had no connection to reality. The Brain was the megalomaniac ‘genius’. Both are arguably insane. IIRC, the ‘theme song’ had “one is a genius, the other’s insane” in the lyrics.
You’re right about the lyrics, but they don’t specify which one is the genius and which one was insane. But notice the order:
So one possible (not necessary) inference is that the first one mentioned is the genius. The Brain tried to take over the world every night; that fits one popular definition of insanity (not one I agree with, but there is a certain irrational compulsion in his actions).
And yeah, Pinky seemed disconnected from reality, but perhaps that was his genius.
Or just watch this and tell me Pinky’s the insane one.