Do you know what Obama is going to do as he leaves office?
The Viacom, CIA-run weapons system is activating the Beyoncés and all the rest of the folks to say, ‘Go out and kill the pigs.’
That sounds awesome. It’s so awesome, I confess that my brain locked up solid for a moment as I imagined it. So Obama has an army of Beyoncés? Please let them loose.
Unfortunately, this wonderful prediction comes from Alex Jones, so you know exactly how credible it is.
Athywren - not the moon you're looking for says
Go out and kill the pigs?
Are they already advertising a second Angry Birds movie?
cnocspeireag says
Surely that mix of phrases doesn’t mean anything to anyone whose first language is English. The fact that such idiots have the vote isn’t worrying in countries with a sensible majority, but he’s in the US of cretins.
Vivec says
One needs some points in Alex Jones Lore to understand that statement. He believes that Beyonce is a tool used by the globalists to spread dangerous propaganda through catchy dance songs. In this case, he’s using “Beyonces” to mean “globalist propaganda tools”.
Larry says
None the less, Vivec, I perfer to take him literally and envision an army of Beyonce fembots, send out to dance in the streets everywhere, only to turn on Obama’s foes and start shooting them down with the machine guns in her jubblies.
wzrd1 says
@4, wasn’t that in an Austin Powers movie?
brucej says
@5, if not, I’m fairly certain it was featured in one of Dean Martin’s Matt Helm movies…
Bruce says
If there’s an Obama army of Beyoncé clones, where do I go to enlist?
And why haven’t we been using them to overwhelm and bring peace to ISIS and to Trump rallies?
If our army is big enough, a nation of millions won’t hold us back.
I think someone said that already, but it’s probably just a clash in my memory.
screechymonkey says
As if the Obama administration has the desire and means to brainwash the public into killing all police officers, but can’t manage to kill Alex Jones to stop him from revealing their dastardly plans….
That’s how I know that Alex Jones is really a shill working for the Reverse Vampires, under the direction of the Saucer People, distracting us from the true threat.
Intaglio says
Off topic by a lot – but still.
via Raw StorySam Harris: Donald Trump would be our first atheist president.
Intaglio says
Oh, and to make it clear my contempt for Harris, he seems to consider this an idea beneficial, not a plate of lutefisk left in the sun for a day.
Vivec says
No, see, if they kill him, he’ll become a Martyr. More proof that the globalists are afraid of infowarriors like him.
slithey tove (twas brillig (stevem)) says
re 9 derail:
Harris says:
Maybe good enuf for the evangels, but methinks still disqualifies as atheistic. IMO, an atheist pretending to be religious to fool the evangs, just isn’t a “real” atheist, and thus cannot be called the first prominent atheist candidate. I would like an atheist’s sarcasm to be perfectly obviously sarcasm, while pretending to be all religiositous.
Maybe I just hate Drumph so much that I abhor any possible association.
screechymonkey says
Vivec @11,
No, that’s what THEY want you to think! Rise up, sheeple!
karpad says
Wait, are the government jackboot thugs who oppress innocent people and need to be opposed by violent-if-need-be resistance? Or are they innocent good people who are being killed by a bunch of Beyonce-fueled drones to “kill the pigs?”
I mean, I know the answer is “Cops are only the badguys if they’re punishing white people for actual crimes, but innocent heroes if they’re killing brown people who actually haven’t commuted a crime.”
chigau (違う) says
Is there any chance that I have an Inner Beyoncé that will somehow be Activated™?
’cause that would be awesome!
bcwebb says
Kirk: Set Beyonce’s to stunning…..
Anne, Cranky Cat Lady says
Muwah haha, my term is over! Release the Beyoncés!
Michael Duczech says
Is he truly an atheist if he believes he’s god?
dianne says
Rendering you helpless for a moment. Clearly, Obama has secretly been an agent of Hydra all along and the real plan is to say things like that and, while we’re all stunned in blissful contemplation, kill us and sell the bodies to North Korea for organ recycling and dinner.
Josef Mulroney says
well, alex jones does have long record of making accurate predictions..
blf says
First off, it’s peas, not pigs, Obama should be eliminating.
Second, whether or unleashing a horde of dancers to eliminate the peas by stomping on them doesn’t really seem like it would work, but I suppose it’s worth a try, and sounds like it could be fun to watch.
Third, unless “they” are releasing the dancers by dropping them from drones onto weddings, the CIA clearly isn’t involved.
Fourth, Viacom probably owns the CIA, not the other way around.
Fifth, why wait until the end of his Presidency to eliminate peas?
Sixth, Alex Jones is clearly a “false flag” to distract people from the treat posed by peas.
Seventh, and he’s operated by TPC, not the CIA.
Eighth, trying to think of enough things to reach ten…
Ninth, does anyone have a recipe for Stomped Pea Soup? (Preferably, of course, …With Bacon!)
Tenth, made it! I think I’m going to now go have a siesta and see if I can stop giggling…
chigau (違う) says
Traditional calls for 12 steps.
blf says
chigau, More importantly, its the threat posed by peas, not the “treat” (item sixth). So I suppose…
Eleventh, offerings to Tpyos do not cunt.
Twelfth, unless it’s convenient.
Bart B. Van Bockstaele says
Please don’t. Most of the women I see on posters in subway stations already look like clones of each other. One Beyoncé is more than enough. How about some real women for once?
CaitieCat, Harridan of Social Justice says
@23, in what possible way can you suggest Beyoncé isn’t a real woman? That’s a really fucked-up thing to say, especially about a woman who proudly declares her feminism, and worse yet about a Black woman. Haven’t women of colour been dehumanised enough without your help?
Marcus Ranum says
Marketing eating itself. Evolving more aggressive marketing.
Bart B. Van Bockstaele says
You got me wrong, but I can see how that would be possible, even if I don’t agree with that interpretation of my intentions. My point is not to dehumanise any women, of colour or not. My point is that is that women don’t seem to be valued for what they are, only for what some part of the (American) population thinks they should look like.
Shouldn’t we present some people with genuine accomplishments? Joycelyn Elders would be my favourite example, by far.
unclefrogy says
It may be just me but it does seem that the humor response on this site sometimes becomes impaired to such a degree that some jokes seem to be taken seriously and some go completely in the wrong direction.
I am not sure what the reason it should appear be that way here more than other places but it does seem so.
It might be that many if not most of the people that frequent this place are rather serious thinking people. It might also be that it all gets distorted by the subjects that are so often discussed here. It is pretty hard to keep track of what is real and what is not when you try to engage rationally on irrational subjects and discuss the irrational ideas of profoundly irrational people.
I mean what can you say about the people or ideas of buffoons like this?
uncle frogy
rq says
Please define ‘genuine accomplishments’.
Bart B. Van Bockstaele says
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
BBvB, if you want to discuss people you consider that are accomplished, start your own blog.
This thread is about laughing at a wackaloon whose tin-foil-hat is on too tight.
Tashiliciously Shriked says
So i guess creating a media empire out of while cloth and becoming one of the biggest R&B artists of any generation is not an accomplishment because… Reasons?
Tashiliciously Shriked says
Is it because she’s black? A woman? Because she speaks about things that don’t directly involve you and aren’t about you? Is it only an accomplishment when they do something you, personally, agree with and understand? Are the Beatles also a giant lack of accomplishment? What about Stanley Kubrick? They were also artists and are, arguably, less relevant to todays world than Beyonce is.
Considering your past posting history here, Bart, all of those things are a probably reason as to why you consider her a not accomplished person. Maybe you could not be a snide fuckwit and actually answer a question!
Bart B. Van Bockstaele says
Since I didn’t say that, I have no answer for you.
Again, I didn’t say any of this, nor did I suggest it. If you want to misinterpret what I wrote, you are welcome.
What about reading what I wrote, which was a direct reaction to what Prof. Myers wrote? If you want a bunch of clones in your society, all the power to you. You won’t face any competition from me, so your production facility has one less clone to worry about. I prefer a society where people aren’t dressed/made-up/photoshopped/(cloned)/designed/whatever-else-there-may-be to become look-alikes.
Bart B. Van Bockstaele says
Before you misinterpret my words again, you could also consider this:
It’s a quote from a woman.
Athywren - not the moon you're looking for says
No, you did not say those things. You did say this, however:
Which, while not explicitly stating it, certainly implies that Beyoncé has made no genuine accomplishments. Maybe you don’t like her music – I can take or leave most of it myself, to be honest – or maybe you think that other women have accomplished more or more important things – actually a pretty trivial claim, really – but it’s just false that she has no genuine accomplishments.
Yeah? How is that relevant? Older women tend to be pushed from the limelight. That’s shit. I suspect Beyoncé would be in agreement (I haven’t asked her, it’s just a feeling). I don’t quite see how that justifies dismissing a woman in her thirties?
Also, holy fuck, you realise that whole thing wasn’t a serious comment anyway, right? There isn’t actually an army of Beyoncés hidden away in a compound under the White House lawn – this is not the prelude to Attack Of The Knowles Clones.
Rob Grigjanis says
If it were up to me, I’d unleash an army of Martas. Whatever else they did, they would win the World Cup as well. (watching Canada/Brazil friendly right now).
Bart B. Van Bockstaele says
Fair enough. I can see how this could be interpreted the wrong way. It wasn’t my intention, but there it is. I hope you realise that just because something can be interpreted a certain *negative* way, does not mean that was the intention. Also, since you ignored the other part of my comment, I’ll tentatively conclude you don’t know Joycelyn Elders, and that would be a pity. She has been a hero of mine for a very long time.
I neither like nor dislike it. I don’t know it. Beyoncé is, for me, a name. Nothing meaningful beyond that.
I looked her up, apparently she does. I didn’t know. I do now. I don’t really know how relevant/important they are. Oprah Winfrey is a very accomplished woman and Deepak Chopra a very accomplished man. I’m just not convinced I would want the Oprah and Deepak series released on society either, even in jest.
Does that invalidate my intended point that diversity is preferable to uniformity?
Athywren - not the moon you're looking for says
I ignored it because the main topic here seems not to be determining who should be pushed into the cloning machine and turned into a 1-person army, making alternate nominations for the role slightly pointless. That said, no I don’t know her. She is, for me, a name. Nothing meaningful beyond that. Surely we should present someone with real accomplishments instead*?
*I looked her up before commenting and know that she has real, and impressive, accomplishments of her own – this is less about dismissing her, and more about pointing out how ridiculous it is to dismiss someone simply because you don’t know they’ve accomplished anything.
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
Or rather your often point about the thread being about you, you, you?
The thread is about a wackaloon with an irrational conspiracy theory, something to laugh at. Nothing you have said has changed or added to that topic.
rq says
How is Beyonce not diverse?
karpad says
Exactly how old does Beyonce need to be to qualify for your “diversity” BBVB? Because she’s 34, which is not a child, and already getting into the late stages of “allowed to exist as a sexual being in popular media.”
Since as I recall the popular complaint is the treatment categorically of “Women over 40,” you’re begruding a popular and accomplished musician 6 years.
damien75 says
I have to say that before reading the comments, I had no idea, literally no idea, what the quote means.
It is like reading esoteric literature, where every word is meant with a special meaning. If you have ever read a paragraph of alchemy literature, that’s what it feels like to me.
Vivec’s comment, number 3, made it a little bit clearer to me (thanks, Vivec).
I still don’t get, however, what “Viacom, CIA-run weapons system” means, nor who the pigs are (I assume they are people).
It is fascinating to read that sentence while maintaining (it takes a little effort) the belief that, somewhere, a person exists to whom it makes sense.
Bart B. Van Bockstaele says
How is a whole series of Beyoncés diverse?
rq says
That’s the point of clones, though – you have an army of clones, especially clones made from a person that freaks white men way out (for many and diverse reasons). As someone said earlier, release the Beyonces!
blf says
damien75@42, My reading of “Viacom, CIA-run weapons system” is a reference to Viacom, Inc., an extremely large broadcasting and cable corporation. That means their cables carry shows and news programmes which are not facist, and therefore (in Alex Jone’s worldview) deliberate liars telling lies. Which means they must be controlled by Obama and his mafia, the CIA. It is an attack, a weapon, to use on everything that is “good” & “natural”, such as slavery, exterminating joos and moolins, polio, and whatever else Jones happens to, or want to, profit from.
My reading of “pigs” is pigs. The domesticated animals some groups, such as the hated moolsins and joos, don’t eat. Obama is, remember, a secret moolsin, and hence be must, must, want to exterminate pigs. And lots of other things as well…
Or at least that is how I read those two coded phrases in this particular episode of Jones’s detachment from reality show.
Bart B. Van Bockstaele says
How about “the probability of being accepted decreases with advancing age”? One of the first things I learned in coming to this continent was that it is not halal to put one’s age or date of birth on a resume. If the idea is true, would that not result in a gradually decreasing acceptance rate, rather than a steep cut-off rate?
Would the resulting proportionally larger numbers of “young” people not be a decrease of diversity?
Compare it to global warming: not many scientists will claim that one or other hurricane is caused by global warming, but few scientists would agree with the thesis that the increase of extreme weather events is *not* caused by global warming.
In any case, perhaps Sir Humphrey can shed some light on diversity:
Bart B. Van Bockstaele says
[laff]That explains why rat catching is no longer a promising career option and why the opportunities for pig catchers are wide open …
damien75 says
@bld #45
Thank you. I am aware of the broadcasting corporation Viacom. The link with the CIA was far from obvious.
How could I guess the CIA was some sort of liberal pro-Islam organisation ?
And pigs are just pigs ? it was there in front of me the whole time !
We could make an enigma game out of that kind of things in a mainstream newspaper : each week, readers would have a similar cypher to decode.
Bart B. Van Bockstaele says
Well, maybe you can help me out here. What does Beyoncé have that freaks out white men?
rq says
Try google.
(Hint: Superbowl and/or Lemonade)
wzrd1 says
@damien75, “pigs” are police in the US, in a specific culture and wanderingly outside of that culture, that was based upon a 1960’s – 1970’s culture and variably profited upon in various later political cultures.
As one who was born before JFK was POTUS, barely, having a lot of specific political and military involvement, things got confused while our kids were teens, as we both witnessed a video of JFK’s assassination.
I’ll admit to reviewing the classified footage, which pretty much confirms the view that I witnessed as a toddler, but so memorable, due to the event and the impact upon my parents.
That all said, some Beyoncé audios, I’ve enjoyed, some not, equally with every other current performer, however, I’ll grant her some increase in preference in later performances.
I don’t enjoy many, indeed, most performances, when I’m nearing my fifth decade and change of life, however, there are some that I do enjoy and are new, others are “older” artists, who I shall also enjoy.
I prefer range of performance, spectrum wise, use of spectrum, use of verbiage, creativity, range of tone, range and use of tonality.
And miss the ability to actually hear those tones, as usual.
Would that I could hear those tones, however, an IED robbed me of that ability.
Would that others could enjoy that tonality that I’ve lost!
I honestly miss that loss of noise and loss of perfect tune, however, if others still experience that, I’ll be greatly pleased.
wzrd1 says
Honestly, I wondered if she was white or black, at a mixed media disjointed blitz.
At the end of the day, I really don’t give a shit.
People are people.
Bart B. Van Bockstaele says
I had, but since I had no idea what I was looking for, it didn’t return anything useful.
Thank you for this. ‘Superbowl’ returned some articles and “leathery” pictures. I have the vague impression she is making attempts to be a sort-of Madonna clone. I think I now understand why some people – most definitely including me – don’t like her “music”, it sounds like workshop noise to me, but freaking out, really? It seems no more freakish to me than Konis Hupen, only equally silly.
“Lemonade” did not return anything freakish I can identify. I saw the trailer, but it was just boring to me. If people like that type of entertainment, good for them and I would not dream of making any attempts of preventing them from enjoying it, but I can’t fathom why anyone would “freak out” over something like that.
Now that I have seen something about Beyoncé, I feel just sorry for her.
It is certainly possible, or even possibly certain, that I am too far removed from pop culture to “get” what Beyoncé is all about. Maybe I should just stick with Emma Kirkby.
At the start, I thought that “releasing the Beyoncés” was not funny. I’d still rather not have it, but then, I wouldn’t want the Emma Kirkbys (or Konis Hupens) to be released either. One is unique, a series is not. Copying a single page 250 times does not make a book, but boredom.
Of course, more in line with PZ’s original intention, a threat of releasing the Beyoncés does not seem much of a threat, in comparison with allowing a bunch of American Taliban to tote their guns anywhere they wish, although they are probably already doing that, without permission. At least I can chose to ignore – or not – Beyoncé, I’m not sure that ignoring bullets fired by delusional idiots is equally easy.
Releasing the Beyoncés mainly makes me think of I, Mudd.
Bart B. Van Bockstaele says
Indeed. Just like Just like are rats. As far as we know, patterns and colours make no difference for rats and any other animals. Why humans would be an exception to that thesis, is beyond me.
John Morales says
1. cf.
(I was uninformed too, but I did pay attention, to my benefit)
But they are not an exception to that thesis; rather, they are irrelevant to it .
(It amuses me how you attempt to appear smart)
Bart B. Van Bockstaele says
I hardly understood a word, I looked up the lyrics, they are meaningless to me.
PZ wrote this woman really knows how to resonate. She resonates like a workshop to me. I’m sure it’s all great fun for those who like it, but it leaves me completely cold.
Of course they are. That was not my point. My point is that many people claim different colours do make a difference and that if colours do not make a difference for other animals, there is no reason to assume humans would be an exception to that rule.
Always glad to oblige, but I’m not attempting anything of the sort. Don’t look for intentions where there are none. It’s how religion, quackery and conspiracy theories are born. And no, I don’t think those are Good Things.
John Morales says
Bart, leaving aside that it would be odd if animals with colour vision did not actually distinguish between colours, the relevant aspect of the Beyonce reference is racism.
I refer you to Tethys’ response to me in comment #40 the post I cited above.
As to your point: consider this simple substitution: “many people claim different ink patterns on paper do make a difference and that if ink patterns on paper do not make a difference for other animals, there is no reason to assume humans would be an exception to that rule”.
(Does that seem compelling to you?)
Bart B. Van Bockstaele says
Of course they do. For one, the colours involved in sexual dimorphism would not make much sense otherwise. We have our own preferences too. Some people prefer black-haired people, some prefer tall people, some people prefer both or neither.
I think it is about hatred of what is “not like us”, i.e. xenophobia. The video pointed to had a white man and a black man hating the same people. The distinguishing factor did not seem to be race, but rather religion. Also, I am Fleming, i.e. from the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium, and as such, I am certainly familiar with hatred of “the other”.
I read it, I got the message. I accept the interpretation, but it may never really “resonate” with me. The music is too far from what I recognise as such, it is just noise to me, and the lyrics are so incoherent that they are meaningless to me. That’s not a criticism, it is just a statement of fact, just as some people will never want to be in the same room with a Durian or a bowl of natto. I simply seem to lack the ability to relate to pop music in any real way, even though I have managed to tolerate and even like some small parts of it. The best way I can describe how I experience it, is “workshop noise”. I may well (try to) understand what a carpenter is doing with her/his loud machines, but that does not mean it “resonates” with me.
Ever heard of the Rorschach test?
More seriously, that’s not what I meant. Some people claim that different skin colours indicate different levels of intelligence (as an example). I am not aware of any tests that show that different skin colours in rats indicate different levels of intelligence. I do not see why humans would be different, i.e. black people are just as intelligent and just as diverse as white people, and to make it even harder for the racists, we are all Africans and – at least in North America – there are “white” people who come from a black lineage, and “black” people who come from a white lineage, leading to some unfunny treatment by whites. I believe PBS once had a documentary on the issue, but it is too long ago for me to remember the details.
Bart B. Van Bockstaele says
I should add this: you seem to be attempting to convince me of something I need no convincing of because I both understand the issues and I am about as non-racist as they come. Your effort is highly appreciated, but unnecessary. What does puzzle me, however, is how some people are consistently using my words to claim things about me that are simply false. Is my way of talking really so outlandish and incomprehensible that the wrong interpretation is the most obvious conclusion?
Vivec says
Apparently, yes, seeing as this appears to happen any time anyone talks to you.
rq says
I, too, have black friends who are allowed to use my bathroom. *highfive*
Also, here’s a white man freaking out over Beyonce. Might clarify this and that.
rq says
Bart, nobody’s asking for you to let Beyonce’s music resonate with you (at least I’m not). You don’t like her music, that’s fine. But you seem bent on putting her down as unworthy of being cloned into an army by ignoring all the other things she has done (she is not only a pop diva). I’m trying to figure out your knee-jerk response which seems to imply very strongly that she is not a real woman (comment 23), that she does not have any genuine accomplishments (comment 26), that she is not making any contributions to diversity (end of comment 37) and that white men have no issues with her (comment 49).
If people are consistently misunderstanding your words, perhaps you should think about how you are using them.
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
BBvB, you appear to not have a good grasp of USAian cultural and politics.
The person we are laughing at is a right-wing highly bigoted theocrat who has paranoid delusions of being ignored by a multicultural society. Obama can’t be a properly elected leader because he is black (well, half black) and must be the anti-christ. Women are second class citizens, and feminism is a plot to make men obsolete. Anybody not with the bigot, is an enemy.
So conspiracy theories about what Obama would do, like take away his guns, declare himself ruler for life, and toss him in a FEMA reeducation camp (don’t exist and never did) are constantly on his mind.
Beyonce is pop singer, and is known for strongly supporting feminism and having strong political views. Earlier this year, she released a video of the song Formation, and sang the song at the Super Bowl. The song basically supports the struggle for equal results for blacks. Some people also think she was calling for the killing of policemen, including many policmen. She says this isn’t the case, just that the police should stop killing people they could control by other means. But to a wackaloon like in the OP, she is out for white blood to be spilled, and has all the attributes of somebody out to get them, pro-equality, feminist, etc. Hence he is totally scared of her, and must concoct paranoid theories that she it out to get him and his ilk. She is playing the boogie man in his paranoia.
That is why he focuses on Beyonce, like Obama, an anti-christ in his mind.
I don’t listen to pop music, so I only know the above by paying attention to the news including entertainment news.
Bart B. Van Bockstaele says
I wish. That would make it easier it’s not anyone, nor is it no-one, and even you understood my question.
Bart B. Van Bockstaele says
I used to have a black roommate. [laff]*I win, I win!*[/laff]
Thank you for the link. I note this:
I do not know Beyoncé nearly well enough to venture an opinion on the first part. If true, I would it think it is profoundly sad. On the other hand, the second part seems to point in a different direction, and I am not sure that is a Good Thing. After all, Ronald Reagan and Arnold Schwarzenegger were also entertainers of sorts and I am not convinced that turned out too well. Are there any reasons to assume that Beyonc. would do equally “well” or better (as in “less bad”, not “worse”)?
Vivec says
Political activism =/= being a politician.
Plenty of incredibly popular musicians were/are activists with no conflict.
Bart B. Van Bockstaele says
That would be a fair assessment. I know a few things, but I also know well enough that even a little ignorance goes a long way.
I assume the right-wing bigoted theocrat you are talking about is the white individual or black individual or both, figured in the video. I think one needs no knowledge of American culture to understand that these are hboth ighly unsavoury characters.
It seems I have competition. I am the Antichrist. That’s what my parents said, and their beloved Jesuits agreed. I now giggle when I write and/or say this, but it wasn’t so funny at the time. But I get what you mean. I have Christians as well as Jews among my acquaintances who claim (and believe, which is obviously worse) that Obama is a Kenyan muslim intent on destroying the US. I can’t understand how anyone with half a functioning neuron would be able to believe this, but there it is, I can’t deny it, and I get an earful when I dare suggest that this idea might not have as much merit as they think.
That is something I can relate to. I was raised in Flanders, and women were essentially treated like slaves in our family. Even though I like to think that things are changing, I haven’t forgotten how it was, and how I was revolted by it. I am just puzzled by how this can still be an issue in the US. It is not the impression I had when I was still in Europe.
That is, of course, a Christian value, there can be no doubt about that. In the New Testament, Jesus is quoted at least twice using words to that effect. I remember G.W. Bush also using words to that effect, but then of course, he is a reptilian from outer space or some such thing ^_^.
What I don’t get is how it is at all possible for anyone to even entertain such ideas. I am well aware of the criticism of American education, but I have to admit that these conspiracy theories, and so many other fun stuff like creationism, strike me as so incoherent, so full of holes that I have trouble convincing myself that some people, can be so lacking in understanding that they can take these things seriously let alone believe them. And yet, the evidence seems to be quite overwhelming.
I didn’t even know she was a singer. I thought she was an actress, but then, I really pay no attention at all to entertainment news. I certainly like the of a popular entertainer with strong views. I think we could use more of those.
So, for this guy, Beyoncé means the end of life as he knows it, whereas for me, “let them loose” calls up an image of a large group of clones, reminding me of “Mudd the First” and his Annabelle and other series, just a giggle following a funny remark that brought back a childhood memory.
Thank you very much for your explanation. At least, I now get why some people could interpret what I wrote in a way that I did not, and could not have, anticipated. My apologies. It was not my intention to insult anybody, Beyoncé or anybody else.
Bart B. Van Bockstaele says
That is true. There is no one-to-one correspondence.
Possibly. I don’t know any, which does not mean they don’t exist. I’d be curious to learn a few names?
Vivec says
Yoko Ono, John Lennon, Bob Dylan, Bono, Bob Marley, Woodie Guthrie, Roy Zimmerman, and Joan Baez, off the top of my head.
Rob Grigjanis says
Bart @68: Not sure what “no conflict” means (how can you be active without it?), but Dixie Chicks got shitloads of criticism for criticizing GW Bush in 2003. They backed off, as did other US stars (hi, Madonna!). I don’t think any high-profile acts in the US have the courage of Pussy Riot.
Rob Grigjanis says
Vivec @69:
Oh, barf. Fucking poseurs.
Vivec says
chigau (違う) says
Rob Grigjanis #71
I snorted the jinnantonix out my nose.
very funny
Rob Grigjanis says
chigau @73:
The waste of G&T makes me sad.
Ray, rude-ass yankee, Bugblatting Flibbertigibbet says
Larry@4 & wzrd1@5,
1965 film “The Tenth Victim” and 1967 “The Ambushers” (Matt Helm) Bra guns! I had some fun googling that.
jefrir says
Bart, if you know nothing at all about a topic, maybe you should shut up about it?
vaiyt says
That’s going to be the prettiest massacre ever.
Robo-Geisha (2009? I think?) too!
Bart B. Van Bockstaele says
Thank you for that. I’ll have a look at them. Joan Baez is a name I remember from a disc at home, but it was never played in my presence and I somehow just “knew” that I was not supposed to even touch it.
Bart B. Van Bockstaele says
I am not sure either. My best guess was that it was referring to something like a conflict of interest, but I don’t know. I have never heard about Dixie Chicks. I heard about Madonna, mainly with respect to her silly kaballah water and I heard her in “Evita” where her voice didn’t sound half bad, to my surprise. I also knew about Pussy Riot, but I was under the impression they were arrested for performing in some place they weren’t supposed to, I never thought of them as activists. Thanks! Sounds like a good reason to read up on them.
drksky says
Here I read the comments in hopes of seeing some rousing Alex Jones ridicule and instead get yet another thread derailed by BBVB defending something stupid he said at the top. Very disappointed.
wzrd1 says
@blf, there is treat present to peas only when they’re split.