Finally, we learn how to achieve that “look”.
I notice, though, that she was unable to fully commit. The next step is to shave your head and then swirl it around in a cotton candy machine.
“Remember, it’s not what you look like that makes you ugly!”
Applied to Trump the Chump, that is simultaneously correct & incorrect.
LOL. Win.
Okay, so here’s a message for my American neighbours, (from north of the border):
“Trump the Chump, vote Democrat.”
Why not just Trump Trump? Or Dump the Trump, Skunk the Trump, or Thump Trump?
Matt, they don’t have double meanings. Also, assuming Trump gets the GOP’s nomination, they don’t explain how to achieve the desired objective. (I mean, we’re dealing with Republican voters, eh.)
(I recognize it’s also the case that Cruz would be an appalling choice for the office of President of the USA.)
Late to the party.
Putting on orangeface… Isn’t that, um,… kinda non-PC? I’m not sure how I’m supposed to react this….
Like, like, you know, like “TRUMPING”.
She would look far more healthier and attractive if she didn’t mess around with her obsession over her appearance.
#7 – What, do you think she’s appropriating Oompa Loompa culture?
@7 and @9: Doesn’t she notice while obviously so frequently looking into a mirror that there are those goofy UN-orange whiter regions surrounding her eyes? This is an example of an obsession toward beauty treading into ugliness territory,
Its such a disgraceful shame that culture promotes such a grievous obsession on women that robs them of precious time and distracts them from more important pursuits
Of course, those light patches around the eyes likely indicates a use of eye protection (like sun glasses or masks) either under the Sun or under an artificial tanning environment. The impact of UV on clean skin is well documented. But that orange cast indicates the use of a ‘tanning agent’ which typically produces that darker but unnaturally colored hue (which users seem oblivious to). It’s anybody’s guess what the impact of ionizing radiation on any of the other materials she liberally applies to her face would be.
anchor @ 8, 10, 11:
Did you not watch the video? It’s comedy, making fun of one Donald Trump. Or did the ‘white supremacist’ shade of concealer slip right by, and you took it seriously?
@Caine, Lol, no no no, not at all! I mentioned the ‘Trumping’ etc.). I’m adding to the fun while pretending to be equally ‘serious’. You know, as in applying critique but with an element of subsidiary concern, not only of what she is obviously doing to her face but as a more explicit warning larded with facts to young women who buy into the cosmetic obsession. Many pardons if that fell flat..i now grimace in embarrassment over the failure…but it must have been effective
Actually cotton candy isn’t the way to get the ‘do. You have a marmot crawl onto your head and die.
Fuck that shit. Chastising women, young or not for “buying into the cosmetic obsession” is bog standard misogyny. You know what, women are totally allowed to run around without wearing any make up at all and nobody should feel entitled to comment on them or judge them, same as men do. But do you know what else? Women and everybody else should also be perfectly allowed to enjoy make up and have fun with it without anybody commenting on it, judging them “shallow” or “vein”.
Maybe just stop judging women for what they do with their bodies?
Vain, not vein
That’s what you get for trusting your spellchecker…
Good way to start the morning! The chapped ass lips got me roaring. But I kept waiting for her to do her hair. A spray painted feather duster? I eagerly await the sequel.
That was different.