But now that you’ve reminded me, could you please go away again? You’re simply an awful little man.
He has a question about Barack Obama.
I think the question is why is he so angry at America? I don’t think there’s much question that he does not wish America well. He has a real strong hatred of America. Is it because he’s part black? I don’t know. Is it because his father was mistreated by the British in Kenya? I don’t know.
Obama is a bad leader because he doesn’t realize that being black means you hate America? Clearly, Ben Stein is the new voice of the Republican party.
Is it too late for Ben to run for the Republican nomination?
That would be Fun™.
Hey, I hate America because of British people in Kenya too! Maybe I’ll run for president!
Yes, clearly.
Apparently, the point when you become an old fogey conservative is when you no longer care if your racism is blatantly visible to everybody.
Look, Ben, honey, there is a difference between being angry that, for instance, the House seems more interested in investigating Hillary Clinton and Planned Parenthood than writing legislation* and being angry at America. Just like I might have been annoyed when my brother (as a child) watched the same three videos all the time**, without being angry at families (or mine in particular).
* Actually… this may be a King Log versus King Stork situation if this doesn’t do anything besides waste everyone’s time.
** This is far less annoying than listening to 11 hours of Benghazi hearings, come to think about it. Wish I could have told my 10 year old self this.
If Barack Obama hated America, it might be because after being elected to the presidency twice (honestly, fairly and popularly elected), a very vocal and large fraction of the country – those most strongly identifying as Americans – hate him, and are doing their desperately demented best to screw him over, to destroy everything that he does for the country, and to ruin the country that they claim to love.
Saddan Hussein was not so hated as Obama is. Osama Bin Laden did less to this country than the conservatives have done – heck, W Bush allowed 9/11 to happen – but Obama gets the hate, even though he got Bin Laden.
How Barack Obama gets through a day without screaming at half of America is beyond me.
Ben, sweetie, he’s not mad at America, but he’s pretty pissed off with YOU.
It’s kind of the inverse of all those friends of yours who, in the words of the occasionally smart (and often offensive) Kinky Friedman, love America and hate Americans.
This the loony anti-colonialist theory Dinesh D’Souza dreamed up in 2010.
angle to explaining the inherent evil that is Obama sounds like it’s lifted fromBasically: Obama Sr. was an anti-colonial because of his experiences in Kenya and thus formed political views that are anathema to red-blooded American conservatives–>Obama Jr. has praised his father–>as President, Obama Jr. will act on his father’s views and destroy America as we know it (or at least tax it well above D’Souza’s comfort zone).
… because his father was mistreated by the British in Kenya…
Another indisputable example of the awesome hidden power of quantum epigenetics™!
A family member had some dealings with the guy, and on that basis of those reports I have concluded he is the most self-loathing guy on the planet. So I do agree with him that he is loathsome. That is the only point of agreement we share. I fondly remember Hitchens greeting him on a debate stage and wishing him a long life and good health, or actually two long lives, as that would be necessary in order to live down the ignominy of his job as a Nixon henchman.
The last thing I remember about Ben Stein was him getting fired from the New York Times as an economic columnist because he was indulging in financial advertising which violated his contract with NYT. Stein claimed there was no conflict of interest, an opinion shared by few others.
I really didn’t need to see or hear or read about Ben Stein JAQing off. (In addition to assuming facts not in evidence.)
Christ, what an asshole.
Obama didn’t even know his father growing up, so the idea that Barak Sr.’s political beliefs transferred seamlessly to his son is rather strange, especially given that he was hating the wrong country for reasons unrelated to this one. There must be something really special about black genes that reliably transmit those beliefs. Or maybe the entire premise is grade-D horseshit.
Yeah, there’s no way any Real American would have ever wanted to shake-off British rule.
I sort of doubt that Obama has any idea who Ben Stein is. If someone explained to him that Stein was the teacher from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off who spoke in monotone, Obama would probably say, “Oh, that guy? He’s still around?”
Ben Stain is not the new voice of the GOP. He has been the voice since he was a speechwriter for Nixon. Yes, we can all now imagine the Voice of the GOP saying, “Bueller…Bueller…Bueller…” That’s the soundtrack that goes with George Orwell’s boot stamping forever.
I’ve been disappointed by quite a bit of what Obama has done as president, but at least he’s annoying the hell out of people like Stein.
Ben Stein why are you lying? Why do you tell such big unmitigated, baseless lies. Why are you such a liar?
chigau, #1
The thought of the two Bens in the White House…
pacal, #17
Thanks for reminding me of this [YouTube video].
snark on > Obviously Ben Stein knows that epigenetics caused the President to inherit his hatred of America (or is it white guys)
If Obama hates America because he’s “part black,” does that mean that an “all black” American hates America twice as much as Obama?
kellym @21:
Yes, but then you have to take three-fifths of that.
Notice his devious use of the rhetorical device called hypophora. He asks three specious questions: Why is he (Obama) so angry at America? Is it because he’s part black? Is it because his father was mistreated by the British in Kenya? Then he says he doesn’t know the answer. But he’s raised the issues nonetheless. If called out on them he can always claim he was just asking, not stating.
Anyone can have some fun with this literary device. Does Ben Stein hate America because he’s Jewish? I don’t know. Is it because America won’t bomb Iran and save Israel the trouble? I don’t know. Is Ben Stein a sexually frustrated little man who is terrified of the powerful black man sitting in the White House? I don’t know.
Tony, #22
I never thought I’d see the day when Ben Stein admitted he didn’t know the answer to something.
According to your source, Native Americans love America more than anyone else.