No, I’m not even tempted by this one


I haven’t played a role-playing game in decades. I enjoyed them, but…no time, and as you all know, I have no friends and am universally despised, so no one to play them with. And now I have another reason to not play at least one of them: it sucks. There’s a new RPG out called Myfarog, which looks unplayable, and is written by a proud racist who sees RPGs as a rehearsal for the coming collapse of Western Civilization. At least it gets away from the tired old stereotype of evil Orcs, and instead has you facing hordes of evil Jews.

It’s strange how half the internet seems to be complaining about “political correctness”, yet there doesn’t seem to be any significant suppression of some of the foulest crap, from Myfarog to Donald Trump, anywhere. In fact, it’s like a golden age of shit everywhere!


  1. says

    Bit late to the party, aren’t they? RaHoWa and F.A.T.A.L. were being racist RPG systems with terrible rules a decade ago.

    I think HYBRID was also racist, although it’s very hard to tell for certain anything concrete about the rules for HYBRID.

    Notably, these three games are widely regarded as contenders for the title of Worst RPG ever.

  2. cormacolinde says

    If you want something more to your (our) liking, play Final Fantasy X – it’s a beautiful game, especially in the new HD version and its story has strong religious and atheistic themes.

  3. Snoof says

    HYBRID was very racist, though it’s difficult to tell, since it’s not so much a game as a series of disconnected numerical ravings.

  4. microraptor says

    It’s strange how half the internet seems to be complaining about “political correctness”, yet there doesn’t seem to be any significant suppression of some of the foulest crap, from Myfarog to Donald Trump, anywhere. In fact, it’s like a golden age of shit everywhere!

    Funny, I was just in a discussion last week about the “plague of political correctness that’s destroying everything” and I brought up that very point.

  5. Who Cares says

    Jake it has to be FATAL, Racial and HYBRID won’t get even close in terms of racism, misogynism (plus half a dozen other -isms) and that is before you get to the rules.
    Note if you ever get a dare by your PnP friends to read it shoot them* the judge (or in the U.S.A. the jury) will let you of with a self defense claim it’s that bad.

    *I suggest a NERF gun or if you feel really vicious the NERF rhino turret.

  6. Matrim says

    F.A.T.A.L. was racist? I’d never heard that. I knew it was misogynistic, Byzantine, badly constructed, sexually violent, and so poorly balanced that your character could literally die during character creation…but I had no idea it was racist too.

    Seriously, though, racist RPGs are nothing new, and neither are terrible ones.

  7. lasius says

    @ Matrim

    There are armors of “Nigrous Nincompoopery”, “Gookums” or “Jewy Jewbacca”that turn the wearer into racial stereotypes.

  8. microraptor says

    Everything I’ve ever heard about FATAL has got me convinced that it will remain as the worst RPG ever simply due to it not being possible to exceed it in sheer fail without going into parody.

  9. Who Cares says

    @Matrim(#7): It is casually racist, more stereotypes then the white power built in racism that Myfarog (from the brief review) has. Which probably beats anything out there in the racism department.

    Oh and speaking of racism. Guess the PnP RPG, Black skinned & evil.

  10. F.O. says

    Sorry, FATAL beats all of them hands down.
    Like, really, trust everyone who says so, you do NOT want to read that thing.

    Regarding the OP, I have come to appreciate RPGs who are very light on rules and don’t expect me to calculate square roots every time my character wants to hurt something.
    The obsession on rules is something I had at 16 when my urge to escape reality was overwhelming, I wonder if the game author managed past that stage at all.

  11. Mark Sherry says

    Guess the PnP RPG, Black skinned & evil.

    I’m guessing that you’re talking about the Drow. In their case, they seem to be the result of Gary Gygax borrowing a name from Scottish mythology, giving them a physical description from Norse mythology, and then ignoring that the mythical beings were also known as dwarfs, which he’d already borrowed via Tolkien.

    I suspect Gygax’s line of thought was more likely “I need evil critters to populate the Underdark; what subterranean beings can I borrow from mythology?” rather than “They’re black, and therefore evil”, but he still decided against not making them pure Team Evil (a certain purple-eyed Drow notwithstanding), or just realizing the potential implications and omitting them.

  12. mickll says

    @ Matrim

    F.A.T.A.L. was racist? I’d never heard that.

    Holy shit was that thing racist!

    50. Nigrous Nincompoopery, of: Whosoever dons this armor experiences a loss of 1d100 points from each sub-ability of Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. The ass of the wearer will grow by 50% and be abnormally high. If the wearer is male, then those around him are 80% likely to believe that his manhood has increased, though it has not. The skin of the wearer becomes cursed and dark as night. Disposition turns to UI. Temperament becomes phlegmatic. The eyes of the wearer are visible 3 miles away at night. The wearer will have a body odor for 1d10 feet. On the bright side, the Physical Fitness of the wearer increases by 10%. The armor may be removed at will

    That’s slightly more racist than David Duke at a banjo festival racist.

  13. Matrim says

    Ew, very ew.

    Then again, it’s probably a lateral move for a game that contains a table to randomly determine the circumference of an infant’s anus.

  14. laurentweppe says

    At least it gets away from the tired old stereotype of evil Orcs, and instead has you facing hordes of evil Jews.

    Awww come ON: if you want to make an antisemitic RPG, Jews should at least be high-tier lich warlocks controlling hordes of SJWs.