Once again, the timer has run out on the ongoing discussion of American racism, so here’s a fresh thread for you all. I thought you might appreciate the magnitude of the Black Problem: black people get gunned down by the police. The police are far less trigger-happy when it’s a mob of hundreds of heavily armed white people shooting each other.
I think this suggests an easy solution to the problem of police brutality. Instead of 40 acres and a mule, give every black person in the country a black leather jacket and a shotgun.
Don’t worry, though. The Waco incident was completely thug-free.
PZ Myers says
There are several black people in that composite mug shot. Isn’t it nice to know that biker gangs are more integrated and diverse than many atheist organizations?
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Thanks for the new thread PZ.
Oh, and thanks for this too:
Far too many news sites refer to the problem as ‘ black men get gunned down by the police’., overlooking cis- and trans- women who are brutalized and/or killed by LEOs.
rq says
Well, get set. I’ve got nearly 70 pages worth of links to post up. :)
Including lots on the Waco massacre.
Thanks, PZ. :) Safe travels!
Well, at least the previous ended on a positive note.
This one starts off with some positive stuff, too:
10 Underrated Neo Soul Artists You Should Be Listening To
Looks pretty solid to me, though I haven’t listened to the entire list yet!
I can’t even tell if my tweets are going thru lol Tryna live tweet and lift up the Ferguson graduates today. Congrats
Deadly police shooting of unarmed teen reopened after Channel 2 investigation
Just a note, Funeral held for homeless man shot by LAPD on Skid Row
And she’s filing a claim against the city. Because criminal justice seems to be impossible.
Wednesday, May 20th #MikeBrown’s 19th Birthday 5:30pm @ #Canfield Memorial #Ferguson
And here’s another on the entertainment front, 10 Black Actors to Watch in 2015 and Beyond, though really, what are the chances we’ll see them all that often?? I hope LOTS!
So there’s your top four.
rq says
Here’s another about that absurd Disney movie. a movie about a white dad declaring his daughter the #PrincessofNorthSudan.
Responses from Black Twitter at the link.
No quotes, as this one is mostly about the video within: Obama Calls Out Fox News For Spreading Negative Stereotypes About The Poor. Very nice.
Food! Restaurants in North America & the U.K.That Might Put Your Grandma’s Cooking to Shame (this one’s not about racism as such, but it’s nice to know more about the available cultural diversity out there – signal boost, I suppose).
This is kind of neat, though I’m not sure how well it works: Tyler the Creator trolls racists by appropriating their symbols for his new gay pride tee
Well, sure, there is that problematic language together with a not-pology… so all in all, a very mediocre effort. Still.
And here’s one for the #CrimingWhileWhite. I’m just going to stick this one article up, but I hope to get more response to the media portrayal of this event for comparison purposes (and yeah, it’ all so post-racial!).
Anyway, Waco, Texas, motorcycle gang shoot-out, with police, 9 dead… UPDATES: Police believe five motorcyle gangs involved in deadly Twin Peaks shootout. Note language here, and elsewhere it was also called a ‘melee’, a ‘rumble’, a ‘brawl’, and all kinds of other things. But in this situation, where gunfire and dealy force were actually used, was the National Guard called in? Were these ‘thugs’ labelled as such? No.
Oh, and yeah, the police knew it was happening, as they’d had prior warning. Let me get this straight: Walter Scott was scary. Rodney King was scary. 300 bikers converged, armed to the teeth, and police “watched”. Yup. More to come on this.
rq says
White Waco gang members that just killed 9 people v. a Black man walking home in Ferguson. Oh, America.: (see photos)
9 dead. 18 injured. 100+ weapons recovered. & the gang is literally hanging out at the scene. #TwinPeaksShooting
9 dead in Texas biker brawl. Brawl.
I think the BPD got the credible threat memo from the wrong gangs. There was a purge alright too. Maybe we should send the BPD to Waco?
The police literally had heard there would. E biker gang violence, waited for them, then watched them begin to kill each other. Waco.
CNN stays trolling black folks but gives everyone else a pass! The mass disturbance in Waco has been relegated to a “brawl”….smh
** Some of these have been posted in the Lounge already.
rq says
Let’s hear it for privilege! Manchester Valley junior devises crime scene ‘promposal’
OMG THEY’RE SO CUTE, RIGHT? Please pass me a puking bucket.
@deray #KendrickJohnson
VIDEO: Cop Pulls Over Funeral Procession On L.A. Freeway for Going Too Slow. Even in mourning.
Missouri lawmakers set aside dozens of Ferguson-inspired bills
Obama to Limit Military-Style Equipment for Police Forces. I have a feeling that most of the horse is already out of that stable, but hey! Pray tell, what are the limits?
And here’s a downer: This Student Who Got into All 8 Ivies Didn’t Go For the Most Depressing Reason. You can probably guess.
I mean just wow. The opportunity, and to be shut down like that… Tuition in Canada was bad enough back in my day.
I note he wasn’t offered any scholarships, though – are those only sports-based or is there some additional criteria for which he may not have qualified?
rq says
Same story, different source: Miami Beach Police Officers Exchanged Racist Emails: State Attorney.
And here’s another post-racial story about others’ perceptions:
So I get to my internship orientation. Hop out the car. A lady walks up to me and asks am I there for orientation. I say yes. +
She says I’m at the wrong location. For some reason they sent a group of “us” to the wrong orientation and she gives me new address. +
I travel 30 mins away to find out she sent me to the orientation for housekeepers and other support staff… +
Come to find out, I was in the correct place the first time. There is no way I was suppose to be there for the nursing orientation, right?
Yes, it’s my first day and yes when I get back to the correct place I am going to call them on their shit. Fucking microaggressions.
That’s not even a microaggression, is it?
rq says
A former undercover agent explains what’s behind the Waco biker gang shootout. Too many Clint Eastwood westerns, judging from the headline. Plus some white privilege and white supremacy (I thought I grabbed some, but didn’t find them, but many of those bikers had Nazi tattoos).
Assault on Justice, with audio.
The article doesn’t end there, and it is a lot of information. But wow. Also, the research shows what black people have probably been saying for years – and I sincerely hope that there will be emergency action.
Texas Austin American-Statesman (@statesman) covers. Left: #TwinPeaksShooting Right: #BaltimoreUprising
And The Atlantic calls it what it is: The Texas Biker-Gang Massacre.
And you have to read the tweet within to get this: Really? But, they smear the victims of police shootings before the are buried. #WacoThugs Though you can probably guess.
Reporting on Waco biker gang killings reveals disparities in news coverage
rq says
A rightwinger said the police were not more forceful with the “bikers” because they were not looting. Neither was Tamir Rice.
What the Response to Waco Says About How We Treat White vs. Black Criminals – turns out, there’s a lot of comparative analysis going on out there. Will it bring enlightenment?
Motorcycle. Club. Culture.
The #Wagner4 were suspended last week over a fashion statement, some possibly won’t walk @ graduation.
Pteryxx says
Thanks for the new thread PZ. (This one should run out a few weeks after the one-year anniversary of Mike Brown’s death in a little town outside St. Louis that almost nobody had heard of.)
rq says
I see paragraph breaks cut-and-paste rather funny. Sorry ’bout that.
Remember that guy, VonDerrit Myers? Got shot after buying a sandwich because he reached for his waistband, by an off-duty cop working his security job? No charges against St. Louis officer who killed VonDerrit Myers
There’s more at the link.
And from the attorneys, Prosecutors release findings in SLMPD officer-involved shooting death of VonDerrit Myers, Jr.
You can also read the full report at the link.
@deray Again, prosecutor says “beyond reasonable doubt” in declining charges, when he knows all he needs is probable cause.
Via Mano, Texas gang warfare.
No, really – where’s the national guard? The state of emergency?
And here’s a bit of WTF: School calls police over pupil’s ‘sword’ ruler
Parent deals with child, police are still called. WTF?
Petition: Justice for 7 year old Aiyana Stanley-Jones
rq says
See some examples of police bigotry while at work:
In Dayton, OH, which is 42% black, the captain of the sheriff’s department, a 20 year veteran said this: (He hates n*gg*rs.)
Ferguson Police Officers, including the CAPTAIN, and Darren Wilson’s supervisor sent these, but racism isn’t real? (Ferguson racist emails we’ve already seen.)
Ft. Lauderdale Police exchanged these texts w/ one another on “killing n*gg*rs”.
‘What do apples and black people have in common? They both hang from trees.’ THIS IS A QUOTE from Dayton Police. They’re STILL ON THE FORCE
Baton Rouge Police. I wish someone would pull a Ferguson on them and take them out. I hate those African monkeys. (Those second two sentences are quoted from the police.)
US cracking down on ‘militarization’ of local police
And hey, let’s throw in some workshops on racism, too.
rq says
There was that advisor who called waiting in a waiting room harrassment. Students have taken action:
Students r tired of advisors not giving them the academic support they need. @kennesawstate #ItsBiggerThanKSU @deray
@IamKB_ and #ItsBiggerThanKSU team submit demands to the @kennesawstate administration . #AbbyDawson . (In short, an apology; statistics on advisor numbers; survey of student experience with advisors; meeting with specific people (listed); sensitivity and interpersonal communication training; clarification on walk-in hours in Advising Centres.)
Launching the Police Data Initiative
Interlude: Broadway! Hedwig Gets Her Groove Back! Taye Diggs is Broadway’s Next Hedwig and the Angry Inch Star
Grapevine officer not charged in fatal shooting of Mexican immigrant
rq says
A couple more, then I’ll let y’all catch up.
ACLU on the militarization: War Comes Home
And yep, it’s from June 2014. So all the warning signs were there – Ferguson was just the practical application on a larger scale.
New militarization recommendations a good first step, but we need action on surveillance purchases, too
@Nettaaaaaaaa @deray students are staging a #blackout wardrobe day to support. Please sign: Petition here: Wagner High drop the suspension and any other disciplinary actions against the Wagner Four
Video captures police trying to illegally detain teenage girls, women rushing to their aid
Just wow.
And here’s a pick-me-up: Video: Nicki Minaj feat. Beyoncé – ‘Feeling Myself’
(Full video on, of course, Tidal.)
rq says
Shock value! Ala. Man Receives Death Threats for Removing Confederate Flags From Grave Sites
So… they weren’t even flags original to the graves, placed by local families…
I will be introducing a resolution this week to create a special committee to examine police-involved shootings.
No charges filed in police shooting of VonDerrit Myers Jr., investigation differs with police on key points and raises case of mistaken identity. Basically, a case of ‘they all look the same’, and a person paid with his life.
Don’t Answer That!
Baltimore Police Department Categorical Use of Force Review Board Findings, as pdf.
Ohio Prosecutor Sends Out Letters Warning Residents About Legal Gun Protest Against Police Brutality.
rq says
Baltimore NAACP sends letter to @FOP3, accusing union of “subtly threatening” city’s female leaders & “making borderline racist statements” .
White-On-White Crime Strikes Again In Waco, mostly for the headline.
They have since stripped the restaurant of its license. America. #TwinPeaksShooting (via @dailybeast) Mustabeen the alcohol. Or the food.
Just heard this former Sheriff on CNN describing #WacoShooting as child’s game “King of the Hill”. Boys will be boys… White boys will be white boys, he means.
Soldier who died in custody cried out: I can’t breathe, with video.
Interlude: Hair! The hair styles that celebrate freedom: Colombian women remember the end of slavery with contest to create the most intricate and colourful braids
Check out the photos and video. Beautiful.
rq says
Final report of the President’s task force on 21st century policing available at the link.
Even the BBC picked up on it: Would it have been different if the Waco bikers were black?
Motorcycle club culture, indeed. So American. So deadly.
Tangential, but interesting: http://b*tchmagazine.org/post/the-post-colonial-politics-of-game-of-thrones-feminism-race (correct link as appropriate) The Post-Colonial Politics of “Game of Thrones”.
Rise in Suicide by Black Children Surprises Researchers
Missouri lawmakers just snubbed almost every Ferguson-inspired Bill. Seen before, different source.
The biker gangs have put out a call for retaliation on the police, who killed some of their members. And still no State of Emergency. Waco.
rq says
Media coverage of gang violence sure looks different when the perpetrators are white
It continues at the link. Really good examination of the differences in reporting and attitude.
In Seattle, Man Fends Off Armed Robber By Telling Him: “I’m From St. Louis”.
On this day 3 years ago, Maurice Donald Johnson was shot to death by 2 @BaltimorePolice in his mothers living room right before her eyes.
Malcolm X was a loving man willing to do whatever necessary to free his people. Happy Birthday, Brother Malcolm.
Cicely Tyson and James Earl Jones to Reunite on Broadway in The Gin Game
Stopped by #VonDerritMyers memorial. Ask yourself: Why was he stopped walking around his own neighborhood? @deray
rq says
In the footsteps of Nike… Baltimore Boxing to honor Police during “Blood, Sweat & Tears” Card May 29! #boxing #boxing… http://tinyurl.com/o5ayu8w
On 5/15, a white parent hit a black student in the face at MS 51 in Park Slope. Police & school staff will not address. (via @Combat_Jack) Apparently her face hit the parent’s hand by accident.
‘We Share Struggle’: Why rapper Freeway went to Baltimore
More, in his own words, at the link.
Prince in Baltimore
Re: STL, City should have a surplus from last year, but expenses from the unrest of 2014 ($4-5m) ate that up. No reimbursement from the state.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
From Raw Story–
Tear down the ‘Blue Wall of Silence’: New York Dem destroys sheriff who blames police violence on blacks:
CNNs ex-cop defends not calling white bikers thugs ‘this thing started with the black community’:
(the black community is responsible for black victims of police brutality being called thugs? News to me.)
rq, I have some links from DiversityInc coming up (if the darn page will load).
Menyambal says
The white guys at Waco were pretty much motive-free, too. There was nothing at stake except bragging rights as to which group was THE group of the territory – not money, not drugs, not control of votes, not actual power. It was just as much pointless colonialism as in that comment about the Princess of North Sudan. So, yeah, it was white guys acting white.
rq says
I’m still posting links from two days ago. :)
We’ve assem[bl]ed now, to protest re: the decision not to charge Officer Flannery for the murder of #VonderritMyers.
Police. Downtown STL. #VonDerittMyers
They are now saying that we must leave the area. And that being on the sidewalk is also unlawful. STL. (As people have noted, these sorts of things were already addressed in lawsuits back in 2014 autumn and end-of-summer…)
Before the arrests, #STL Police @SLMPD gave protesters an order demanding they disperse and said they *could NOT* remain on the SIDEWALK!
This Post-Dispatch reporter (@joelcurrier) was arrested by the police. & then just magically released. STL. Protestors remain in custody.
rq says
Actually, no, this is last night now, I think.
And they literally assigned EVERY available black officer to today’s protest. There are more black officers than I’ve ever seen. STL.
The new rule is that all citizens can only enter the courthouse one-by-one. America. STL.
#STL police just arrested 2 female #Ferguson protesters who are calling out CircuitAtty #JenniferJoyce for not prosecuting killer cops!
Call 314.622.4941 to demand that Jennifer Joyce come speak to protestors about her decision not to charge Ofc. Flannery. #VonderritMyers
And Jennifer Joyce is saying that she will meet with two protestors only. And the protestors have declined. Either all, or none. STL.
.@POTUS, I thought the DOJ said officers need to wear badges. Help me understand this sheriff in STL w/o a badge.
rq says
There are more officers right now on alert in STL than in Waco, Texas.
The STL Municipal Court Building is officially on lockdown.
Pics from #VonderritMyers protests in downtown #STL
Here’s a happy: 45 Photos Of Black Graduates Guaranteed To Make You Say “YAAASS”
Congratulations, graduates!
@BuzzFeed @deray miss one that uplifts me everyday! Ethea Farahkhan earned her masters also.
If you Google Map “nigga house,” this is what you’ll find. America.
rq says
Can Racism Be Stopped in the Third Grade?
The article goes on with parental reactions, people’s experiences, and program development and application.
Pregnant woman says Chicago cop punched her in belly and went on racist tirade for laughing at him
All black lives matter: Suspect In Fatal Stabbing Of Philadelphia Transgender Woman Is Identified
Attorney General Lynch Delivers Remarks at a Community Policing Roundtable in Cincinnati
More at the link.
It has begun! Feds Exempt MRAPs from Prohibited Police Equipment Despite Admitting They’re “Militaristic in Nature”
No caption necessary #VonDerittMyers #stl #BlackLivesMatter #ABanks #ftp
rq says
Yeh, I’ve picked up a lot of graduation photos, because let’s face it, they deserve to be acknowledged.
At Judiciary Committee hearing on #policereform, witness blames #EricGarner for his own death → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUTUN7JDKsM&feature=youtu.be …
I asked why PRESS were un-arrested. HIGH-RANKING SLMPD PO said “Press have different rights than [protesters]” #WRONG
St Louis cops went Bat shyt crazy and jumped out of their cars waving guns at folks on the sidewalk. @CivilRights
#BikerLivesMatter Cartoon, panel 1: “Do bikers lack family values? Or is heavy metal to blame?”; panel 2: harmless homebrewers to be frisked; panel 3: “Why do you dress like that? Why wear chaps unless you want the Bandidos to stab you in the face over meth?”; panel 4: “That’s thug attire! You want respect, wear something normal. Like a hoodie.”
Yes queens RT @DiorCherie88: Make some damn noise for these new black doctors!!!
rq says
Protesters arrested at home of St. Louis prosecutor
This is a non violent protest. She wouldn’t come talk to us this morning. #VonDerittMyers parents deserve answers.
At least four protesters attested outside @JenniferJoyceCA home in Holly Hills. Still lots of screaming.
So, so, so bad! I’ve been sprayed 5 times so far in 30 min! Many arrests. My face burns so bad. #STL @ChiefSLMPD
It’s abundantly clear the use of force this morning and evening is a tone setter. @SLMPD have played the first hand. Mace/arrests/guns
rq says
And apparently this happens when you put “university” instead of “house” . Google is so post-racial, yoozguyz.
Host @donlemon and @sallykohn discussing/debating the definition of the word #thug
Southern Rites: A Small Town’s Inability to Acknowledge Its Own Racism
We finished #RecallKnowles2015 in 3 days instead of 4 thanks to the hard work & turnout from the canvassers!
Petition in support of the Move 9: Free the Move 9
Statement from the group that just shut down the Queensboro Bridge & Midtown Tunnel, flags ablaze, for #MalcolmXDay:
rq says
Obama signs Cardin’s ‘Blue alert’ bill to protect police officers. Coming as close as this does on the heels of the reduced militarization of the police, I have a feeling there was some sort of pressure here.
But it always takes so frickin’ long to pass anything to do with education or black lives or…
Now, I’ve been generally positive about your recent comments re: police violence, @POTUS. But this “Blue Alert” system is offensive.
By signing this “Blue Alert” law, you made it clear that you stand firmly with those who not only wish us harm, but actually harm us.
You’ve gotta give it to the National FOP for sneaking in a federal “Blue Alert” system as police kill people. Hate is organized in America.
And why didn’t we hear about this “Blue Alert” legislation from the Congressional Black Caucus? Who was on watch on this one?
Ohio Man Ricky Jackson, Exonerated After 39 Years in Prison, Sues Police
rq says
#BlackLivesMatter protest at 59th #NYC!
Sort of an aside, Prosecutors will now assist St. Louis police at homicide scenes. Can I jsut say, the system within which I work has this element? And it is a big, big mistake. Don’t do it. Unless you have an excellent training program for prosecutors all lined up.
Black people get killed accidentally. 3 Waco Bikers Mistakenly Let Out of Jail. That’s what happens to white people.
The Drug War, Mass
Incarceration and Race, pdf report/infographic.
Martin Luther King’s ‘Letter From Birmingham Jail’, just for fun.
Searching for This Racist Phrase on Google Maps Takes You to the White House
rq says
Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Vanita Gupta Delivers Remarks at the Colorado Lawyers Committee Annual Lunch
She goes on at the link, a good read.
Arlington police officer responding to domestic dispute fatally shoots man. Don’t call for help, people of colour.
Prosecutors may feel pressure to make decisions more quickly in police use-of-force cases
Why do America’s riots so precisely mirror each other, generation after generation after generation?
Cops who shot #TamirRice are supposed to enter a plea in family’s civil case by today. They filed a motion to delay. That case seems to be all about the delays.
Biker Clubs Instead of Thugs? This Is How Racism Works
rq says
Here’s an upcoming thing. Was supposed to have been in on Monday already. I hope they’re not waiting for a pre-weekend day to maximize the fall-out… Leaders on both sides of Michael Brelo verdict urge for calm following announcement
Here’s another on the white/black difference in media response: When The Gang-bangers Are White Guys
Interview within.
Grace Lee Boggs on Malcolm X: “He Was a Person Always Searching to Transform Himself”
Video, with transcript at the link, too.
Someone is Stealing “Black Lives Matter” Signs From Churches and Homes
rq says
Cleveland Cop Who Killed 12-Year-Old Tamir Rice Will Be Investigated Someday. Maybe. I’m tellin ya, that case, delay delay delay. I think they’re scared.
And the Wonkette goes on.
Funny. All the critics of #BlackLivesMatter say the problem is education. But when it comes time to fund education, they choose more police. Yes, funny.
NYC right now: #BlackLivesMatter activists have shut down the Queensboro Bridge for #MalcolmXDay.
Interlude: Alfonso Ribeiro Set as New Host of ABC’s ‘America’s Funniest Home Videos’. Didn’t even know that show was still a thing.
Video spotlights Freddie Gray at Baker and Mount streets
It’s disgusting.
Two via Mano, one only tangentially related but you can probably guess why: Social media puts police under scrutiny;
Is this a new tactic to get money and publicity?
And via Tashiliciously Shriked in the Thunderdome, 5 Helpful Answers To Society’s Most Uncomfortable Questions, a really excellent read on general privilege and discrimination and how the world works.
That there article up there on Freddie Gray, that’s just wow.
anteprepro says
Black people, mostly students, non-violently protesting? Crack down on them in full military gear, and then chastise them for rioting and being violent thugs when they damage cars and buildings, talking about them venomously with constant demonization and handwringing.
White people, in biker gangs, about to have a violent turf war? Watch lackadaisically while not intervening or preparing at all, and then just nonchalantly arrest them after nine people die, while making sure to only talk about the whole affair in detached terms.
Lynna, OM says
Check out the “Biker Lives Matter” cartoon.
Thanks, rq, for the roundup of related links. I was especially interested in the data initiative in comment 13. We definitely need the statistics.
rq says
OOOooooh, moderation after all! See previous comment soon for a new article on Freddie Gray in Baltimore – they got video from one of the interim stops.
A few more photos from the protest for VonDerrit Myers:
ST. LOUIS PD: Has maced, pulled guns on and arrested peaceful protesters for #VonderritMyers Including family members @TefPoe @KWRose.
So there were 8 arrested tonight. They have only let the white man out. America.
Standing on sidewalk & told cop “You need to give us a direction to disperse before using chemical weapons.” Then…
Jason Flanery went in for the kill shot knowing #VonderritMyers was down because he “had to take care of this.”
STL police documented VonDerrit Myers Jr. protest coffins left at home of circuit attorney tonight. -@LBPhoto1
Police used mace to disperse a protest at STL circuit attorney Jennifer Joyce’s home tonight. – @LBPhoto1
rq says
When racial epithets become inconvenient
For some happy feels: Student returns to school with kidney donated by teacher.
CNN’s ex-cop defends not calling white bikers ‘thugs’: ‘This thing started with the black community’ – OH MY GAWDS HE’S BLAMING WHITE CRIME ON BLACK PEOPLE.
There are 2 actions in #Baltimore today, being led by the Family of #FreddieGray and #TyroneWest. #BaltimoreUprising
Fox News Slams Jay Z And Beyonce’s #BlackLivesMatter Support… Because Fox News
Well, this is interesting. Jason Flanery’s DNA matched saliva recovered from a 2008 burglary. #VonderritMyers Which, incidentally, can mean nothing, but it can also reflect an officer’s careless attitude towards his work (after all, DNA contamination is a real thing and something most Pds try to avoid as much as possible).
rq says
When racial epithets become inconvenient
For some happy feels: Student returns to school with kidney donated by teacher.
CNN’s ex-cop defends not calling white bikers ‘thugs’: ‘This thing started with the black community’ – OH MY GAWDS HE’S BLAMING WHITE CRIME ON BLACK PEOPLE.
There are 2 actions in #Baltimore today, being led by the Family of #FreddieGray and #TyroneWest. #BaltimoreUprising
Fox News Slams Jay Z And Beyonce’s #BlackLivesMatter Support… Because Fox News
Well, this is interesting. Jason Flanery’s DNA matched saliva recovered from a 2008 burglary. #VonderritMyers Which, incidentally, can mean nothing, but it can also reflect an officer’s careless attitude towards his work (after all, DNA contamination is a real thing and something most Pds try to avoid as much as possible).
rq says
Well, that wasn’t so bad, was it?
We are all caught up now! :D
More later.
As always.
rq says
*ahem* ‘Cept for this one here.
Malcolm X said it best “I want to be remembered as someone that was sincere, even if I made mistakes, they were in sincerity…”
Mike Brown would have been 19yo today. #Happybirthdaymikebrown. May he rest knowing the impact he’s had on our lives.
Brelo. Oh. (via @clevelanddotcom) Cleveland cartoon with poster “Don’t overreact like Brelo did”.
So the 400+ killings of unarmed by police isn’t worthy of an alert? #BlueAlert @POTUS @WhiteHouse
White America’s Waco insanity: The shocking realities it ignores about racism & violence, another piece on white privilege.
slithey tove (twas brillig (stevem)) says
leads me to question the length of his residence in Waco.
laurentweppe says
Perhaps it’s time for you to start the atheist version of the Hell’s Angels: you already have the beard.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Number of Latino, Black High School grads increases as dropout factories decline:
President Obama’s Tweets receive racist responses yet he breaks world record:
New MLB hire shows just how much of a joke diversity is to baseball:
Tangentially related to that last link-
I’m not a sports fan and pay little attention to anything in the sports world. That said, since I work at a restaurant with owners and managers that are big on sports, I occasionally pay attention to a game or two (for a very short time). A few weeks ago, I began to notice that multiple basketball teams and football teams were heavy on African-American players while the same couldn’t be said of baseball or hockey teams (at least those that I’d noticed-so obviously I could be completely wrong). I asked a fellow employee-a black guy who is heavily into sports-his opinion on that. He told me that for inner city black people, basketball and football are accessible sports, whereas baseball and hockey are not.
Not sure where I’m going with this, but it was (I think) an interesting observation on my part and answer on his part.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
slithey tove @39:
Re-read what he said:
The most violent crime scene he had ever been involved in.
He wasn’t speaking about the most violent crime scene he’d ever heard of.
Saad says
PZ, #1
About the same amount of women though.
Caine says
The comments on the thug-free article (link in OP) are best avoided. It doesn’t seem to matter at all what crimes white folk commit, they are just never, ever as bad as those unpredictably violent non-white people.
robertbaden says
Awful lot of Hispanic names in the list. Anglos consider us white now?
Pteryxx says
I’ve also seen news coverage interviewing “former” biker gang members who talked about how biker gang members are upstanding members of the community with families and real day jobs. Some of them are even ex-cops. *pukes*
rq says
They do charity work! What more do you need??
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
robertbaden @45:
White Hispanic
Snoop Dogg endorses Hillary, ‘America needs a woman speaking from global perspective’
slithey tove (twas brillig (stevem)) says
re @ 42:
Tony, correct. I did read that bit and reworded my original to try to compensate. Not quite, though, apparently. The point I tried, inadequately, to make, was to not just “what he ever heard of”, but the inconsistency of being a policeman and not being involved in the Waco siege. But then, I fail there too. The siege was the FBI involvement, not local LEOs. So, I remain corrected.
JScarry says
I suspect that when we know more about this incident, that we will find that all of the dead were shot by cops. This is exactly like police shootings of minorities. The militarization of police forces has changed the nature of policing from protecting citizens to treating citizens as enemy combatants. We’ve seen this before in Ferguson and Baltimore. Instead of being peace keepers the police are instigators of violence.
frog says
robertbaden@47: If a Hispanic/Latin@ person “looks white,” they’re counted white in face-to-face interactions in our racist culture (assuming they have an American accent, of course). That’s why demographic questions often specify “White (non-Hispanic).”
It’s about how a person is seen when walking around in the world. A person who “looks white” will be treated better by shopkeepers, police, etc etc in face-to-face situations. This has nothing to do with the Hispanic person as an individual. It’s purely external. All things being otherwise equal, a pale skinned man with the last name Rodriguez is safer interacting with the police than a dark skinned man with the last name Johnson.
qwints says
I get the point that white people have the privilege not to be judged by the actions of these bikers, but I just don’t understand the people arguing that police didn’t take the violence by the motorcycle gangs seriously. They tried to shut down the bike night pre-emptively, surrounded the place with SWAT teams and shot some number of bikers dead without any attempt to use non-lethal force. They then arrested everybody at the scene and charged them all with organized crime linked with capital murder and set bail at $1,000,000 each. They’ve revoked the bar owner’s license to operate. I’ve got family in waco and they’re terrified by people on motorcycles.
rq says
Read up on it. The police did not instigate this one. This is not the same as Ferguson or Baltimore.
If it were, the National Guard would be in Waco, there would be a state of emergency, and a curfew in effect.
This was not over-militarized police (for once), this was a massacre among biker gangs where the police did not exercise their availability of military equipment. Which, if you look at it that way, is kind of nice…
rq says
This has yet to be confirmed. Via Lynna in the Lounge, the local sheriff says the evidence on that isn’t actually in yet, though it’s being reported as fact. (Chances are it’s true, that at least a few were shot by police, though I don’t believe that all of them were.)
Good. Sounds appropriate.
Not so good. Not really the bar’s responsibility, except I think they’re taking issue with the fact that the bar wouldn’t let police in beforehand.
Also, who’s arguing that the police didn’t take the violence seriously? I don’t think anyone has argued that – what has been argued is how different and overblown the response would have been, were the bikers all (or at least, mostly) visibly black. Nine people dead and over a hundred injured, plus 170 arrested, I think the police are taking it pretty seriously indeed (esp. with rumours of more bikers coming to Waco).
stevenjohnson2 says
Sorry if I’m repetitive, being in too much of a hurry to read all the comments. But I have to emphasize that a major, perhaps the most important reason, for the less violent reaction of the police in Waco was because they were afraid to shoot it out with that many armed opponents. I like crimes shows more than the next person, but the portrait of police as brave and heroic people is an entertaining fiction.
rq says
Tony @43 re: Obama’s tweets
Huh, maybe Twitter will get its act somehow together and do something more about that online harassment now. :P
rq says
Well, I’ve figured that out already – they sure are often frightened of unarmed black people. Frightened enough to shoot them, if you see what I mean.
Wonder why?
(But yeah, you’re right, I’d be scared of hundreds of armed white bikers, too.)
a3kr0n says
Almost every single on of them sport a beard. I can’t see how that’s just a coincidence.
Watch out for people with beards!
Pteryxx says
current news speaking to a Waco officer: They’ve recovered over 1,000 weapons from the scene, guns hidden between bags of flour and in bags of chips, guns hidden in the plumbing and toilets, but remember most biker enthusiasts don’t carry this kind of weaponry and these are criminals!
…Actually this is Texas. Don’t gun enthusiasts *want* everybody to carry at least one gun, let alone ten per person? Or does it only count if they wear all 10 of their guns openly? *headdesk*
Also a county outside Fort Worth cancelled a Memorial Day biker rally. What happened to #NotAllBikers there? NBCDFW
gog says
@rq #4
Does this mean I can finally get a tattoo of a Valknut and not feel like a neo-Nazi?
robertbaden says
I’ve always considered myself to be passing as white, rather than being white, It’s a matter of how others perceive me, rather than how I perceive myself.
My mother, on the other hand, wanted to be perceived as white. But she was the darkest in her family. Plus she had epicanthal folds in her eyes, among other non white facial features. Few people considered her as white.
There is more than just skin color involved with those of us who have pre columbian ancestery. Facial features also come into play.
What gives people the right to decide what someone else is, rather than ask them?
rq says
gog @62
Only if it’s in rainbow.
Matrim says
I will say, I did see at least one white federal agent/former Hell’s Angel call biker gangs “thugs” after acknowledging that it has been used as a racially charged term. So…yay?
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
robertbaden @63:
People don’t have that right, but it doesn’t change the fact that people do group others according to skin color.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Actually, Obama’s new military equipment transfer ban won’t change much at all:
happyrabo says
I’ve read that a significant number of the 192 people arrested for organized crime are not members of criminal gangs, but were present at the restaurant for a regularly-scheduled monthly meeting about legal issues and bills of interest to motorcyclists. In other words, political advocacy. Those people had nothing to do with the fight, are not gang members, and were simply caught up in an indiscriminate dragnet.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
happyrabo @68:
You wouldn’t happen to have a link to where you read that, would you?
rq says
170 have been arrested, not 192.
Sure. It was just an indiscriminate dragnet, because killing 9 people was internal business, not something where the police should remotely have been involved.
Do you have any facts?
CBC on the shooting. Can I highlight one thing?
I’m sorry, nearly two dozen police officers?
Remind me again, how many National Guard were sent to Ferguson? Baltimore? In preparation of all that unrest and bloodshed?
Lynna, OM says
The Taliban also does charity work. Even ISIS does some charity work. As do cartels in South America. As do some notable white collar criminals in the USA. It is standard procedure to use some of your ill-gotten gains, (whether from drug sales, or pyramid schemes, or jihad) to earn goodwill from local populations by doing some charity work.
happyrabo says
Tony @69:
Here’s one link:
I help run the largest non-criminal motorcycle club in Minnesota. We do have meetings about laws that impact motorcyclists. We frequently rub shoulders with members of criminal clubs, because there’s only so many places that motorcyclists are welcome. We just stay out of their way and try not to provoke them, but if a bunch of them showed up and started fighting with each other at some place we were meeting, all we could do is keep our heads down and try to get out of there.
Katie Rhoten’s story is plausible to me. I could easily have been one of the people arrested if I lived in Texas.
Lynna, OM says
Cross posted from the [Lounge]: Did the cops shoot bikers in Waco? The report that they shot four bikers has been repeatedly debunked, or at least described as premature.
When that report came out, the autopsies had not been done. The Police Chief in Waco said in an interview that he saw that information being repeated as fact when it was, in fact, not reliable.
We will know later if the cops shot bikers. We do not know that now. Police officers may have shot bikers, and maybe not.
CNN jumped the gun.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
happyrabo @72:
Thanks for the link.
Here’s one from The Associated Press about Theron Rhoten:
I hope that any of the bikers who are innocent are cleared of any wrongdoing and set free as soon as possible.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Ok, this one makes me scratch and shake my head at the same time-
White House pops up on Google Maps in N-word search:
rq says
And if you google ‘nigga university’, you get a result, too. (I believe it was Howard U (see first link, comment 28, can’t access it at work.)
Okidemia says
robertbaden @63:
I know this wording was not meant to be malevolent, but did you ever think about what people think of being asked this all the time?
It’s really annoying in the end, really annoying I tell you. I can bet within 5 minutes when someone I just met is going to ask me about origins or make an hypothetical statement about it. I think my predictions are right about 98% of the time.
Do you ask people about their sexual orientation? Why not let people state anything they wish about themselves, and not care about what they don’t?
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Okidemia @77:
I’ve been asked “what are you” (or some variation of that question) so many times I can’t count. It’s almost always at work and inevitably comes from a guest (sometimes a fellow employee). I’m mixed race (my gravatar is an image of me) and I guess people are trying to figure out which one of their mental boxes I fit in. I usually respond with “white, black, American Indian, pacific-islander, scandinavian, and japanese”, which probably makes it *more* difficult for them to understand what box to put me in. Personally, I’m not annoyed by the question (though I probably should be) but this is just me and I can totally understand the annoyance others feel being asked this question.
gog says
@rq #64
timgueguen says
Tony!@43, the thing about pro hockey is that the player pool is dominated by Canadians and Europeans from places like the Czech Republic and Russia. In Canada’s case non-white players have tended to face the same kind of problems with racism within hockey culture as they do in the more general culture. Representation of minority groups is getting a bit better, probably helped along by the prominence of players like Jarome Iginla and P.K. Suban, along with efforts by hockey organisations to deal with diversity issues, but hockey still lags behind other sports, and racist incidents persist.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
timgueguen @80:
Thank you for that insight.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
You are a wh*re, Pennsylvania GOP staffer finally fired after years of hateful tweets:
Note: I’m not certain if wh*re is among those terms that trip the filter, so those * in the quoted section are my doing.
happyrabo says
Tony @74:
Likewise, I hope that all of the bikers who are guilty are convicted and spend a very long time in prison not giving the rest of us a bad name.
Okidemia says
Tony! @78
Yep, this is indeed more complex than “just asking”. I’m only bothered when people are transpiring out unsecurity, which is when there’s something wrong about the way they ask. When they struggle to find the way.
When it’s all natural, which also happens, I don’t really mind.
The thing is if they really want me into a box, it’s best it’s not already filled with prejudice garbage.
The thing is also that as a complete outlier in the way, it also often follows with comments about the mailman, about mom, and you ‘should’ keep smiling politely. (as a kid).
robro says
I’m sure it’s just an editorial goof up, but shouldn’t the description be more like, “…scores of men and two women.”
Charly says
Someone called Jack Thomp wrote three times the same comment under the article linked in OP. It looks like bogus statistics from some rehashed argument (racists are in their arguments generally about as creative as creationists). But I can’t help in being interested in rebuttal to that crap. If anyone has a link to rebuttal to that crap I would appreciate it. Of course I will continue to search on my own.
rq says
Hm. Re: my @70, I think I’m going to stick to putting up links with less discussion.
Apparently I suck at my own facts. :P
Okidemia says
Tony! @78
Plus I think it is way less inquisitive to ask in the USA, where population is admixing and with almost everybody having their share of diverse ancestry, compared to Old World where the question implies that you’re excluded and getting prejudice stickers.
rq says
re: that comment
For the first bit,
A quick look at wiki stats on incarceration by race debunks that rather large number, e.g.
(from 2009), which also addresses the second sentence.
Just getting those things wrong makes me disinclined to follow up on the remaining statistics, plus right now I don’t have the energy. I don’t have any good links off-hand, but if you look through the previous iterations of this thread, I know there have been (long) articles on the horrific rate of incarceration of black people, how criminalization of their behaviour starts early and often, and the racial aspects of the criminal justice system that add to the skewed statistics.
I’m not sure about the source the commenter ‘cites’ at the end (searched through the online New York Times archive from that date (April 22 2005), with nary a usable result – though I’m just assuming that’s what the ‘citation’ stands for). The rape hoax is probably this one (TW!).
This article also seems heavily biased against black people in general, but some of the numbers on crime and rape quoted are completely different from the commenter’s, with sources (though how reliable – I can’t say), though they’re all dated (1980s and 1990). So… does that help for starters?
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Okidemia @88:
I think it’s still a personal question to ask of someone. And it’s one that I’ve found to be directed only at people of color.
Okidemia says
Tony! @90
Hum, I’ve always thought it (“where are you from?”) was a genuine question in the USA, one I could have answered something like “Pennsylvania”…
Sometimes it’s good to be a migrant: you don’t get all the rhetoric subtleties implied by the ongoing discussion.
But now that you point it out, I think it’s true, it’s mostly a question coming from white people. (I think I didn’t get the pattern, because it’s also often somewhat part of a starting discussion “migrant with migrant”).
Grewgills says
@Okidemia and Tony!
That is a pretty frequent question here in Hawai’i, but the answers tend to be more like Tony’s. Then again every ethnicity here is minority and the second largest is mixed, often with several different ethnicities. The questions come from most everyone and are followed by a round of comparative listings of ethnicity, so the question is less charged here. When I lived in Alabama that was a question that was most often asked by whites of anyone that didn’t look white and have a southern accent.
militantagnostic says
In my experience it can be safely assumed that any statement followed by “Fact!” is false.
Even if it is true it doesn’t follow that more cops are killed by African Americans than African Americans are killed by cops, since some cops are killed by whites and Hispanics. As phrased the statement carries the hidden implication that all cops killed are killed by African Americans.
madscientist says
I’m just surprised the NRA aren’t all over the news telling everyone how things would never have been that bad if only everyone had a gun.
rq says
Well, pretty much everyone did have a gun – so imagine how much worse it would have been if nobody had had a gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The on-going saga of real-estate development in north St Louis, that insists on kicking people out of their homes rather than rehabilitating the properties. A Look at Paul McKee’s “Legacy” Properties – beautiful houses, in need of repair.
54 years ago today, I was beaten along w/ several Freedom Riders as we attempted to enter the Montgomery bus station. (May 20)
Tomorrow is the national call to action for Black women murdered due to police violence. And we have something special planned!
If you are located in the STL area & have any little *black* girls that wouldn’t mind being photographed please contact us.
But tomorrow? We are definitely shutting it down for the women! Details coming soon.
Last time they held a march for women, few people showed up and they got a lot of hate for it. Let’s hope it goes better this time!!!!
Can you tell me about Damo? An interview with @EthosIII [link] by @_MamaSims | #DamoDay is #May20 – tasered twice in the head by Chicago PD. Deceased.
rq says
Oh hey look who gets to be the face of the Waco biker gang arrestees. Retired detective among scores busted in Waco Twin Peaks biker gang shootout as kin defend some members as ‘nonviolent, noncriminal’
As long as they drop charges for those not actually involved in the shooting, that’s all fine and good.
Protest Over Decision Not To Prosecute Police In Vonderrit Myers Case
That’s from the daytime protest, which happened before the one at Joyce’s house.
Okay, prepare for some cute. Disruptive cute, but still cute! Steph Curry’s Daughter, Riley Curry, Steals The Spotlight During Post-Game Press Conference. And now Steph Curry is getting hate for this (see here and here), probably from the same people who go on about absent black fathers.
Yes, it’s probably tough to hold a press conference with a child present, but it’s tough to answer questions when it’s your child up there. But you know what? It’s also awesome that people can manage to bring their kids to work and not hide them away. Especially, especially, a black father. I wish the haters would shut up, because I think it’s a beautiful interview. Go Riley! (Oh, and interestingly, Steph’s dad used to take him to work when he was a cute little kid, too – so I’m thinking I really like that family’s attitude towards work and family, not that my opinion really matters.)
Removing the #MikeBrown memorial on Mike’s 19th birthday continues a trend in #Ferguson of lacking sensitivity or humanity to black people. Yep, that happened. More on that in a bit, currently in tweets.
rq says
Here’s how that went:
Mike Brown Sr said he just got word that the memorial will now be moved at Canfield around 12p. @ksdknews #ferguson;
Knowles said the Brown family and #Ferguson have agreed to move the memorial to a permanent site. @ksdknews Okay, but they (the mayor, spec.) are aware of what happened to the Michael Brown memorial tree and plaque, right?
[residents removing the memorial]
#MikeBrown memorial items arrive at the Urban League, for storage.
The removal of #MikeBrown’s memorial is a form of state violence & erasure. It’s an example of how little Black lives are valued. Well, there will be a plaque (next comment) and Knowles says they will repave a portion of Canfield by request of the family. Still.
rq says
Mike Brown changed my life. I would give it all back if you could be here to celebrate your birthday. I will fight for you always. Not the only similar sentiment out there on his birthday.
The dash between the dates of #MikeBrown’s birth and death represents his life. That’s what matters most. Life. Such a short little dash, most times. Antonio French also linked to this poem: The Dash – A Poem by Linda Ellis
More of it at the link.
Anyway, then this, later that same evening:
We knew you were going to do this. Urban League;
Told y’all Urban League wasn’t about the movement. Look what I found in the dumpster. Storage, indeed.
So what did residents do? Canfield residents earlier 2night rebuild Michael Brown memorial @search4swag @southards_3 @deray @MissJupiter1957
rq says
Relatedly, Update: @TefPoe, @TDUBBOHMYGOD, @chicanapoet1, and Marcellus are still in jail in STL City.
@deray @TefPoe @TDUBBOHMYGOD @chicanapoet1 I bet they are keeping them until AFTER they take down the #mikebrown memorial….just a thought Interesting thought.
this is a perfect example of what it’s like talking to ignorant white people about race issues. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mg2hj4lX1IM&feature=youtu.be …
They just called the #WacoShooting “just an old fashioned shootout” in our school news @deray Traditional values, hey??
We shouldn’t forget the mothers who have been killed by police as well.
rq says
Where are the fathers? This Texas senator blamed Baltimore uprising on absentee dads but goes silent on Waco bloodbath
Finished the official Freddie Gray mural at the intersection where he was illegally arrested. Mount St & Presbury.
“Incarcerating 2 million people is a sign of American failure, not of American success.” — @Sifill_LDF ’87 @NAACP_LDF #NYU2015
Moving up Mount St. now.
One month after his death, exposing the lies of the Baltimore Police in the murder of Freddie Gray
There’s a huge debunking of the police arrest report and the released police timeline in between there. Please read.
Beyond Bruce Jenner: 7 Black Trans Voices to Follow
And remember, these are only 7 of many worth following.
rq says
House panel advances bill that contains body camera funding. Small progress.
Ala. Reading Intervention Stands Test of Time. Can it be, that education (proper, supported education) has a positive effect on people?
And sadly, I am not registered, so I am unable to keep reading, but maybe some of y’all out there can!
Oh, good question! In the Rush to Aid Baltimore’s ‘Minority-Owned Businesses,’ Will Black Businesses Be Left Out?
This does not mean that those Asian-owned or other minority-owned business don’t deserve support and assistance. They do. It’s just that those most directly of the community are, once again, left out.
Gov. Cuomo gives ultimatum for passing justice reforms
Hey, remember Walter Scott?* After Walter Scott shooting, South Carolina protesters make slow progress
* You may laugh, but recently, in conversation with Husband, he was asking ‘What’s up with the police killing that black guy in America again?’ and I started to explain, but about half-way through, noting his somewhat confused expression, I had to stop and ask, ‘Which one are you talking about?’ Yeah. Not a laughing matter, actually.
A student at Portland High School is uncomfortable with #BlackLivesMatter He/she vandalized our board. @deray
rq says
Because not funding education isn’t enough. Dundalk lawmakers: Close Baltimore Community High School. Yep, must be the school’s fault.
And the way to resolve this systemic issue, of course, is to close down the school and move the unwanted population to some other corner of the city, to languish there. #NIMBY
Why Are White Gang Members Destroying Their Own Community? Just going to quote the final paragraph:
Foundational Love
Really neat, relatively rarely seen, literary/poetry analysis of the song’s lyrics, as applied to the author’s life. Includes statistics on parenting. Conclusion:
Illinois Judge Calls Police Killing of Rekia Boyd “Beyond Reckless” But Acquits Cop on Technicality. This was infuriating. Still is.
Interview with her brother, plus a transcript, at the link.
Isolated Incidents, a cartoon showing disparity in treatment of black people committing crimes and white people committing crimes. There also seems to be a disparity in scale.
rq says
Alderman Antonio French seeks special committee with broad power to investigate police shootings
Florida Tea Partier kicked off county board for blaming black unemployment on laziness. I suppose it’s encouraging that most of these people caught with racism on their hands are suffering some sort of consequences. Though one wonders if it’s because they got caught, or because of the racism.
It was just released that the Cleveland PD charged Tamir rice with “aggravated menacing” & “inducing panic.” America. See attached report.
I am beyond words for this one. Beyond. All.
Here’s an article on that, because someone did find the words: Cleveland police charged 12-year-old Tamir Rice with ‘aggravated menacing’ and ‘inducing panic’
A few words, at least.
Yesterday, STL Metro PD Chief Dotson dragged Elizabeth Vega (@chicanapoet1) prior to arresting her. America. What a fine example, the police chief.
On the Occasion of His Birthday, the Michael Brown Jr. Memorial is Removed from Canfield
No word yet on the items being found in a dumpster while supposedly brought for storage.
Thumper: Who Presents Boxes Which Are Not Opened says
School nurse verbally abuses, threatens, and physically assaults an 11 year old student, including the use of a racial slur, and gets a 2 day suspension. As the child’s mother rightly pointed out, had the situation been reversed, her son would have been locked up on the spot.
mickll says
So…you can be a shaved head, broken nosed, covered in jailhouse tattoos with a record as long as your arm, anger management issues with a history of and a propensity for violence and NOT be a thug-provided you’re not Hispanic or African American?
America is a strange place!
rq says
So as always, protestors are accused of doing things for the money. Recently taht conversation came to light in reference to MORE, a group ostensibly collecting funds on behalf of protestors.
Here’s more to the story:
So, I’ve been talking to people on the ground and there is a controversy about protesters being paid to protest. They aren’t.
This form was used to “prove” this conspiracy that protesters were paid.
I’ve confirmed this is an expense form for M.O.R.E.
That “proof” is in fact an expense sheet for a not-for-profit that has collected donations for materials.
What kind of materials, you might ask? Sometimes gas masks, sometimes t-shirts and when it’s freezing outside, sometimes extra gloves.
So, where did “cut the check” come from? Simple, the money was solicited on the behalf of helping protesters with these expenses.
rq says
The money got tied up in red tape and it lingered in the umbrella account.
“Cut the check” was a way of saying cut the red tape.
I have known about this for a while and done some research for the protesters. They were at first unaware the money was solicited.
The end of this little tale is if you donated for Ferguson protesters through these organizations, the first checks were distributed. (Yay!)
My final thought on this is take a close look at people that were so willing to denigrate people who have risked their lives. That would be those hating on protestors for being social justice warriors and getting something out of it, rather than struggling by in poverty.
More at the link, it’s powerful, that video.
Chaperone At Park Slope Middle School Punched 13-Year-Old During Choral Recital, Mom Says
“This is not the kind of person I am”. So, if it had been a black parent, accidentally striking a white child…? Any bets?
Pierce R. Butler says
Attention, FTB movers ‘n’ shakers: Please give rq her own blog!
Thank you.
Okidemia says
Grewgills @92
Out of genuine curiosity: do you have any idea what purpose ‘this’ is serving? I mean, I can get at a generally traditional “I’m the son/daughter of… and my lineage is…” that most societies seems to have cherished. Here it would be rather generous/inclusive to extend in all ancestry lines cross generations (at least up to grands). But what does this performance possibly offer to the ongoing social interaction?
Clearly in western societies, the “origin question” is aimed at forseeking the divide already apparent from general outlook, and it often feels like ‘are you on a side that involved historical war or current political/religious tense against us’?
rq says
Batts: Police having trouble policing West Baltimore
The Baltimore FOP (@FOP3) has hired Clapp Communications PR firm. #BaltimoreUprising Who’s paying for it?
Commissioner Batts estimates responding to protests and the unrest cost $12 million. Yeah, who’s paying for it?
How Public Universities Shortchange Poor And Minority Students
A few numbers more at the link.
Re: Steph Curry and his daughter: I proudly take my kids to work, the only thing I can offer as a father is myself RT @deray: Steph. Riley. Joy.
#SayHerName #NotOneMore
rq says
Powerful art coming out of this movement. This is a play about racial profiling by @adenrav from #AlbanyHigh @deray
Just a few names, more later.
#MiriamCarey. Murdered by secret service. Dozens of bullets unloaded into her car. Her newborn still in. #SayHerName
#ShellyFrey. Shot by police while in a car. Left to lie in the car for 8 hours after. No medics called. #SayHerName
#MichelleCusseaux: Michelle was killed by officer who was threatened by the “look” on her face. #SayHerName
National Day of Action For Black Women and Girls: #JusticeforRekia #SayHerName #BlackWomenMatter
rq says
Powerful Women on the front lines taking charge :::: #Baltimore
#Oakland’s ready for #SayHerName day for Black women and girls. Spotted at Oscar Grant Plaza #BlackSpring @deray
Another interview with Rekia Boyd’s brother, may even be the same as previous: Illinois Judge Calls Police Killing of Rekia Boyd “Beyond Reckless” But Acquits Cop on Technicality.
Interlude: Music! Singer Akon Makes Progress With African Solar Power Venture
Back to Tamir Rice for a moment, Police wanted to charge 12-year-old Tamir Rice with ‘aggravated menacing’ and ‘inducing panic’
An updated version of the article posted above, with additional words.
Michael Brown Memorial Removed. I find that a very, very sad thing.
opposablethumbs says
I just saw some photos of the permanent memorial (plaque and dove set into the pavement).
It’s good that there’s a marker that will withstand anything the weather and ordinary wear and tear can do. (Hope there’s no need ever for it to withstand anything else, such as vandalism perpetrated by actual thugs).
rq says
@deray Montgomery county MD “man dies after Taser shock” can anyone check this out for details #AllLivesMatter
The True Crime: Atlanta Public Schools after the Cheating Scandal
Please support black women today by honoring those slain by police For that purpose, @MillennialAU has a rally planned in #STL at 530 today
Update: Rumor that Tamir Rice was charged with a crime is false, @CityofCleveland says. The document circulated is an incident report from the day, not a charging document. Oh.
When Chicago cops shoot , a look at police shootings in the city.
That small bit in bold is my emphasis. Talk about devaluing someone’s life.
Oh, shut up. Will Cleveland riot if a cop is found not guilty?
And so on. You know what? This is the city whose cops killed Tamir Rice, so the efforts to improve relations (esp. seeing as how they’re dragging that case out and dragging it out and dragging their feet on it…) don’t seem to be matching up with the words they’re saying. Feverishly working, they are. But on what?
CaitieCat, Harridan of Social Justice says
A thing I’ve noticed in the last few years: as I’ve grown more interested in hip hop and rap music, I found myself initially thinking that I didn’t hold with all that cop-killing, gangsta rap style stuff. While I felt superior (because I listened to the music) to the racist-tinged denials of “that’s not music” often aimed at hip hop by white people, I still piously insisted that the anti-police attitudes seemed antisocial and self-defeating.
In the last year, though, I find that I understand it much, much better now, and I’ve dropped the pseudo-piety and pearl-clutching over a form of artistic expression that reaches out to shout “THIS IS GOING ON AND BLACK LIVES SHOULD MATTER MORE THAN THEY EVIDENTLY DO”.
So now I just say: Fight the power.
terrencekaye says
Why can’t we solve the unemployment and social justice problems at the same time?
rq says
opposablethumbs @113
I’m just worried, because when they planted a memorial tree for Michael Brown Jr., it was cut off the next day and the plaque destroyed. But yes, something lasting will be nice.
rq says
Two powerful things going on right now: protest in San Francisco for black women, two unarmed men shot by police in Olympia. Which do you want first?
rq says
Guess you’re going to get San Francisco first. And more of it later.
This is our declaration for women’s creation. To stop being patient and wage war.
This is for Rekia, for you and me #SayHer “now you see me don’t you, now you see us, see her too.”
Tears everywhere as black women going to work hug protestors #SayHerName
Traffic is blocked for as far as the eye can see in San Francisco’s financial district. For Black Women. #SayHerName
It is our duty to fight for each other! It is our duty to win! #SayHerName #BlackWomenMatter #JusticeForRekia
We ain’t gonna stop til our sisters are free! #SayHerName #BlackWomenMatter #JusticeForRekia #BlackSpring
rq says
@blackoutcollect: “I am my sisters’ keeper.” This is what power and love look like. #SayHerName ” #sanfrancisco today.
They love our bodies but not us. #SayHerName #RekiaBoyd #YuvetteHenderson
Black women’s bodies have always been commodified. Today 10 Black Women reclaim power and victory. #SayHerName
“I fight for survivors.” Holding a pic of Yazmin Payne, a Black trans woman murdered brutally. #SayHerName
Black women reclaim femininity and the African tradition of bare chests as a freedom cry. #SayHerName
In our hearts. #SayHerName #BlackWomenMatter #JusticeForRekia #BlackSpring
rq says
CaitieCat @115
I actually just recently realized the opposite about myself, in terms of music – back in the 1990s, I was regularly listening to and exposed to music by black artists, and I recently realized that inadvertently and unconsciously, black artists’ names have dropped off my playlist. Which is why I love all the musical posts that I come across and try to post them here, listening to that music comes a greater understanding of what is behind it. It really, really sounds different (in a good way) to me now.
They’re not something new:
Black Women in the 1950s.
Black Women in the 1960-70s.
And from the 1930s and 1940s.
On the action happening: #SayHerName Report
A closer look at one of the many women, Miriam Carey’s Killing Shows ‘Elevation Of Property’ Over Black Life, video via HuffPo live. I hope it’s viewable, I’m not sure if it’s now video or still going live.
#NatashaMcKenna #SayHerName
rq says
Two suspected shoplifters shot by Olympia police
Olympia officer shoots 2 men suspected of stealing beer
Prepare for the skateboard registry. With all these deadly weapons around (phones, screwdrivers, skateboards, etc.) USAmericans won’t need to carry guns anymore.
Felt threatened. He felt threatened. He just won an award.
Video Shows LAPD Officer Hit And Kick Woman Who Died During Her Arrest – slightly anomalous, as the offending officer is a woman, but otherwise, about par for the course.
Passed this on my way to work. A conversation in signs: #BlackLivesMatter
Dave Helling: Amid the St. Louis blues is a strong sense of entitlement, an interesting short look at the attitudes predominant in St Louis towards those less fortunate from those in authority.
Tsu Dho Nimh says
I see two who I would identify as “black” And several dark complected Hispanics.
throwaway, never proofreads, every post a gamble says
Tsu Dho Nimh
Uh, good for you that you have such powers of observation. Now if only the title of the post had been: “Every single person was white” then you may have had a point.
rq says
Coming up: Baltimore State’s Attorney planning a special news conference regarding Freddie Gray at 4:30 p.m. We’ll keep you updated.
And let’s not forget to compare: White bikers riot in #TwinPeaksShooting. Kill 9. 1000 guns. Arrests. Black men suspected of stealing. Skateboards. Shots. #OlympiaShooting
At least they’re not dead this time. Yet… Yet?
@deray friend of mine was on the scene last night.Cops were standing around and laughing. They’re still getting paid
Elsewhere, More evidence of a slowdown or …? @BaltimorePolice made average of 625 arrests/wk in 7 wks prior to unrest. Past 2 weeks: 338/wk
Rand Takes Left Turn on the Road to Bulls**tville on Clinton and Mass Incarceration. I thought he was already down the end of the road on that one.
“It’s Not Even Surprising Anymore”: Middle School Students React to Police Brutality, and it’s heartbreaking.
CaitieCat, Harridan of Social Justice says
Also, we don’t know how those Black and Hispanic faces were treated by the cops – we just have plenty of images of heavily-armed white bikers sat down comfortably using cellphones while nominally ‘under arrest’ after murdering a couple of handfuls of people, compared to Black men being shot for carrying skateboards. SKATEBOARDS.
If you can’t grasp the fucking difference between how white and Black are treated by the police (and I’m not going to qualify that by country), then you’d better get your mental claws sharpened, cause you probably couldn’t grasp the answer to two plus fucking two (fucking four, obviously).
CaitieCat, Harridan of Social Justice says
I once saw a show of Romeo and Juliet set in Belfast, with the lovers coming from either side of the local sectarian divide. She was from a “nice” area, where the violence was distant, and was startled when she heard an explosion while she slept at his place. “Calm down,” he grumped while trying to get back to sleep, “it’s only a bomb.”
It’s heartbreaking to hear that these kids have the same reaction. Comprehensible, utterly, but heartbreaking.
rq says
The ATF is now circulating flyers with a $10,000 reward to find people suspected of damaging property during the #BaltimoreUprising. Wow.
Say her name #RekiaBoyd #YuvetteHenderson
“Stolen beer does not equal stolen lives” is what demonstrators are chanting in downtown Olympia #Q13FOX
#AndreThompson and #BrysonChaplin, shot by police today in Olympia, WA. #OlympiaShooting
Men Shot by Policeman in Olympia, Washington, Were Unarmed, no new information.
“When we say #BlackLivesMatter, we mean #allblacklivesmatter” Black women shutdown SF street.
rq says
Olympia officer shot two brothers following reported attack with skateboard; protests underway, another one on the same.
Protest @ Woodruff Park @ 6 on westside to demand justice for 2 unarmed black men shot by ofc Ryan Donald #BlackLivesMatter #OlympiaShooting
Schumer to Recommend Brooklyn Prosecutor for U.S. Attorney Post
Brittany Overstreet. #SayHerName
Consultants uncover deep problems within Denver Sheriff Department. Is anyone surprised? I mean, really – is anyone surprised?
rq says
BOOM. The 6 officers who killed #FreddieGray have been indicted by the Grand Jury. Baltimore.
CaitieCat, Harridan of Social Justice says
Re: rq @130, It’s funny what happens when they try, isn’t it? And by funny I mean effective.
rq says
And @MarilynMosbyEsq has noted that some of the charges have changed since the initial press conference. #FreddieGray
Articles probably tomorrow, complete with other people’s analysis.
That just leaves the impending Brelo verdict in Cleveland, for now. Was supposed to be out Monday, today an article said Thursday, so who knows.
Going to tie up leftover links and go to bed.
#AlexiaChristian I #SayHerName killed just 2 weeks ago after police failed to search & secure her correctly.
Worth a repost, as an example of really positive policing. And one wonders why there aren’t more PDs working like this. In Fresno, a community-policing ethos builds ties between officers and residents.
Interlude: Comics! The 2015 Glyph Black Comics Award Winners Are…
And yes, I took out all results and winners. Go to the link.
This Mom Made A Natural Hair Doll To Help Her Daughter’s Self-Esteem. Seems like such a small thing…
Kickstarter link within, for those interested.
Just came across an article entitled “Steph Curry’s Daughter and the Epitome of Light Skinned Privilege” what the hell is wrong with y’all. I read that article. It’s… yeah.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Tsu Dho Nimh @123:
You noticed that, but failed to notice the title of the post.
Speaking of indictments-
Minneapolis police officer indicted for excessive force
Virginia ex-correctional officer indicted in bribery scheme
Whiting officer on leave following indictment
Lawrence court officer indicted on rape charges
rq says
Funny. Funny, indeed.
Also, I think I need a poster of Mosby for my office. Whenever I have one.
The last loose ends:
It’s fascinating to see the difference in media coverage of the grand jury process re: #FreddieGray vs #MikeBrown. Fascinating.
Not necessarily unrelated, What has the movement achieved? Millions have awoken. Communities have been built. Laws have begun to be changed. Link to protestor milestones within. Take a look.
And for tonight I leave you with this litany. For the women. For the women, cis, trans, queer, straight, children, mothers, daughters, friends… humans.
20 black women police have killed in the past 17 months. #SayHerName
Yvette Smith. Perlie Golden. Jacqueline Nichols Michelle Cusseaux. Vernicia Woodard. Iretha Lilly. Tracy Ann Oglesby Wade. #SayHerName (1/3)
Latandra Ellington. Florence White. Aura Rosser. Tanisha Anderson. Keara Crowder. Nuwnah Laroche. Alexia Christian. #SayHerName (2/3)
Maya Hall. Janisha Fonville. Monique Deckard. Yuvette Henderson. Monique Deckard. Meagan Hockaday. (3/3) #SayHerName #BlackWomenMatter
Good night.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Watch: undercover NYPD cop helps beat couple in suv attack
rq says
I can’t stick the flounce.
Here’s the official release from the attorney’s office, then that’s it.
Marilyn Mosby Announces Indictments of the Six Baltimore Police Officers Involved in the Freddie Gray Arrest
Well, it’s going to go to trial, at least. That actually feels like a relief.
Prosecutor @MarilynMosbyEsq announces indictment of 6 #Baltimore officers in #FreddieGray’s death. Latest on #AC360 (with video).
Grewgills says
@Okidemia #109
The purpose is generally just curiosity. Most people here identify as either Asian or mixed and those identifying as Asian are often have mixed Asian ancestry (Japanese, Chinese, and Filipino, most commonly). When these conversations start they generally move onto shared experiences around the cultures brought up, talking about food, home life, jokes, etc. Most people here (unless they are a recent transplant) has a pretty broad experience of a variety of Asian and Pacific Islander cultures along with typical American culture and specifically Hawai’ian culture, so everyone ends up sharing in the conversation regardless of their ancestry. The point I guess I was trying to make was that the context here makes the ethnic background questions more about open sharing than exclusion, which was in sharp contrast to my experience with that in the South East.
militantagnostic says
Tsu Dho Nimh @123:
You also failed to notice the link to article as well as the comments about the non outlaw bikers who were arrested.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Charges dropped against cop caught having sex with cows
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Speaking only for myself, some stories about police brutality hit harder than others. This is one of them. It turns my stomach. I’m going to include a Trigger Warning for the ghastly actions of the officers in this story.
Feds investigating FL officers who scalded inmate to death in locked shower ‘torture chamber’.
Bolding mine.
That is horrific. It’s a such an utter denial of the Rainey’s humanity that words cannot properly express my disgust.
And they say racism is over.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Yo, Religious Right! Instead of whining about the imaginary threat marriage equality and LGBT rights poses to religious liberty, how about you stand up for the rights of this American Indian high school student who is dealing with a true violation of her religious liberty:
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says
@Tony! – that is horrific.
Or, …it’s not. I wish I had the word. Horrific just isn’t horrific enough.
I know what it’s like to labor in breathing from having too much steam in a room…and that was at a way lower temp and for much less time.
I want to snark, I want to turn away, I want to somehow minimize the horror I’m feeling, but nothing does. I can only hope someone wiser than me can figure out how to create justice for Rainey.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
NYPD admits they have been arresting too many people, considering amnesty for 1.2 million:
Of course they’d whine about this. They make money by having people imprisoned. Which is yet another reason that prison systems should not be privatized.
That’s true and all, but FFS, not all violations of the law should result in imprisonment.
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says
and Tony! posted again.
My “horrific” response is (i hope obviously) in response to your #140.
#141 is horrible and racist as fuck, but it’s common enough that I have skills to help me cope with that one.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
CD @142:
I have some experience being in a room with hot steam. Back when I worked out, I spent some time at the local YMCA and they had a steam room which I often made use of following a workout. I don’t recall what temperature the steam reached, but I do know I couldn’t stand the heat for more than 5-10 minutes.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Aaaaaaaand here’s something else deeply fucked up-
FBI says racist organizations have been infiltrating police departments for years:
Part of me wants to say tear the system down and rebuild it from scratch, but then I worry about all the people who need assistance from law enforcement. They’d be left out in the cold if such a (highly unlikely) thing happened.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
This is an older story, but video of the incident has been released which guess what, shows that official police reports of the incident were less than accurate-
Leaked video shows NC cop shooting black suspect in the back:
The officer thought he was “reaching for a gun”? Golly, we never, ever, EVER hear that excuse for the extrajudicial execution of black people by LEOs.
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says
@Tony!, #146:
It’s totally doable, in installments.
PLUS… while there are people who would be harmed by the lack of policing in an area, so many areas are over policed and so many encounters are harmful, that I’m sure there are plenty of places (like Ferguson) where relying on spotty state-police coverage would be better even than turning over calls to the sheriff’s office.
The sheriff’s offices, in turn, could be replaced on a 3 county rotation: 2 counties covering for the third while it’s LEO services are not able to function. If they each promise to take their turn covering, money should be consistent and things could go fairly smoothly.
The harder part would be big cities, really. At least to my mind. And a few very large state police agencies. If the individual agency is under 200 employees (and for this purpose I think we can separate LEOs from COs, even when the main local agency is a sheriff with responsibility for both), we can probably shut it down and replace it fairly easily on such a rotating basis.
We can whittle down officer numbers in an area via normal attrition, then move many remaining officers to the neighboring jurisdictions that will be covering the closed LE services department. So they’ll even have local experience…should that be an asset (obviously we should simply let go during downsizing those officers with too much investment in a problematic department or too much problematic history…though determining how much is too much will be hard). Some officers – those considered the ethical best or the best prepared to help design the new department as well as some who are simply skilled at follow up work who need to stay on to close cases, testify at trials, etc – will stay on in the original jurisdiction.
Thus we probably only need to drop about 20%-25% of officers through attrition in a given area before the transfer-and-shutter date.
3 offices, each down 20%.
One office transfers 20% of their original roster to each of the neighboring jurisdictions
That office has 40% left. Let go of those that need to be moved out of law enforcement and you have…
…what? That’s the big question. In ferguson, I’d say anyone with 4 years experience in that place is simply too likely to be captured by a too-fucked-up system. That might leave a similar office with only 5-10% of its original staff to do the follow up and reboot tasks. It might not even be enough…though in a corrupt jurisdiction like Ferguson, maybe you want to dismiss a lot of charges and don’t really **want** follow up in many cases. Hard to know.
In other jurisdictions, maybe we want to save every last one of that 40%. I’m sure statistically that’s bound to happen somewhere. Then we might wait for more natural attrition…but more likely we just pick a different one of the 3-departments-in-partnership to go first, since if the department is that good, we’d rather it be the last reformed (do the least harm during the transition, after all).
The state cops can also be reformed in stages, possibly even first in many jurisdictions (like Oregon) where moderate population but high concentration allows for the income to hire more officers than needed (since in concentrated areas most LE tasks are carried out by the city police and the sheriff’s office, but they still pay into the general revenues that can hire officers).
I think we could shutter everything…I just don’t think we could shutter everything all at once.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
CD @148:
As always, your perspective and insight are appreciated. Thanks for pulling me out of my binary thinking and reminding me that there are more options than keep the system going as it is or tear it all down at once.
CaitieCat, Harridan of Social Justice says
The chilling word that comes to my mind, though, CD, when I read your quite-clever plan to get the thing done, is “de-Baathification“.
In short, what does the economy do with (conservatively) 60% of nearly one million officers (federal and state with arrest powers in 2008, 920,000), many of whom have families set up to live on a middle-class salary? What do those half a million people do with themselves? Wouldn’t the US be setting itself up to have the Wild West all over again – literally hundreds of thousands of people with anger issues, police and military training, and hair-trigger responses, dumped on the population without jobs and with poor prospects to get any replacement work…”Christian State”, anyone?
Or am I being too gloomy? I helped an academic with a paper about a de-baathification process in Libya after the revolution there. I’ve since lost track of that colleague, for over a year now. It could be that this will have affected my ability to think clearly on the topic.
Pteryxx says
I went and followed up on Tony!’s articles, as if the summaries from Countercurrent News weren’t awful enough.
Miami Herald: Scalding-shower death in Dade prison prompts federal probe
On the 2006 FBI report that’s just now getting wider attention: The Grio:
Daily Kos:
The report itself at documentcloud: PDF link
and in following up on torture cop Jon Burge, while I haven’t yet found anything about the KKK, I found this rant from April via the Chicago Sun-Times: Disgraced Chicago cop Jon Burge breaks silence, condemns $5.5 million reparations fund
Much more ranting at the link.
For background if anyone’s new to that story, here’s a summary at the Guardian.
Dalillama, Schmott Guy says
Same as all the other un- and underemployed people in the U.S; hire them onto the massive, massive infrastructure projects we so desperately need, and/or subsidize further education/training, and/or provided with capital and technical assistance to start their own businesses. All of these things need to be done anyway, there’s no reason not to include ex-cops (except to prohibit them from forming any type of business related to security or law enforcement, or gaining employment in same, which would kind of defeat the purpose of restructuring the police in the first place).
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says
You’re not being too gloomy.
Obviously my plan as laid out here is a page or two short of a full and effective checklist. De-Baathification was on my mind as well, but ***continuing to give those officers powers of arrest, investigation, interrogation, and (violent) intervention when they don’t deserve to be trusted with those powers*** is worse than removing them – kinda by definition of the word “deserve”. [Which is at issue in another thread. :sigh:]
I think one of the things that must be acknowledged is that if a large number of LEOs are abusing the trust we give them (and I think that’s true – the Blue Wall of Silence is an abuse of public trust that is distressingly common even among cops considered “good”), that can only be because we set up a system that trained officers to behave this way. We, as civilians, created police forces that have the incentives and policies and procedures and privileges and immunities and horrible conflicting expectations that we, as civilians, chose to instill.
I don’t mind throwing out every practice and policy and starting over. But I will not throw out the people. Even the worst of those who can’t be convicted of a felony should not be discarded during this process. We created this mess. (We meaning voters and none of us are without some responsibility, but especially whites and especially the wealthy: the two groups the system is set up to most benefit.) We have to take responsibility rather than use our (understandable) outrage to absolve us of our duty to the persons we trained to fill, occupy, and perpetuate racist, mental-illness hostile, entitled and corruptible-if-not-corrupt agencies.
NO, I don’t want policing in the US to continue on anything like it’s present course. YES human inertia requires the dismissal of humans whose faults are entirely the result of adapting to the positions we asked them to occupy. But there’s no reason that such dismissal requires us to fail to support those persons throughout their transition, much less to demonize them while anointing ourselves in purifying moral outrage.
Our police are what our societies have made them. Neither individuals nor demographic groups bear equal responsibility for having created them in this form, but we must all pull together to remake them.
And as long as we’re dreaming, let’s do it with Koch money.
militantagnostic says
Tony @147
I don’t think “extrajudicial execution ” is the appropriate term – this sounds more like killing for fun. In some of these cases it looks like the officer just took advantage of an opportunity to do something they had always wanted to do – kill a human. I wonder if there are many cases where LEOs have killed more than once.
rq says
Yes, there are such cases. I believe just recently (can’t remember the name) an officer was cleared of wrongdoing for the second time. They had also been cleared of wrongdoing in a fatal shooting in 2007 or 2008, I think. I’ll take a closer look later, I think it got mentioned towards the end of the last thread. Most officers who do fatally shoot (or even not fatally shoot) unarmed black people have a history of violence and complaints within the force – those complaints are not always dealt with adequately or the accusations are dropped for one reason or another, but there does seem to be a pattern.
militantagnostic says
I think a first step has to be independent investigation of every incident, not just fatalities by a body like the Alberta Serious Incident Response Team, but maybe with less police involved in the investigation. As far as I can tell, most of these incidents are only superficially investigated by the police department that was involved – nothing remotely resembling an independent investigation.
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says
And as far as I can tell, that is the only position consistent with the reporting.
AKA: You are correct, militantagnostic.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
militantagnostic @154:
I disagree. I think it’s the right term-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extrajudicial_punishment
But in any case, there’s no reason it can’t be an extrajudicial execution done for fun. ::Shudder::
rq says
And in case anyone missed the protest for women by women yesterday, there will be more interspersed today.
The baring of breasts is historically an act of mourning, grief or protest. #SayHerName encapsulates this perfectly.
Black women make up 32.6% of the female prison population, but only 6.6% of the country’s population. Yet, silence. #SayHerName
New report on Attica prison riot reveals inmates were beaten, TW.
Protest in Oakland, #oakland police telling us we can’t take the streets and that we must leave immediately #SayHerName #BlackWomenMatter
Quite telling to see an OPD motorcycle cop lowkey threaten @brownblaze with his bike at protest against police violence towards Black women
And of course, from Baltimore: Six Baltimore police officers indicted in death of Freddie Gray
fergl100 says
Just listened to a BBC radio item on “why are so many black people killed by the police in USA?”
It was quite good. The training of the police was questioned. Tropes like “all situations and all people are a possible threat” the fact that their is a militaristic slant to the training, this fact attracts militaristic types, 90% training on self preservation and 10% on conflict issues etc.
rq says
Carrying our burdens on the train #SheMatters – more of this action as we move along, too!
#SayHerName #BlackWomenMatter #BaltimoreUprising
“BLM is the biggest issue of our time and we are becoming irrelevant because we are silent on this issue,” #CBTU Quick clip from an event.
It is so important to not participate in the erasure of black women who are victims of state sanctioned violence. #SayHerName
And when I say BLACK WOMEN that includes BLACK TRANS WOMEN. #SayHerName
For example, #KaylaMoore. Transgender sister. Murdered by police in her own home. Her last worde: “I can’t breathe.” #SayHerName
rq says
Just going to leave this one here for a little bit of WTF?
How a former Virginia lawmaker made a bad situation even worse, in 1 picture.
FBI deputy director speaks ahead of Brelo verdict, yep, still waiting on that one.
The ABC on the Baltimore indictment, 6 Baltimore Police officers in Freddie Gray case indicted, and the New York Times, too: 6 Baltimore Police officers indicted in the death of Freddie Gray.
#AlbertaSpruil: Government worker. Cops threw a grenade into her home. She died of a heart attack. #SayHerName
The ACLU on the Denver PD, of which we saw a bit yesterday evening: Report Shows Denver Sheriff Department is Badly Broken and in Need of Deep, Substantial Reform
That’s a lot of recommendations.
rq says
#ShellyFrey: Single mother killed for shoplifting by off-duty cop working security for @Walmart #SayHerName
.@bdoulaoblongata so damn #FOCUSED! #KimKing #SayHerName #SheMatters #BlackWomensLivesMatter #stl #ABanks
Paternalistic #Metrolink security demanded to know where we were going and who we were. Really, @STLMetro? REALLY?
Interesting how a march for Black women and full of Black women has a heavier police presence than any other action I’ve done in Oakland.
.@libbyformayor’s new evening protest curfew not working out so well thus far. Protesters on OPD doorstep. #PaintItBlack #SayHerName
And this in regard to the Olympia shooting, where the mayor is already calling for ‘healing’: There’s a tendency to push black folk into this immediate “healing” phase without acknowledging the actual trauma.
rq says
The #Oakland police are giving us a dispersal order already and we literally JUST took off on the March. #SayHerName
OPD Threatening arrests now. We are headed to the police station. About 200 deep. Headed down Broadway. #Oakland #SayHerName
Police blocking us from moving forward on the streets AND sidewalks now…. After telling us we can assemble on sidewalks… #Oakland
Hundreds of people here to protest 2 men shot in #Olympia earlier today. Silence continues here in the intersection.
Group protesting the shooting of 2 men by police arrives at #Olympia City Hall. @KIRO7Seattle
Silence here in #Olympia after 2 men shot by police earlier today. @KIRO7Seattle
rq says
#SayHerName #MitriceRichardson – found dead after the LA County Sheriff’s Dept let her go in the wee early hours of the a.m. in Malibu.
Blackout For Human Rights
Lots of pictures at that link, too.
rq says
Officer-involved shooting press conference at Olympia City Hall
Standard story-line.
Olympia’s mayor already called for community to come together and heal. Less than 24hrs later. #OlympiaShooting
Tamir Rice was not charged posthumously by Cleveland police – no, he spent several days in hospital dying, so maybe they charged him then…? No?
Oh, so they were going to recommend that he be charged with all that. Makes much more sense, uh-huh.
Beautiful action @MillennialAU Laying burdens of Black Women at Pagedale PD. Balloon release for slain Black women.
“I’m here for the women I won’t name that have been raped by @BaltimorePolice, in a station, on the street…”
#SayHerName: Families and Social Media Rally for Justice in the Police Killings of Black Women
rq says
Grand jury indicts 6 officers in death of Freddie Gray, that’s the CTV there.
Gathering at Emeryville Home Depot where #YuvetteHenderson was killed #SayHerName @deray @MCHammer
“The second form of police brutality is sexual assault,” Jason Perez from @BYP_100 #CBTU #SayHerName
Holding their burdens @bdoulaoblongata @geauxAWAYheaux @dlatchison011
What’s her name? #KimKing #RekiaBoyd #AiyanaJones #YvetteSmith #SheMatters #BlackWomenMatter
And on the bare-chested protest, Bodies That Matter: The African History of Naked Protest, FEMEN Aside.
Something new every day.
dean says
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
A glimmer of hope that there will be change in police tactics and interactions to real community policing.
illyriamxo says
Excerpt from ‘Three Thousand Years of Racism’, by Merlin Stone
“Racism is not, and never has been, a static attitude, a monolithic form of behavior, or a body of random events. The records make it clear that racism occurs as a long-term *process* comprised of specific stages…To understand racism as a process, we should first delineate the two major aspects within it…The first aspect, and nearly always the underlying purpose of racism, is *economic racism*, the theft of the land, property, resources and/or labor from people of a racial or ethnic group other than one’s own. The second aspect is *cultural racism*, the act of propagandizing and/or believing that a racial or ethnic group other than one’s own is innately inferior in human development. This second aspect may range from assertions of an innate lack of mental or creative capacities to an innate lack of various ‘moral’ capacities. It is the assertion that the lack of these qualities is innate, i.e., genetic, as much a biologically determined factor as skin coloring, that is the core of cultural racism.
“The first stage of economic racism is the initial theft of the land, property, resources and/or labor belonging to another racial or ethnic group by violence as extreme as that required to accomplish the theft…This theft is supported by the first stage of cultural racism. This is the assertion that the victims of the theft are innately immoral, even innately evil…In this first stage of cultural racism there is little or no emphasis on a supposedly innate mental superiority of the aggressors; innate moral superiority is the issue. The aggressors declare that they are innately moral. The victims are supposedly lacking in fully developed human capacities for morals and ethics, leading to the aggressors’ declaration that they must be controlled or annihilated. The aggressors claim to be combating this evil and immorality for the sake of all humankind or in the name of some supposedly higher divine force…the length of time of the entire first stage encompasses the initial attack until the final conquest, a time period that may range from several weeks to several centuries, i.e., as long as there is serious resistance by the victims.
“The second stage of economic racism is the long-term control by the aggressors/conquerors of what they have taken by force and then claim is rightfully theirs. The land, property and resources of the victims are legally in the conquerors’ name no matter that they wrote the new laws themselves…The level of overt violence in this second stage is lower than in the first stage but is always present as an example or threat against rebellion by the victims.
“The second stage of cultural racism supports the second stage of economic racism. This is the assertion that the members of the subjugated population are innately mentally inferior, e.g., less able to learn, less inventive, less creative toward cultural accomplishments, at a lower level of human development, etc. The menial jobs allotted to the conquered victims supposedly affirm this innate mental inferiority. These assertions of the victims’ supposed inferiority are structured into the social institutions of the conquerors, as well as the laws, customs, educational and economic systems and, at times, the religious systems.
“Deprived of their ancestral lands, property and resources, of their own cultures and customs, even of control of their own lives, the victims and their descendents gradually internalize the conquerors’ assertions of their superiority. The level of this internalization creates various sub-stages, forming a direct ratio to the level of repressive violence, i.e. the greater the internalization, the less overt the violence – and vice versa…The length of time of this second stage is determined by the ability of the aggressors/conquerors to maintain the subjugation of the victims and to fend off rebellion.
“But the most important factor in understanding the entire process of racism is perceiving the conquerors’ strategy of revising both aspects of first stage racism upon any serious intransigence or rebellion by the victims at any time during the second stage, i.e., an acceleration of repressive violence accompanied by a reversion to the various forms of assertions of an innate evil or immorality in the rebellious victims…the conquerors’ strategy of vacillation between the two sets of quite different stereotypes of cultural racism:…assertions of an innate mental inferiority upon the passivity or cooperation of the victims; the assertions of an innate evil or immorality when the victims refuse to be victimized.”
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Racist conservatives furious over ‘thug’ Michael Brown’s plaque, want it destroyed
Screenshots available at the link.
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says
I can’t believe no one set up surreptitious recording after the first memorial was destroyed. The video would be invaluable, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it showed cops doing the vandalism.
rq says
Crip Dyke
This is only the second attempt to set up a memorial, so that may be in the works, once it’s actually put up. As far as I know, that hasn’t happened yet but is imminent. And yes, I agree – the video would be invaluable, whether it is cops or people close to cops.
rq says
Sorry, I thought you meant the previous memorial that was meant to be permanent (the tree and plaque). My bad,
carolw says
If you squint at the mugshots you can almost see the stars and bars.
rq says
Updating continues either late tonight or tomorrow, sorry about that.
HappyNat says
Officer Brelo was aquitted of manslaughter despite the fact that police fired 137 rounds into a car and he jumped on the fucking hood of the car and fired the last 15 shots through the windshield. The victims were or course, unarmed and black. How does any of this make sense outside of a Dirty Harry movie?
Pteryxx says
More ways wealthy investors, big and small, are squeezing profits out of poor folks’ housing. Noted here because the foreclosure crisis disproportionately affected black people, and because the current schemes fall hardest on poor and underserved communities.
Boing Boing: Hedge funds buy swathes of foreclosed subprimes, force up rents, float rent-bonds
On the other end, individuals are looking to cash in by buying trailer parks: The Guardian
Pteryxx says
In better news from Fox: Veteran John Watson, 96, finally recognized as a Tuskegee Airman, receives Congressional Gold Medal.
rq says
Some ctach-up (but holy shit, HappyNat, I was afraid of that :( ).
@OlyPD deployed 6 flashbangs into crowds of people next to city hall #olympia #blacklivesmatter, this from night before last.
Time, Topless Women Stage #SayHerName Rally Against Perceived Police Brutality
Darnisha Harris. Tanisha Anderson. Shelly Frey. Rekia Boyd. Yvette Smith. Shantel Davis. Alesia Thomas. Alberta Spruill. #SayHerName.
, that’s Olympia again.
Gentrification’s insidious violence: The truth about American cities
Man refused entry to club ‘because they’d filled their black quota’
rq says
Some ctach-up (but holy shit, HappyNat, I was afraid of that :( ).
@OlyPD deployed 6 flashbangs into crowds of people next to city hall #olympia #blacklivesmatter, this from night before last.
Time, Topless Women Stage #SayHerName Rally Against Perceived Police Brutality
Darnisha Harris. Tanisha Anderson. Shelly Frey. Rekia Boyd. Yvette Smith. Shantel Davis. Alesia Thomas. Alberta Spruill. #SayHerName.
, that’s Olympia again.
Gentrification’s insidious violence: The truth about American cities
Man refused entry to club ‘because they’d filled their black quota’
rq says
(repost, fixing some HTML errors)
Some catch-up (but holy shit, HappyNat, I was afraid of that :( ).
@OlyPD deployed 6 flashbangs into crowds of people next to city hall #olympia #blacklivesmatter, this from night before last.
Time, Topless Women Stage #SayHerName Rally Against Perceived Police Brutality
Darnisha Harris. Tanisha Anderson. Shelly Frey. Rekia Boyd. Yvette Smith. Shantel Davis. Alesia Thomas. Alberta Spruill. #SayHerName.
Hundreds protest Washington State police shooting of shoplifting suspects, that’s Olympia again.
Gentrification’s insidious violence: The truth about American cities
Man refused entry to club ‘because they’d filled their black quota’
Pteryxx says
Follow-up on trailer parks also at the Guardian: Trailer park king sued by residents in Texas for raising rents
Multimillionaire Frank Rolfe boasts of buying up trailer parks and sharply increasing charges to low-income tenants faces lawsuit for doing just that
rq says
Some cartoons: Looters. (Police looting equal justice.)
See. (Cop and black man seeing reflections of each other in glasses.)
Rough Ride. #FreddieGray (Police van bouncing over the letters of racism.)
Women Go Topless To Protest Killings Of Unarmed Black Women By Police, by BuzzFeed.
Houston’s Learning Curve
Listen to Drake and Beyoncé get slow ‘n’ brooding on leaked track ‘Can I’ , for an interlude of music.
rq says
. @CityofCleveland :You say this was written the night Tamir was shot. It mentions his death. He died the next day.
Oscar Grant Plaza taken over by sea of names. #JusticeForRekia #SayHerName #BlackWomenMatter
Violence surges on the Westside and elsewhere – a closer look at the numbers
Statement by Olympia Police Chief, Ronnie Roberts
The Generation Gap Behind the Waco Biker Shootout. IS IT THE MISSING FATHERS? TELL MEEEE I want to know!
This is from December 2014, but considering a lot of things together, worth a re-read: My Son Is Black. With Autism. And I’m Scared Of What The Police Will Do To Him.
rq says
Not not not a good precedent. The Supreme Court Decided Its First Cop-Shooting Case Since Ferguson. Cops Won.
219 years ago today, Ona Judge Staines escaped from George and Martha Washington. She was never caught.#americanhero
A tale of 2 Americas: where they explain away white violence & erase documented state violence against Black women (see two contrasting headlines within).
Calm urged as Olympia investigates police shootings of 2 men
Remember this girl in her ‘revealing’ dress? School Backs Down After Receiving Online Backlash For Suspending Plus Size Student Over ‘Revealing’ Prom Dress. Good.
My classmate cap (“I did it because they didn’t have a chance to”, with photos of black young men killed by police).
rq says
Customer called the N-word on racist receipt from New Orleans restaurant, in case you thought that it was okay to go out for dinner while black.
Despite Advances, the Trans Struggle for Justice Behind Bars Is Just Beginning. This would be almost tangential in the discussion re: racism if it weren’t for all those black trans men and trans women who have been killed and murdered, both by the authorities and the general population.
And then they get put into men’s prisons, because law enforcement and the justice system are fucking stupid.
Video: cops assault, use flash grenade on #OlympiaShooting demo. Headline: Violent protests.
Violent protests in Washington state after police shooting, with video – those protests that turned violent once police decided to get involved.
NLG Condemns Oakland’s Attack on the Right to Assemble and Protest
seems like he dropped the beers when he got caught, the report says he “threw” it at the clerk. (Olympia)
Pteryxx says
NBC News on Brelo’s acquittal, because so much of it is rage-inducing: Cleveland Officer Michael Brelo Found Not Guilty in Car Hood Shooting
rq says
Cut the Check
Peaceful Action & Police Pepper Spray
Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf Institutes Ban On Nighttime Street Protests (the reason for the NLG response listed upthread).
White Supremacist Confronts Speakers During ‘Black Lives Matter’ Press Conference
Kansas Republicans Have Come Up with a Disgraceful New Way to Screw the Poor because we really really needed that.
No big purchases for you, poor people!
Michael B. Jordan: Why I’m Torching the Color Line A
rq says
Moderation on purpose, lots of stuff to go through tomorrow:
NAACP announces Operation Bike Week Justice. If you meet unfair treatment during #BlackBikeWeek, call (888) 362-8683.
Today in 1863, U.S. Bureau of Colored Troops is created-allowing more than 170K free blacks & freedmen to join army.
This is your brain on Whiteness: The invisible psychology of white American ignorance explained
A truly excellent article.
#SayHerName National Day of Action for Black Women and Girls, a storify with pictures.
Showing racists that the #BlackWomenMatter nude protest has origins in Africa only makes them angrier. 2 birds, 1 stone, so to speak.
This evening the Family of #TyroneWest will gather at NE BPD for a vigil, where the #KillerCops remain on active duty
And some things for the calendar, Black Chicago 2015 Summer Events
Pteryxx says
Fusion: How racist housing laws are keeping New Orleans white
attn dot com: Why Protestors Turn Violent or, summarized by BB: Why do we support Katniss but not Baltimore protestors?
Much more about systemic oppressions, from birth through school to adulthood, and demolishing the excuses given for not caring.
Pteryxx says
Truth-Out interviewing Matt Taibbi about Baltimore, regarding an article so new that it isn’t yet available on Rolling Stone’s site: Matt Taibbi on Baltimore, Freddie Gray and How Legal System Covers Up Police Violence
Looking forward to that article in its entirety.
Pteryxx says
Starkly animated music video just turned up on Cartoon Network: “Early” by Run The Jewels (youtube link)
rq says
Here’s two Canadian media on the Freddie Gray indictment:
Freddie Gray: Grand jury indicts 6 officers in police-custody death (CBC);
Grand jury indicts six officers in police-custody death of Baltimore’s Freddie Gray, prosecutor says (Toronto Star).
And the CBC on Cleveland and Brelo:
Cleveland officer Michael Brelo not guilty in deaths of 2 unarmed suspects
I am sick. More:
Really sick.
Michael Brelo acquittal sparks protests in Cleveland
In a case of answering their own questions, there in that last paragraph… More:
And Cleveland expects people to trust the PD now, yes? Trust the justice system, trust law enforcement to be fair and unprejudiced? What a laugh. What a sick, disgusting laugh.
Here’s some audio that won’t open for me right now, but could be interesting: Former cop builds database on fatal US police shootings. I’m not sure which former cop is being discussed as all media is blocked at work, but I know of an activist who is also building such a database, and I wonder if there’s any collaboration there or if it is the same person. Anyway. Funny how the authoritehs themselves aren’t doing it, neh? Funny.
Pteryxx says
Russell and Williams were surrounded by gunfire, sirens and flashing bulbs, too, and neither did they fire at clearly unarmed or fleeing persons who posed them no threat. They didn’t fire at all, being unarmed, and by this point had been shot by something like a dozen bullets each. All because of a huge car chase involving 60 police cruisers, because Russell’s car backfired near police headquarters. (Source)
…No words.
Yeah, he risked his life. He might’ve been killed in a car crash during that 60-cruiser chase, or he might have been struck by friendly fire among those 88 shots fired that weren’t the 49 he fired himself. Because an entire swarm of police officers (a murder? an adjudication?) had bang-bang noises in their ears and assumed they must be coming from the hands of two black people in a car.
Tamir Rice was shot to death in this same neighborhood.
Pteryxx says
Pardon, link in my #195 there is the same rq is quoting in #194.
rq, that CBC link that won’t open for you: CBC Radio
Philip Stinson’s site at Bowling Green State U: Police Integrity Lost: A Study of Law Enforcement Officers Arrested
Interview with Stinson at Five Thirty-Eight: An Ex-Cop Keeps The Country’s Best Data Set On Police Misconduct
That previous CBC Radio episode, Screaming in the Dark: Police brutality far from over in Baltimore, meet Tyrone West
Video at the link.
Pteryxx says
Philip Stinson’s research site also has numerous sidebar links to articles featuring or arising from the arrested-police database. For example:
Boston Globe: Heavy Toll, Light Penalties for Police who Drive Drunk
and this research abstract from Police Chief Magazine: Research in Brief: Officer-Involved Domestic Violence
rq says
Wow, Pteryxx, thank you so much for that follow-up!
Well, he’s not the same person as the activist I know putting together a police brutality database, perhaps they should discuss.
@195 Yeah, it just makes me sick. Justified. Seriously, he got up on the hood of that car after about a 100 shots had already been fired. (a) He put himself in danger (cross-fire, anyone?) and (b) what is the point, considering the circumstances? He committed first an act of absolute stupidity (jumping into a clearly visible and open position during a barrage of gunfire), then an act of absolute malice (firing through the windshield at two most-likely-probably-already-injured people who were in a defenseless position). As you say, not enough words for the reaction I have to that. Justified. *spits* Well, fuck. I haven’t been through my twitter feed yet from just before the verdict and on (work), but I’m sort of dreading the reactions there…
And I wonder how they’re going to justify Tamir Rice’s murder. :(
Pteryxx says
rq, thank *you* for doing so much collecting and posting so I even have an idea where to focus my instances of in-depth digging. I’m also trying to follow up on Tyrone West from that CBC piece, but at some point I do have to eat. <_<
It's increasingly obvious that police in a situation don't have any idea what is or is not real gunfire, or whether it's coming from a suspect, third party, or their own or colleagues' weapons. (Nor do they much care, because black people.) It ties into the discussion about random bystanders with guns not knowing who instigated a shooting, or being mistaken for shooters themselves if they pull out their own weapons to try and help. And the more common guns become among *everyone* in the vicinity of people interacting, the more potential for *any* situation to escalate from harmless to perceived-as-life-threatening to actually life-threatening. Car backfires? OMGWHATIFIT’SASHOOTING *grabs own handgun* *threatening gesture achieved*…
But “understandable” (in the sense of a cognitive fallacy) as that confusion might seem, overkill of bullets just doesn’t seem to happen to white suspects, even armed ones. I think there was an article at the Grio or Colorlines about how black victims shot dead by police tend to get hit by 8 or 14 or 20 bullets, while white victims get hit by 2 or 3. Somewhere in there, police just need to fire that many more bullets before they can feel their lives are no longer in danger from a black victim.
So Officer Brelo bravely leaped up onto that car hood smoking-gun first as if Russell and Wilson were some sort of armor plated velociraptors instead of terrified, bleeding, possibly semiconscious human beings who’d just been chased down and shot at by half the police force of Ohio because their car backfired. If even one of those cops had the impulse to check whether their targets were no longer a threat, they were too slow, because Brave Officer Brelo got to them first.
Pteryxx says
Greta Christina being awesome at Alternet: 7 Things People Who Say They’re ‘Fiscally Conservative But Socially Liberal’ Don’t Understand (and at her blog)
Typically brilliant, hard-hitting writing with tons of references, including many I haven’t seen before, such as this one at IFL Science: Deprivation And Poverty Leave Visible Marks On The Brain
rq says
rq says
chigau (違う) says
rq says
re: police and gunfire
Well, there’s talk that Brelo has served in the Marines, and that he himself described the shooting as reminding him of Afghanistan… I think that’ll be in an article coming up.
First going to back up a bit and have some pictures from Saturday night, plus a few of the initial articles on the Not Guilty verdict.
There were, in fact, two main reasons for protest – the Brelo verdict, but also a curfew imposed by the Mayor of Oakland in response to protests for black women killed by police. They went out and defied that, so there’s pictures of that, too.
Killing 9ppl in #Waco gets you handcuffed but still have cell phone. Car chase gets you 137 bullets #BreloVerdict
Some protesters sit in the streets on Lakeside and W. 6th. Arguments about where to take the #BreloVerdict protest.
rq says
re: police and gunfire
Well, there’s talk that Brelo has served in the Marines, and that he himself described the shooting as reminding him of Afghanistan… I think that’ll be in an article coming up.
First going to back up a bit and have some pictures from Saturday night, plus a few of the initial articles on the Not Guilty verdict.
There were, in fact, two main reasons for protest – the Brelo verdict, but also a curfew imposed by the Mayor of Oakland in response to protests for black women killed by police. They went out and defied that, so there’s pictures of that, too.
Killing 9ppl in #Waco gets you handcuffed but still have cell phone. Car chase gets you 137 bullets #BreloVerdict
Some protesters sit in the streets on Lakeside and W. 6th. Arguments about where to take the #BreloVerdict protest.
Statement of County Prosecutor Timothy J. McGinty on today’s verdict in the Michael Brelo trial
He sounds willing to fight on, which is good to hear.
NBCBLK, designed to super-serve the African American news audience, was launched in early 2015, and joins the Latino and Asian American diverse news verticals on NBCNews.com.
#DearElders “We appreciate you, but your way is not the only way.”
And this one’s touching: They See Us as Hulks
It’s all rather long, but worth a read.
rq says
Family of Melissa Williams emotional outside the justice center@19actionnews
Police on the ground & on top of buildings still keeping a watchful eye outside justice center@19actionnews
Judge acquits Cleveland police Officer Michael Brelo in 2012 killings
I love that phrase, ‘aggravated rioting’. It’s certainly aggravated – aggravated by the police reaction! More via the LA Times:
Now that is an accurate summary.
Here’s how the self-induced panic was created. This Cop Is On Trial For Firing 49 Shots At Two Unarmed Suspects
There was so much police gunfire that Brelo couldn’t be sure who was shooting, but instead of everyone stopping the shooting, he insisted on jumping up on the car and getting closer to the people he thought were shooting at him. (I don’t get that ‘using the lights as a cover’ bit, I thought the lights on a car were down in front not up on the hood, anyone?)
How he was acquitted so completely, I have no idea. Well I do. But let’s pretend I don’t.
Who shit shit down? We got ppl getting out of their cars to join us. THIS is #OneCLE
Protesters have linked arms and are blocking the WB Shoreway near the 44th Street exit right now. #BreloVerdict
rq says
Cleveland officer acquitted in killing of unarmed pair amid barrage of gunfire (Washington Post)
Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson on Michael Brelo verdict: ‘This is a moment that will define us as a city’
I wonder if there will be something similar to the Rekia Boyd case, where the judge threw out the charges – where, due to the difficulty in proving this one charge in this case, the judge decided not to ‘sacrifice’ Brelo. Although judging from those comments, I don’t think the charge would have mattered. Got the wrong judge.
2 unarmed black people, 13 cops,137 shots, white cop fears for life as he shoots 49 more, not guilty = America #Brelo
Northeast Ohio Media Group crime editor arrested during Brelo verdict protest (photos)
Photos at the link, too.
Baltimore Police Chief on decreased number of arrests. There’s a very interesting BuzzFeed headline on this later on, unless they’ve changed it already.
CNN video.
Also CNN, Protests, arrests follow acquittal of Cleveland police officer
rq says
Chronologically backwards, but here’s a few photos from Cleveland and Oakland.
Cleveland PD on loudspeaker: this is an unlawful assembly. If you do not disperse you will be arrested #BreloVerdict I get the feeling that for that to be true, they just have to say it’s an unlawful assembly, and it becomes such.
There are no less than 200 officers out here. And no more than 50 protestors. #BreloTrial #TamirRice
Peace to the squad of Black Medics handing out care packages #oakland
One arrest already. Woman snatched for no reason. #SayHerName #BlackLivesMatter #Oakland I think the Oakland protest ended with 3 arrests.
March arrives at @oaklandpoliceca building. Hundreds defying bullshit curfew. #SayHerName #BlackLivesMatter #Oakland
Police are using chemical weapons against protesters breaking #Oakland’s new protest curfew #BreakTheCurfew
rq says
Hundreds march in Oakland to protest curfew and police brutality against black women. #SayHerName #BlackLivesMatter
Cops pushed everyone back, sealing off entire 300 block of Washington. Protesters dispersed or on sidewalk. #Oakland
Group of about 40 circled up back at 14th and Broadway “tonight was for Rekia. Tonight was for Oscar” #BreakTheCurfew
St. Louis Cardinals’ Mascot in Photo Holding ‘Police Lives Matter’ Sign. Want to Guess How That Went Over With the Team? Says a lot about the fan-base, too.
From the Cleveland NAACP, Our council feels deeply about the outcome of this trial. Here’s our address on this modern day lynching. #BreloTrial Disappointment, concern, a call to the DOJ, and organization.
Why the judge found Cleveland police officer Michael Brelo not guilty. Yes, tell us!
Read all of it. Some of it makes sense, and some of it doesn’t. Seriously? Could have used the car to push a police car on top of Brelo, at that point, at the end of that chase, in that situation? Sure, desperate people do desperate things, but still… rewarding (or at least, not punishing) such reckless and dangerous behaviour by Brelo seems… irresponsible. To me.
And there you have it, this is why he was acquitted.
rq says
Outrage Over Brelo Verdict Sparks Protests
Lots of great pictures (which means I’m probably going to skip some of my tabs) plus a full verdict in pdf available about halfway down.
Also, there’s a lot of mounted police there. I have really, really mixed feelings about horses in crowd control situations.
Three Cleveland demonstrators arrested during protest in front of Quicken Loans Arena (video)
Black women challenge new ordinance for evening curfew in Oakland with peaceful protest, on the Oakland protest.
Defying curfews, man, these people are so violent! Definitely requires a massive police presence and shoving and pepper spray.
NY Times, Cleveland Police Officer Acquitted of Manslaughter in 2012 Deaths. Introduced via tweet with the text, “Read this headline as many times as you need to.”
For greater puke-value, read this paragraph:
We didn’t do anything wrong. We stood tall. Oppressive government. FUUUUUUCK YOOOOUUUUU. More:
“Perceived”. There was an article I put up about women protesting ‘perceived’ police brutality against black women. Here is that word again. I do believe that it is misplaced in both cases. Especially as here, coupled with the ‘reasonably’. But my English may not be so good.
#ThisisCLE #BreloVerdict @deray @rachology216 @ShakyraDiaz
This is what’s following the protest now @deray @rachology216 @boycourt93 #BreloVerdict #ClevelandUprising
rq says
Judge approves settlement reached with families of Timothy Russell, Malissa Williams over deadly police chase and shooting. That’s an article from November 2014, and probably about the only justice the victims’ families will see.
Some kind of justice, that.
@deray Back at the Justice Center #BreloVerdict #Justice4Tamir #JusticeforTanisha #OneCle #ClevelandUprising
It is our right to protest. We are gathering at 14th and Broadway at 7pm. @mrdaveyd. Wear black and bring a candle. https://m.facebook.com/events/355458084663602?ref=m_notif¬if_t=plan_admin_added&actorid=506270334&soft=search …
(that URL may not be available, plus it’s Facebook and I’m not sure if it needs a signin).
LeBron James urges city to remain calm and rally around Cavaliers in aftermath of Brelo verdict. Thank you, LeBron.
So, let’s focus on the basketball.
Cleveland schools tried to teach students to “manage emotions” of Brelo, Tamir Rice cases. Mixed feelings again.
Actually, that sounds like a good idea – kind of like a trigger warning, that may not take away all the hurt, but can maybe prepare them for it and leave it more manageable than working completely blind. Well done, Cleveland schools, especially for letting students talk about it:
Well, those keypoints seem to be lacking somewhat. Can’t quite put a finger on it. I hope the discussions have been more productive and more specific to students’ feelings and concerns.
rq says
The DOJ has announced that they will review the Brelo case. #BreloTrial
We don’t do hands up in #CLE. We won’t surrender. It’s #fistupfightback
Activist DeRay McKesson: Only Whiteness ‘Gets Nuance’ in the Media
Video at the link.
71 Arrested in Cleveland Protests Over Officer’s Acquittal, Police Say. 71!
Males, females and juveniles. Species, please.
Also, there is some discussion on twitter about the police ‘moving in only when things turned violent’. Ah, the second part of that sentence seems more accurate: “when protestors refused to disperse”. Things become much clearer.
Aside, Eyewitness accounts can be reliably unreliable
rq says
Shakeup in Baltimore mayor’s criminal justice leadership
What Is Chuck Johnson, and Why? The Web’s Worst Journalist, Explained. Warning: he is an odious person. Why is this coming up now? Because he has been tweeting something awfully similar to death threats to activists, and tweets explaining how he would like to see some protestor heads cracked, over the weekend. Examples later.
Cleveland Residents ‘a Model’ for Handling of Officer’s Acquittal, Ohio Governor Says. Can we not see pictures of Brelo trying to squeeze out some tears, please? Focus on the victims, here. The real ones.
An NBA Player Is Missing the Playoffs Because the NYPD Broke His Leg—Why the Sports-Media Silence? There was a small kerfuffle about it about a month ago, but nothing since. Nothing.
LeBron did say to focus on the basketball… No?
49 Shots And The Cop Goes Free
Read those first three paragraphs again. Read them again. Then read more:
Basically, the black cop involved got less days off and for that they’re crying racial discrimination. Maybe there’s another reason for it, eh? Idiots. Idiots.
Here Are 13 Killings by Police Captured on Video in the Past Year. Please view only if feeling emotionally stable and strong right now. This is about as unpleasant viewing as it gets. This is a Trigger Warning.
It really is disturbing.
rq says
Arrests in #Oakland after @blackoutcollect + other orgs & supporters defy new protest curfew policy. #BreakTheCurfew
Then there was a press conference in Cleveland, some excerpts:
And the Cleveland Mayor and Police Chief did not comment on the “bystanders” who threw things at protestors. Silence.
“We only moved in to make arrests when things got violent.” – Cleveland Police Chief There was no violence last night. This is wild.
The Mayor literally just whispered on the mic for the Police Chief to say that there were dozens of “assaults” last night!
And the Cleveland Police Chief just said there were “random acts of assault” last night. Y’all, this is world-class propaganda.
National Lawyers Guild observer, NEOMG reporter and about two dozen protesters detained in this alleyway.
rq says
Arrests In Baltimore Plunge Even As The Murder Rate Soars. Read that headline. Upthread, on this very post, is an article that outlines how the murder rate has been increasing well before Freddie Gray’s death and the protests that followed. Make of it what you will, but BuzzFeed has got this one utterly misleadingly wrong.
They’re going to blame it on fewer arrests, as if a police slow-down makes such a huge difference (see: New York).
This isn’t Johnson, but another odious tweeter. I had comrades marching in Oakland today and some asshole wished brutality upon them. Say hi to @ProducerLos
Also, here’s @ProducerLos’ response to @deray’s tweet.
I know Johnson’s account has been suspended (people complained), don’t know about this one yet.
After acquittal, Cleveland braces for another cop’s trial. Yep, Tamir Rice is still in the system.
rq says
Back in the summer and fall, Johnetta Elsie also got a lot of media time. That has since changed: “DeRay always on the news why not you?” B/c I have nothing left to say about white supremacy or it’s violence that won’t land me in jail.
I simply don’t have it for the media anymore, or the triggering questions trying to coerce someone into sayin things they can use against us, and that in addition to the sexism she deals with, it’s not surprise that the face of activism has reverted to being ‘male-dominated’ in the media (I say this with a somewhat limited view, but I know of many other women activists who don’t get the media time even though they’re doing a heckuvalot of work on the ground – while interviews and panels go to men). This is just commentary.
St. Louis Cardinals to local cops: Stop using our mascot to promote ‘Police Lives Matter’
The FBI’s Response To Another Killer Cop Set Free? More Surveillance of Protestors
More at the link, of course. That stuff in the middle is pretty significant.
‘Maybe We Differ On What True Means’: Activist Confronts CNN Host For Assuming Cops Tell The Truth
Police are protecting the house of the officer who shot the two unarmed black men in Olympia. #OlympiaShooting
rq says
What happened to the #VonDerittMyers memorial??
Bears from the memorial next to dumpster #VonDerittMyers
Michael B. Jordan: Why I’m Torching the Color Line – I’m not sure if I posted this already, but here it is.
Report: St. Louis economy would gain $14 billion if racial income inequality disappeared. Diversity is financially smart.
They were. They all in jail for it RT @NBCBLK: Why Aren’t More African-Americans in the Cannabis Industry?
#Oakland protesters plan second march http://bit.ly/1KfSCpG 8PM, 14th & B-way http://on.fb.me/1JO7Vbc #BreakTheCurfew
rq says
Cop Resigns After Using Taser and Pepper Spray on Stroke Victim
Protecting the community from stroke victims. Awesome!
Baltimore police contract hurts accountability, study says
Watch this activist politely destroy CNN for racism: ‘Whiteness gets nuance and blackness doesn’t’, Raw Story on the CNN video above.
Also @deray #BlackPoetsSpeakOut is happening in Bmore. If you, or your people are in town speak, come through…
Group says it has enough names on petition for Ferguson recall election – but will it happen?
Interlude: Basketball. Curry sets record with most 3-pointers in single postseason
rq says
And here is the law re: aggravated rioting that Cleveland police are using to charge protestors.
“With purpose to commit or facilitate the commission of a felony; of violence; to have on their person deadly weapons or ordnance”. It’s funny, the B part specifically mentions persons in a detention facility. Is that relevant here?
Oakland Police Enforce a De Facto Curfew on Evening Street Protests.
Video and photos at the link.
Protestors in Cleveland, video.
#SayHerName Atlanta. Memorial Day. 11AM, Garnett Station.
rq says
To start off, I suppose most if not all have seen this article on how the internet
isisn’t such a post-racial utopia, which PZ also addresses here.I also wanted to include this post by PZ, on capital punishment, due to the interesting discussions happening in the comments.
And also a couple from Mano Singham, Relics of segregation; What is the most dangerous job in America? (slightly tangential) and When a picture is worth a 1000 words …
rq says
Black Lives Matter. Brown University. @TraceeEllisRoss. (via @UrbanCusp)
Watch @deray discuss the threat he received from #CharlesCJohnson & the double standard of how words are interpreted: video within. I think there’s a bit more on Johnson later – but really, he seems to be a terrible person in general.
You kind of have to go link-within-a-link for this one, summary at the end: Response from the #Oakland “Interfaith Challenge to Protest Curfew” to mayor @LibbySchaaf’s request for a meeting. Tomiquia Moss (chief of staff to mayor Schaaf) writes to Katie regarding an interfaith challenge to the curfew in Cleveland, proposing that she (Katie) and I presume another of the organizers meet with the Mayor and the Assistant Chief of Police in advance. Katie replies no, is responding publicly for transparency, will not meet with anyone, because the call is simple – to reverse the curfew. Stop state-sanctioned violence against black people. If they need to meet with anyone, they should meet with the leadership of black liberation groups whose marches have been disrupted; she recommends starting with an apology. They (the protestors and their allies) will not be divided, nor will they be conquered.
It’s really quite beautiful.
In Cleveland, protestors were charged with aggravated rioting. And here is the “required proof.” America. In short? No proof actually required to charge with aggravated rioting. No joke.
Twitter cracks down on infamous conservative troll Chuck Johnson, there it is!
Is that Freeze Peach that I hear?
I understand yesterday was Memorial Day in the US. Here’s an interesting history: We Did It, They Hid It: How Memorial Day Was Stripped Of It’s African American Roots.
WOW. Is that taught in schools at all? I had no idea. At. All.
rq says
U.S. attorney to hold meetings Tuesday about consent decree with Cleveland
Re: the Olympia shooting, Washington police neurologists have disproven science; the accuracy of memories increases over time. #OlympiaShooting Apparently officers remember incidents more clearly once at least 48 hours have passed. O.o Well, I can see how your memories might be more definite by that time (as your brain has arranged things and smoothed out inconsistencies, etc.) but I don’t see how they would be more accurate, seeing as your brian does these things within the bounds of your own biases. Get to work, science, these people are contradicting that recent-ish article I put up about eye-witness testimony!
They got rid of Africana Studies and Women & Gender Studies at NC State! ): wow, in response to UNC cutting 46 degree programs. Article within.
Multiple arrests as dozens rally in Oakland against police brutality
About the report:
It’s not particularly long, and worth a read. This is how police escape the consequences of their actions. It’s sickening.
Forgetting Why We Remember, another for Memorial Day.
rq says
‘Hate is organized in America’: Black activist fights back after death threats from pro-cop blogger, another look at Chuck Johnson’s hate.
Interlude: Music! The Roots Aim To Expand Music Festival Following Record-Breaking Ticket Sales
I love this. Happy Memorial Day. #rp from @afropunk
Happy #MemorialDay, Stanley Gibson. Killed by Las Vegas PD. U.S Army. #BlackSoldiersKilledByCops
Ex-marine Kenneth Chamberlain, Sr. activated his medical-aid alert which notified the police. He was shot to death.
A small sample of military vets killed by police.
rq says
Atlanta does #SayHerName:
Powerful. We have nothing to lose but our chains. #SayHerName #BlackLivesMatter
“Thank you all for being the strong black women who helped me walk across that stage at graduation.” #SayHerName
We hold a moment of silence for #AlexiaChristian & all the other’s who have lost lives to state violence. #SayHerName
Memorial Day protest on Coney Island:
#AiyanaJones is with us here today, #MemorialDay for black people killed by cops. Coney Island, NYC.
Panorama: 45 foot #StopKillingBlackPeople banner across the Coney Island boardwalk for #MemorialDay
#BlackLivesMatter Memorial Day protest at Coney Island.
rq says
#NYC: Statement from groups that shut down Coney Island for black people killed by cops #MemorialDay via @KeeganNYC And I paraphrase, Memorial Day is for those lost in wars abroad, we bring attention to the war at home; systematic murder will no longer be accepted – stop killing our people; as of May 23 2015, 448 people have been killed by police this year. Here to remember the lost, unequal access to human rights in the US, how can we support a country who denies its citizens the right to live without fear, without heartbreak, without exploitation, pain and terror? We demand an end to state-sanctioned violence, we will continue to disrupt, silence is consent, we will not stop, justice is due everyone.
Or so.
Cleveland Reaches Settlement With Justice Department Over Police Conduct
WATCH – Mother of #EzellFord says she wants charges against the #LAPD officers who killed her son. – http://youtu.be/8VtItQLppiQ
DONATE to support Cleveland organizers bail! http://bit.ly/1eqm42q 71 got arrested on Saturday
rq says
America’s prison population, by the numbers
Unity Walk. (I know y’all see my waves)
People are gathering now in #Oakland, preparing to #BreakTheCurfew for the 3rd night. Photos via: @TruthCastersTV
Last night in #Oakland | #BreakTheCurfew #FuckTheCurfew
Past curfew, but not enough people here to march. People are discussing plans for next #FTP march, Friday at 8PM. #Oakland #BreakTheCurfew
Ohio Aerial Surveillance System Moving Forward Without Having to Wait For FAA Drone Rules, and they are using it on protestors, is rumour.
rq says
A few arrests in Oakland protests over limit on nighttime marches
Another one on Oakland, Oakland Marches for 3rd Night to Defy Nighttime Protest Ban
And another one, After Two Nights in Jail, More Than 50 Nonviolent Protesters and Observers Released On Monday Morning
Kansas City, Kansas Police Department apologizes after cops pose in front of sign
No to juvenile jail….yes to better Baltimore public schools!! ….830 MLK blvd & Washington blvd #BaltimoreUprising #OneBaltimore
Baltimore protestors have shut down 395, Key Highway & other exits in protest of the youth jail. (via @jamalhbryant)
rq says
Traffic is at a standstill!! So must the prison pipeline…all 5 exits to Baltimore are closed! #baltimoreuprising
Smithsonian curators chase history in search of items from Baltimore unrest
A short while ago, it was hair evidence – now it’s drugs. WATCH: This Woman Just Cleared A Path To Overturn Up To 40,000 Drug Convictions (VIDEO)
WATCH: Black Activist Politely Schools CNN on Racism—’Whiteness Gets Nuance; Blackness Doesn’t’, as seen upthread.
Pteryxx says
Briefly from Rawstory: Judge orders NC sheriff to stop interfering with attempts to call witnesses in lawsuit over brutal arrest
And disturbing background on outlaw biker gangs, from the Intercept: Exclusive: Leaked Report Profiles Military, Police Members of Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs
rq says
There seems to be huge overlap with police and military already (e.g. Brelo), but to have that same overlap in outlaw motorcycle gangs… Is this a mentality issue? The training, the discipline, the hierarchy that they crave? The enforcement of force-as-problem-solver, the toxic masculinity, the exceptionalism (You Are A Hero!)?
Municipal court bill’s reach will extend well beyond Ferguson’s streets
More at the link.
Charles Johnson, one of the Internet’s most infamous trolls, has finally been banned from Twitter
It’s about ethics in journalism, isn’t it.
Meanwhile, in Scotland. Family of tragic dad-of-two Sheku Bayoh issue series of questions they want answered over his death.. and pledge they won’t be silenced
It all sounds awfully familiar, doens’t it.
Protesters Block Highway Ramp In Baltimore During Morning Traffic
Disruption at its finest. Note wearing of suits.
Four Cleveland protesters charged with felonies to be released (photos)
From the National Lawyers’ Guild (NLG), Reparations: A Blueprint to address systemic police violence
rq says
Here’s the activist collecting stats on police brutality, spec. on the black-on-black crime trope.
White supremacy is when ppl dont demand research evidence before believing ‘black crime’+police violence r related. No such evidence exists.
Nobody seems to ask which research studies prove that places with high crime have high rates of police killings. Such studies don’t exist.
Nobody asks which studies prove a high percentage of people killed by police were actually committing violent crimes. No such studies exist.
Basic evidence debunks this. Black-on-black crime is down 67% over past 20yrs. Police killings haven’t dropped. If anything, they’ve risen.
Which means the US mainstream is operating out of racist assumptions with no empirical evidence. The burden of proof is on them, not us.
rq says
Euclid ave Downtown Cleveland shut down #BreloVerdict, from this afternoon.
Rawlings-Blake criticizes protesters for blocking traffic in Baltimore – and yet she was perfectly within her rights in shutting down the city a month ago, without a worry for emergencies or people who had to get places.
Historian Says Don’t ‘Sanitize’ How Our Government Created Ghettos
Interview (audio) follows, with some highlights:
And DailyKos and Shaun King on Brelo and police protection: How the Brelo verdict in Cleveland proves laws protecting people from police are broken
rq says
Podcast “Reveal” from the Center for Investigative Reporting, with a whole list of programs to listen to, including:
Several segments up at that link.
Also, a transcript down at the bottom of the page.
K. read this headline. Just read it. Cleveland police to stop hitting people on heads with guns as part of Justice Department agreement. And then wonder to yourself, What kind of a police force is the Cleveland PD?
And, presumably, not to hit them on the head with it. I don’t know, I feel like laughing all over this. It seems so ridiculous. More:
The full decree is available at the link, but I have some tweets with some minor excerpts:
And here are additional Use of Force agreements from the DOJ/Cleveland decree. (No retaliatory force, no head strikes, no neck holds, limited vehicle pursuits.)
And this Cleveland/DOJ decree agreement seem to directly relate to Brelo. (Do not discharge firearm at or from a moving vehicle.)
Per the Cleveland/DOJ decree, a 13 member Community Policing Commission will be established. With lots of oversight but it seems minimal ability to actually act legally. Still, it’s something.
Cleveland officers will now only carry CPD issued pepper-spray & “will not normally use [pepper-spray] on handcuffed or restrained persons.”
Also a bunch of stuff on training and bias-free policing, so yeah. Lots of work ahead for them!
But seriously, they have to be trained not to hit people over the head with guns… I suppose it’s better than shooting them, neh?
rq says
There’s still stuff to post but I’m calling it in early, so see y’all tomorrow.
rq says
Tail-ends from last night:
Sometimes, I think we hate Jaden and Willow Smith because they are free black children and we don’t know what free black children look like. It was just a thought that I liked.
#wacoshooting Black person with “Black Lives Matter” sign, inciting a riot; white biker with knives and a gun, motorcycle enthusiast involved in kerfuffle.
More commentary on the Cleveland decree, Per the decree, Cleveland officers will not be able to use force against those who “only verbally confront them” & don’t impede police work. So feel free to mouth off and don’t let them provoke you into physical contact.
Cleveland police department agrees to stop unjust searches and seizures. Because you need a fucking agreement for it in the first place? WHAT? As the blue-clad arm of the law, aren’t police already supposed to be just in their actions? Shouldn’t they be upholding the law (which purports to be just) rather than breaking it? Dude… I can’t even. Anyway, from that article:
It’s a great report, but implementing changes will be difficult (I have a feeling). Not least because of resistance from within the force, and most likely from the police union, too.
Iyanla Vanzant Is Heading to Baltimore to ‘Fix the City’ With Jamal Bryant. Twitter implies this isn’t necessarily a good thing.
Earlier I cited someone saying there’s been a 67% decrease in black-on-black crime over the past 20 years or so. He has provided the source: Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980-2008
(pages 11 and 12)
(Still not sure where the 67% comes from, I suck at reading stats?
rq says
@deray It’s important to note that there was no race component to the DOJ’s initial report released in December.
@deray The mayor said in an interview yesterday that they heard a lot about this from the Cleveland community and added it to the agreement.
So yes, this is important to note.
Few things bring me as much joy as watching hundreds of black and brown students walk across the graduation stage. Congratulations, graduates!
Interlude: Music! Alessia shares a video for her track “Here.”
I like it.
Sheku Bayoh case seems to be becoming something of a contentious issue… Sheku Bayoh: Mother of man who died in police custody hits out after a lawyer issues legal threat over Facebook page
rq says
They Love Our Bodies but Not Us: Powerful Images From #SayHerName Demonstrations
White Cops File Suit, Claim They Are Punished Too Much For Shooting People – I love the title on this one.
Note that ‘four minutes’ at the end there – wasn’t it far, far longer than that, that they refused to provide him with first aid? I don’t want to have to watch that video again…
Seattle Cops Bring Lawsuit Claiming They Have A Constitutional Right To Use Excessive Force – this from October 2014 and not directly related to racist policing, but a confirmation of the police officer’s mentality, that they are better than or different than the general public, and authorized to legally use more (including excessive) force. So yeah. That needs a lot of changing.
This guy just can’t shut up. Chuck Johnson name-calls Carol Costello
Must be reverse-racism. Or something.
A brief, clear explanation of why the Justice Department’s police reforms may fall short
#CheckThePolice Rating System – according to this, Cleveland PD’s rating would go from an F to a C:
Apparently all of that averages out to a C, though I still see a lot of Fs. More details at the link.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
From Truth-Out comes a long article by Henry A. Giroux, The Fire this time: Black youth and the spectacle of postracial violence:
Just an excerpt. The whole article is worth reading.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Another one from Truth-Out– Advocates say black women left out of Freddie Gray conversation (video):
They provide a transcript at the link above:
rq says
Man I keep saying that. Police don’t prevent crime, they respond to it. Thats their purpose.
#Baltimore Officer: “It seems like the citizens would appreciate a lack of police presence & that’s exactly what they’re getting.” #Hannity
New: Baltimore City FOP president says Commissioner Batts apologized to police officers in a meeting at FOP headquarters tonight;
FOP president said he believes apology was related to inaction on the day of the riots in Baltimore City; commissioner took no questions.
Cleveland consent decree provides blueprint for long-elusive police reforms: The Big Story
Statement from the city of Ferguson concerning Mayor recall efforts. Short version: need to verify all the names, acknowledge the petition which does not change the stellar work they are doing for the community and will not disrupt their work.
rq says
White people are pretending to be black online in order to win arguments on race. From the article,
This is… interesting. And clearly appropriation, even if for an ostensibly good cause. And shouldn’t be happening.
Gag order request in Freddie Gray case shows prosecutor’s misunderstanding – ooh, let’s put down Mosby!
NYC Housing Authority Doesn’t Trust NYPD Not to Kill Its Workers
Orange vests for everyone!
We were just told that the mayor of #Ferguson won’t talk about the petition in the meeting, but a written statement will be released tonight;
#Ferguson residents line up outside of city hall, group organizer plans to address the petition to recall the mayor;
They have stopped letting people in the #Fergcc meeting. Room at capacity. #FergusonRecall
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
White people are the default for Google images:
Look at all the white people indeed.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
From Vocativ, Immigration Canada not a fan of interracial marriages, poor people:
rq says
Attention Anyone that has been harassed, ticketed, arrested, etc. in Ferguson, DOJ is willing to have a meeting for us tomorrow on policing.
@Nomoremurderz This meeting will be with DOJ & the Police Mediator that Ferguson hired. Wed. After 6 PM. Please let me know ASAP.
Calling All Dorothys! NBC’s The Wiz Will Have Open Call, in case anyone’s stage-ready.
A claim that Chicago police officers deleted footage from a security camera located near where 17-year old Laquan McDonald was shot and killed. Carol Marin investigates. NBC5 News @10. Should be an article up by tomorrow, too.
Here’s the Bizarre Weapon Cops Will Be Using to Prevent Another Ferguson – and, as noted via twitter, by ‘Ferguson’ they mean the protests, not the killing of Michael Brown.
All of DOJ’s use of force policies for #Cleveland PD rely on an individual officer’s definition of reasonable, threat, & fear of one’s life.
rq says
Praise and disappointment for Ferguson Mayor Knowles as recall effort moves forward
Fourth staffer leaving Rawlings-Blake’s criminal justice team, though leaving, or sent away?
Normandy Middle School students upset over lowered expectations, because it seems like nobody is interested in the children’s actual futures.
So, less police, eh? Stenger, Belmar aren’t through pushing for police tax vote
PZ’s latest on police brutality, How to deal with a medical emergency.
St. Louis County Admits It Has A Jail Problem, Is Finally Getting Help
rq says
Judges telling Black boys they never should have been born. Violence in system goes well beyond police. It’s in the attached transcript.
CPD cops posed for photo standing over black man dressed in antlers – for some reason, this seems especially sickening to me right now.
Willing participant or no, that is not a picture that should have been taken with or by the police. At all.
Chicago Police Put Antlers On Black Man and Posed For Pictures, The Intercept with the same story.
how many. cleveland.
So let’s go! Here’s the schedule of brilliant black feature filmmakers standing with @AFFRM. Tweet them via #ARRAY!
Stopped by #VonderritMyers memorial this morning. @deray
rq says
@deray Sure it does: All the registrations LOST BY THE STATE ARE FROM BLACK NEIGHBORHOODS! That’s Voter Fraud right there: by the STATE. There was a discussion on voter ID fraud. Just sayin’.
#BaltimoreUprising. (via @Nettaaaaaaaa) (photo)
@deray Just look at #KellyThomas. About 5+ Ferguson officers beat an ill homeless guy to death w/ fist & torch, on camera, acquitted.
Unrest will cost city $20 million, officials estimate – that’s Baltimore, anyone who’s wondering.
Racist tweets from a Clark County OH deputy re: the Baltimore protests. Likens protesters to apes #BaltimoreUprising
The shocking truth about the two Chicago Police officers posing in this horrendous photo, Shaun King on the antler picture.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Here’s a review/synopsis (from Robert Carroll of The Skeptic’s Dictionary) of Radley Balko’s Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces:
The book is available at Amazon.
rq says
Racism: it doesn’t end with graduation. Teaching While Black: Exposing Institutional Racism at Claremont Middle School in Oakland
The mind boggles. How do you come in and tear a good thing down without even examining what it does? Oh wait, I think the principal’s words there at the beginning say it all: “This is all about race. We know that the white kids will go to places like Stanford or Berkeley with or without our help. We would be lucky if black students at best graduated from high school and went to a junior college.”
Dreams: The Case of Queer Deferment
“These men do not deserve to live. Without strong laws & consequences society gets chaotic,” – #deathpenaltyrepeal #Nebraska Yep, they had a hearing on the death penalty in Nebraska yesterday. This is only one quote. Others are, as you can imagine, just as bad. Including ones on abortion and the ‘pro-life’ crowd.
Why Do All the Superheroes Have to Be White, and All the Thugs Black?
Read that bit about the Waco shooting and the drug raid, one more time. Yeah. No racism at all.
Black women in San Francisco arrested way more often than white women, report shows
Thumper: Who Presents Boxes Which Are Not Opened says
I’ll just leave this here.
rq says
Gender and racial bias can be ‘unlearnt’ during sleep, new study suggests
Now that is interesting.
From Brianne Bilyeu and her Biodork blog, I found some posts she has on police brutality, racism, and protests – just some interesting reading with some neat thoughts, many of which I could relate to.
Speaking Up;
Secular Townhall: Ferguson and Beyond, this one with video by black freethinkers and atheists;
Mayor de Blasio call for a temporary halt to protests (yes some of the posts are dated);
Still Boycotting the Mall of America.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Boulder cops declare rock stacking a jailable offense to stop local artist who spent 7 years crafting sculptures:
Well I’m glad he won’t be arrested, but the troubling thing is they thought creating art by stacking rocks was an offense. What the unholy fuck?!
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
The NYPD continues to abuse its power
I can’t quote any of the material, bc its reprinted from Newsweek, but the examples are just horrifying.
rq says
I thought this was something that should be noted here: Nebraska becomes the first conservative state in 40 years to repeal the death penalty. Gov’s veto overridden by 30 votes. #NERepeal
An article on the same: Nebraska Lawmakers Override Governor’s Veto Of Death Penalty Repeal
More horrible Republican comments about this at the link, if anyone’s interested. But yay Nebraska!
We’re getting there. @deray @Nettaaaaaaaa, poster for a justice for John Crawford event.
LAPD Det. at Center of Lawsuit for Framing Innocent Man Appears to Be Up to No Good
More at the link. Cops can be terrible people.
Body cam video catches Barstow cops slamming black pregnant woman to ground, letting white woman go free
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
I wonder how many pro-capital punishment Republicans think of themselves as “pro-life”?
rq says
And because all black and brown lives matter, even in soccer, The human toll of FIFA’s corruption – yup, guess who’s paying!
The infographic there in the middle, that one. o.o
LaVena Johnson, ruled suicide by U.S. Army, yet her autopsy: broken teeth, bite marks, broken nose, burned genitalia. Going to have to look this one up a bit. :(
Packed Room: Prep Session for #BlackGirlsMatter Town Hall tomorrow at 6:00 at the African Heritage Cultural Center, yay events!
Here’s a thought: @deray I’ve never heard of Union busters targeting police unions, but they sure love to go after the teacher’s unions.
Nebraska abolishes death penalty, one more on that.
Officers in Freddie Gray case file for change of venue, and you’ll never guess the reason why!!! (Sorry.)
It has been noted that they don’t need jurors who haven’t heard about the case, they need jurors who haven’t yet made up their minds about it. (Though judging from the skeptics who have a hard time making up their minds, I don’t know if that’s the route that should be walked…)
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Some good news-
FCC announces plan to expand ‘Lifeline’ program for low income Americans to include Internet access:
rq says
Funny you say that, since there were people following the arguments on twitter, and *bleep!* right on schedule, the pro-lifers were out, arguing for the death penalty. I have since closed my tabs with those examples, but, yes, the hypocrisy is apparent.
Lawyers in #FreddieGray case claim that if all officers agree not to testify against each other the case falls apart. Is this true? Because I hope not. There are the videos, after all…
The Human Family Tree Bristles With New Branches. I ask you to focus not on the article (though it is interesting!) but on the photos of the hand demonstrating the fossil evidence. Note the melanin, in large amounts, contrary to most (the vast, vast, vast majority) of demonstrating hands one sees on the internet. Just thought I’d make a note, because I was surprised at my own surprise at this.
Ohio Sheriff’s Deputy Fired Over Racist Tweets Comparing Baltimore Protesters To ‘Planet Of The Apes’, had this in a tweet upthread, which only once again proves the old idea that sometimes it’s worth waiting.
Screenshots at the link.
SHOCK VIDEO: Cop Claims Freedom of Speech Does Not Give Citizens the Right to Question Police. Because police are exempt or something, who knows.
Is anyone surprised? That’s the attitude of cops out there: unquestionable authority. Blech.
Amnesty on Nebraska and the death penalty, VICTORY: Nebraska Becomes the 19th US State to Abolish the Death Penalty!.
Man Threatens Suicide, Police Kill Him. Yes, the man was white. I’m pretty sure he’d be dead if he was black, too.
Officers unable to adequately explain themselves.
Slay’s MBE/WBE diversity program should be called minority diversion program. Under Slay’s tenure, 6% MBE/WBE participation vs 30% capacity.
rq says
Dammit, moderation.
‘Kay, I’m going to put up these links to twitter. These were a series of tweets that I can’t seem to view now (plus another one that had screenshots of these) by a person who was next door when the cops shot his neighbour dead in a case of mistaken identity. The tweets said APD, but… not sure which city.
In any case, the links:
I feel kind of silly posting dead links. I guess there for the record?
rq says
Interlude: Ballet!! Brown ballerinas
Was that too long? I’m sorry, I love ballet.
Metrolink expansion talks start for first time in decade, important because of where the expansion would occur. Which nobody really knows yet. But it would be nice for the poorer neighbourhoods to get some public trnasportation.
Grand jury indicts SC cop on felony charge in on-duty shooting, whoa-whoa!
Go to trial. I hope the officer is convicted.
Indian Removal Act Forces Indian Tribes to Migrate West, May 28 1830.
Racism: not a new thing.
SC Cops Refuse to Release Dash Cam Footage of Ernest Satterwhite’s Death, Unveiling an Ugly Double Standard and Body Cam Weakness, in ref. to above article about the indictment.
Eh, there’s other dashcam footage out there showing just that, and I don’t see any officers’ images being particularly tarnished. Not without a heckuvalot of effort, at any rate.
READ THIS. I’m a black ex-cop, and this is the real truth about race and policing
Article posted in full. Because it needs to be read.
Interlude: Music! Bilal Reps #BlackLivesMatter in New ‘Satellites’ Video [WATCH], video.
Cleveland police union says Justice Department reforms would endanger police. See picture of angry white man at article. WOo! Anyway, here’s why they are mad:
It’s the paperwork! The paperwork will kill them! DEATH BY A THOUSAND PAPERCUTS! While I sometimes share the feeling that the paperwork will, indeed, kill me, umm… argument invalid, I say. More:
This from the union representing the same officers who shot Tamir Rice. You sound perfectly legit, Loomis. Totally.
rq says
Interlude: Ballet!! Brown ballerinas
Was that too long? I’m sorry, I love ballet.
Metrolink expansion talks start for first time in decade, important because of where the expansion would occur. Which nobody really knows yet. But it would be nice for the poorer neighbourhoods to get some public trnasportation.
Grand jury indicts SC cop on felony charge in on-duty shooting, whoa-whoa!
Go to trial. I hope the officer is convicted.
Indian Removal Act Forces Indian Tribes to Migrate West, May 28 1830.
Racism: not a new thing.
SC Cops Refuse to Release Dash Cam Footage of Ernest Satterwhite’s Death, Unveiling an Ugly Double Standard and Body Cam Weakness, in ref. to above article about the indictment.
Eh, there’s other dashcam footage out there showing just that, and I don’t see any officers’ images being particularly tarnished. Not without a heckuvalot of effort, at any rate.
READ THIS. I’m a black ex-cop, and this is the real truth about race and policing
Article posted in full. Because it needs to be read.
Interlude: Music! Bilal Reps #BlackLivesMatter in New ‘Satellites’ Video [WATCH], video.
Cleveland police union says Justice Department reforms would endanger police. See picture of angry white man at article. WOo! Anyway, here’s why they are mad:
It’s the paperwork! The paperwork will kill them! DEATH BY A THOUSAND PAPERCUTS! While I sometimes share the feeling that the paperwork will, indeed, kill me, umm… argument invalid, I say. More:
This from the union representing the same officers who shot Tamir Rice. You sound perfectly legit, Loomis. Totally.
rq says
There’s a second comment in moderation. *sigh* Getting late.
#SomeBlackLivesDontMatter – yes, read that title. Some ocmmentary on this, in a moment.
Not quoting the rest, but as you can see, it’s one long black-on-black crime argument. Completely ignoring the conditions that foster such crime, and also completely ignoring the efforts of the black community to address this sort of crime. So fuck the author, alright.
Mother Jones commented on this: Editor of Leading Conservative Magazine Declares That “Some Black Lives Don’t Matter” to Activists
Black people in Minneapolis nine times more likely to be arrested for petty crime
More, with data, at the link.
Law firm partners were given a memo. 1/2 were told the writer was white, 1/2 were told he was black. This happened: See attached, but you can probably guess.
2010 Duke national champion, @ndotsmitty tweeted about his interaction with the police last night. Guns drawn. See attached, like holy shit.
tf is a Caucasian Afro? Appropriation at its… finest?
rq says
Join us #M30 for the Martin O’Malley and the Fraternal Order of Police Unwelcoming Day of Action. #BaltimoreUprising
The Conservatives Who Gutted the Voting Rights Act Are Now Challenging ‘One Person, One Vote’ – wait, what?
He claims he’s fighting for race neutrality. Obviously.
In Arizona, Bikers Plan Armed Protest Outside of Mosque. Racist, or no? Gee.
Floyd Dent, Man Beaten by Michigan Cops on Camera, Settles for $1.4 Million. I hope there will still be some criminal repercussions for the officers involved.
Daily Kos on the pregnant woman – Camera catches police wrestling pregnant black woman to the ground for no reason whatsoever
Satire for Baltimore, NYC, Fruitvale, etc.
rq says
Attorney: UVA Honor Student Martese Johnson’s Arrest Was Not Justified – that’s from May 7, but he had a court date today. From the article:
For godsake, indict the officers, and OF COURSE drop the charges against the victim. #MarteseJohnson The same officer was involved in a similar incident a few years ago. (Seen on previous iteration of this thread.)
The trial for #MarteseJohnson has been set for September 30th at 9am. Well, guess they’re going ahead with the bullshit charges. When are they going to charge the officers, hello?
A ‘Pattern or Practice’ of Violence in America, a pretty major article:
More details at the link, def. worth a read, with lots of graphs! diagrams! visual comparisons! and you look at it all, and you wonder how law enforcement can be considered to be a part of the justice system in the USAmerica. :/
rq says
Out for the night. Left y’all with some reading. :) Plus two in moderation, Enjoy!
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Ye godz, that Politico article from Rich Lowry is puke-inducing.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Good night and good work, rq.
rq says
Let’s start with some outrage. The Baltimore Police Union (@FOP3) released this statement today. #BaltimoreUprising #FreddieGray
Seriously, that reads like the back blurb of a scifi dystopian novel. Except that last sentence. I’d love to use this text as the beginning to a short story of some kind. “And there he was, alone, black, unarmed, pacing the streets, searching… searching… for elusive Justice.”
I’d also like to note that “more afraid of going to jail for doing their jobs properly than they are of getting shot on duty” is about how it should be, I think.
Oldie but goodie, Women find their voice in Ferguson protest movement. Still relevant.
Interlude: Hair! These Are Bantu Knots, Not ‘Mini Buns.’ There’s A Difference.
Also, the description under the second photo mentions ‘tribal make-up’, which… well, sort of seals the deal for me. Appropriation.
Today in #Ferguson, the petition to recall mayor James Knowles has been filed via @search4swag. Good luck!
Interlude: Music! Cheryl Lynn To Release ‘Duets With Divas’ Album
Our main frustration is the specter of police misconduct has caused this trial to be pushed back. @martesejohnson_ Once again, for those who missed it (article later), Martese Johnson’s charges were not dropped; the trial was scheduled for September 30. There is sitll a chance that the charges will be dropped, sometime in June, but… it looks like the ABC is pushing ahead with the charges against him.
rq says
You think lethal injection is barbaric? These states still allow execution by hanging. Just another death-penalty post and the barbaric practice that it is.
Currently at #Ferguson townhall meeting Officials have already started distancing themselves from Mayor. Empty seats;
#Ferguson Mayor Knowles. You can’t sit with us ! Recall in progress Recall is a lonely island.
Study: Black Teachers are Just as Likely as White Teachers to Disproportionately Punish Black Students. Internalized racism just sucks.
Please have your puke-bucket handy. Exclusive: Here Are a Bunch of Cops Talking About How a Slain 14-Year-Old Deserved to Die
14-year-old boy, called ‘gang member’. Automatically. Like he’s made all his available life choices already.
Man fatally wounded in officer-involved shooting in Long Beach
I wonder.
rq says
Can black police be pro-black and pro-blue at the same time? Isn’t that, like, the definition of cognitive dissonance? In some way? Almost?
Trial Date Set for Martese Johnson
I’m glad, at least, that his plans for the summer haven’t been impeded (so far).
Saturday. May 30th. #BaltimoreUprising
Thurston Sheriff’s Office seeks witnesses to Olympia police shooting, I hope they get several. Honest people.
They seem to be handling the protests rather calmly, for now. Smaller community? Smaller city? Better policing?
Officers in Freddie Gray case taken to jail without handcuffs – is this #CrimingWhileWhite, or #CrimingWhileBlue? I don’t know of any non-police offenders who would be offered the same courtesy.
Oh. Well, jsut be calm and peaceful, then.
@deray since you met @BerkeleyBSU I just wanted to share with you some photos from their walkout, It was powerful.
Thumper: Who Presents Boxes Which Are Not Opened says
And another one…
rq says
Group seeking Ferguson mayor recall finally able to turn in petition
Our case to oust county prosecutor Bob McCulloch is being heard this Friday at 10 AM, St. Louis County Courts Judge Walsh #Ferguson That’s another on-going issue.
BLAVITY BULLETIN – they have one??
And a video to survive the haters in there, too.
Black auto shop workers file class-action suit against NYPD – they’re really that obvious?
May 29, 1973: Tom Bradley, grandson of slaves, is elected 1st (only to date) Black mayor of L.A. #todayinblackhistory
Lawyer: Police-Involved-Shooting Victim’s Autopsy Refutes JSO Story. Nothing new under the sun.
rq says
Missing Minutes From Security Video Raises Questions
83 fuckin’ minutes. Wow.
ICYMI: Toscana Management in Irvine, CA has noise guidelines specifically for their African American residents:
Explain @EquityRes. A friendly reminder to African-American residents, to keep the noise down from 10PM to 7AM. Specifically a friendly reminder for them. o.o
A comment on this, Bout to call and be like “I’m in the apartments to the far left. How loud am I on a scale from 1 to B*TCH WAYER?!”
Apparently the newest rumor is that I am a member of the illuminati. The trolls are desperate and creative. Smearing activists seems to be a pretty hot hobby these days.
Trumbull deputy gets 30-day unpaid suspension for Facebook post
Funny, that comment seems to have had a racially-skewed effect. What was that about implicit bias?
Graphic: Homicides and shootings spike while arrests decline in Baltimore City . Dammit, it looks like I’ll have to search upthread for that article that noted that this spike has been occurring well before the unrest related to Freddie Gray’s death, not as a result of. *fumes*
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
From Jezebel–
Irvine apartment company reminds black residents to keep it down:
There’s an image of the sign at the link.
rq says
I need a song for every time I put a post in moderation. Any takers? Mod!ER!AY!SHUNNN!!!
Last one for tonight:
Larry Sanders Walked Away From the NBA and $27 Million, and He’s Never Felt Better
The burden of pro sports, I suppose.
Also, Baltimore Development Corp. has set up a Business Recovery Team. Impacted businesses can sign up for help at http://www.BaltimoreBusinessRecovery.org .
The details of the East St. Louis “race riot,” aka massacre of innocent black people, are absolutely infuriating.
East St Louis race riot, you ask?
White Mob Riots in East St. Louis Over Threat of Black Labor
Like holy shit.
Pres Obama and VP Biden w 97-yr-old Vivian Bailey, who raises money so kids from local school can take field trips.
Back tomorrow.
rq says
Oh good, you found an article on that!!! Yay!
CaitieCat, Harridan of Social Justice says
With apologies to Kool and the Gang:
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
New Jersey police officers shoot and kill suspect in public library:
I wonder if there’s any security footage available, bc at this point, I need another source to corroborate the police’s story.
Bullshit. Police batons. Tasers.
Dude, he had a knife. Not a gun.
rq says
At this point, I’d be all about NO TASERS too, but it’s better than a gun, I suppose – for some definition of ‘better’.
rq says
Need that wrapped and recorded, please, ASAP. :)
In other news, I think it’s safe to say that I’ll be inadvertently taking breaks on Saturdays. But we’ll see. :)
Tomorrow! Lotsa reading! Including a comparison between white ‘protestors’ (appearance and media portrayal) and black protestors (appearance and media portrayal). Stay tuned!
rq says
You know what’s heartbreaking?
Among all the other stuff, I’ll be introducing you to a few more hashtags today. Incl. the man mentioned above by Tony, shot in a library.
But unfortunately, he is not the only one.
To work, then.
Let’s start with some music, though, okay?
Lil Mama’s ‘Sausage’ Might Have You Dancing This Weekend
And some basketball: Bomani Jones Takes the Dismal Science to ESPN
Interview continues at the link.
A different kind of racism. Mohammed cartoon contest: Protest held outside Phoenix mosque, pics and commentary to come, in the meantime, you can read the article (it has video).
Judge defers ruling on probe into handling of Ferguson case
I guess done is done and nobody really gives a shit about McCullogh anymore (except those who do) but that man had some serious race an authority issues he was unwilling to tackle. Please have a special prosecutor.
It was absolutely legitimate for @deray to be concerned for his safety and suspending Johnson was the right thing to do. @Slate = trash. I have since misplaced the relevant Slate article, but it wasn’t pretty.
Crissle West Is Magical For Taking Down White Privilege
Fuckin’ A. It sounds good. Except the video won’t play for me. :( I’ll do a youtube search later, in case anyone else has issues.
rq says
The FHA adopted a racial policy that could well have been culled from the Nuremberg laws, a post by Ophelia Benson on government-sponsored segregation.
ABC on the latest McCullogh issue: Judge Defers Ruling on Probe Into Handling of Ferguson Case
I guess it’s mostly the same text. But yeah, it doesn’t look good.
Hashtag one: Deputies shoot 17-year-old after car chase in SeaTac. 17.
Yah but shot in the head? What are the chances of lasting damage?
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Important Message to Girls: “Forget About Likability”
Video at the link.
Nevada Abolishes Death in Prison Sentences for Children. I’m so, so, so sad for a world where this is even necessary.
Children. Fucking children.
The FBI’s Response to Another Killer Cop Set Free? More Surveillance For Protestors. Feeling safe yet? Can’t cite because it’s alternet, so you’ll just have to read.
rq says
Okay, this appeal re: the #BreloTrial is actually just challenging the judge’s logic and cannot change the outcome re: Brelo. So what’s the point?
And what is he talking about?
Prosecutor challenges legal analysis of Brelo verdict
Besides misspelling ‘rationale’, it makes sense. Sadly, it will do nothing for justice in this situation.
Crime went down during NY police slowdown. Crime went up during Baltimore police slowdown. Public safety doesn’t depend on law enforcement.
More Claims of Misconduct by McCulloch in Ferguson Grand Jury Investigation
Still no charges for Cleveland Police nearly seven months after killing Tanisha Anderson. I feel like Cleveland police like to drag things out in the hopes that people will forget.
Suspect shot and killed by police in Lyndhurst Public Library, #ReadingWhileBlack. Same as Tony’s above.
Hashtag two.
rq says
Meeting with activists of #bringbackourgirls in Abuja, 410 day since the abduction of Chibok girls by Boko Haram. Yep, that hasn’t ended, either.
Tangential: Twitter trolls, your days are numbered: The Department of Justice is finally taking online harassment like #Gamergate seriously . Let’s hope they address racist trolls, too.
Prosecutor McGinty is appealing the Brelo verdict. This characterization followed by those typos = p.o.’d prosecutor.
Closing argument: Victoria White ’15, taking action against injustice
The world is yours, young black woman! Go get it!
There’s a protest action scheduled in Baltimore today. There will be infinitely more officers there than were at the Mosque last night. Bet. Ah yes, the mosque. Getting to that.
Systematic Racism
Police Brutality
Marginalized Voices
Not Real:
Reverse Racism
White Genocide
Gay Agenda Misandry
In case anyone needed a reminder.
rq says
Any black guy who wore a durag was assumed to be in a gang but for whites its fashion #MyCultureIsNotCouture A fashion statement.
For Rekia, LaVena, and Shereese: The Importance of #SayHerName
That’s a lot of names.
Imagine, for one second, what would go down if a #BlackLivesMatter protestor showed up like this guy in Phoenix. There’s your first look at the ‘protestors’ at the mosque. Yep, they’re protesting people who have done nothing against them. Is that even a legitimate protest? Like, they’re not oppressed by muslims. … Are they?
Think angry whites have never marched on non-white churches before? Think again; this #IsYourAmerica #PhXMosque
Being Muslim is not violent. Showing up to a mosque threatening Muslims with assault rifles and Nazi symbols is violent. #PHxMosque Oh yes, the Nazi symbols.
The KKK used to do this to black churches in the Deep South that encouraged blacks to vote. It was hate then, it’s hate now #PHxMosque
rq says
Elsewhere, they protested (like, really protested) a baseball game:
That was quick. He called us a disgrace for simply walking through. It’s a silent march. Just our… https://instagram.com/p/3SdVdwFn-Y/
Simply, occupying space. #ShutdownBaseball #Ferguson #BlackLivesMatter #NoJusticeNoPeace https://instagram.com/p/3Se40plnxj/
People are having a problem with the #BlackLivesMatter signs and the flag. #ShutdownBaseball… https://instagram.com/p/3ShEe6Fn1f/
rq says
More from baseball: Tonight’s #shutdownbaseball action. #GoCards #ABanks #conciousfriday #endpolicebrutality #BlackLivesMatter
Strong police presence still at the #PhxMosque protest @statepress I heard there was a counter-protest, too, and the police stood between, but I don’t have anyhting specific on that.
Calvin Holiday, Navajo, says even Indian religion was outlawed. #PHxMosque Racist white people in love with their guns = hateriots, according to his sign. Love it. Also remember when they were pilgrims in search of religious freedom, yeah, that.
Racism in Japan: Biracial Beauty Queen Challenges Japan’s Self-Image
Seems a similar struggle everywhere (witness Aminata Savadogo, Latvia’s Eurovision entry – she says she’s Latvian, others question her origin… assholes.)
Thabo Sefolosha reflects on incident, says he’s always been a professional
Being a professional athlete will not protect you.
Intro, of sorts, more next comment – O’Malley, Maryland, protest. The Effects of Mayor O’Malley’s Zero Tolerance Policies #CityThatBleeds Protest at Federal Hill #Baltimore @deray
rq says
So, O’Malley. No doubt you have heard: Martin O’Malley, former governor, jumps into 2016 Democratic race. Why is this relevant? Because he’s the mastermind of the Zero Tolerance policy that Baltimore had in effect that, essentially, contributed to the further criminalization of black bodies and black lives. (Mano Singham takes a quick look here, just the candidacy not the policies, but I can’t say that I agree.)
Not a lot of people were too pleased.
Some commentary, and some photos probably next comment:
“We made our city safer for our children” #OMalley2016 99.9% sure he’s talking about white people.
They are escorting Black people out of fed hill #OMalley2016 Yep, that was at thing.
The guys sent to follow my every move #OMalley2016 That was a thing, too..
One of the security guards told us that his supervisor gave him orders to follow us around all day. #OMalley2016 @GovernorOMalley
rq says
The @bmorebloc die-in has started at the Martin #OMalley presidential) campaign announcement #BaltimoreUprising
This Your #BlueLivesMatter crew inciting violence at the #Baltimore City Hall against #BlackLivesMatter @deray
Another 20 #BPD Cops Arrive at the #BlackLivesMatter vs #BlueLivesAggitate confrontation Baltimore City Hall
#BlueLivesMatter protestors are taunting black protestors here in #Baltimore
The police have now come to watch the Black protestors #Baltimore #
The police have said that any Black person that steps off of the stoop at city hall will be arrested #Baltimore #BlueLivesMatter
rq says
Late’s take a look at Phoenix, for a moment:
Here’s What Happened at the Anti-Islam Protest and ‘Draw Muhammad’ Contest in Arizona. See the pictures. These people? Terrify me a lot more than black people protesting for their lives.
Sounds like the police behaved.
Okay, and yeah: Anderson Cooper Confronts Anti-Islam Rally Organizer: Aren’t You ‘Promoting Violence?’ Are you?
Grand success, non?
And one more: ‘Neo-Nazis with flags’: Twitter users respond to Phoenix ‘Draw Mohammad’ contest with #NotMyAmerica “This is not who we are.” Sadly, that is who some of you are.
And the guns, guns, American guns everywhere.
Somehow the media calls this a “peaceful protest” Astonishing. #PHxMosque
As a veteran, it’s hard to watch civilian mosque protesters pretend to be soldiers while they harass fellow Americans.
And no National Guard, no overblown hype about imminent violence, no tear gas, nothing… While unarmed black people cannot congregate without being, in some way, harrassed. *spits*
Small break, more later in the evening.
HappyNat says
@deray continues to educate. For anyone who says twitter is a waste of time follow him. I’d never heard of Fred Hampton or his murder, of course it wasn’t taught in school, but I’m ashamed I hadn’t heard of him until now. Murdered by the Federal and Local government at the age of 21.
HappyNat says
Also today is the anniversary of the destruction of Black Wall Street in Tulsa. Something else I’m ashamed I just learned about a few months ago. Keeping up with the way USA white supremacy has terrorized POC for 400 years is more than a full time job.
rq says
Ex-Cop uses Facebook to Taunt the Family of an Unarmed Man he Killed (VIDEO)
And while the victim isn’t black this time, the reasoning and lojik of the police was, of course, that their lives were threatened.
Fannie Lou Hamer’s Powerful Testimony, “Freedom Summer” clip 19
Also, must get my hands on that documentary. Looks powerful.
Rawlings-Blake says city won’t return to days of ‘mass arrests’ under O’Malley. That’s something, i guess.
This is the same O’Malley now presenting himself as Democratic candidate.
We’ve had 70 murders in St. Louis City in 2015 & @SLMPD spends its time harassing & tasing a group of people with signs. Seems legit.
Given their consistent, unnecessary escalation of aggression, I’m fearful @SLMPD will kill a protester during this long summer. God help us.
Self-defense claim raised in Zimmerman shooting – sweet, sweet irony.
rq says
@Nettaaaaaaaa I’m not ok I’m here at the justice center and they will not release my stuff and there important expensive things in it;
Now STL PD Central Booking says they don’t have @DhorubaShakur ‘s bookbag & Justice Center says they don’t have it either.
Police are targeting our most vocal and active activists. They are arresting to intimidate and thwart further protests.
Yes, that happened, too.
Sister, Friends Of 20-Year-Old Honors Student Fatally Shot By Long Beach Police Lash Out.
And on that note… Fatal police shootings in 2015 approaching 400 nationwide – with the summer still ahead.
Photo Raises Doubts About Police Shooting of Jermaine McBean. Aiee.
Don’t listen to music on earphones while black?
rq says
Police killed 1,144 people in 2013. That’s 7% of 16,121 US homicides that year.
(Source: http://mappingpoliceviolence.org and http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/homicide.htm …)
(This is all fatalities by police.)
Police shot and killed 973 people in 2013. 9% of 11,208 homicides by firearm that yr.
(Source: http://mappingpoliceviolence.org + http://t.co/5q4I3um3fm)
(This is all shooting fatalities by police.)
That seems like a lot…
rq says
More on Jermaine McBean, A Florida Police Killing Like Many, Disputed and Little Noticed
More at the link.
The things a black kid is often taught not to do that his white friends can do are heartbreaking. A talk by Clint Smith, seen before, worth another look, with text on general racism encountered.
We’ve looked at conditions in men’s prisons, so here’s a look at women’s prisons (or at least one of them): “You call this a medical emergency?”
Tragedy after tragedy after tragedy.
Mother of Tamir Rice could not be here today because “big announcement expected in the case today,” we are told here at Black Women’s Forum. Here’s hoping more on this later.
We’re on day 295 since #Ferguson. And in all these days, we’ve discovered how weak white supremacy is. And that, my friends, scares folks.
Black Women in San Francisco are Nearly 50% of City’s Arrests, and only 6% of the Female Population. Alternet again, so no citing.
rq says
HappyNat mentioned Fred Hampton upthread, so here’s more:
WATCH: “The Assassination of Fred Hampton: How the FBI and Chicago Police Murdered a Black Panther”
Well worth the read.
@deray this is thunderous – Fred Hampton Speech: “Why don’t you die for the people” http://youtu.be/_7F8RfnDhkA
The wall, from Ferguson to Palestine #PalFest15 #Ferguson #Palestine
Racist Little Boy Taunts Black Man And Daughter With Racial Slurs (VIDEO) It starts young.
And from our very own Tony, Black lives are devalued in Barstow, California
rq says
Via Tony, White Privilege, Explained in One Simple Comic.
10 Things All White Folks Need to Consider about the #BaltimoreUprising, also via Tony.
And, after those short lessons for us white folk, Onwards!
US police ‘shot dead almost 400 people’ in 2015 – Al-Jazeera has picked up the story.
Kanye West Returns to Los Angeles Trade Technical College, just for fun.
Last night, #blacklivesmatter protesters @DhorubaShakur and Eli returned to Ballpark Village outside Busch Stadium.
#blacklivesmatter protesters outside Busch Stadium in Saint Louis Friday night.
rq says
Some protestors got tasered for nothing in STL,
see here and here (more on this later).
Picking up the Pieces, a Minneapolis case study.
Lots and lots and lots of information, but the site has weird gifs, large ones, so it might be slow loading for some people (it was jerky for me).
Comparison: White guy in Idaho ordered out of car by cops takes 15-20 minutes to comply.http://www.idahostatesman.com/2015/05/30/3828279_boise-man-arrested-after-allegedly.html?rh=1 … Versus, say, this: http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2015/05/24/watch_a_police_officer_taser_pepper_spray_a_man_who_is_suffering_a_massive.html …
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
More from Everyday Feminism–
4 Reasons why the US police force is an extension of slavery and white supremacy (that you were probably never taught:
(note-I’ve only included the 4 reasons; there is material that precedes them)
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
2 Baltmore community leaders teach Sean Hannity how structural racism works.
To be honest, I don’t think they taught him anything. Teaching implies something of a willingness to learn. They explained structural racism to him, but I doubt he attempted to understand what they were saying.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Police Brutality around the world-
In Chile-Repression of students day of action against police brutality:
In Brazil-
Military police murder unarmed, injured man on public street in front of crowd:
There is a brutal, graphic video at the end of the above link that shows the actions of the military officer as described at the end of the quoted material.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
2 newspapers-one of them British-hope to accurately count number of people killed by US police:
Here is a link to the Guardian database.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Going by the Guardian’s database, 2 people have already been killed in June, 82 in May, 96 in April, 114 in March, 84 in February, and 90 in January.
It’s mentioned in the text quoted above, but remember the Guardian is counting all police homicides, while the Post is counting those shot to death.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Incidentally, the Guardian’s database has images of those killed (where possible).
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
The Guardian says it will rely to some degree on submissions from readers (after being vetted of course):
Here is the link to the tip submissions page.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
The Oklahoma Bureau of Investigation to probe shooting by reserve deputy:
Police shooting of Southern California college debater sparks anger:
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
US tightens airport security after undercover tests reveal terrible failure rate:
rq says
Thank you, Tony, for keeping things going!
.@BYP_100: Unapologetically BLACK. #BlackWorkMatters #FightFor15 VIDEO:
This @WashingtonPost infographic re: police violence should say, “according to police.” Remember, #WalterScott. You can put that alongside the Guardian Count (I’ll link to it again later).
Ohio Prosecutor Slams Judge in Acquittal of Cop in Execution Style Slaying
So yes, it’s the same appeal as seen before, but this one actually links to the appeal itself.
A word from Noam Chomsky, from 1999. See how much has changed! Domestic Terrorism: Notes on the State System of Oppression
And there’s more, of course, A lot more. Is it any different, now, with protestor surveillance, etc.?
Where have all the good cops gone? Denver Sheriff Whistleblower: ’I Was Ordered To Destroy Videotape’
So… there they are.
rq says
Ta-Nehisi Coates had a long twitter exposition (tweet-by-tweet) the other day about black-on-black crime, and its significance coming from both white and black people (the argument, I mean, not the crime). I’ve pulled some quotes from him, but now I’m not sure if they illustrate the point anymore, because there was a lot more.
Anyway, something like this:
And since slavery “What about black crime?” has been offered up by both white and black people, failing to understand their circumstance.
“What about black crime?” has basically been the answer to any movement for black equality since slavery.
Anyway attempt to change the subject to “black crime” is neither new, nor original, but a standard time-tested feature of American racism.
[mention and quote of black leaders using black-on-black crime argument, examples from W.E.B. Dubois within this article here: The Conservation of Races]
And to be clear I’m not bashing Du Bois, Terrell and Turner. They lived in a certain era and were trying to negotiate the politics.
No one should be known by their worst moments. But it gives you some sense of how old these invocations of “black crime” are.
rq says
Right, there was talk of Fred Hampton previously. This is a bit late, but c’mon, education is never too much. The Black Panther Raid and the death of Fred Hampton
Plus, it’s a short article.
Police are fatally shooting people at twice the rate reported by FBI, analysis finds
It’s a rehash of the Washington Post article on police killings. (Also, small haha, the Washington Post apparently dropped that article in the middle of the night, and there was some wondering why (on twitter) – and I think it’s because they wanted their investigation and count out before the Guardian published theirs.)
O’Malley seeks path to White House. Again, don’t get too excited about that.
Libraries and the homeless and the poor: Critical Linking: May 31, 2015
Links at the site.
Is it just me, or are white people killed by police in mysterious circumstances getting more media time now? (Not a bad thing.) Pastor shot dead by cops who say they were trying to SAVE him from flood: Wife questions officers’ claim he attacked them because he didn’t want to leave his truck.
I’ll be requesting that @ChiefSLMPD and witnesses come discuss this incident before the Public Safety Cmte.
rq says
Woman Walking on Sidewalk Records St Louis PD Taser Her Repeatedly – the video is not easy to watch.
And Fox2 on the tasing, Outrage after video surfaces of police using tasers on protesters
That seems a very blase attitude and description. Huh.
Kanye West Returns to Los Angeles Trade Technical College, ’cause we haven’t had some Kanye in a while.
Might be worth a transcript, hopefully one shows up later!
“I was born again in the streets of Ferguson. And God was queer,” testified @RevSekou at #LeftForum I just love the quote.
On @60Minutes Black police chief of Cleveland just said he’s never had “the talk” with his 24 year old son. #TamirRice Also interesting…
Racial Penalties in Baltimore Mortgages, another on the racial disparities in the housing market.
It’s so obvious and people still can’t see it, because it isn’t loud.
rq says
Tasers: Perfectly harmless!
.@ChiefSLMPD: “My officers acted appropriately and no officers or protesters were seriously hurt.” Except for the people tazed…
For Some in Chicago, Spike Lee’s ‘Chiraq’ Has a Title That Rankles. Apparently they gave him a tax credit (or whatever that is called) to make this movie.
Hey, it sounds like this movie will be a look at black-on-black crime! What was that about not paying attention to it?
Brelo was acquitted, and then… Arbitrator rescinds discipline for four supervisors in deadly police chase
It’s disgusting.
(VIDEO) NAZIS IN OLYMPIA, WA LEARN THE HARD WAY THAT BLACK LIVES MATTER – white supremacists, more than Nazis as such, but it comes to much the same thing. Keeping an eye out for a different source for this.
Speaking of Confederate flags, here’s a couple on their presence all over: ‘Rebels’ proliferate up north, but what’s their cause?
It’s just a flag, sure. Can I wear my swastikas now? After all, they’re ancient symbols of power, protection and good luck.
Anyway, I blame country music.
Confederate flags fly in Camden for music fest. See, I was right!
rq says
Did I say tasers, perfectly harmless? Huh. Family identifies man Tased by police.
Floyd Dent, Man Beaten by Michigan Cops on Camera, Settles for $1.4 Million. Repeat post.
Lenny Henry: There is only one certain way to smash the black glass ceiling in television
Racism: not just for USAmerica anymore. :P
Bringing a Little Color to a Passage at the 191st Street Station, for the art:
Surveillance video contradicts police officers’ account of Bronx wreck that left motorcyclist dead and passenger brain damaged
The Counted
People killed by police in the US, from The Guardian. It’s a giant infographic, as mentioned by Tony, with photos (where available) and data such as age, etc. And it is a lot, a lot, a lot of names. Each name also has a sort of pop-up cue-card with basic information on the case. We have seen a very, very small fraction of these names on this thread.
rq says
Take note, that all current databases on police killings in USAmerica are being created by either private activists or media organizations.
Not law enforcement organizations or the government.
Back in a bit.
rq says
Remembering the Tulsa “Race Riot” of 1921 #KnowOurHistory – notice how ‘race riot’ makes it sound like there were two equal sides?
There’s a stack (not a huge one) of links with more information at the bottom, there.
This is tangential, but relevant: What’s wrong with political correctness? on being kinder, more aware, and dealing with one’s own shame at being wrong.
A few other nice thoughtful things in that article, which I enjoyed a lot, and could relate to. Probably has a few issues, too, but oh well.
@__Trail__ @Nettaaaaaaaa @the_blueprint, the ‘I’m not racist but…’ cartoon. Brought out last night for the non-transphobic transphobes.
Florida police murder black computer engineer as he listens to music; attempted coverup exposed
The usual disparities between witness statements and some photos and the police narrative.
The ‘usual disparities’. How is that even a phrase in this context?
Protesters Were Tased on Sidewalk Before Arrest for “Impeding Traffic,” Video Shows, back in St Louis.
About those policies, some tweets on that later.
Ranting About Feminism: It’s racist for you to ask me to overlook no diversity. And I’m not fucking doing it. An article on Fury Road and it’s whiteness. Women, yes. Women of colour, not so much (people of colour, not so much…). Would be even more awesome.
It’s a tumblr, weird format, so here’s a response:
There’s a couple of other great responses re: biracial people and having colour erased due to passing as white, and the article itself ends with:
So now that Furiosa has smashed the partiarchy she can find some friends and smash colonialism, too – in a movie where she takes the role of Max and her Maori friend takes the lead. Hmm?
Here’s another re: that movie: are you white?
Also, check out the first link in that post, under the line ‘I see why you’re asking’.
rq says
Need that moderation song recorded, ASAP. I needs to go right here. Too much Fury Road there, I suppose.
Some ways to help practically, and yes, this focus is on Ferguson this comment this time, because.
If you can help currently homeless #Ferguson protester @jacereely out with a donation, he could really use it!
http://www.gofundme.com/u595u8?utm_source=internal&utm_medium=email&utm_content=cta_button&utm_campaign=upd_n …
Don’t forget that activist @CocoPazzo and family are facing homelessness as well, and desperately need our help! http://www.gofundme.com/pubtw4
Finally, @ophelporhush [http://operationhelporhush.org/donate ] supports the needs of the ground directly, is always in need of donations. Please follow them & donate when possible!
rq says
NYPD abusing its power by arresting minorities for ‘manspreading’ and other low-level violations: group, repost?
Hey neighbor! A ‘Black Lives Matter’ sign on your lawn is an act of solidarity
Why Apple Reportedly Wants to Pay Drake $19 Million, musical interlude.
In August, we were trying to convince folks that police violence was a crisis. & now, news agencies are making police violence data sets. News agencies, but it’s a start.
America cannot lock its poor in debtor’s prisons to fund its police departments
And in the WTF file, Today Is a Work Holiday in Alabama to Honor Jefferson Davis, mostly for the photo.
Sounds like a good time, if you want to hang out with some obvious racist people. “It’s just a flag.”
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Tim Wise launches #whiteliesmatter campaign:
He’s already launched his opening salvo, which can be seen here.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
I had a general knowledge of Tim Wise as an anti-racist activist, but other than that, I didn’t know anything specific. Pity that, because he has a lot to say, and I’m glad he’s saying it. For instance, from his blog’s appreciation and accountability page:
Thank you Mr. Wise.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Here he offers some answers to frequently asked question:
rq says
Lawsuit: St. Louis Suburb’s Courts Violate Rights of Poor
Did Fla. Police Lie About Jermaine McBean Not Wearing Earbuds During Fatal Shooting?
I’m so behind with my tabs, I think half of what I’m psoting is a repost of something I’ve already posted. Apologies, if true.
Lawsuit Against Two Officers in Tamir Rice Shooting Delayed for 60 Days. Delay, delay, delay, delay.
Part of Tamir Rice lawsuit on hold for 60 days, judge rules. Same story, different source, with video.
Feds overwhelmingly use sneak and peeks in drug cases, not to fight terrorism – well, they would, wouldn’t they.
@deray powerful painting showing black woman slaving to sew the American flag. #BlackLivesMatter
Clint Smith: How to raise a black son in America, as seen before, this time via Afropunk.
rq says
It’s a pattern of behaviour. William Chapman: unarmed 18-year-old shot dead by officer who killed before
The Missing Statistics of Criminal Justice, some of which are slowly showing up here and there.
Mic Check Racism
An upcoming event!
community. baltimore. (via @byDVNLLN)
Prosecutors in 2 Md. counties to swap each other’s police-shooting cases. I can’t tell, is htis a good thing?
US Police Killed Student Who Was Walking Away, Didn’t Tell Family. A good education won’t protect you.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Watch: complete mayhem in Olympia as swarm of protesters clash with white supremacist group:
rq says
Here’s a look at the St Louis Metropolitan PD taser policy, as related to the tasing of unarmed, non-violent protestors. First, a look at the tasing itself:
The arrest by @SLMPD of 8 protesters & the tasering of 2 on the sidewalk at Washington/11th on Friday night. Part 1.
The arrest by @SLMPD of 8 protesters & the tasering of 2 on the sidewalk at Washington/11th on Friday night. Part 2. (youtube video at link)
The arrest by @SLMPD of 8 protesters & the tasering of 2 on the sidewalk at Washington/11th on Friday night. Part 3. (youtube video at link)
And then the policy:
Looks like @SLMPD directly violated their taser policy. Number 8 says tasers should not be aimed at breasts. (Policy attached in tiny print.)
Also #4 says @SLMPD should yell taser before deploying it. Neither officer ever gives a verbal warning any of the 3x.
Also #1 seems important given @SLMPD officer ran on the sidewalk with his taser brandished at people just walking.
rq says
Essentially, @SLMPD & @ChiefSLMPD’s argument rests w/ #3 policy item. This is the exact language they’ve been using.
.@ChiefSLMPD is now saying protesters were “pulling at the officers” during the 1st arrests. Video contradicts that. http://fox2now.com/2015/06/01/questions-raised-over-tazing-of-protesters-in-downtown-st-louis/ …
A few more interesting things:
Here’s an interesting comment from a former University City and Hanley Hills police officer, Julia Bowen. Doesn’t much sound like your friendly neighbourhood cop.
Super interesting. Post-Dispatch appears to have taken down Byers’ story about @SLMPD tasing protesters on Fri night.
Other news, All Nevada Highway Patrol troopers to wear body cameras, just the first healine in that list. I suppose a good step in some direction that may or may not be backwards by definition.
rq says
St. Louis Police Turn Stun Guns On Non-Violent Protesters Near Busch Stadium
Yeah, that’s HuffPo on the same story as above.
15 Black TED Talks You Should Be Watching Right Now
All videos available at the link, a nice mix of men and women (can’t speak to any other diversity, myself – oh, except they’re all black, where’s the white people at? :P).
Protest in New York:
.@elsajustelsa talking about why #PeoplesMonday is talking about #LGBTQ victims of cop violence! #BlackLivesMatter
#PeoplesMonday ending with some Assata as usual! #BlackLivesMatter #GrandCentral #NYC
#PeoplesMonday in the #GrandCentral cafe giving the facts on #MyaHall! #BlackLivesMatter #TransLivesMatter #NYC
#PeoplesMonday marching thru #GrandCentral #NYC chanting shut it down! #BlackLivesMatter
rq says
Some thoughts on activism, protesting, people and organizations:
“You must be in an org to accomplish…” Eh. Halt. People power is what grabbed these “orgs” attention in August.
So much so, these orgs wouldn’t stop showing up to take over and lay claim to what the power of people resisting the status quo, started.
But no, instead of talking true facts, these same “orgs or nothing else” folk just talk all around what it is that they want.
What good is the org if it’s so separated from what the actual PEOPLE are doing? But you want to monitor/approve everything first.
There are many roads to liberation, and we all don’t have to take the same one.
As she is someone who started out as one of those people in the streets and is now a member of an organization, I value and appreciate Johnetta Elzie’s perspective on this. And as a side note, DeRay, from whom I get probably the majority (if not the vast majority) of my information, is not a member of any organization. Just him and his vest.
And here’s a stunner, possible good news, the future will tell: 23 Wellston officers turn in badges as department disbands
So maybe Vinita Park will have a bloated force, but who knows? With one force for a slightly larger population, things might work a bit better… who knows?
rq says
Right. Stephen Rankin: the military-trained officer who killed two unarmed men
His time in Iraq makes me think he may have some unresolved PTSD type issues himself, but honestly? No excuse, and without treatment, he shouldn’t have gone into policing, not with that attitude.
Also, I’ll have a look at that recruiting video, end of this comment, as a thought with which to leave you until tomorrow.
In the meantime, South African students head for the United States on the Community College Initiative Program!
Let’s hope none of them gets shot by police.
Washington County Sheriff’s Office buys $68K in riot gear. But but but why?
At least it’s only a few thousand and no vehicles and guns. Eh. Right?
Residents react to statistics of police stopping 75 percent more blacks than whites.
Gotta love that last paragraph. Doesn’t have to be racist by intention to have racist effects, people. Intent ain’t magic.
Traffic enforcement report: Black drivers in Missouri still stopped at higher rate, the Post-Dispatch on the same.
And I promised a recruitment video, and by all the non-existent gods, you will get a recruitment video. Remember, this is for the police, not the army… and I seem to have lost the video, so no, you will not get a recruitment video, but here’s some pictures from it: Scenes from a recruitment vid for the police dept in VA, whose officer killed two unarmed men.
Good night!
rq says
Leaked Video of a North Carolina Police Shooting Shows the Side of Policing We Rarely See
See, I know the video is supposed to show something rare and exceptional and all, but… as horrid as it is? It’s not a side of policing we ‘rarely see’ anymore. False advertising, website!
I’m just sad to know there’s another name. And note the history of a pattern of abusing authority on the part of the police officer.
How Do You Define a Gang Member?
More at the link, incl. on how the defense then, in addition to the charges as such, must work to counter the gang enhancement, which, actually, seems a huge invasion of privacy. But then trials often are. Still.
2013 Median household net worth: Whites $141,900 Hispanics $13,700 Blacks $11,000, source at the link.
New Fine Schedule for FergusonPD. Lady did not want to take it down & make copies. Stared at her till she did. Crazy.
Spokane Police have arrested former Pasco Police Officer Richard Aguirre for the 1986 murder of Ruby Doss. @KREM2
And it appears that the @Guardian has updated its infographics to accurately represent race/police violence. There was some worry that they weren’t taking demographic proportions into account.
rq says
So that was good morning.
I haven’t checked twitter updates yet, so here’s a few thoughts from Shaun King on the Tamir Rice case, where there seems to be anticipation in terms of some new announcement re: progress and the case as such.
So un- or substantiated, something to think about:
I am told, again, that the investigation into the murder of Tamir Rice is over. It’s been over. Cleveland is officially stalling the release;
I am told that the two high ranking members of the Cleveland & Cuyahoga County government are stalling the release of the Tamir decision.
I spoke to a member of the Cleveland Prosecutors Office who told me he’s never seen officers less willing to talk than the @CLEpolice
I was told by the Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s office that @ArmondBudish has repeatedly slowed down the investigation of Tamir’s murder.
The Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s office told me that newly elected officials who started in January are “scared shitless” of Tamir’s case.
But if you ignore it, it will go away?
rq says
AH, here:
The @Guardian race analysis of police violence is misleading in that its infographics do not address demographic proportions.
The @Guardian’s reporting on police violence has been so solid which makes their misleading infographics re: race so odd and confusing.
But as you can see above, they fixed that.
OMG. The @afropunk lineup is LEGENDARY. Line-up for the Afropunk Fest… no dates on that poster, though. :(
1 in 13 people killed by guns are killed by police
Important point, that – this data on police shootings leaves deaths like those of Eric Garner and Freddie Gray outside of the statistics. Keep that in mind.
Unarmed black teen. William Chapman, killed by officer who just came off suspension for killing
And here’s a bill, with no date on it, but maybe someone knows what 114th Congress 1st Session means, on To require States to report to the Attorney General certain information regarding shooting incidents involving law enforcement officers, and for
other purposes. Presented by a Mrs Boxer on behalf of herself and a Mr Booker.
rq says
#STL Public Safety Costs: @SLMPD – $149M @STLFireDept – $59M Corrections/MSI – $16.3M Justice Center – $23M
Pension Costs this Year: Police Dept – $27M Fire Dept (FRS) – $0 Fire Dept (FRP) – $6.7M City Employees – $13.5M
@AntonioFrench asking hard questions to the @SLMPD on where the extra 700 thousands is needed, can’t get a clear answer from #SLMPD
The gap between how often white and black drivers get stopped by police in Missouri got even larger last year,
Man Watched By Joint Terrorism Task Force Shot, Killed By Officers
Accounts differ: Shot three times in the back sounds very different from the @bostonpolice story. Brother of police shooting victim:
Hopefully some of this will be cleared up later this morning.
rq says
Star student killed by California police ‘was going to change the world’: sister
Let’s celebrate some grads: Continue reading to meet the P-TECH Class of 2015.
All six are young people of colour, four of whom are black. There’s only one young woman in the bunch. Four are first-time college graduates in their families. Way to go!
Police behaving abhorrently: New York Police Officer Charged With Using Dead Man’s Credit Card
Slay seeks to raise minimum wage in St. Louis to $15 an hour – but again, by which year? Previous success pegged $15/hr for 2020, which seems… low by the time the year arrives.
Honestly, the Missouri Legislature sounds like an asshole.
What if the Media Talked about White People the Way They Talk About Black People?, repeat information, different source.
rq says
Tomorrow at 9am @chicanapoet1 has court for the false charges of “assaulting” Dotson.
The night of the 19th, Dotson charged at her and got mace on his shirt and charged HER with assault. Tomorrow we support @chicanapoet1
Because that happened, too.
25 Numbers That Show Police Killings Are A Bigger Problem Than We Ever Knew
And I bet it will be the minor statistical discrepancies that will be used to discredit both.
What 2 Big New Reports on Police Killings Tell Us, Mother Jones on the same.
That’s a lot of takeaways, and basically the essential information.
City of #Ferguson appears to be paying Darren Wilson’s lawyer fees in the civil suit brought by Dorian Johnson, because that’s a fucking thing, too.
Baltimore’s deadly May – this one’s almost almost… something. Not funny, but…
rq says
Police commissioner defends patrol strategy amid violence
Is that what they call ‘hotspot policing’? Because it’s not working in STL, either.
Apparently Cleveland has finished the “investigation” re: the killing of #TamirRice but is stalling release to not interrupt NBA Finals.
@deray imagine if a big athlete like lebron ot steph curry decided to sit out the finals until the investigstion dropped.
I can believe that, you know. The stalling because of some basketball.
Here’s a good news: In Baltimore schools, free meals for all
It is welcome news.
ACLU Calls Baltimore Jail “A Crumbling Victorian Dungeon”
Housing Discrimination in America Was Perfected in Chicago, which is… not really something to be proud of.
rq says
Why We’re #WearingOrange on June 2nd – oops, sorry, missed the date. :(
More info at the link.
Tom Hanks’ Wannabee Rapper Son Gets Reckless With the N-Word on Instagram. I have to say, he’s got a good Freeze Peach argument there! Could use a bit more peach, but generally not bad.
Hey, he’s got black friends. Totes okay.
LAPD officer in assault trial ‘immune from any empathy,’ jurors told – I would say a great many of them are. Is this a key argument because she’s a woman?
I guess are police officers are also trained doctors and can automatically discern when someone is feigning medical distress, as they’re so sure people are doing it so often. That and their ability to spot gang members from 50 ft of distance makes me think that the blue uniform gives them some sort of superpowers. So why are they so afraid of people not acting with total and utter submissiveness?
And just fuck this shit right here: Inkster residents face tax hike in beating settlement. Wanna bet they’re going to spin that like Dent is just trying to get some kind of revenge on the entire community or something? Instead of blaming it on the actions of an asshole cop?
‘Shot from behind’: man’s death reveals hidden horror of Latino police killings
Note history of violence for both of the officers in this case.
Unarmed people are much more likely to be killed by police when they’re not white – now that the stats are out, I guess this can be accepted as fact, finally.
rq says
Samaria Rice on Loving and Losing Her Son, Tamir
My heart, out to her.
May 2015. Police Violence Report. Infographic attached.
For 2 months, the @CLEpolice were in charge of Tamir’s case. Then they passed it on to the @CuyahogaSheriff for 5 months.
I am told that instead of announcing anything of substance, the @CLEpolice & @CuyahogaSheriff are now just passing the investigation on.
In my conversations w/ the Cleveland Prosecutors Office, they said they will likely now lead their own investigation. Total ridiculousness.
The Tamir announcement today won’t be that any charges are being filed against the officers, but that a brand new investigation will begin.
The law enforcement version of ‘hot potato’? Good lord, they’re so scared of everything about that case, it seems… And then they’re being assholes about it.
This is really, really going to bite them in the ass sometime soon.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Just how many investigations into USAmerican police departments is the DoJ running?!
rq says
I had a link with that, somewhere upthread, and… it’s a LOT.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
This is good news indeed. Someone ought to inform school officials in Aurora, CO about this. They fired the lunch room manager for giving out food to children who had no lunch money.
She cops to breaking the law, but believes the law should be changed (I agree with her).
Round 2 of debunking racist apologetics by Tim Wise.
His debunking posts are done via tweets, so to read them, you’ll want to click the link. He opens this post with the following:
Here’s part 3 of Debunking Racial Apologetics.
Part 4.
Part 5.
Can’t remember if it’s 5 or 6 links that sends comments into moderation (long as I’ve been posting here, you think I’d know).
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
I mean, really. It boggles my mind that anyone thought a cheese sandwich and a carton of milk would be sufficient for any child. I don’t care that they can’t pay. In fact, they shouldn’t have to pay. I think children should be able to go to school and get a balanced, nutrional meal (two even-breakfast and lunch), and NOT have to pay for it. Nor should their parents have to stress about paying for it. The last thing kids (and their parents) need to worry about is a hungry stomach, which as we all know, impedes the ability of children to learn.
God, conservative politicians are heartless assholes.
Part 6 of Debunking Racial Apologetics.
In what may be the most shake my head inducing story of the day (I really shouldn’t say that, as the day is young), a black Mississippi family is facing jail time for cheering a graduating high school senior.
I’m sure if a white family did that, they’d face the same harsh penalty, right?
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Oh fuck me, another suspect in police custody mysteriously dies after a ride in a police van:
rq says
Tony @342
I could maybe maybe maybe see them being asked to leave for disrupting the ceremony (if they didn’t calm down and such), but court papers?
Fuck that bullshit. Seriously, just fuck it.
(Also, it’s six links. ;) Believe me, I know. MAW-DER-RAY-SHUN!)
rq says
I’m going to leave a recommendation that everyone on this thread also go read Black Skeptics right here on FtB. This computer browser for some reason only let me get to page 9 of posts, but here’s a selection of posts most related to this thread (and I can assure you, all the others in between? definitely worth the read and the thought – most notably the posts with #CollegeNotPrison in the title, because also relevant to here):
#DeathByCop – endorsement and information of an L.A. die-in;
Thugs R’ Us – on the mayor of Baltimore not addressing the problems of institutional racism and going for the easy out;
Busting the School-to-Prison Pipeline – poster for past event;
Dissing DuVernay and the Lessons of Selma – self-explanatory;
Framing Black Queer Resistance: An Interview with Black Lives Matter L.A. Activist Povi-Tamu Bryant – awesome interview;
“No Rights Which the White Man is Bound to Respect” – on the failure of the St Louis grand jury to indict Darren Wilson…
[/part 1]
rq says
[part 2]
Black Skeptics/POCBF Statement on Ferguson & Our Hate Mail – self-explanatory title :/;
In Solidarity w/Ferguson sick of your colorblind bullshit – same;
Black Children Slaughtered: Mistrial in the Murder of Jordan Davis – the young man shot sitting in a car for listening to music too loud for the white man passing;
Airbrushing Race out of “Income Inequality” – racism in real estate and more;
The Souls of Black Boys – Martin, Mandela, and changing consciousness;
In Cold Blood: The Murder of Renisha McBride – the dangers of asking for help while black…
[/part 2]
rq says
[part 3]
Disposable Children: Whiteness, Heterosexism & the Murder of Lawrence King – about as bad as the title sounds.
[/part 3]
So with that, I confess that I have been remiss and negligent in at least looking into this resource, esp. considering this thread and the discussion here. I apologize for that, and will make it a more regularly-read blog.
Boston police say man fatally shot was part of counterterrorism probe
And a closer look at Canada’s indigenous peoples, 8th Fire: Indigenous in the City
Going to have to wait and try to find it online, because CBC and Latvia don’t mix well, when it comes to watching things on the internet. :(
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Oh no.
No no no no no.
Police investigating police shooting of Tamir Rice find ‘no fault with police’
How can the police not be at fault for shooting a 12-year-old boy literally seconds after exiting their vehicle?! No time to ask him to drop the weapon. No time to assess the situation. No attempt made to try non-lethal force. On top of the fact that they were not made aware that Tamir’s “gun” was most likely not a real weapon…
I can feel despair setting in.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Cory Booker announces bill requiring police to report all shootings to the DoJ:
rq says
Well, I think that’s kind of worse than passing it on to other investigators, as the rumour was mongering. :( Shit.
I don’t even know how they could come to that conclusion. Plus not administering first aid, at all.
Justified, my ass.
A word of caution on the subject:
Seeing reports that investigation ruled Tamir Rice shooting “justified.” Per my sources with direct knowledge, that is inaccurate.
The investigation made no recommendation/conclusion about the officers’ actions in that shooting. Just dealt with facts of the incident.
So someone may have jumped the gun on this one, as other sources say they’re passing the case onto the Grand Jury. But couldn’t come to any proper conclusions themselves.
Really, it’s been said on twitter and I think it could be true – I think all investigators are absolutely terrified of this case.
More in a bit.
rq says
The Role The Police Played In Sparking The Baltimore Violence
Let’s spread this knowledge far and wide.
Recipients Of Donations From Prince’s Concert Announced
Comment on the Boxer-Booker measures, Seems like a very watered-down attempt at data collection. Much more detailed info on officer(s) needed. #PRIDEAct
Baltimore to pay $56,000 to settle lawsuit over police chase
Lenny Kravitz, Lauryn Hill and Danny Brown Headline 2015 AFROPUNK Festival. Wheee!!
A portrait of Babe Ruth in 1915: LEFT-HANDER RUTH PUZZLES YANKEES
More at the link.
rq says
Man raises eyebrows carrying rifle through Atlanta Airport. But he was white, so nothing happened.
The US government could count those killed by police, but it’s chosen not to. That almost sounds like an accusation, hm?
40 Reasons Why Our Jails Are Full of Black and Poor People. 40 reasons too many.
32 more at the link. A very good comprehensive list of institutionalized and systemic racism in USAmerica.
I’m a liberal professor, and my liberal students terrify me – this article was mentioned in the Lounge, and here it is again. With some commentary. First an excerpt:
Eh, okay. Reads a lot like ‘political correctness just sucks, don’t it’ to me.
A couple of comments from others:
So yes, the article sounds like White supremacy snd socialized paranoia (not MH) when dominant group think power might be slipping away.
White fear over perceived loss of DOMINANCE over students or media is NOT even close to real fear from poverty & abuse BW #onhere deal with. (This person had a few more comments on this, I just pulled these two.
Another next comment.
rq says
So let me get this straight: You’re a professor, you have a platform at Vox, but The Greatest Threat is WOC expressing themselves on twitter. Heh.
8 Transgender Women of Color Who Are Doing More Than Just Being Visible
Arrest warrants issued for proud black families who cheered at this graduation in Mississippi, DailyKos link. Despicable.
Contact info at the link, and seriously, they waited two weeks to press charges? Absolute bullshit.
We will be at #Ferguson DMV protesting everyday from 9am until. demanding the mayor to resign @FergusonScoop @Nomoremurderz @ShetheStreet RT
Michael Brelo fought his brother to the point where they had to be arrested, that’s the kind of police officers America hires. Say what, you ask?
Cleveland Police officer Michael Brelo faces assault charge in Bay Village – so he’ll face more repercussions for fighting his brother drunk than for unloading a stack of bullets into two unarmed black people.
It’s not a pattern of behaviour or a history of violence, it is an unresolved, emotional conflict over a period of time. Totally internal family matter. Yes. Right. FUCK YOU.
rq says
Pat Buchanan rails at ‘cultural cleansing’ of white Christian men from US history – can I laugh? It seems about the only thing to be done here.
Police or Predators?
Source: Evidence in Sheriff’s Tamir Rice shooting investigation does not support criminal charges. While that headline does not say ‘justified’, it does say ‘does not support criminal charges’, which is just as bullshit.
Fuck your diligence.
Marilyn J Mosby Esq. has done it again. – see attached info. She has launched a program to help non-violent offenders re-enter the job market. Kudos.
Active-Duty NYPD Cop Says Let The Whole City Burn
You go, NYPD. Best of the best.
My sources say sheriff’s investigation of #TamirRice made no rulings/conclusions on charges/justification. Reports to contrary are “untrue.”
They didn’t make any rulings and they didn’t draw any conclusions because they conducted a piss-poor investigation angled sideways enough to justify those officers acting the way they did. The absence of clear conclusions in such an obvious case is a conclusion in and of itself, if you ask me. Like that whole silence bit.
rq says
Tamir Rice investigation turned over to prosecutors, so let’s hope they do a better job.
And related to that (as well as a slew of other cases), Exploring what it means when police refuse to provide medical attention to their victims
Please read the list of names and incidents in between. It’s not easy reading, but it reflects a pattern of behaviour on behalf of police, who show a very distinct lack of empathy to the human beings they have harmed, either deliberately or not. And that is atrocious.
Baltimore prosecutor handling riot cases says he intends to subpoena @GuardianUS in relation to video we filmed following Freddie Gray death.
Justice Department Settles with School District to Desegregate Elementary School Classrooms in Ruston, Louisiana. In 2015.
Colorblind: On Witcher 3, Rust, and gaming’s race problem – with another racism-in-gaming article to come.
rq says
Batts in Baltimore apparently gave ap ress conference. On the unrest and the robbed pharmacies…
Batts on # of murders “These are not numbers. These are people- human beings who lost their lives in streets of Baltimore.”
Batts: # of pharmacies looted during riots now at 27 pharmacies and 2 methadone clinics. Enough drugs to keep Bmore intoxicated for a year;
Batts: warrant apprehension task force arrested over 80 ppl w’outstanding warrants in last wk. Asked federal agencies to send more officers.
It’s been fascinating to watch Baltimore Police Commissioner Batts spend so much energy on everything but ending corruption.
University of Chicago Uses Extreme Force to Shut Down Peaceful Sit-in & Arrest 9 Trauma Center Activists, have a few pictures of this.
But I see the article already has most pictures I wanted to put up anyway.
Inkster residents face tax hike in beating settlement – repeat news. Still not good.
rq says
Is there an update to the #OtisJamesByrd case? (background link at the link)
Turmoil reigns in Wellston city council meeting over police department being disbanded. Disbanded, good – turmoil, not so good. Perhaps they rushed the process and didn’t think through the follow-up?
At very looooooong last, a DEPARTMENT of African American Studies at Princeton! File that under General Good News Long Delayed.
Black family faces jail time for cheering teen at a Mississippi high school graduation, yah, I know, repeat, but I can’t seem to get over it.
Interlude: Basketball! Lebron James dominated Stephen Curry on Facebook in posts about the NBA playoffs, but Stephen Curry has the cuter kid.
Another comment re: Batts’ comment on pharmacy looting being the cause for recent upswing in violence, Last time I checked, there weren’t any gun manufacturing plants in the hood. And heroin isn’t made at the corner store.
rq says
The Most Important Lesson Pharrell Taught Us About Style
@deray In 1973 Rolling Stone highlighted a botched drug raid and murder coverup. There is a legacy. #BlackLivesMatter
More on the Trauma Centre in Chicago, U. of C. Barricade Torn Down, 9 Arrested at Trauma Center Protest
More at the link.
Meanwhile, This is just the start! Join @TraumaCenterNow for actions all week! #TraumaCenterNow, schedule at the link.
Elecators in @uchicago admin bldg have been shut down, lobby occupied demanding #TraumaCenterNow #BlackLivesMatter
rq says
Black America is getting screwed: Shocking new study highlights the depths of economic disparities – what’s funny is that this isn’t shocking anymore, and it’s not particularly new information. It’s just never been examined by white eyes before.
La. Deputy Allegedly Called Sheriff’s Office Employee ‘Stupid, Ungrateful N–ger’
Video released in fatal Carrollton officer-involved shooting
Yeah, they all look the same, don’t they? Case of mistaken identity lands Durham teen in jail
So he’s in the system now, whether he would have been anyway or not.
Officer in Tamir Rice Case Was Accused of Choking and Beating a Woman. A history of violence. And these people are cleared to be police officers in high-stress situations.
rq says
Police Give Update on Officer-Involved Taser Death on Tremont Street
It’s ridiculous.
Family of man fatally shot by police in Lyndhurst library hires lawyer
Is she white?
Black Drivers in St. Louis Charged with Resisting Arrest at Four Times the Rate of White Drivers
Baltimore jail’s appalling conditions may explain seven deaths, lawsuit says – I bet not just seven.
More at the link, but it’s not pleasant reading. :/
Baltimore City Council growing impatient over police body cameras
Alleged Klansman Turned Little Rock Police Officer Sued in Death of Black Teenager. THIS IS WHO GETS HIRED.
rq says
~ Message to the DOJ~ We do not want #Ferguson Mayor John Knowles III in office when you deliver the Consent Decree.
Going to preface the next article with the author’s own warning: My next story needs a trigger alert. It’s brutal. One of the ugliest cases of police murder I’ve ever seen. I don’t even have words…
Shocking new video shows unarmed Utah man was listening to headphones when killed by police. No, not that one, the other one. The other one.
What can you say to that?
Alderman frustrated by increase in violent crime, response from city hall
I make a note of this article especially, because Mr French has been besieged by one twitter troll in particular, who insists that there is nobody in the activist/protestor community who cares about black-on-black crime and that Black Lives Matter is a sham. This is only his latest public opinion and statement on the high levels of crime in St Louis. And he’s not the only one who cares.
So there.
Wisconsin Cop Cleared in Internal Probe of Tony Robinson’s Death
Yes, the officer is returning to active duty.
Ya really think he should, PD?
rq says
Michael Brelo. Cartoon: “More white-on-white crime to report…”
#GamesSoWhite hashtag attempts conversation about race in games, and goes as well as you’d expect
Some sample tweets at the link (the good ones).
Ferguson police email deletion and search questioned
… Yep, that’s a thorough investigation if I’ve ever seen one.
Madison Officer Who Shot Tony Robinson Cleared Of Wrongdoing, Will Return To Active Duty (Think Progress).
Officer in Tamir Rice Case Was Accused of Choking and Beating a Woman, Mother Jones on the history of violence of Timothy Loehmann.
Interlude: Jazz! Celebrating “Lady Day” turning 100
What is ‘feminine weakness’?
rq says
Pressure builds on Missouri officials after statewide report on racial profiling practices
rq says
So there’s an event going on, here’s some quotes pulled:
“People want to commodity everything about blackness but the pain, and we’re giving it to you for free.” — @deray #eyeo2015
“Protest is not the solution but #protest is the space-maker.” @deray #blacklivesmatter #eyeo2015 #eyeo
“tell the truth in ways that empower people” @deray @samswey, thank you for your every word. #eyeo2015
“when your proximity to whiteness increases, so does your legitimacy.” @deray pushing back on the concept of “real data” devaluing narrative
@deray “black people were telling the truth about the police for their entire life. it’s just becoming mainstream now” #eyeo2015
Can we use digital spaces to disrupt culture? For policy change? #sketchnotes of @deray & @samswey talk at #eyeo2015
rq says
Day 300.
Today is the 300th day of protest. The movement lives. #300days (infographic)
#300days. Signed Laws. The movement lives. (infographic)
#300days. Change In Public Opinion. The movement lives. (infographic)
#300days. Legislation. The movement lives. (infographic)
#300days. Police Violence Remains. We fight. (infographic)
Via WeTheProtesters.org, from the Protester Progress timeline and other materials at the site.
rq says
Well, hell, why not? Implementing once she’s in office might be more of an issue, but hey, why not? Hillary Clinton Calls For Automatic, Universal Voter Registration
How does this apply to those convicted of non-violent crimes and the like?
25 Shocking Facts About the Epidemic of Police Brutality in America. Is it still possible to be shocked?
It seems the Cato Institute is more on top of this than the government. True?
Serena won a championship in a mostly white sport, in the most lilywhite country, in front of lilywhite crowd, & crip walked in celebration.
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Are Shutting Down Disneyland for North’s 2nd Birthday. On some axes, they have all the privilege. :P
Sadly, though, she’s only turning 2, and probably won’t remember the event. But I suppose they can do a repeat for her 10 year old anniversary. :)
Video of #MikeBrown leading the line at his graduation. Think of all the times this should’ve been shown.
Flashback: President Johnson delivers commencement speech at @HowardU, June 4, 1965.
Not seeing crowds surround these cops making it hard to work in West Baltimore like the PC has said. Just… you know…
rq says
Need that song again. This will have to do.
This is from last August, but still relevant: Young black victims are killed twice in America―once by gun, second by media. Let the victim be the victim this time. #Ferguson
Investigator | McGinty wanted sheriff to make Tamir Rice finding
I’ve met people over the last #300days that have looked out for me more than folks I have known my entire life. That’s love. #Ferguson
Black, woman, queer, young. “We live at these intersections that are often ignored.” -@bdoulaoblongata #reprojustice #funds15
rq says
A coroner has ruled 22 y/o Matthew Ajibade’s death, found dead in restraints at Chatham Co. jail, as a homicide. Question is, what happens next?
Fetty Wap On His Relationship With Kanye West and Learning His Work Ethic From Gucci Mane, more from the music scene.
Speaking of Fetty Wap, here’s Ed Sheeran, the whitest of the white, covering his song “Trap Queen”. For fun.
Our mayor and city council added *$32MM* to the #BaltimorePolice budget for 2016, but we can’t find another $1.5MM for summer youth jobs? Oh, Baltimore.
Student sit-in at the admissions building to demand #NoCutsUChi
I’m a @UChicago alum. Why are you making cuts to crucial staff & programs when the endowment is in the Billions? #NoCutsUChi cc @IIRONACTION
Students don’t want fancy new dorms. We want jobs, good healthcare, and support for sexual assault survivors #NoCutsUChi #liabilityofthemind
rq says
And once more, with feeling. (Moderation.)
[Edit: Because FtB logged me out and I had to log in again and I see PZ is on top of the moderation queue today!]
Kendrick Lamar Talks Politics, Spirituality, Music + More [INTERVIEW], excerpt:
‘There is no middle ground in racism:’ On Tahera Ahmad and the power of our silence
The author also looks closer at implicit bias.
Challenge and Hope in Baltimore, with video.
Some things are doomed to perpetuity, it seems: Grand juror in Ferguson killing case fights gag order anew
rq says
The Universe sending a message? Sinkhole swallows Colorado police cruiser.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Police forced to admit being afraid to do their jobs has nothing to do with recent crime spike:
Police ‘leadership camps’ beat and choke kids to ‘build character’:
Here’s another article about the UN chastising the U.S. for police brutality- 117 countries slam American police at UN Human Rights Council:
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Cops claim man ‘mysteriously’ died in sheriff’s van, but evidence shows he was choked to death:
rq says
Man Who Filmed Freddie Gray Arrest Charged With ‘Inciting a Riot’. We previously looked at his arrest, but these are actually the charges brought against him. I think it would be more fair that the cops who first illegally stopped Freddie and then didn’t provide him with medical assistance should be charged with inciting a riot.
Donation links at the page, for anyone with some spare cash.
Press Release: protesters to hold press conference aimed @JenniferJoyceCA, asking her to act on PO misconduct, possibly in article form in a moment.
Alert citizens and protesters of #Baltimore, there are reports of a protestant vehicle being shot up in your area. I do believe they mean ‘protestor’ vehicle, but the point still stands.
Grand juror launches new fight against ban on speaking about Michael Brown’s case in Ferguson – yep, that’s one more on that!
Evolution of the militarization of police #TeachTheBabies #ProtectTheBabies #BlackLivesMatter #ItStartsAtChavez, glimpse into a presentation on police brutality and racism and building community.
rq says
Organizers with the Peoples Power Assembly in Baltimore had their car shot 5X, suspect the Baltimore Police: this one with text attached. Protestors and activists also facing telephone harassment, technical attacks on phones, etc. Basically, intimidation. But they will not be intimidated.
That privilege is undefeated, unflappable, indestructible and unbelievable. Attached article about white man convicted of selling cocaine, but not going to jail – because it would expose him to criminals. Ponder that for a while. Really ponder it.
Coroner report confirms that Matthew Ajibade died because of blunt force trauma to his head
These 9 Savannah, GA deputies were all fired over the death of #MatthewAjibade. Yet his family has NO ANSWERS.
Saw this in tweet form yesterday: Marilyn Mosby Launches New Program That Gives Young Offenders a Second Chance
Please support this book. QUEEN LIKE ME: The True Story of Girls who Changed the World, amazon link within.
From the Amazon link,
Go representation!
rq says
Meanwhile, in Minneapolis:
Council Member Yang moves to repeal spitting& lurking. Goodman moves to decriminalize it instead of eliminating it. #MplsBlackCodes Mentioned before, Minneapolis has spitting and lurking laws that disproportionately target people of colour, esp. young black people. And no, it’s not the laws that target, but those implementing them. So they had this hearing.
@BlackLivesMpls @nvlevy Community has packed city hall to demand the repeal of spitting & lurking..the vote is today;
I wonder how many people of color called Lisa Goodman’s office to ask her not to repeal spitting ordinance. #MplsBlackCodes
Yang says “everyone spits, including the good folks from the Downtown council. But only some people get stopped by police.” #MplsBlackCodes
Council Member Bender is speaking affirmatively about Black citizens who shared their stories during the committee hearings. #mplsblackcodes
And… Spitting was just repealed! #MplsBlackCodes everyone voted in favor except CM barb johnson.
Then they moved on to lurking…
rq says
CM Gordon talks about the history of the lurking ordinance and quotes Michelle Alexander’s New Jim Crow #MplsBlackCodes. Yes, they opened that discussion with readings from that book. !!!
Gordon reflects on how the council has changed from 7 years ago when the repeal was voted down. #MplsBlackCodes #NewDay. @mnnoc
CM Gordon shouts out BLMMPLS, NOC, @keithellison, MN Black lawyers and more who support repealing the ordinances#mplsblackcodes
Spitting and Lurking have officially been repealed! Congratulations Minneapolis, we did it! #MplsBlackCodes
Yay! Small step but important step. Maybe a pretty big step, actually. Yay!
Just finished this…very much recommended read to understand how we’ve gotten to where we are today. Book: The Condemnation of Blackness.
rq says
Oh, Tony,, you mentioned Baltimore police blaming drugs?
Enough narcotics to keep the city intoxicated for a year? Checking Batts’ fuzzy drug math
So can we say ‘exaggeration’?
Nero Tolerance: As O’Malley announces a run for president, a look at his Baltimore legacy.
Marlene Davis just announced that she will not be taking public comment on @AntonioFrench’s police shooting cmte on Wed. (1)
(2) Resolution 19 creates a special aldermanic committee to look at officer-involved shootings. Hearing is 1030am Wed June 10.
(3) Her announcement does not mean the public cannot show up. Just means she will not be taking public comment.
In Defense of “Trap Queen” As Our Generation’s Greatest Love Song, because the song was mentioned upthread.
So there you go.
rq says
Someone’s thoughts on the police in Baltimore blaming increased crime on more drugs suddenly available:
Government does enough damage as it is, without needing to resort to propagating erroneous information meant to instill panic & fear.
Note: looters running into stores were not carrying tools or equipment necessary to crack open safes. The place were narcotics are kept.
It actually harkens back to some of the same tired, old, dis-proven, classic #WarOnDrugs propaganda once preached as gospel.
BTW, right now would be a really good time for any store with unexplained inventory losses (employee theft etc.) to blame it on “the riots.”
Missouri Town Agrees That Holding People In Jail Because They’re Poor Violates The Constitution. How kind.
Utah cop executes unarmed man who was listening to headphones, gets away with it, another look at Dillon Taylor – pretty much the same as the Daily Kos article upthread, though.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
rq @374:
I had to check out the article. Wow.
Cocaine dealer avoids jail time because prison would ‘expose him to criminals’:
The judge should try to win Randi’s award, since he’s apparently a mind reader. Seriously, WTF is up with “I believe him because he told me so”?
After I read the above article, another one caught my attention because of the headline-Teenage thug catapulted steel ball into bus driver’s face leaving it lodged in his cheek.
I found it interesting because the teenage thug is white which makes me wonder how often the word ‘thug’ is used to describe offenders in the UK and if it typically has the same racist connotations as it does in the U.S.
rq says
Denver DA Mitch Morrissey clears police officers in fatal shooting of Jessica Hernandez – remember her?
St. Louis Civilian Oversight Board bill passed, another little bit of good news out of today. Bits and pieces, bits and pieces.
They addressed Joyce, she responds: Statement from Circuit Attorney Jennifer M. Joyce regarding protest on June 5th, 2015
A few pictures of that protest:
“Those who preside in this building are complicit in this violence bc they continue to do nothing” @chicanapoet1
We call on @JenniferJoyceCA to drop every protest related charge in the city! #decarceratestl
This was not even a protest or action. This is the #STL Circuit Court’s LEO response to a *press conference*.
rq says
To folks equating protesting w/ violence, this has been the scene every Wednesday for years, and it’s peaceful. Attached, tweet with text: “97th consecutive West Wednesday #justicefortyronewest”.
New Low in Preference for the Death Penalty.
Charts, tables etc. available in pdf at the link. I suppose this is also encouraging, no?
Death of college student in Georgia jail ruled homicide – again, the pathological homicide, not the legal homicide. What happens legally next is up to other people. But I know what I hope for.
It won’t be five $1 billion projects that transforms St. Louis City. It’ll be a hundred thousand $50,000 investments over 10 years.
Our first @North_Campus project, The Sanctuary, started with a $15k investment from @IWFDNSTL and another $15k I raised privately… (1/2)
…For $30k we turned a vacant eyesore into a neighborhood anchor that has served kids everyday since. Don’t tell me it can’t be done. (2/2)
He (Antonio French) has been spending time renovating the new North Campus building, a place for youth and others to spend time after school and learn, providing a safe, supportive and constructive space (see thenorthcampus.org for info).
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
More from Counter Current–
Police brutally slam man to the ground and raid his house over a parking ticket!
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
More on the killing of William Chapman at the hands of Officer Rankin-
First John Crawford, now William Chapman, unarmed and shot by cops at Walmart:
Note the part about posting Nazi images online. I’m sure he didn’t have any racist views though…
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Filmmaker calls on poor blacks and whites to team up:
I think Waters needs to learn more about the Black Lives Matter Movement and why it exists. He also needs to learn about structural racism.
Something else that’s been bugging me a while. Coverage of the Black Lives Matter protests doesn’t focus enough on the other issues the movement seeks to address-the impact of the drug war on PoC, the disproportionate incarceration of African-Americans, harsh sentencing laws and more. The movement is not just about police brutality and I’ve seen far too many comments from people who think it is.
rq says
What they miss is the additional impact that race has on the poverty. That you can’t just say ‘oh, all poor people!’ because the poor people who are black will still have a harder time than those who are white. That goes for pretty much anything you look at – the baselines aren’t even the same, due to the colour of one’s skin, which means to tackle all the other issues, racism must be tackled – whether first and/or foremost, I don’t know (maybe if all poverty is eliminated, racism will go away, too), but certainly, racism as racism is an issue. And poverty is a race issue. [/myopinion]
Oh, and the potentially violent protests attack the symbols of white supremacy that much more visibly, hence the concentrated media coverage. :P
Nakkiah Lui: “It’s Not Racism That Australia Needs To Get Rid Of; It’s The Privilege Of Whiteness”, on racism in Australia. Excellent read, almost poetic.
More at the link.
@Nettaaaaaaaa there’s been protests across the country and this is how the media reports it – not necessarily all Australian media, but the fact that there’s some subset of Australian media that believes it okay to call Aboriginal peoples fighting for the right to live on their own land ‘selfish’ and ‘rabble’? That’s a problem.
‘Black women unnamed’: how Tanisha Anderson’s bad day turned into her last
@deray Eric Clapton can have a song called Cocaine and be greatest guitarist of all time, but Fetty Wap mentions cookin’ and he’s a thug…
Ezell Ford. LAPD finds officers were justified in fatal shooting of mentally ill man, sources say
“Attempt to conceal something”? Because it couldn’t just have been a telephone he was putting in his pocket?
#Oakland: Don’t forget! #BreakTheCurfew demos tonight at 7pm at OGP and 8pm at Grand & Telegraph #LibbySchaaf
rq says
Overall, the #JusticeConference definitely seems to be a meeting of radical Christians.
And I appreciate that it’s been said that “Black Lives Matter” over & over. Making some folks uncomfortable. #JusticeConference
The tweet-quotes were definitely radical christian.
Coroner: College Student’s Death In Police Isolation Cell Ruled Homicide, another article on Matthew Ajibade.
California Prosecutors Barred from Death Penalty Case for Misconduct. This is the kind of people who make that decision.
And that is how people get convicted.
We are honored to help the #TraumaCenterNow campaign & our friends at @StopChicago any way we can! See you on 6/18! That’s the National Lawyer’s Guild getting involved.
Y’all, someone just told me that Larry Lomax, the protestor who got dragged by the @BaltimorePolice, JUST got out on bail last week! Yah, he’s charged with assault. Got pepper sprayed and manhandled by police.
rq says
The Guardian keeps updating The Counted. Might repost every now and then just to keep up.
BLM Boston Statement on shooting death of Usaama Rahim by Boston Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation – it’s on Facebook, but I can’t seem to access it either. Which is kind of disappointing.
@deray DOJ contact on ground in Baltimore To make police complaints. Charles.E.Phillips@usdoj.gov. CRS.
Philadelphia City Councilman Attends “White Lives Matter” Rally
UPDATE: Larry Lomax, dragged by @BaltimorePolice, has been charged with 2nd Degree Assault. That’s him.
rq says
Maced directly in the face, dragged down by his hair, never harming a soul, Larry Lomax charged with assault.
No charges against Denver cops who shot Jessica Hernandez
DA on No Charges: “Not because he posed an actual threat, but because (Officer) Cruz reasonably perceived a threat” #DillonTaylor @deray
Just to drive that point home. They felt threatened.
5th staffer leaving Baltimore mayor’s criminal justice office
Well, she got convicted for the kicking, not the killing… Jury convicts LAPD officer for kicking woman in groin. Justice.
Oakland’s Mayor @LibbySchaaf wasting millions of dollars instituting an illegal night curfew on protests.
rq says
Yesterday there was a collection of goodish news.
Here’s a warning of not-so-goodish news. Source: LAPD May Find 2 Officers Were Justified In Fatal Shooting Of Ezell Ford
‘LAZY N*****:’ Blind man finds racist note on windshield for parking in handicapped spot
Oh, and STL passed that Civilian Review Board.
This @SLMPD Citizen Review Board application looks similar to a FBI or DoD application, in all honesty.
Compare the #STL Civilian Review Board application [link] … to the @SLMPD officer application [link] ….
Compare #STL Civilian Review Board application [link] … to a military security clearance application [link] …
To summarize, application to be a member of @SLMPD Civilian Review Board is as involved as an application for national security clearance.
rq says
Bucket List: 99-Year-Old Gets College Degree Before Turning 100
@deray Continued lack of justice 4 the Ford family. Ezell’s cousin Ceebo is doing 17 yrs. on bs charges cause of his #Justice4Ezell activism
Former Cop Richard Aguirre Arrested In Cold Case Slaying, Eyed In Similar Cases
Best of the best.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
White people problems? (cartoon)
My posting may be sporadic over the next few days bc my internet is acting up.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
President Obama marks Immigrant Heritage Month:
Guess where else you’ll find a racial bias in USAmerica?
Sports reporting:
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says
A follow up to rq’s mention of Serena Williams’ recent clay court victory.
Read it and weep.
rq says
Just checking in to say yep, more on Serena Williams tomorrow, as well as info and reactions to those poor kids at the Texas pool party.
I’m sure someone will get at least one article up before I feel woke enough to do it. :)
rq says
So contrast CD’s Vox article (I highly recommend reading it) to this headline: Serena Williams Is America’s Greatest Athlete
In other words, go, Serena!
Photography: THE SELECTS: Walter Shoots Michael .
For the music lovers, Ten black composers whose works deserve to be heard more often
With selected samples at the link.
Anthony Riley, Philly street singer and ‘Voice’ contestant, dies at 28 – so sad to lose a talent.
This sounds like sound, logical thinking: Idaho school district buys guns to safeguard against shooting rampage . I mean, doesn’t it?
But I guess actually regulating guns and a shift in cultural thinking would be too much.
I’m no t sure why I’m leaving this link here, it seems relevant.
Oakland: Man fatally shot after standoff – you know what that standoff was? He was sleeping in his car.
I suppose it could be rather terrifying to wake up to several police officers surrounding your car and probably yelling at you.
rq says
Wow, that was the weirdest blockquoting accident ever, above. And the stuff that wasn’t suppsoed to be there had an email address, therefore moderation. *sigh*
Serena won her 20th title, with the flu, gave her speech in French and dipped out. My life.
Well, they called riot police for fans trying to get into a concert illegally. Hot 97 Summer Jam Concert-goers at MetLife Stadium Clash With NJ State Police
Sounds like an appropriate response.
Officers who shot and killed unarmed, non-violent Jermaine McBean in Florida get award for heroism
What repercussions, again?
“@Refugees:Please take a moment to think about this. For more information: http://trib.al/vigR00L #SouthSudan “
And relatedly, US based activist goes on hunger strike
An apology! KSU Apologizes to Student Accused of ‘Harassment’ While Waiting on Adviser
rq says
Two consecutive comments in moderation so far. Monday morning.
Why Joe Biden Wanted Barack Obama to Deliver His Son’s Eulogy
I wonder how much of Obama’s arrogance and aloofness (to strangers) is due to having to maintain a public image as a black man. I’m glad he agreed to speak at Beau Biden’s funeral, and I’m glad they have that kind of a friendship for the support it provides.
Ben Carson’s campaign faces turmoil amid staff exits and super PAC rivalry
More at the link.
Intersectionality. What Do The Black Lives Matter, Fight For $15, And Marriage Equality Movements Have In Common?
More at the link.
Artist’s Nude Self-Portraits Explore Former Sites Of Slavery Throughout New York
Images at the link,very powerful.
#TeachForAmerica’s community is more diverse than ever.
BREAKING: Friendly Fire? Cop on cop dispute lands one officer in hospital.. Just, you know, an ordinary day of policing.
rq says
Crowd Attacks Florida Cop During Arrest
I… just… okay. I suppose the open container charge is really that important.
Here is an example of how people use the “strong black woman” narrative to deny BW vulnerability & humanity – yes, “Serena’s illness shouldn’t be an excuse”. Excuse me, I’d like to see you play tennis with the flu, and win. I think I’d die in the first ten minutes or less. Definitely less. And if Serena had? It’s the fucking flu, and that would have been (should have been) alright, too. The fact that she didn’t speaks to her as an individual, and her training, and mental fortitude, and just plain endurance – but not as The Black Woman, but as Serena Williams, awesome tennis player.
Protestors overtake U of C event. #TraumaCenterNow – still after that Trauma Center! I hope they get it.
Protesters Angered Over Lack of Charges in Ezell Ford’s Death March in South L.A. – Yesterday I was unclear whether the ‘no charges’ were pending or actual, but I suppose they are actual. I confused myself. ANyhoo,
Yah, it’s video only.
FFS. Police: Man tossed off platform onto T tracks in race-related assault
May Lockett’s recovery be swift and complication-free.
And here’s the Texas pool party, with a text recap: Texas officer suspended after pool party video shows him pulling gun on teens
More in upcoming comments.
rq says
Scenes from .@BLMLA’s @OccupyLAMayor #LAWakeUpCall
#LAPD just informed @BLMLA that they have to take down their signs on LA Mayor Eric Garcetti’s home. #OccupyLAMayor
.@BLMLA says they have 3 demands of LA Mayor Eric Garcetti…1) immediately remove Chief Beck or see a repeat of former mayor Hahn’s fate…
…2) .@BLMLA wants a reparations policy for families of those killed and/or brutalized by the the police…
And 3) @BLMLA wants LA Mayor Eric Garcetti to ensure that police commission discusses in open their decision on Ofcrs in #EzellFord killing.
And if that’s not enough to get the blood pressure up, here’s one more, re: the officers from the Tamir Rice shooting – Officers involved in Tamir Rice shooting remain on the job, away from public
No. Consequences. Whatsoever. Boggles. Mind. What?
rq says
Some twitter commentary on that failed pool party:
“Everyone who was getting put on the ground was black, Mexican, Arabic…didn’t even look at me. It was kind of like I was invisible.” That’s from the Buzzfeed article, which is forthcoming.
This moment. What could they be thinking besides “this officer who just assaulted our friend is about to kill us”?
James Brock pours acid in the pool exclaiming that he’s “cleaning it” in St. Augustine FL, 1964. Now they call cops.
Per @buzzfeednews, the white 15 YO who shot the video says the incident began when white adults denigrated black kids who came to the party;
The ADULTS told the kids to “go back to section 8 housing” and one adult woman got into an argument with a teen. Then police were called.
A 14-year-old girl says she was the only white teen cuffed, and plans to file assault charges against the woman who made theracist comments.
rq says
Texas Police Officer “On Administrative Leave” After Pulling Weapon On Teens During Pool Party
So it’s girls and males, fyi. When speaking of groups of black children. :P
That got a bit long, plus there’s more at the link, incl. the pool’s totally awesome thank you signs to the police for keeping it safe!!! Seriously. That melanin doesn’t wash off in the water, I don’t think. You’ll still have clean water if they swim in it.
McKinney Police Pool Party Video: Officer Who Shoved, Handcuffed Teenagers In Dallas-Fort Worth Community Is Suspended (International Business Times);
Watch: Texas Cop Suspended After Drawing Weapon on Teens at Pool Party (Raw Story).
“yall wanna make everything about race” hm (see photos attached)
And elsewhere, such as STL,
#VonDerritMyers’ dad says the new plaque should be installed @ the memorial site w/in a few weeks.
Had both our tazing survivors out tonight. Police don’t seem to realize their brutality is not a deterrent. #STL
rq says
Ezell Ford protesters camp outside of Mayor Eric Garcetti’s home
Now that’s an interesting sentence to tack on to the end there.
Just putting this here as preview of a horrible interview with the Interim Ferguson PD chief. Meet The DOJ Police Reform ‘Pioneer’ Who Could Bring About Change In Ferguson. Because… well, keep this in mind when reading that interview.
Cop Under Investigation After Allegedly Manhandling Teen – CBS on the pool party. I like the ‘allegedly’ but I think that’s been discussed before.
Mississippi high school graduation attendees face jail time for cheering
Yeah, persistent and substantial. And I can’t believe that they’d actually wait a week before presenting the people with charges. That just makes it sound petty and vindictive.
Black Mothers Suspect Hospital of Stealing Babies
That bit via Ebony, more at The Grio.
@Nettaaaaaaaa speaking on her work with #BlackLivesMatter in St. Louis. So thankful for her insight today!
rq says
Ferguson Police Department from interim chief’s point of view
Ladies, please note, only men should apply.
Emphases mine, commentary mine.
I think I don’t like this guy.
#FightFor15. Detroit.
Oakland Police Shoot And Kill Armed Suspect Found Passed Out In Car Near Lake Merritt – I ‘like’ how the suspect was armed, yet was passed out in his car, therefore shot… Doesn’t ‘unconscious’ kind of count as ‘unarmed’?
First graduates of Jalen Rose Academy march with pride
Way to go, graduates!
Apparently they’ve been able to identify the precise scratch-off tickets taken during the #BaltimoreUprising to cancel them. 2015. Can’t have any looters winning the lottery. Almost wrote ‘the lootery’.
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says
Not just “stealing,” but kidnapping for profit.
Apparently there’s some evidence that people at the hospital – and that would include people very high up in the hospital – were actually ***selling*** the babies that they kidnapped.
I actually feel – though others can reasonably disagree – that using the “stealing” frame continues to dehumanize black lives. They were kidnapped. And the kidnapping continues until the present day …sort of. Once the child reaches 18, if they really have come-and-go freedom (as we would expect) then their kidnappers can no longer face criminal charges for any failure of the adult children to be returned to/put in contact with their actual parents.
I wonder, though, when the last child was kidnapped? It doesn’t look like there’s a Missouri state anti-racketeering statute, so you’d have to go federal RICO, but if the enterprise is ongoing, or was until not too long ago, filing a civil RICO action against the jerk wads isn’t out of the question.
Although justice would have been for this not to happen, or to have been immediately investigated and fixed with trials decades ago, it’d still be nice to have the racist fucks that kidnapped Black children get perp walked out of their homes/neighborhoods/even their assisted living facilities, if that’s where they’re living. I doubt we’ll get a federal criminal RICO indictment, though, so we’ll have to settle for no perp walks and just a lot of money thrown at people by others who “admit no wrongdoing”, which just…AAAARRRRGHHGHGHGHGHGGGGH
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says
@rq, about the Oakland killing:
Yeah. Driver won’t wake up when you shoot the windows, but when the officers actually get close to the car, they snapped a twig and the sudden movement of the driver waking up put them in fear for their lives, dont’cha know!
Too bad they hadn’t opened up the car with a slim jim and taken the guy to the hospital at some point during that hour. But there’s probably a very, very good reason that they couldn’t possibly have done that.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
re: the comments from the interim Police Chief in Ferguson-what hostile fire is he talking about?
And ‘Hands up. Dont shoot’ remains valid regardless of the circumstances surrounding the death of Michael Brown, Jr bc cops continue to kill PoC even when they posr no threat or have surrendered.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
A guide to debunking black on black crime and all of its rhetorical cousins.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
White people are twice as able to afford food as their black and hispanic peers, poll shows.
Thumper: Who Presents Boxes Which Are Not Opened says
– Pool party, a group of black kids are present and totally within their rights to be there.
– Racist white guys say racist things and tell the black kids something along the lines of “get back to your sec 8 housing”.
– Fight kicks off between “black youths” and racist white guys.
– Police are called.
– Police arrest some black kids in a needlessly brutal way.
– Some of the other black kids are angry about this and swear a bit. Police arrest them in a needlessly brutal way.
– None of the racist white guys are arrested.
– Racist white guys and their friends and neighbours applaud the police’s actions. Because of course they fucking would.
– Other racists and the cluelessly privileged crawl out of the woodwork to defend the cops, because of course a swearing 15 year old can present a real danger to a heavily armed cop, providing said teenager is black.
– Pool puts up a sign thanking local PD “for keeping us safe”. Melanin can be used as a deadly weapon, dontcha know.
– ‘Merka! Land of the oppressed and home of the cowardly.
Thumper: Who Presents Boxes Which Are Not Opened says
– Apparently it was a white woman who initially said the racist comments about housing. A mixed group of kids sat nearby objected, the white woman and her other (adult) friends grew violent.
– The Buzzfeed article linked to in the article is much more informative than the one I linked to directly, and contains video.
rq says
That whole interview is a mess of lies. And that’s what he’s spouting as fact, as rationalization for everything that happened.
It’s pretty disgusting.
Crip Dyke
Yeah, back in the winter there were a few more articles on the kidnapped babies – as far as I know, the number of women affected (who were told their babies died) keeps increasing. And now any black woman who had a stillbirth or a dead baby due to other complications, who didn’t get to see the body, will always be wondering…
It’s revolting.
Also, re: Oakland, gee. Nobody thought to walk up to the window, give it a good tap, or a yell, maybe, you know, one person in plain clothes so as not to freak out the unconscious person…? Yeah, beanbag rounds is def. my first choice, too, when I wake the kids up in the morning. Gives them that extra bit of adrenaline to get out of bed (a bit hard to hit the second floor window from down on the lawn some mornings, though – high winds and all…).
For once the BuzzFeed article is pretty comprehensive, compared to others.
And I’m mad at whoever owns or takes care of that pool. Thank you signs for keeping them safe from black children swimming. *barf*
rq says
noteworthy: McKinney officer’s enraged comments about teens’ making him chase them initially. Recurring theme in violent police incidents
Take a look at just how experienced Officer Eric Casebolt is. 22 years of experience. Except that linked in profile has since been taken down, ast the officer has been deleting his online presence.
Black women have been sharing their feelings: You know what’s so hard about this one in #McKinney? Looking at that teenager, I see myself. My braids. My friends. My life. This is wild.
Like, every time I see her face, I see myself. I see every black female friend I’ve ever had. I see my cousins. I used to look JUST like her;
I see her & remember how fragile my 14 year old body was, how much my braids hurt when pulled. How my dignity would have been shattered.
I see that girl and see innocence robbed. Dignity erased. Human ignored. #Casebolt didn’t see a child. He saw blackness to be controlled.
Thumper: Who Presents Boxes Which Are Not Opened says
@ rq
Yeah, the sign was horrific. “Thank you, officers, for beating up a load of teenagers on our property”. Arseholes.
Like I said; it’s like these people think melanin is a weapon.
rq says
More later, work. Have to leave my tabs for a few hours. :(
Ibis3, These verbal jackboots were made for walking says
In better news, last week, the head of Toronto’s Police Services board came out against the practice of “carding”.* Yesterday, the mayor, who had been in favour of modifying the procedures around it, had a press conference and stated he’s changed his mind and will be voting to abolish it altogether. http://www.thestar.com/news/city_hall/2015/06/07/john-tory-to-call-for-full-stop-to-carding-citing-eroded-public-trust.html
*think of this as a cross between “stop & frisk” and NSA data-gathering. Police stopping young black and brown men for no reason and questioning them, writing notes, and storing that info (often erroneous) in a database. http://www.torontolife.com/informer/features/2015/04/21/skin-im-ive-interrogated-police-50-times-im-black/
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
I other good news- Former South Carolina cop Michael Slager has been indicted.
rq says
That’s only semi-good news until he’s convicted of the full charges he deserves (and not some weird assault thingie lesser charge). But semi-good news is still better news than no indictment (I’ve just lost hope that ‘indictment’ actually means something, for the most part, esp. coming so long after the shooting).
rq says
Just a few current things from Canadian media (by ‘Canadian’ I mean CBC and Toronto Star, as those are the two I frequent most – if anyone has recommendations for other news-worthy Canadian media sites, you’re more than welcome to suggest them to me!).
McKinney, Texas, police officer on leave after video shows him pushing teen, pointing gun – note, as pointed to before, elision of racial factors in the headline.
See? That’s the general white opinion: they were being protected, though they are most likely ignorant of any events preceding the arrival of the police. (More on that when I get home.)
Video of officer pulling gun on teens at Texas pool party sparks outrage – at the Toronto Star, the focus is on the pulling of the gun, rather than the brutalization of a 14-year-old girl. Actually, considering all things, I’m not sure which actually is worse, since the pulling of the gun could have ended badly, but then, so could the ‘detainment’ of the young black girl.
Ah, tensions. From the beginning of this article, it sounds like it were the white community members who called the police.
Re: carding in Toronto, as pointed out by Ibis3 above, another opinion:
Councillor Michael Thompson says fight to end carding isn’t over. He’s the only black member of Toronto City Council… in a city of millions, and a fair portion of that not white… ANNNyway. I’m so glad they’re taking a closer look at carding.
Just abolish it entirely, people.
Oh, and since we’re all about the Freeze Peach and political correctness, as proper SJWs should be, here’s… well, another complaint. Free speech on the run, even in the home of the brave.
1) I think he’s mixing up several different issues into one not entirely homogeneous one (like free speech and consequences of free speech and the freedom to have a platform vs. everybody owing you a platform, those kind of things);
2) Retribution and shaming via social media? Eeeehhhh… Okay. But it’s funny, I don’t see him providing concrete examples of people being fired for free speech (and yeah, if your free speech exercised is something stupid and wrong and bigoted, damn straight there should be consequences);
3) the woe-is-me-I’m-a-old-white-(straight?)-man attitude, retranslated as I’m-a-victim-of-your-oppression, well… kinda grates the nerves very fine.
Anyway. Just thought it seemed relevant to things here, esp. regarding offensive language and expressions of one’s racism by flying the confederate flag or tattooing swastikas onto oneself.
rq says
Just finished an advance copy of @TaNehisiCoates’ incisive, necessary, upcoming book. Pre-order it now, you must. I think I must.
Your wacky grandma who says racist things that you laugh off? She calls the cops on me in a sundress for walking her neighborhood.
Bystanders accuse Austin police of excessive force, more on this as I work through my tabs.
Owner: Standoff house in Greenwood Village is “destroyed”. That’s cops, protecting yer property!
Some more at the link, but wow. No more house! Just going to excerpt this pair of comments, though:
Multiple Reports of Tear Gas, Pepper Spray Use By New Jersey State Police At Hot 97 Summer Jam, previously mentioned by tweet, but here it is in full article glory!
Pepper spray and teargas were also had. Summer fun!
Line of NJ state trooper behind the gate at MetLife. Officer threatening to use pepper spray over LRAD.
rq says
61 arrested after Summer Jam concert chaos at MetLife Stadium
The power of music. 61 arrested! Whew.
Arrests made at Summer Jam concert after some fans clash with State Police , just another point of view.
Hm, Eric Casebolt YouTube list was literally just made private this moment. Here’s a screenshot. @deray #McKinney (Casebolt is the officer terrorizing those teens at the pool party.)
Kalief Browder, 1993–2015
I’m pretty sure we’ve heard about him on one of these iterations, because I remember the story, because it’s so non–sensical… accused, no trial, and in jail for so long… and it gets more tragic, so TW for suicide, mmkay?
Out-of-control Texas cop pulls gun on children – BoingBoing. I like that ‘children’ in the headline, because it is so true, and other media outlets have called the 14-year-old a ‘woman’. Clearly, she is not, except that she is black. So.
Dear Fellow White Folk,
Please don’t call the cops on kids enjoying a summer day.
Even if they are Black.
No, seriously. Stop.
Love, me
And me, too.
rq says
I missed a tweet in this series:
So they knew they weren’t alone. These kids have seen the videos. They know kids have been KILLED by the police but they STILL risked….
….their lives to support & show their love for one another. Like….talk about courage. COURAGE.
This is how it started: Can someone ID these Racists who attacked 19 y/o Afro-American girl for no reason. #EricCasebolt #McKinney @deray … That 19yo was looking out for a 14yo who was telling these women to stop their racist comments. Yeesh.
And then there’s this.
(That first is Casebolt slowly disappearing from the online world.)
Video: Police Brutality Incident at a Pool Party in Texas – UPDATE: Cop Added Video to His YouTube Playlist, and then made that playlist private.
So yeah. America!
rq says
Video Shows Texas Police Officer Pulling Gun On Teens At Pool Party, NPR. This really got around.
So many thoughts on my mind with this violent anti-Black racism in #McKinney. These white WOMEN assaulted CHILDREN
MyBlackMatters: The Voice of Today’s Young Black Woman
Thank you Akon for renovating Africa, you’re appreciated. #AkonLightingAfrica
Summer Heat, an essay.
Please read the rest at the link. It is excellent. Absolutely read it.
And here is PZ’s There were no surprises in McKinney.
rq says
A couple more and then the rest tomorrow.
Bikers rally outside Waco courthouse to protest handling of Twin Peaks shooting, just as a note that no National Guard has been called in.
Austin Police Investigating Viral Pepper Spray Video
ACLU, other groups plan ‘Freedom Rides’ against police brutality from Baltimore to Annapolis
Judge orders Mosby to respond to defense motions in Freddie Gray case by June 26
@deray We’re protesting in Mckinney today and the NAACP supposed be here meeting with the Chief today. #StopPoliceTerrorism
McKinney, Texas, and the Racial History of American Swimming Pools
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
GOP kingmaker Mickelson wants to bring back Jim Crow era voting laws.
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
Their true “colors” are showing…..
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
Their colors are “Yellow bellied” in the face of reality.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
DC Comics Twitter account makes gross joke about representing PoC.
Why is it so easy for prosecutors to strike black jurors?
Unrelated- we really need a button for ‘jump to comment box’ & ‘return to top’.
rq says
L.P.D.: Libertarian Police Department, just for fun.
America’s Largest Mental Hospital Is a Jail
And the article goes on, and on, and on. So many people, and so little opportunities to help.
Did I say Kalief? Here is Kalief. TW for suicide. The Brief and Tragic Life of Kalief Browder
Urgent Call to Action: Call Baltimore DA and demand to drop all charges against #LarryLomax (443)9846000
Even Black Joy Is a Crime
In search of the illusory Black-Dad-Who-Isn’t-There: Black Dads Are Doing Best of All
Here are two things to consider:
First, there are a growing number of people who live together but don’t marry. Those mothers are still single, even though the child’s father may be in the home. And, as The Washington Post reported last year:
“The share of unmarried couples who opted to have ‘shotgun cohabitations’ — moving in together after a pregnancy — surpassed ‘shotgun marriages’ for the first time during the last decade, according to a forthcoming paper from the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”
Furthermore, a 2013 C.D.C. report found that black and Hispanic women are far more likely to experience a pregnancy during the first year of cohabitation than white and Asian women.
Second, some of these men have children by more than one woman, but they can only live in one home at a time. This phenomenon means that a father can live with some but not all of his children. Levs calls these men “serial impregnators,” but I think something more than promiscuity and irresponsibility are at play here.
rq says
Well, that’s a long comment with lots of reading, and also that last part which is not blockquoted, SHOULD be blockquoted, because that sure as hell is an analysis too fine for my intelligence, and plus, it should have landed in the middle of the larger blockquote since it comes right after the ‘Good question.’ bit.
South Carolina police officer in Walter Scott shooting indicted on murder charge
What kind of murder, though?
Grand jury indicts former cop on murder charge in Walter Scott shooting,
Yes, but what kind of murder? Or does it not matter at this point?
Michael Slager, Cop Who Fatally Shot Walter Scott In South Carolina, Indicted For Murder
I guess it doesn’t really matter, what kind of murder, ‘slong as it’s murder.
American juvenile incarceration: destroying a generation to feed the prison system
Two links to audio at the link.
Black Legal Group Demands Texas Cop Be Fired Over Pool Party Incident – right now he’s only suspended.
Sorry, on leave. But with pay.
The Counted stands at 490 right now.
rq says
ACLU calls on N.J. attorney general to investigate Summer Jam police response – so that’s getting out there, too.
Brief! Volatile! Appropriate!
So This Happened: Texas Teachers Hand Out “Ghetto” Award Certificates To 8th Graders. Teacher needs to go back to teacher’s college? They missed all the lessons on sensitivity.
WARNING Heavily armed #McKinney residents plan to crash tonights anti police brutality protest. Be careful out there. I have yet to see how those protests went, but here’s hoping all is safe.
White Cop Who Shot Unarmed Black Man Dead Not Getting Away With Murder Just Yet, that’s The Wonkette on Slager.
Who knows? Fuck all happened in the Rekia Boyd case.
Ta-Nehisi Coates Makes the Case For Reparations, audio interview.
rq says
Just, you know, an example of police response, then we move on to some photos of protest in McKinney.
This is what INTIMIDATION LOOKS LIKE. Loading & Cocking guns at us at U City Council meeting. @johnchasnoff @KWRose
Now McKinney:
It’s like a cruel joke that the first big protest in every city has someone who wanes on about voting for 10 minutes.
And the street medics are here. McKinney.
The McKinney Pool. Temporarily Closed. For treatment, the sign said. While that may be an unintentional matter of the sign just saying that, the context makes that a pretty unfortunate choice of words.
McKinney. Protest. Lookit that crowd.
McKinney feels like one of those neighborhoods folks move to so they never have to be around “those black people.”
And yes, the McKinney mounted patrol is here.
rq says
haha This is a continuation of previous comment but previous comment is in moderation so HAHA but there’s not much context to get, it’s pretty self-explanatory.
And the Nation of Islam has arrived. McKinney. The New Black Panthers came, too.
Counter-protest to the counter-protestors. McKinney. I like this.
Protest. McKinney.
Y’all, the McKinney Police have barricades everywhere. And they’re out here, ready.
Bruhs. McKinney.
I’ve seen so many people here in McKinney who I’ve seen march in Ferguson. And Baltimore. And Milwaukee. And DC.
rq says
Last few things on McKinney, with the exception of some random things popping up in later tabs.
McKinney Police Department. Protest.
Protest. McKinney.
This is great. The cops were completely out of line. #BlackLivesMatter #McKinneyTX #McKinneyPolice #McKinneyPoolParty
THE #McKINNEY VIDEO EXISTS because they kid who didn’t stop recording happens to be the one in the blue shirt. Well done, young person. Very well done.
I share many of these thoughts on #McKinney – a discussion of how unwanted angry violent male physical contact will impact the young girl (who happened to be more than half-naked at the time) going forward.
Speaking of her, 15-Year-Old Tackled by Police in McKinney Details the Brutality She Endured
Video at the link; honestly, I admire her courage in not letting the event scare her into silence. Also, I ‘admire’ the woman who supports the police but doesn’t want her face shown. Are you ashamed of your opinion, ma’am?
rq says
New Ferguson police chief tells blatant and disturbing lies throughout recent interview
Man pepper-sprayed by Baltimore police in viral video to appear in court – that’s Larry Lomax!
Mmmkay, before I quote anymore, please re-read those charges against him. Disorderly conduct? Maybe, but second-degree assault? And inciting a riot? … ‘Kay, onwards:
Eh, I prefer to see it as police behaviour inciting the rests of the crowd, because there’s no way you can describe what happened to Lomax as being ‘placed on the ground and into hand cuffs’. No. Way.
Unless, of course, you’re the police, obv.
Screwed up, this system is.
The ‘Invisible’ White Man Holding the Camera in McKinney. Years and years ago I heard a joke about visible minorities and about how the darker your skin, the more visible a minority you are, making white people nigh on invisible. I guess it was true, after all.
Cleveland Leaders Bypass Prosecutors to Seek Charge in Tamir Rice Case
Go, Cleveland leaders, go!
Those Texas stats I discussed earlier… Some tats on police shootings in Texas.
This is a small intro: Scalia’s perfect capital-punishment case falls apart
As intro to yet another black man released from jail after spending years inside – because it turns out he was innocent after all.
rq says
And here he is. Louisiana, Free Albert Woodfox.
Well, there is some good news! US prisoner set to be released after four decades in solitary confinement. Four decades and then some.
#McKinney Cop… Let us guess…He is showing his deep respect & Honor of Native People.
K, this link keeps popping up but my computer won’t open it (keeps timing out?), a crime blog re: Casebolt and McKinney and ‘no racial factors’ in his actions. Not Racially Motivated.
Share this far and wide. This is Friday in Salinas, CA as police unload on unarmed, mentally ill Jose Valasco.
Family rejoices after release of death row inmate convicted of killing officer
rq says
Okay, I’m sharing this, because I saw it, and I had to laugh out loud. ‘There’s this fella throwin’ gang signs down at the opera house’ #SeanToon911 Because can you imagine the gang message got across via an entire symphony? That’s like 90 minutes of gang signs… Sorry. Maybe it’s not that funny, but I laughed a lot.
Eric Casebolt: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know. Can it be he has a history of violence? And is demonstrating a pattern of behaviour?
More facts about him, like he’s a navy veteran and has experience in all kinds of use of force and is a supervisor and also a union member etc. But that there #2? Yup. Bingo.
#PeoplesMonday at the 46 precinct in #Bronx #NYC telling the #NYPD about themselves! #BlackLivesMatter
#PeoplesMonday still going in the #Bronx despite #NYPD trying to push them on sidewalk! #NYC #BlackLivesMatter
rq says
And here is the latest statement from the McKinney FOP. If you really want to read it. Have not examined all materials (video, etc.) surrounding the incident, but can say without a doubt no racially motivated policing at the McKinney PD – use of profanity may occur in high stress situations. Details are being inaccurately broadcast, it was a diverse group of people, vandalism and active fighting were reported.
Blah blah investigation conducted blah blah.
Best #McKinney comment ever. “They didn’t want 20 happy black kids, they got 800 angry ones.”
The enemy is the state: how the US justice system started a civil war
Please read the rest at the link.
“Keep running your mouth…”: The Policing of Black Children by Mark Anthony Neal
And the victim-smearing goes on. Interviewing Mark Fuhrman, Fox’s Megyn Kelly says assaulted McKinney girl ‘no saint either’
Now let’s look at Dallas, via petition:
Support a DOJ Investigation of the Dallas Police Department
They only need a few more signatures.
rq says
NYPD chief Bratton says hiring black officers is difficult: ‘So many have spent time in jail’ – I WONDER WHY THAT IS???
Black and white witnesses agree: McKinney pool party fight started when white mother slapped a black teen. Wait… she slapped a black teen? And…
See, that’s what I find encouraging – the children are all on the same page, and it’s the adults maintaining some kind of division. So maybe there’s some small hope yet.
Several videos at that link, by the way.
Didn’t the McKinney, Texas, police officer know he was being recorded? Would it be better if he’d acted the same way but there was no evidecne of it? Or if he was a sleeper-racist in the force and nobody knew about it except through vague complaints that somehow never get dealt with?
Please learn to control your emotions, police officers. Better yet, learn how to not be racist shits even when under pressure.
Missouri whiffed on a ‘Ferguson agenda,’ other states stepped up to the plate, so now they can’t be trailblazers anymore.
More at the link, incl. on which states have done better in their legislation, and the frustration experienced in Missouri.
Clergy from Ferguson/STL are at the Vatican this week. The Pope requested them. Yesterday @pastortraci was asked about #McKinney. Global.
Cleveland police union head blasts group’s plan to seek charges in Tamir Rice shooting. Can police unions just not be a thing anymore? Not in this manifestation, at least? A union, yes, but… not this horrible truth-denying, aggressive, partisan machine.
I hate that talk of dangerous precedents and compromising the integrity of the judicial system… Especially since the integrity of the judicial system is being compromised by police officers (or at least, the aspects of the system that let them off with no consequences for violence unnecessary) – though I do think some precedents should be set. Perhaps more officers would be deterred from committing violence, from pulling that weapon, into thinking twice before acting so aggressively.
Pardon the run-on commentary, it’s that kind of evening.
rq says
BTW, parents from Craig Ranch told me tonight that MOST of the children there, LIVED in Craig Ranch. So #McKinney shows its true racism.
Hoping white adults are taking note of the #WhiteFolkWork being done by CHILDREN in #McKinney. #BlackLivesMatter
The Daily Show’s Jessica Williams “reports” from McKinney, Texas, in a bikini and body armor
Sad, but… true?
RT @MaxDPD: The @DallasPD is currently investigating a death in custody. #HappeningNow
Bronx man shocked with Taser by cops, dies: sources
Can tasers not be called ‘less lethal’ methods, now?
Here are the people in Cleveland who are asking for arrests warrants on the 2 Police Officers. #TamirRice
rq says
Who Gets To Hang Out At The Pool? – Hey, it’s summer. I presume this will be a subject for the summer and the heat. Among others, of course.
So it’s definitely a historical issue.
JUST IN: Protests in #McKinney gain strength as people of all colors march against police brutality.
I want to share these tweets by @FeministaJones re: #McKinney pt.1
I want to share these tweets by @FeministaJones re: #McKinney pt.2
Please read the images attached at both of those, it adds a much-needed feminist perspective to the racial issues – most significantly, there’s the idea that white feminists are too silent on the issue that a black girl was assaulted by an officer.
Jon Stewart Blasts ‘A**hole’ Texas Officer For Pool Party Gone Bad
Why We Are At The Vatican
If it brings more international awareness, more power to them. But I wouldn’t rely on the church for too much – unless, of course, it’s something heavily PR-positive and (most likely) short-term.
rq says
Watts Uprising, August 1965 https://www.flickr.com/photos/lafdhs/sets/72157626384666764/with/7803435764/ … , with photos.
Police Criminals and the Brutalization of Black Girls – yep, that’s Sikivu Hutchinson!
Yearbook Recalled For Referring To Minority Students As ‘Trash Collators Of Tomorrow’
Get this. Police arrested Larry Lomax FOR ASSAULT and jailed him for 22 days. They just dropped the assault charge.
Motel manager pouring acid in the water when black people swam in his pool, 1964. There’s that photo again. Almost exactly its aniversary, in fact.
Notice who gets to be the Real Victim here, again?
rq says
How deep does this rabbit-hole go? Ga. Woman Charged with Murder, Held Without Bond after Taking Abortion Pill
I can only wonder at how alone she felt to have taken that pill so far along. What else she was going through. Whether it was truly a free choice or something she felt necessary… And now, charged with murder.
But fucking cops who kill a 12-year-old child on site can’t be charged – or at least, it takes ages and ages for anything to happen. Etc.
NOW Demands Answers and Action in McKinney, Texas
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
And it just. Will. Not. Stop.
Salinas police officers taser and mercilessly beat a mentally ill man.
There is video at the link showing the police thugs’ brutality. It is tough to watch. Every time I thought they were done, they beat the guy more.
carlie says
(From the head of the Cleveland police union at 438)
Yes. One’s life does tend to be miserable when your child can be gunned down by a cop for no reason, and not only is there is no justice for it, but people in power actively call you terrible for desiring it.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
<a href= "http://www.rawstory.com/2015/06/mckinney-pool-party-cop-resigns-following-public-outcry/McKinney pool party cop resigns following public outcry.
He still needs to face justice. And I do not mean what normally passes for justice.
rq says
Casebolt resigning means he’s pretty much free to go and be a cop somewhere else, it’s not a mark on his record or anything like that.
Absolutely disgusting.
Now if they charge him, he’ll just be all ‘Yeah but that was when I was a cop and I’m not right now anymore so really I’m different’ and then that will be taken into account and voila no charges and no conviction and then he’ll join another PD and… it goes on.
Dalillama, Schmott Guy says
The discussion of public swimming pools (and the lack thereof) is a classic example of the way that America’s infrastructure in general has been chronically hamstrung by racism. From public pools to public transit to public healthcare, the reason the U.S. doesn’t have it pretty much boils down to racism, because apparently a huge portion of white America would rather live in squalor themselves than see a single dime go to anything that might, in any way, benefit a black person.
Tony! 408
And that article doesn’t even mention actual food availability. Food deserts
are also disproportionately concentrated in less white neighborhoods.
From the WaPo Article rq posted @438
Because, of course, it’s totally fucking reasonable for a burly, armed military veteran to be utterly terrified of a teenager in swimwear, to the point that he loses control of his actions. Nothing at all questionable there.
rq says
Once again: police work is NOT getting more dangerous
I understand it’s a slightly older article, but dangit it makes sense!
Taye Diggs “Bringing a Little Chocolate” to Broadway
LAPD dragged well-known activist Evan Bunch inside after his arrest sparked disruption at #EzellFord mtg
McKinney officer resigns due to actions in pool party video, Fox picks up the story.
Reminder that white supremacy tries to convince us that we don’t have the right be happy/successful from an early age – check. out. those. pictures. From school workbooks. Where ‘white’ is cast as positive/beautiful and ‘black (or dark)’ is cast as negative/ugly. Maybe they’re outdated. Someone please tell me so.
#donttakeitdown SILENCING = DEATH. STOP SILENCING BLACK LIVES On censoring student art.
rq says
#DontTakeItDown, those artworks again.
Oakland police identify man killed in officer involved shooting, the man oh-so-gently woken by the police before being shot to death.
Someone broke his goddamn car window and they’re surprised a confrontation occurred. Fuck me.
Here’s a good news! Mississippi District Won’t Pursue Charges Over Cheers at a High School Graduation. YAY!!! So sad this was a thing in the first place.
Actually,… considering that attitude, I’m almost sad this isn’t going forward. :D But no, best for everyone.
Ferguson hires interim city manager accused of misleading his previous city council. Much classy! So integrity!
Well, he has a chance to do well. I hope he takes it.
Part II: Bad cops bounce from city to city. Okay. Casebolt? In McKinney? He’ll be starting this song-and-dance.
The only good news about the McKinney pool party is the white kids’ response to racism
rq says
On essaie encore.
Not everybody came to The Q for Game 3. There’s a “No Justice, No Peace” protest rally. Bless ’em.
White House weighs in on Texas pool party controversy – it is now a controversy!
Police Chief says Casebolt resigned through his attorney and did not issue an apology. @NBCDFW I do take issue with that lack of an apology. Even a notpology at this stage would be something.
Former St. Louis Circuit Court judge to become Ferguson municipal judge – it feels like they’re recycling all the same old people, too.
Black Lives Matter activists occupy sidewalk in front of L.A. mayor’s house
#Breaking: One officer acted within policy in #EzellFord shooting, the other did not, according to Police Commission. So… I guess everything’s alright, then?
rq says
Aww yiss. That just took about forever to go through.
McKinney “Pool Party” police officer Eric Casebolt resigns after video of teen abuse goes viral, just BoingBoing on that.
Police Commission decision on #EzellFord may be announced pretty soon. #LAPD command staff returning to meeting room.
The LA protestors have been powerfully applying pressure to the Police Commission over the past week. They’re incredible.
The Internal Affairs investigation has ended given that Casebolt is no longer an employee, notes the McKinney Police Chief. Yah, see… given that he was a supervisor, passing on his knowledge and attitudes, umm… I don’t think that’s how it should end.
The McKinney Mayor also noted that there should be training for the community on “how to interact with officers,” too. Uh-huh.
1. McKinney, Texas, Time Magazine’s #1 place to live in 2014. Going to take a dive, those ratings. Maybe.
rq says
McKinney Officer Resigns Amid Pool Party Investigation
I’d just like to turn your attention to the place where he says he had 12 officers on the scene. But I guess better safe than sorry, huh. As it were.
“He was wearing a orange shirt – must be escaped from prison!” #SeanToon911 Not as funny as the conductor, but not bad.
How do you spin #McKinney? 1. Defend the “majority” of #police. 2. Attack the credibility of #protesters. 3. Repeat. See photos.
A story that should make one’s blood boil, that’s Mano Singham weighing in.
Ferguson’s mayor addresses recall effort, interim city manager appointed
‘Kay. A few notes on those signatures in a moment more, but did he just say he would use that submitted list to approach people who probably don’t want to be approached? As they are signing a petition to have him removed…? And… he’s now able to identify individuals? That’s… kind of scary.
Woman says she was maced by officer even though she complied with his request
rq says
Ferguson mayor recall petition lacks required signatures – about 800, they say.
A few comments:
If someone is a resident, but isn’t on official records yet (whatever list was used), they could be declared invalid.
If someone’s name wasn’t quite legible and the list-checker didn’t want to give the benefit of the doubt, they could be declared invalid.
And then the official narrative becomes, “They didn’t have enough support” when they’ve had plenty of it.
Those who don’t follow the #Ferguson day-to-day may not realize how much contempt Mayor Knowles has for protesters. He’s unaccountable.
And, I suspect, believes he’s unassailable. He refuses to step down and knows ~30% of the community (the white side of town) supports him.
rq says
So there was this Georgia woman charged with murder for ending pregnancy with pill (Toronto Star) that turned into this: Kenlissia Jones, Georgia woman, won’t face murder charge after taking abortion pill, though the reason doesn’t cheer me:
It just wasn’t in the law, is all… if it were, I doubt she’d be free.
Other stuff from the CBC:
McKinney, Texas protests follow video of officer drawing gun on black teens. That article does state that the majority of children showing up to the pool did not live in the area.
Ezell Ford improperly stopped before fatal shooting by LAPD, review finds
So there may yet be more legal action in the shooting of Ezell Ford, though it seems the police department is doing quite a lot to deter that.
Surprise, surprise.
And via qwints in PZ’s McKinney thread, McKinney Cop’s Lawyer Says He’s Sorry For Pool Party Response
And no, he wasn’t targeting minorities. He says. (Probably not intentionally, but intent, magic, racist consequences…)
rq says
Little Rock police slam non-violent blind man to the street. Guess his race.
Here’s some more cops who freaked out – Police ID man and officers in fatal shooting
It doesn’t seem as if they tried talking to him at all. He danced, he left – they followed, he stopped (if the chase was low-speed, perhaps he’d only realized the cops were following him and was going to address them?), they shot him. Such a simple story.
Sometimes, Rand Paul says thoughtful things, but I wonder if it’s a stopped-clock type of thing. Rand Paul to Baltimore Republicans: ‘Understand the Anger of People’
Well, he has a lot of good ideas, but to suggest that voting – and voting only, it seems – is the way to solve these things, well… And then he ends on that glorious ‘it’s so racist it’s not racism’ note. Hit ’em all, Rand Paul!
America’s war on Black girls: Why McKinney police violence isn’t about “one bad apple”
I;d also like to highlight this paragraph:
I hear Texas gets pretty durned hot.
Please understand that these kinds of things are closely related. Trust is vital to effective policing. The actions of police officers are what doesn’t let the community trust them enough to assist in solving crimes (or at least passing on important information).
Charges Dropped Against Guests Who Cheered High School Graduation (UPDATE), HuffPo getting in on the good news.
Basically that’s the extent of the article, the rest is the original about being charged.
rq says
Michelle Obama Delivers Emotional Commencement Address At Chicago High School
This Teen’s Devastatingly Beautiful Prom Dress Is Her Own Design. Yes, this is our fashion break.
The dress is gorgeous. And she is gorgeous in it.
Conservative radio host compares pool party teens to ‘jungle animals’. But this America is post-racial!!!
Well, in his case, I blame country music.
Study: Women with Natural Hair Have Low Self-Esteem – because a black woman with natural hair is the way to illustrate this point. And it’s an article from March.
Chicago zoo employee fired for complaining of serving ‘rude ass white people’ *sigh*
I’m just wondering if they worried about employee well-being enough to ask her what prompted the post in the first place, since it seems to be a first-time kind of occurrence. But it doesn’t look like they care.
Sources on the ground say McKinney police dept is getting angry, n-word filled phone calls for not “standing up for” Eric Casebolt. And they’ve also been getting death threats for Casebolt. Can’t be easy for anyone answering the phone right now.
rq says
McKinney officer regrets pool incident but viewed teens as ‘possible suspects’
It’s Texas.
and in case you didn’t see the latest re: Tracey Carver-Allbritton #McKinney
The Debt – a tribute to Kalief Browder.
Shaun King on Riker’s: 400 people have been imprisoned at Riker’s Island for at least two years without being convicted – how the hell is that even legal?
Re: a police shooting oversight committee, as presented by Antonio French: .@AntonioFrench: problems in #ferguson existed before Aug, can’t take calm for granted now. Wants police shooting oversight comm. @ksdknews
Judge upholds firing of Chicago cop in offensive photo. But it was just a joke, right?
rq says
Speaking of Rikers, Prison guards arrested in connection to beating death of Rikers Island inmate. Top-notch quality place to be.
Case documents available at the link.
Just some stuff with neat art on it.
#BreakTheCurfew #oakland
Holding 14th and Broadway chanting No Cop Zone, They Know Better. #SayHerName #BreaktheCurfew
Teacher deleted post regarding #McKinneyPolice in which she said she “was almost to the point of wanting” segregation. You can read the post, and you gotta love that closing sentence, ‘yeah, this is my horrid opinion and I know it’s horrid, and I know you’re all going to bash me for it, look at me I’m a marrrrtyyyyrrrrr…’ Why do people with horrendous views, who know they are horrendous, still keep posting things like that? Are they secretly hoping to become superheroes or something? They’re so controversial and subversive? Eh.
Bikers Jailed After Waco Shootout Say Court System Failed Them. You know what’s sad? Not the fact that they are right (which they are) but the Grand Ear of Listening that they get on account of not being black. That same court system has been failing black folk for decades, but nobody does shit. So now we have to listen to the whining of some bikers?
I suppose the fact that the system has been broken for a while, and the cruel irony of this situation, never even crosses their minds. But complain away, maybe something will happen this time.
rq says
Civil Rights Leaders: Officer Must Be Charged , youtube video.
How Prisons Kick Inmates Off Facebook, which, you know, might seem like a small thing, but it’s a link to the outside world that’s probably supremely important to most in the justice system.
All state’s attorneys are political, Marilyn Mosby just more so, and she’s not afraid to show it.
And I get the feeling that it’s a subtly unpositive review of Mosby. I just hope she gets those officers to trial.
Police Commission: Ezell Ford’s Shooting Death Violated LAPD Policy, and yet the PD was trying to have it declared justified.
MLK’s legacy was hijacked. He’s no longer a man, but the idea of a “perfect, acceptable activist” sanctioned by White People.
Mayor Rawlings-Blake loses longtime Democratic party fundraiser. Uh-oh!
Black People Are Feared. Black Teachers Are Threats.
rq says
OMG. Is this true?? Fox News Declared Hate Group By Southern Poverty Law Center
#BlackTwitter Never Sleeps; Employer Suspends McKinney Woman After Videotaped Assault Goes Viral
I finally get that hashtag, at least.
Rawlings-Blake on Batts: ‘I support the commissioner’, just a bunch about the police working hard and all that.
The Burden of Bail, video.
Even short stays in jail can mess up an entire life.
Mosby’s memo
Currently at the NorthEast District #WestWednesday #TyroneWest
rq says
Unfortunately, Fox News has not been declared a hate group (though it probably should be): Foxy Hate-y.
Thanks, Tony, for bringing this to my attention! I guess I’m just not discerning enough. :) Or just too naively hopeful.
Police Officer In Texas Pool Incident Resigns, just another media outlet getting in on the news.
Bill Bratton attempts to clarify remarks on recruitment of black police officers
Interlude: Music! Vic Mensa and Kanye West Release the Video For “U Mad”
A small good news: The House Just Voted to Back Police Body Cameras
This was a thing on twitter last night, actually rather funny to watch unfolding. And educational. Montel Williams Is Right: DeRay Mckesson Is ‘No MLK’ And That’s Just Fine
There’s a response from a Montel Willians spokesperson at the link, too.
rq says
Debating whether to put this up or not, but here goes.
Johnetta Elsie, one of the original Ferguson protestors, went to visit the site of Rekia Boyd’s death, with Rekia’s brother. She shared some thoughts on twitter.
This is the park where Rekia was at with her friends. And they left, walking down the sidewalk.
Dante Servin turned out the alley in his car. Words were exchanged with Rekia’s friends. Everyone kept walking.
Dante Servin stopped the car, fired shots from in and out of the car. Bullets hit Rekia’s friend in the hand, and Rekia in the head.
Pole by the alley where one of the bullets landed. And this is the alley where her body laid. #RekiaBoyd
While Rekia’s brother and I were walking and talking Chicago PD drove up the one way street, turned into the alley.
Rekia would’ve been 26 this year. #RekiaBoyd.
rq says
Officer inside patrol car fatally shoots unarmed man
Letter: Fox News seeking data from DOJ on Ferguson report
This Man Speaking Out About The McKinney Pool Party Isn’t Telling The Full Story
The Counted: number of people killed by police this year reaches 500 . So fast.
Interlude: poetry! Claudia Rankine’s Anti-Racist “Citizen” Shortlisted for Forward Poetry Award
Chance the Rapper Plans Free Chicago Festival Just For Teens
rq says
2015 Gale/LJ Library of the Year: Ferguson Municipal Public Library, MO, Courage in Crisis
More on Ferguson and the library at the link.
We march the entire distance of the chase to show the absurdity of it all #137Shots That’s Cleveland, where Brelo was recently acquitted
America #137Shots
Steelyard #137shots
Yesterday I tweeted about a black woman’s tears.. and later read this poem by @SonofHughes
rq says
Developments (pretty major) in Tamir Rice case. Tomorrow. But essentially, a judge finds probably cause to bring charges against the officers, due to the special petition submitted by activists. Good news, here’s to hoping!
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
If we can’t swim, you can’t drive.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Ok, this one is bound to go into moderation, bc the link contains the N-word.
Racist n*ggermania website offers tips on living a n*gger free life.
Complete with screenshots.
rq says
The McKinney, Texas pool party: More proof that ‘black children don’t get to be children’
Lawsuit: Hialeah police dog mauled teen’s crotch. At least the teen is alive.
Seen in tweets before, now in glorious article format: Art display pulled from Maryland school after complaints. Now they’re trying to get it back.
I don’t see anything uncivil. They asked for social justice, they got an interpretation of what that means, and perhaps they should have questioned why they chose these specific images? I think the students did a stellar job, and the school’s decision-makers are idiots for being too scared to leave it up.
#DontTakeItDown: High School Students’ Much-Needed Social Media Campaign To Keep Police Brutality Art Displayed, another article.
There’s a link to an article on black achievement within that article, well worth a read, too!
Woman Involved in McKinney Pool Fight Put on Administrative Leave by Employer
An 18-year-old has hanged himself in a Rikers Island jail cell yesterday. #KenanDavis #KaliefBrowder #RaiseTheAge What the fuck is it with Rikers?
Twitter activists began questioning why the two women, who were obviously involved, had not been arrested or even questioned for their role in instigating the altercation, and it didn’t take savvy users long to tag Carver.
rq says
10 minute audio: Zerlina Maxwell Explains Why #McKinney Cpl Casebolt’s Actions Are Characteristic Of Sexual Assault. It’s… a strong perspective.
Cops Shooting at Cars: A Really Bad Idea
Here’s the first info on Tamir Rice: Tamir Rice: judge finds cause for murder charge over police killing of 12-year-old
I don’t know what the prosecutor is doing here anymore. He confuses me. The judge’s advice seems sound.
Probable cause for the charges: murder, involuntary manslaughter, reckless homicide, negligent homicide, dereliction of duty. Ofc Loehmann.
Probable cause found for charges: negligent homicide and dereliction of duty charges Ofc Garmback. #TamirRice
Activists calls for arrest in 12-year-old’s shooting death, CNN video.
Hey, there was Martese Johnson, the one who lived! Because he didn’t get shot. Charges against Virginia student injured in violent arrest expected to be dropped
rq says
… And the first Tamir Rice information goes into moderation.
BeyGood: Beyonce’s Trip To Haiti Is Even More Inspiring (VIDEO)
.@ShaunKing – #KarenFitzgibbons was just relieved of her duties for her disgusting post! #BlackLivesMatter @deray, that’s the teacher who came out in support of segregation.
The only “race card” I’m familiar with is the Dompas that the racist Apartheid government made people of color carry.
Keeping black people away from white swimming pools is an American tradition
And more on the history of segregation and swimming pools: Fairground Park: The History We Choose to Forget
Videos Show Cops Pepper Spray and Tase Man as Jaywalking Incident Escalates
Of course, Parker is now charged with second-degree assault. And a few other of the usual things.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Miami police officer fatally shoots homeless man .
No clue what the victim’s race was, but I have a sneaking suspicion he wasn’t white.
rq says
What an image. #donttakeitdown @deray @Nettaaaaaaaa RT @SumdimaB @UncensorUs Talk about creativity! Those are the students at Oxon, whose art project was deemed offensive and uncivil and an insult to police officers. I guess they’re trying again.
The False Promise of Black Political Representation
Read those last two paragraphs again: proposals without black support are more likely to be passed, while those with unanimous black support are less likely to be passed. So, can you honestly tell black people now that it is voting that matters?
Re: the extreme groups, I suppose that idea is supported by the perception that any groups of more than one black person is automatically seen as ‘radical’ and ‘extreme’.
Texas elementary school teacher says she almost wants to return to segregation and the 1950s, that’s the teacher mentioned before.
Well, her true and honest opinion definitely got bashed. When is she going to complain about being muzzled and how those peaches just ain’t frozen?
Hypervisible Bodies: Protesting White Supremacy Whilst Racialised
Interlude: movies! It Appears Sanaa Lathan Will Be Omar Tyree’s ‘Flyy Girl’
Police Chief Speaks After Shooting Of Homeless Man. It’s not live anymore, but Miami police shot a homeless man in front of a crowd of children from a summer camp. More on this later. :/
rq says
New York City Council Passes ‘Ban The Box’ Bill Restricting Use Of Criminal Records In Hiring
And then let’s see more black officers hired, since it should now be so much easier. :P
Two innocent Black men that spent 30 Years In prison are finally pardoned
And now imagine the death penalty had actually been executed in their case. So much bullshit.
Messenger: McKinney pool incident reminds us Fairground Park wasn’t that long ago. Yeah, that pool story is not going to go away this summer!
Only 9 Days in 2015 When The Police Haven’t Killed Someone. America.
To the black girls in America: survival can be an unspeakable burden
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Imagine that. The homeless man (in my #470) shot and killed by police in Miami? He was black. I never would have guessed.
Florida officer shoots homeless man in front of children:
rq says
Yah, it’s about as bad as it sounds: Miami Police Shoot Homeless Man In Front Of 50 Children: Victim Was Holding A Stick, Witnesses Say. As Tony says, no surprises here.
How much do these officers think before shooting?
Just another heartless story: Texas cops shut down two little girls’ lemonade stand. Two little white girls, but still. It’s a fucking lemonade stand.
Prosecutor: “Ultimately, the Grand Jury decides whether police officers are charged or not charged” #Tamir Rice – Prosecutor McGinty’s statement re: the advisory of the judge. Basically, it’s policy to go to the Grand Jury, so this will go to the Grand Jury.
Now, the judge’s advisory re: probable cause today may make it easier for the prosecutor to actually file charges, distancing himself.
Racists love to pretend that racists are some unemployed unschooled anomaly. But look at #McKinney–a cop, a teacher, a bank employee.
And here is the first in a story about a white woman who, in a major act of appropriation, has been passing herself off as a black woman. Please let’s not use the word ‘transracial’. Twitter commentary and thoughts to come. Credibility of local NAACP leader Rachel Dolezal questioned
I can support the work she has been doing, but there’s more to this, in the sense that the space she has been occupying as a white black woman (twitter description :P) could have been occupied by a black woman, and she, as a white ally, could have done the same work from an honest position.
rq says
We’ll come back to Rachel Dolezal later.
#KaliefBrowder vigil in #NYC. #Rikers #RikersIsland #BlackLivesMatter
Charlottesville prosecutors to withdraw charges against Martese Johnson – Yay!
No criminal charges against the law enforcement officers? Well, damn.
Citizens deserve professional policing, says Belmar, who is responsible for the teargas and rubber bullets of last August.
A small good news: Special grand jury indicts Norfolk police officer in mentally ill man’s death
What’s sad is that the article mentions that usually an officer familiar with Latham would usually attend the family’s calls… which consistently ended with him not being dead. :( And then this one time…
Witnesses: Police Officer Shoots Homeless Man Five Times In Miami, CBS on that shooting. Police shooting in front of children. I just.
Iowa police officer kills unarmed man who ‘walked with purpose’
A teacher on twitter lamented the fact that he has been telling his students to ‘walk with purpose’ in the halls, and now they can get killed for it…
rq says
Interlude: TV! Netflix releases ‘Orange Is the New Black’ Season 3 several hours early.
Miami Police Shoot and Kill a Homeless Man In Front of 50 Children , same story, different source.
Sprite cans are going to be covered in rap lyrics this summer. Yay? I guess? No women in the list of rappers?
A few more articles on Rachel, then some of that commentary: Did NAACP president lie about her race? City investigates
The one thing I don’t like is the automatic assumption (or implication, I should say) that the hate crimes against her are also falsified. They may very well be, but they may very well be not, since she has been fooling so many people with her lifestyle and presentation.
I really hate where this kind of thing is going, and I feel like I’m trying to object to someone’s identity in a way that diminishes their own perception of themselves.
Spokane NAACP leader Rachel Dolezal falsely portrays herself as black, family says, super-short Washington Times article.
And BuzzFeed, A Civil Rights Leader Has Disguised Herself As Black For Years, Her Parents Say
More at the link.
I think what bothers me is the conflict between (a) her truly feeling that she should be perceived as a black woman because that’s her identity and (b) the fact that she has basically been living a modern version of blackface. And I’m having trouble drawing some kind of line, here, especially with the work that she does. Most importantly, though, the work that she has been doing hasn’t come from a background of honesty, but one of appropriation, and I think that is definitely wrong.
So I don’t know.
rq says
Someone’s gonna write that we’re “outraged,” but it’s more like astounded. Baffled. Perplexed. Amazed.
Ppl who are mad #RachaelDolezal is getting dragged on Twitter and not when #DejerriaBecton was *actually* dragged in #McKinney can sit down.
And I agree with everyone else, if she really wanted to help? She could be doing whitefolkwork & letting black women lead in those spaces.
Erasure is not equality. Replacing actual Black women with white women playing identity dress up is not helping anything.
Part of me feels like this story was put out to discredit their efforts to organize in Spokane. The other part can’t stop laughing.
So there’s a few comments.
Ruby Dee, actress and civil rights activist, dies at 91
Now, that article is a year old. I place it as an example of a light-skinned black woman, in case anyone was wondering how Rachel Dolezal could so easily pass herself off as one.
(Because that has been a thing too, ‘she’s not black enough to be black!)
rq says
Texas Teacher Fired After Calling For Segregation Over McKinney Incident
Grand jury indicts Virginia cop for fatally shooting mentally ill black man ‘like a dog’
It really seems like the police in that case had been doing a lot of things right re: interacting with a person with mental lilness. It’s so sad that one of them failed so tragically.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Here is the fucking face of white privilege:
White guy opens fire on state troopers with high powered rifle, shouts ‘kill me’, survives with only a shoulder injury.
I know readers here are well aware that if it was a black person or hispanic person, they’d have been riddled with bullets before having the time to finish saying ‘kill me’.
I’m glad he’s not dead, but I’ve got to ask why didn’t they treat him like a threat? He actually *was* a threat. Their lives actually *were* in danger. Yet the officers were able to take him in alive.
Goddammit. This pisses me the fuck off!
rq says
He was white.
It really is that simple.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Grand Jury clears officer who killed man during traffic stop in 2011:
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Rockdale, GA inmate suing over excessive force:
Local DA tells teens family he intends to take case against officer to new grand jury:
Judge’s orders allegedly destroyed by chief probation officer:
rq says
So here’s the CBC and the Toronto Star on Rachel Dolezal.
Then this is an interesting look at forensics in general (and misapplications thereof…): Why it’s so hard to keep bad forensics out of the courtroom. Some of the astounding numbers we’ve seen (e.g. on the FBI’s hair-and-fibre analyses and their wrongness), but there’s a few other useful tidbits in there, too.
And the CBC on other recent events:
Miami police officer fatally shoots man in crowded park (I keep thinking, he shot the man in a crowded park – was he even thinking of the safety of all the other people (incl. children)? And I keep replying to myself, No.)
Yes, don’t make up your own facts, the police will make some up for you!
Tamir Rice shooting: Judge says there’s enough evidence to charge policemen
Actually, I’m glad the judge weighed in, if that will lend any weight to the members of a grand jury, where the prosecution may or may not be biased towards the police. This is keeping in mind, though, that McGinty is the same prosecutor who brought charges against Brelo, so we’ll see. I’m sure he has a good reason for being so set on having a grand jury.
And this is a small story about small houses just to make you smile, about one person trying to make a difference for others: Tiny houses for homeless people sprout in Los Angeles
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
More on Rachel Dolezal-
One Tweet exposes the hypocrisy of Rachel Dolezal’s views on race:
She’s a fraud who’s been wearing blackface for years. And that last bit about claiming she’s Indian is offensive as well.
rq says
Martese Johnson: ‘It doesn’t matter what I do in this world, I’m still an African-American’
That is the perception that needs changing: the fact that a black person’s skin colour can arouse such baseless suspicions in others.
Going to be more stuff and thoughts (mostly from others) on Rachel Dolezal, because. SPD suspends all cases involving Rachel Dolezal
Same folks applauding & defending #RachelDolezal’s “work” won’t do the same for those currently working their asses off in “the movement.”
On Rachel Dolezal, via Shakesville, kindly provided by CaitieCat!
More at the link.
And like I said, more commentary forthcoming, mostly from twitter folk.
The Fitful Journey Toward Police Accountability
I suppose it’s actually important (not to mention interesting) to look back and see that some things seem to have changed, if only a little bit. General attitudes? Not so much. General awareness? I would say so. Work is by no means finished yet, but it’s a start.
Loving Black people is respecting our agency & space(s). NOT trying to ‘appear’ Black in order to occupy them.
rq says
Commentary #1:
Historically passing for white was a very different phenomenon. 1.) Most people of color had significant amount of white lineage…
So their claim to whiteness was only “fake” in a racial system that made any amount of blackness cancel out any amount of whiteness.
3) most people of color who passed during segregation did so to gain access to better education, employment, housing, etc.
4) For folks who passed permanently, it must have been a painful, fraught choice for self-preservation in an age of lynching, segregation.
There seems to be a “2)” missing, but it is now lost to the sands of internet.
A Formal Guide as to Why Rachel Dolezal Was Wrong
And here is the official @NAACP statement re: #RachelDolezal.
rq says
Commentary #2:
TRANSRACIAL IS NOT A THING. RACE IS SOCIAL CONSTRUCT CREATED ONLY TO CONQUER & OPPRESS. YOU CAN’T SWITCH RACES. THANK YOU. [kind of a misconception on what being transgender means, no? still…]
History matters. Gender & race do not have the same history. At, fucking, all.
Oppression of gender & race are only parallel in the execution of such oppression, but that is true for all. It doesn’t make them equal.
Here’s someone else: Comparing what #RachelDolezal did to being transgender is 1.) fucking stupid and 2.) erasing the existence of Black trans people. STOP IT
And one more: @Karnythia Also important to know “Transracial” refers specifically to adopting/being adopted outside of ones race ≠ Blackface/appropriation
rq says
Trangender vs. Transracial: Caitlyn Jenner & Rachel Dolezal, another kindly provided by CaitieCat. So much intersection here, but I promise to get back to all the other racism soon, too. :P (Actually I’m finding all of this incredibly educational and I’m sad that it takes a white woman appropriating a black identity in order to learn about this. “This” being more things on appropriation, identity, and that sort of thing.)
There’s more at the link. But I’m just going to pull this one more quote:
Moving on to some science, Study Finds Sexism in STEM Hits Women of Color the Hardest. Show of hands, is anyone surprised?
Cops murder a man in New Jersey yesterday… Making this one of the worst weeks all year for cop murders. There’s a link to the link of the article in there, but I wanted to let that intro statement stand. The year isn’t half-done yet (not quite).
How the Oakland Police Woke a Man to Kill Him.
I’m sorry I missed reporting the date and time of the vigil for anyone who may have been in the area. There will probably be more.
West Baltimore’s Police Presence Drops, and Murders Soar – because police are refusing to go to certain areas. As if to prove some weird point?
There was a blog post upthread, a couple of days ago: “I dread summer”.
rq says
Prosecutors in Freddie Gray case say defense ‘fishing’ in request for police training materials
Why is it so bad for this information to go out to the public? Is there something they are trying to hide…?
John Legend: New York Failed Kalief Browder
Missed this one with the others: The Huge Problem With the Rachel Dolezal Scandal That Everyone Needs to Know
Saved footage from Freddie Gray arrest and unrest limiting city’s camera capacity – that’s the footage they’re using to track down all those looters and criminals that wandered the streets during the unrest. Even though most of them wore helmets and faceshields.
I can think of other conversations they need to have.
rq says
I’m sure everyone now has heard of the shooting and attempted bombing in Dallas at the police department there… So, there will be some comparison-type commentary remarking on some strange facts in police actions and media responses in the case.
Dallas PD is being very transparent, so you know this is in no way related to the Black Lives Matter movement.
For those of you who don’t know Dallas, PD headquarters is in the middle of a residential area. So they negotiated because of civilians.
And in reply to the previous, They negotiated bc WHITE. They shot Tamir Rice in a park and John Crawford in a crowded Walmart.
The Face of American Terror. #DallasPDShooting – that has a picture of a Time cover (don’t know if it’s real or not), but the headline seems correct…
WTF is CNN Talking about “No known Connection to Terrosim”? What do you call SHOOTING UP the POLICe, PIPE BOMBS, Threats. ETc??? @CNN
That young boy in McKinney said the cops treated him like he was invisible Guess this terrorist invisible to cameras too #DallasPDShooting
A few more to come…
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
From a FB friend-
The myth of ‘reverse racism’ and other things.
It’s a long read with numerous citations and works quite well as Racism 101.
rq says
Documents coming out on Tamir Rice case, but it will have to wait for tomorrow – I’m going to bed. But it’s going to be ghastly. I’m going to leave this one more comment with some links as… intro, I guess. But damn.
Officer Loehmann: Tamir “gave me no choice” – and I would like to know how a 12-year-old child playing in a park was able to outwit a trained officer so quickly.
I’m not particularly apologetic about the fact that I don’t have a lot of empathy for Loehmann. Something approaching zero in fact.
Investigation into the Death of Tamir Rice, from the Cuyahoga County Office of the Prosecutor.
This article contains links to the documents: RESULTS: Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s investigation into Tamir Rice’s death
In other stuff, Oh. Art. Life. Check out the attached image.
Beyond the Chokehold: The
Path to Eric Garner’s Death
And that, folks, is how lives are list and public trust in the police is eroded.
Kaylan Ward, 16. Found dismembered on overpass of highway I-10 in New Orleans. Had been ran over multiple times. Not a police killing, not a loud case, possibly racially motivated… and just fucking sad, another life lost.
More tomorrow.
rq says
Short interlude from a presidential campaign, and one activist’s comments on Clinton’s launch event:
.@HillaryClinton’s campaign invited me to the launch today on Roosevelt Island. I’m here to hear what she has to say.
And there are protestors here at @HillaryClinton’s launch, too. (Note lack of general outrage over upside down flag in white protestor hands.)
And @HillaryClinton has delivered strong messages re: tax code revisions, small businesses, LGBT, research, and clean energy. (Among other things.)
And @HillaryClinton has talked a few times about “inner cities” which I think might be code for black people. I think.
Okay, @HillaryClinton just said she’ll fight for the rights of “people of color.”
It is important that political leaders acknowledge race and police reform if they expect any modicum of support from black folk.
In other words, in this respect, it was a poor showing from Clinton.
rq says
For some strange reason, Japan and racism in Japan seem to pop up regularly (though not often). Previously it was those musicians who perform in blackface.
Here’s another trend.
‘B-Stylers’ Are Japanese Teens Who Want to Be Black
See, they don’t seem to be calling themselves black, just… trying to look as black as possible. Doesn’t make the trend not problematic… appropriation on a different scale?
See, the fact that his Boulware’s race is not repeatedly being referenced in MSM or by the police told was the indicator that he was white. Missed that comment earlier.
Here We Go Again: Armed Racist Idiots On Motorcycles Descend On McKinney To Support Hate… yes.
Good Cop Demoted, Transferred & Worse for Exposing his Dept in the Killing of a College Student. And yes, I appreciate having good cops in the system. But the problem is they’re in the system, and it’s really hard to beat the system without the system beating you…
So…this is why we don’t get to hear about good cops. Another perspective on the same case.
rq says
There’s another police-involved shooting in Cleveland, but no details available yet. Even the tweets are super-unclear. Hopefully more on that later.
Judge disqualifies all 250 prosecutors in Orange County, CA because of widespread corruption – a somewhat old story (end of May) but worth a re-read. Probably not the only place where such things happen.
Racist Walmart Throws Four Black Men Out Of Store For ‘Walking Too Slow,’ One Arrested (VIDEO)
Ummm… Walmart called him? Do you mind if I not believe that?
Fulton grand jury does not indict Atlanta cop in traffic stop killing, possibly reposted.
We’re having a laugh at this whole #RachaelDolezal thing (pretending it’s new & such) but this kind of laughing involves a deep, deep hurt.
@Deray We’ll know everything about the #DallasPDShooting suspect to:
A.Individualize criminality
B.To show that his whiteness is defective
And in Canada, Desmond Cole’s feature on carding lit a fuse under the city’s elite, but why did it take so long?
rq says
Today NY is saying #CloseRikers after a 16yo Blk boy killed himself at Rikers after 3y of torture #Justice4Kalief
Robert Johnson – Bronx District attorney is guilty for the death of Kalief Browder #Justice4Kalief #CloseRikers
Delivering a coffin to the home of Bronx DA responsible for Black Lives murdered by state violence #Justice4Kalief
These news outlets are really trying to ensure #TamirRice is blamed for his own death. Link to Times headline.
Is this a repost? When Police Brutality Goes Viral
Continues at the link.
rq says
Tamir Rice investigation released: The Big Story
More at the link, with lots and lots more details on the shooting, events prior to it, and the aftermath.
Here’s a few twitter comment excerpts: This seems like intelligent, cautious police work–off-roading 15 mph through a park with kids in it. #TamirRice
So, it was Timothy Loehmann who tackled #TamirRice’s sister. With his sprained ankle. #Hero
This was the 911 caller in the #TamirRice case. A man drinking a beer at the park.
Witness accounts in Tamir Rice investigation paint vivid picture of events
Includes a link to the documents.
And Mother Jones on the document release, BREAKING: Tamir Rice Investigation Results Released by County Prosecutors
rq says
New trend: Yes, the police officers are guilty, but no, we aren’t going to do anything about it
And that’s just a selection of recent cases.
Punishing the poor: Michigan adopts law to take away families’ food assistance if kids miss school – I just what?
Because this will help children attend school.
Major Questions Remain Unanswered in Boston Killing of Alleged ISIS Beheading Plotter
But if he reacted badly to being accosted on the street by officially-unidentifiable individuals, then it’s his owndamn fault he got killed?
There’s actually a lot more to read about the case, at the link, that does nothing to diminish my concern that the police acted rashly (to make an understatement) in this situation.
Rachel Dolezal Once Told A Student She Did Not Look Hispanic Enough For A Class Activity
More at the link, incl. students who had positive learning experiences with Rachel Dolezal.
Misidentification of Tamir Rice as adult responsible for emergency intubation being impossible. Which means there’s a lot more to the implication of perceiving black children as adults as just the erasure of their childhood.
There Have Only Been 9 Days This Year When Police Didn’t Kill Someone, seen before in tweet format.
This and that else at the link, incl. some graphs.
rq says
Protesters locking traffic at 3rd and Pine in downtown #LongBeach #Justice4Feras Protests everywhere.
Louisville. Video reveals deadly incident between armed man, officer
The man hit the officer with a flagpole, so the officer shot him dead.
Sean Toon, Who Called Cops On McKinney Pool Party Teens, Murdered Animals, who’s now been making media rounds as a defender of Casebolt’s actions.
NYS Corrections Officer Shot, Killed Man in Attempted Robbery. Starting to think they don’t train police to do anything but shoot, lately.
Though the man had a gun in his hand, so maybe this time…
Fort Wayne. Man shot by police; answered door with gun
Texas Teen Arrested at Infamous Pool Party Was Trying to Calm Manhandled Girl, but at least charges against him have been dropped.