I’m glad I have permission


It was so nice of whoever made this image to put a marker on my house. I live right under the “11” on the top center of the map.

It’s a lot colder than that right now.


  1. HappyHead says

    Florida? Try looking at Alaska! All of the parts of it that have actual cities (not just Anchorage, but even Fairbanks) are currently warmer than you.

  2. says

    I spy a -2 in my area. That was the high temperature today. I don’t hate Florida, but I could do with a bit of warmth.

  3. Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says

    Or, if you’re Canadian, just hate anything Vancouver (city or island) and you’re on the same track.

  4. yazikus says

    I’ve been feeling quite guilty about my sunny 40’s & 50’s for the past few weeks. Too sunny, though. We are way behind on rain and snow and it is looking bad for farmers.

  5. says


    We are way behind on rain and snow and it is looking bad for farmers.

    Well, it’s been freezing in ND, and we’re looking at drought conditions anyway – not enough snow.

  6. PaulBC says

    Just don’t hate the SF Bay Area. I remember they had something called “seasons” back where I grew up. What were those all about?

  7. Onamission5 says

    Suppose I ought to apologise for the 75 degree warm spell that arrived this morning, although in my defense we did have negative temp wind chill just two weeks ago.

  8. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    We aren’t in the 20’s today, only in the teens headed toward zero tonight.

  9. John Horstman says

    I totally DO hate Florida for its weather; it’s not envious hate, though – I dislike hot, humid weather.

  10. says

    It’s okay, but not for that reason. OTOH, there’s Victoria, BC, where we’ve had flowering trees out for a couple months now, no snow or ice at all this winter. Right now it’s magnolias, cherry trees, and of course daffodils and such on the ground. And none of the other reasons to hate Florida.

    p.s. anyone thinking “too much rain” should look up “rain shadow”. :) But the middle of winter does get dark too early, so there’s that to cling to.

  11. Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says

    @anthrosciguy –

    Victoria? We should look each other up. You’re not at UVic are you?

  12. The Mellow Monkey says

    Well, it’s a balmy 5F here in NW Wisconsin. Yes, that’s five whole degrees above 0. Woohoo!

  13. gog says

    There’s an “18” near me on the New York/Pennsylvania border. That number is almost half right; it’s 38 degrees.

  14. twincats says

    Florida? Try looking at Alaska! All of the parts of it that have actual cities (not just Anchorage, but even Fairbanks) are currently warmer than you.

    When I was in the USAF, I worked in the satellite terminal at Offutt AFB. We had an orderwire circuit to communicate with the other satty terminals, one of which was in Anchorage. They thought it was funny to ask about our weather in the winter because they were usually warmer. “It’s 20 degrees ABOVE zero here! Har har.”

    I totally DO hate Florida for its weather; it’s not envious hate, though – I dislike hot, humid weather.

    You can include most of the southeastern US in that. Courtesy of the USAF, I also got to spend 9 months in Biloxi, MS. Yuk. They have really big ugly insects, too. Double yuk.

  15. twas brillig (stevem) says

    re @7:

    Just don’t hate the SF Bay Area. I remember they had something called “seasons” back where I grew up. What were those all about?

    Seasons, In SF Bay Area? When temporarily a resident of the SF Bay Area (East Bay) (for 3 yrs, BTW), I continually had to ask myself, “Where are the seasons?” Migrating from Mass to SF felt like leaving seasons behind. Even winter temps plummeted only to 60F, occasionally, days would hit 40F, and would then be declared “frigid”, by ‘natives’. Recently returned to my sacred Mass, and rejoiced in actual winter&snow&sleet, etc., so glaringly absent from that heckhole CA.
    ERP, then again, according to Inhofe, cold in winter PROVES AGW is a myth!!! I likes me some snow as long as I gots me a house to huddle in…
    We all know Florida is populated with “snowbirds”, old people who migrate there to avoid winter snow; that’s why we hates them. Florida is empty in the summer… … …

  16. twas brillig (stevem) says

    ourtesy of the USAF, I also got to spend 9 months in Biloxi, MS. Yuk. They have really big ugly insects, too. Double yuk.

    Tell PZ about those bugs. The state bird of MN is the mosquito. snark snark

  17. woozy says

    It’s a pity that we are never given a choice where we are made to live and once we settle into a place there is no legal or physical course of action to change it. And it’s a unjust fact of life that in making general decisions, personal opinion about weather can never be a factor.

  18. Morgan!? the Slithy Tove says

    twas brillig,
    ‘Tis true. I was born in “tdh East Bay,” 1949 to be precise, and we did indeed have seasons way back then. It was a grand place to grow up then, weather wise… Before the tech revolution and the smog and the population explosion and the traffic hell. I left in the early ’70s.

  19. Ragutis says

    That 68 in the Tampa-ish area? Wrong. It’s actually 80. I should probably turn on the AC. And wash all the pollen off of my car. It’s like an arboreal orgy out there.

    Sorry. I’ve got relatives in Michigan and Massacusetts and I know how bad they got it this winter. I feel for you folks up north, especially this year. Spring WILL come. Probably. I think.

  20. pHred says

    Ah – we officially just had the coldest month on record! Not a single day above freezing and the third highest monthly snow total on record. Anchorage was roughly twice as warm last month.

  21. says

    There ought to be a law that in any map of North American temperatures, the numbers north of the Canadian border (and, I suppose, south of the Mexican) are in Celsius.

    It warmed up to almost 0 in Ottawa today. To celebrate, we went snow-shoeing. And it won’t be brutally cold for the weekly #FreeRaif protest tomorrow…..

  22. magistramarla says

    South Texas has been pretty cold this winter. We’ve turned on the gas fireplace more often since we moved back than we ever did before we moved out to CA in 2009. I definitely liked CA weather better. I also agree that Florida weather is too hot and sticky with way too many bugs.
    I’m currently in England, and it’s blustery and cold here. We’ll be in Naples toward the end of the month. I certainly hope that it’s warm and lovely there when we get there.

  23. says

    Cross posted from the Lounge:

    Yes, the Republicans in the House of Congress are rabidly anti-science. They proved that last year. Now they are proving it again:

    […] of particular interest this week is the Republican effort to “improve” the EPA’s Science Advisory Board. Pending legislation would, among other things, prevent EPA experts in a given field from participating in “advisory activities.”[…] — if a state was doing an investigation into smog, for example, EPA experts who’ve conducted research on smog would be legally barred from offering guidance.

    This bill […] passed the House in 2014, before getting ignored by the Senate […]

    […] the bill’s back, with an additional provision: members of the EPA’s Science Advisory Board would now be prohibited, by law, from even considering research on climate science from a variety of sources, including the U.S. Global Change Research Program’s National Climate Assessment. […]

    The House will probably pass this proposal, at which point it’ll go to the Senate, where it will be taken up by Senate Environment Committee Chairman James Inhofe (R-Okla.) – the guy who believes snowballs in the winter disprove climate science.

    […] this is now a prominent part of the House Republican agenda, which means we can expect to see GOP lawmakers continue to push the idea so long as they’re in the majority.


  24. Al Dente says

    It’s 41°F right now. However it’s supposed to go to 34° at midnight which will be the high for tomorrow. The rain after sunset will turn to snow before dawn.

  25. says

    Victoria? We should look each other up. You’re not at UVic are you?

    No. Just a guy. We live on the sortof outskirts of downtown, near Cook St.

  26. lorn says

    Bugs … yeah … we got bugs, and snakes, and alligators ( a local guy had his arm ripped off), and mold, and hurricanes, and sinkholes, termites that chew through concrete, fire ants everywhere, and governor Rick Scott pushing his own pro-1% version of perdition (The bastard didn’t set up the med exchange or expand Medicare). Then there is the general craziness, random violence, tropical diseases (Chikungunya and Dengue being just the best known) marching their way through the state, and even more bugs. It is really hard to overestimate the bugs. Flying roaches, attracted to people sleeping with their mouth open, as big as a your thumb. A hard-core Floridian can spit one across the room and be back to sleep in 30 seconds, or less.

    But it was 84F yesterday and 85F today with beautiful blue skies with pretty cotton ball clouds drifting through.

    Of course it all balances. We will likely pay for this pleasant warmth with a couple of hurricanes, and, as ever, even more bugs.

  27. mrcharlie says

    Well its 54 at the house right now, was 28 at 7am. Here in the Willamette Valley of Oregon the weather guy last night was telling us that Portland had the warmest ‘meteorlogical winter’ (which is Dec through Feb he tells us) on record, and the warmest February on record, and we’re slated for a run of at least 10 days without rain or even clouds with increasingly warm temperatures. So yeah its remarkably nice at the moment. Problem is that the snow pack is also remarkably low, the snow pack on Mount Hood currently is 9% of normal. The last time it even came close to this was in in 1977-1978. The West Coast drought looks like it’s intensifying in Oregon. I hope that Congress (no I won’t take bets) will pass emergency funds for the Forest Service soon to prepare for what looks to be a terrible fire season this summer.

  28. Ragutis says

    Bugs … yeah … we got bugs, and snakes, and alligators ( a local guy had his arm ripped off), and mold, and hurricanes, and sinkholes, termites that chew through concrete, fire ants everywhere, and governor Rick Scott pushing his own pro-1% version of perdition (The bastard didn’t set up the med exchange or expand Medicare). Then there is the general craziness, random violence, tropical diseases (Chikungunya and Dengue being just the best known) marching their way through the state, and even more bugs. It is really hard to overestimate the bugs. Flying roaches, attracted to people sleeping with their mouth open, as big as a your thumb. A hard-core Floridian can spit one across the room and be back to sleep in 30 seconds, or less.

    Don’t forget lionfish taking over just about every reef and wreck, sharks, mean-ass Tegu and monitor lizards, snails bigger than your fist that eat EVERYTHING including houses, armadillos spreading leprosy, and pythons eating their way through the Everglades .

    The fishing’s pretty good though. And parrots and manatees are nice. Sea turtle populations appear to be doing pretty good lately. Last few years have seen record numbers of nests, especially in the Juno/Jupiter area.

  29. robro says

    As a native Floridian, I can attest that there are many reasons to hate Florida, only one of which is the weather. Most any time of year, but particularly during the long Summers, it’s not just warm but hot, humid, and downright icky. And, if your not broiling in it, you’re stuffed in an air conditioned ice box with no fresh air. There are plenty of other better reasons to hate Florida, the lowest of the lower 48. I don’t know how some folks stand it because the place reeks bigotry and there seem to be enormous churches every few hundred feet. The air is alive with misquotes and gnats, and there are 3 or 4 inch cockroaches.

    As for seasons in SF, we have plenty of seasons. Sometimes we have several in one day. You might wake up to rainy, cold, wintry weather (by SF standards that is), but by mid-morning it’s a balmy Spring day. Towards the afternoon it might actually get warm (again, by SF standards), and when the night comes…it’s winter land again.

    Right now, it’s crystal clear and very pleasant. I would invite you all out, but unfortunately we’re out of water. Four years of draught means not only do your gardens die and your food and utility costs sore, but your bathroom smells pissy all the time: if it’s yellow let it mellow (you can guess the rest). As I’ve suggested before, we would be more than happy to trade some of our beautiful weather for some of your beautiful snow pack. (I’m sure there’s a business opportunity in that. I’m surprised the Koch brothers dont’ take advantage of it.)

  30. Grewgills says

    It stays between 65 and 85 here about 85% of the time. Our record low is 58 I think and our record high is in the 90s. We’ve got better weather than Florida and less crazy people. I’m not saying where, we don’t want any more people. The island might get tippy and capsize if we add too many more people.

  31. says

    Here in the Willamette Valley of Oregon the weather guy last night was telling us that Portland had the warmest ‘meteorlogical winter’…

    We spent a fair amount of time on the Oregon coast last year, so we keep tabs on the temps there. Lincoln City and Florence have been been downright weirdly mild all this winter.

  32. Azkyroth Drinked the Grammar Too :) says

    It’s a pity that we are never given a choice where we are made to live and once we settle into a place there is no legal or physical course of action to change it.

    You paying?

  33. cgilder says

    Here in central texas, we haven’t seen the sun in quite a few days. And not only is it cloudy, it’s FOGGY. We got up to 68 today somehow, but it will be 26 by morning. And there’s a snow day tomorrow, so all my kids are home from school. ARGLEBARGLE.

    Look, jet stream. The agreement is that we tolerate 100*+ summers in exchange for sitting on the patio in February eating queso and drinking margaritas. This constant gloom and doom is just miserable.

  34. says

    lorn @32:
    Ye godz the bugs.
    How those fucking mosquitoes love me. Can’t play outside with the dogs for long in the warmer months without becoming dinner for multiple skeeters.

  35. says

    woozy @19:

    It’s a pity that we are never given a choice where we are made to live and once we settle into a place there is no legal or physical course of action to change it.

    You make it sound like anyone who dislikes a particular region can just up and move. Not everyone has the means to do so (for instance- I don’t want to continue living in Florida, but I don’t have enough money to move, nor do I have a vehicle; neither of which is likely to change any time soon). You ought to rethink some of your assumptions.

  36. lorn says

    robro @ 35: “pissy”

    A trick I learned from long time composting toilet users, these are toilets that composts feces and requires urine, with its phosphorus content, to be collected separately. The composting is relatively odor free as long as air flow is maintained but the urine jugs can get a bit pungent. The trick is to add a tablespoon or two of common vinegar to each gallon jug before use. To keep the ‘yellow is mellow’ sweet it helps to add a squirt of vinegar to the bowl. I’ve seen people keep a Sriracha hot sauce bottle full of vinegar handy.

    A splash in vinegar between the forth and little toe after a shower keeps athlete’s foot away.

    Tony! The Queer Shoop @ 40: Bugs.

    On the up side, if you need to lose a few pounds quickly you can just go for a long walk at dusk and let nature take its course.

  37. methuseus says

    Yes, it’s k to hate Florida. I, like some others, live here and hate it as much as you do. 85 degrees in February and March are horrible. And having it not get below 80 degrees, even at night, for 6 months of the year isn’t fun either.

  38. cgilder says


    This is one of the nicest snow days I’ve ever had. Dry streets, 35 degrees, and THE SUN IS OUT for the first time in 7 days.

  39. springa73 says

    I don’t think I could stand the summers in Florida – I would melt away like the Wicked Witch of the West. I used to like winter, but now I hate cold weather, too. I guess I’m rapidly approaching the point where I’m only comfortable between 68 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit and complain about everything else!

    It seems to be a bad time weather and climate-wise for so much of the country now, between drought and huge snowfalls and record cold and warm temperatures. The drought is probably the worst thing because it doesn’t go away quickly.