Oh no PZ! You have invoked the dread title of the cheesy channel that shall not be named – expect a film version of giant mutant radioactive leech monsoon – AKA ‘Leech-soon’ – to be released within the week…
This is a game series where… okay there’s no getting around this, you hunt ALL living things and you keep hunting them, with absolutely no restrictions put in place by the hunting guild. At least you can make both male and female hunters. In fact, considering this is in “the past”, it’s strongly implied that you were successful hunters, considering NONE of these things are around any more. At least, I don’t recall hearing about any sand whales.
Well that wasn’t at all Freudian…
I’m getting turned on by this worm porn. If you’ll excuse me while I obtain some tissues and KY…….
Cat of Many Facessays
That was amazing!
Some times i feel like monster designers for games should just watch a bunch of nature documentaries before they do any work… then i realize that the results would be terrifying.
See, clearly here is evidence that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the true creator of worms… one spaghetti-creature eating another with a slurp!
David Marjanovićsays
A close relative half that size is all over Europe. Start here, and then check out the German Wikipedia article if you can (the English one is a worthless stub).
Which end of the blue worm can say “Oh shit”?
Oh no PZ! You have invoked the dread title of the cheesy channel that shall not be named – expect a film version of giant mutant radioactive leech monsoon – AKA ‘Leech-soon’ – to be released within the week…
Where’s your god now, eh?
Leechzilla is coming to eat your tentacles….
Call me when we find one of these things:
http://monsterhunter.wikia.com/wiki/Gigginox That is, a giant winged leech.
This is a game series where… okay there’s no getting around this, you hunt ALL living things and you keep hunting them, with absolutely no restrictions put in place by the hunting guild. At least you can make both male and female hunters. In fact, considering this is in “the past”, it’s strongly implied that you were successful hunters, considering NONE of these things are around any more. At least, I don’t recall hearing about any sand whales.
Well that wasn’t at all Freudian…
I’m getting turned on by this worm porn. If you’ll excuse me while I obtain some tissues and KY…….
That was amazing!
Some times i feel like monster designers for games should just watch a bunch of nature documentaries before they do any work… then i realize that the results would be terrifying.
See, clearly here is evidence that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the true creator of worms… one spaghetti-creature eating another with a slurp!
A close relative half that size is all over Europe. Start here, and then check out the German Wikipedia article if you can (the English one is a worthless stub).