
  1. rq says

    Black-and-yellow-striped beasties I have now seen:
    fly: check
    wasp and bee: check
    beetle: check
    spider: check
    So which one doesn’t belong?

  2. unclefrogy says

    spiders are one of my favorite creatures I enjoy those the ones that live in my house, and it is a great joy when one of the big ones shows up in the garden. not often enough I am afraid.
    I hate seeing them misrepresented in movies.
    uncle frogy

  3. Thumper: Token Breeder says

    Ooooh, pretty! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a spider with so brightly coloured an abdomen.


    I’m fairly certain that the comma after “Punctuation” should be a semi-colon. A full stop or colon would work too. If I’m wrong, then I apologise. If I’m right then, “Oh! The irony!” etc.

  4. ChasCPeterson says

    I’m fairly certain that the comma after “Punctuation” should be a semi-colon.

    No, it needs a whole colon.