
  1. says


    Most stoners are, in fact, productive citizens.

    Hells yes.

    I am only unproductive when I smoke weed right before bed. Cuz productivity really isn’t important at that point (and that’s pretty much the only time I smoke).

  2. Acolyte of Sagan says

    Thanks, PZ; I saw the title and damn-near choked on my cocoa. I thought it was a reference to his new sit-com, Savage, which started earlier tonight on BBC1. McKellen plays one half of an elderly, theatrical gay couple…..

  3. vaiyt says

    The “pipe weed” from LOTR is definitely tobacco. It fits the description, at least.

  4. ck says

    I’m surprised the man is as popular as he is in country music given his “pipe weed” preferences, and the social causes he champions.

  5. chigau (違う) says

    Tobacco is from the “New World”.
    Whereinhell is this Middle Earth place, anyway?

  6. Eurasian magpie says


    Middle-Earth is in our imaginations :)

    But within-universe explanation of the origin of pipe weed (or “galenas”) is that it was brought to Middle-Earth by the refugees of Numenor. Which was westwards from M-E.

  7. wonderpants says

    When it comes to smoking “pipeweed”, Gandalf has nothing on Radagast. No wonder he never appeared in the LOTR films, he was stoned out of his mind!

  8. What a Maroon, el papa ateo says

    Tobacco is from the “New World”.

    So are potatoes, yet Hobbits eat them.

    Whereinhell is this Middle Earth place, anyway?

    Somewhere in the 19th-Century English countryside. Well, the Shire is, at least.

  9. Jackie, Ms. Paper if ya nasty says

    When I was a kid we had a local country station start up and for a week they only played Willie Nelson songs, back to back. As soon as they stopped, I changed the channel and never changed it back. I still think a Willie only channel is a great idea.

  10. Trebuchet says

    Happy Birthday, Willie!

    Unfortunately, it’s bugging me that he’s turning 80 because it emphasizes how old I’m getting!

    But within-universe explanation of the origin of pipe weed (or “galenas”) is that it was brought to Middle-Earth by the refugees of Numenor. Which was westwards from M-E.

    As I recall, Numenor was approximately in the location of Great Britain, relative to Middle Earth as Western Europe.

  11. RFW says

    Ooooh, an LOTR thread! Oh goody gum drops!

    # 21 Trebuchet:

    As I recall, Numenor was approximately in the location of Great Britain, relative to Middle Earth as Western Europe.

    There’s passing mention somewhere in The Corpus that a single small islet remained of Numenor; this would correspond to Rockall, at 57.596685N ,13.688552E, roughly halfway between Britain and Iceland.

    The Tolkien Legendarium, the earliest editions of The Hobbit in particular, is laced with anachronisms: potatoes and “pipeweed”, of course, but also tomatoes and lawnmowers. In later life after publication of LoTR, Tolkien worked to remove these, as he felt they worked against the spirit of versimilitude he wanted to convey.

    It’s wisest not to try to force the Legendarium into conformity with the maps of today. Tolkien was, after all, writing fiction and the Shire and hobbit life form a pastiche of fond memories of his childhood in Britain, greatly idealized.

  12. ChasCPeterson says

    Ooooh, a Willie Nelson thread! Hot damn!

    Willie wrote “Crazy” and “Funny How Time Slips Away”. He was mainstream before he went outlaw (a transition likely attriibutable mostly to ‘pipeweed.’). That’s why everybody likes him.