Around FtB

This is an easy one.

So…where are you? There will be a Freethoughtblogs party at the Farmer’s Gastropub in Springfield, Missouri tonight, stop by and say hello.

Oh, you aren’t in Missouri? You can watch the live stream instead.


  1. waydude says

    I never get to go to these things, can we have one in Utah next year? How about I start one? What if you start a skeptical conference in Utah, will anyone come?

    Oh yeah, Utah! I’ll offer punch and Pie.

  2. Akira MacKenzie says

    Sigh… only if I hit the lottery, or I can find a job that pays me an actual living wage (i.e. > $15/hr).

  3. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    I’m not certain. It looks like PZ and a bunch of FtBullies are at Skepticon. I’m gonna need some proof of that though. Such an extraordinary claim and all.
    Hyperskeptic powers ACTIVATE!

  4. michaellatiolais says

    I was bound and determined to go this year(I live in Kansas, so it’s just a long drive for me), but I had an IBM conference to attend this week, and that put a kibosh on the whole deal. Alas…

  5. Ogvorbis: broken and cynical says

    I’m noticing a pattern here.

    But I am in Pennsylvania and am at work (just gave a tour to about 40 people).

  6. Olav says

    That “livestream” thing demands that I register and login and it tries to push cookies and scripts from a dozen different domains to view just one page. No thanks. At least on FTB I can use my usual protection.

  7. DLC says

    ” . . . is at Skepticon . . .”

    I could be wrong, and it’s a very small data set, but I’m sensing a bit of a trend here.

  8. DLC says

    PS : No, I’m not actually at Skepticon. . .. my post might be confusing, but I’m referring to all the people PZ listed.

  9. felix says

    Should I be able to see live video on LiveStream,? All I see is Jeffrey Markus’ page with 3 comments.

    Please advise :-)

  10. says

    Where am I you (rhetorically) ask? I’m busy not existing. You see I’m a foxhole atheist and therefore I don’t exist. I’ll go to Skepticon next year, if the world does not end on Dec 21, that is. May your Skepticon be filled knowledge gained and shared.

  11. Menyambal --- Sambal's Little Helper says

    Well, I drove past Skepticon and it looked like they were having fun.

    I had decided I couldn’t go, as I didn’t want to make the drive up there, for financial and health reasons, even though it’s only about twenty miles. (My backside really hurts, and it isn’t from sitting on a fat wallet.)

    So I got a phone call about a family emergency, and ran out the door and went driving anyhow, cursing a bit. I got the emergency taken care of (the kids had locked themselves out of their car, a-frakking-gain) and realized that Skepticon was on the way home.

    I cruised down past what I though was the venue, and saw some kid in a “Secular Student Alliance” shirt, but that was the only clue. The place I thought it was looked busy and the folks there looked happy (which was a clue against, maybe), but I looked unshaven and in a raggy shirt, and I felt the pain coming back, so I kept on going for home and a nice lie-down.

    I thought about calling my wife and asking her to look up the location anyhow, but decided to not put her through the trouble. When I got home and reclining, I tried to look it up, and got rather frustrated, so I am glad I didn’t ask her. It was where I thought it was, though.

    I thought about cleaning up and cruising back up to the after-party, but the dog has malfunctioned again, and this recliner feels good.

    I hope the evening goes well for all. I will try to be ready to go next year. Really.

  12. says

    I got the stream kind of working in time to miss PZ- the site no longer allows me to log in so I listened to Rebecca Watson with this thin space visible around the forced login menu.

    Oh well, I’ll catch these things proper after they’re on youtube.

  13. chigau (棒や石) says


    Oh well, I’ll catch these things proper after they’re on youtube.

    Just don’t comment.

  14. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    shouldn’t that be “Just don’t read the comments” ?

  15. says

    I’m not seeing why I shouldn’t have posted about the technical difficulties. There were a fair number of people baffled at how to get the stream up when the site wasn’t launching it and even now they still haven’t resolved the issue stopping people from logging in as they required to view the stream.

    There were only a few people posting about it here but I saw a fair number struggling to find a way to view this on the site.

  16. speed0spank says

    Andrew if I’m not mistaken I think they meant to avoid the youtube comments because they are clusterfuck of assholes, not that your comment was inappropriate. That’s what I gathered from it anyways

  17. acolyteofsagan says

    Crikey! All those names together in the same place at the same time.
    If the Devil (or Jeremy Feckin’ Kyle, same thing) could cast his net, eh? :-)

  18. says

    Oh I have some fun in youtube comments actually. The individual people are frequently set up to receive notifications when you reply to their comments. Nobody else is going to read it but I can spit out something that’s not terrible in less than ten seconds and then wait for any of them to take the bait.

    I’ve got time for this kind of bullshit right now.