
  1. Pteryxx says

    In case of portcullis, JAL, I’m hard to reach but I’ll haunt my gmail and this thread for the next while in case you get in touch.

  2. JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says

    Well, I wrote this really long comment to you guys and then got a page saying the thread was closed. Thankfully, I’ve learned this lesson before and typed my comment in a document before trying to submit.

    Omfg you guys are so awesome. I saw Pteryxx’s latest comment (basically saying I got the message will remember it) and typed a reply. Thinking I had posted it I went to sleep for a bit since I’ve only gotten a couple of hours since last night. Come back to find huge offers I couldn’t even begin to image ever being made. The plans don’t have to be for immediately, we’ve got at least some time to work it all out. After all, more time and planning now means less and a smother transition for Little One. I’ve talked to my parent’s and they will go whatever. They can just notify the required places to transfer mom’s SSI claim and step dad’s SSMDI. We did talk about looking into programs to help them once we get an area in mind, so it would just be the Little One and me. They also have at least one steady income and hopefully there’s programs to get them discounted rent and such.

    Oh, crap then there’s the adopted kitty. I’d have to check with mom to ask if they have contact with the original owners so we can either pass them to other friends or officially adopt them. Eeeeeee. That’s going to suck.

    One thing to throw a wrench in the apartment plans would be that I have terrible credit and with no job, I don’t see a place renting to me just yet. Which is the main reason I was thinking another shelter plus I’ll need a lot of help getting myself together. Plus my dental issues are huge. Like front teeth are about to fall out huge. So along with needing a good state that’s helpful with foodstamps, and medical care, I’d have to admit I’m a wreck and with my depressed, falling apart looks it’s no wonder I haven’t gotten a job lately. It wasn’t always like this just after so long without a job and struggling, I lapsed in taking care of myself which makes it all the harder to get out. I wouldn’t qualify for unemployment in a new state and no way I’m applying for cash assistance because they will want to track down the abusive ex and all that.

    I’ve, well, failed. I’m sorry. =(

  3. says


    And as far as being likeable, well, you willfully and maliciously chose to disregard my recommendation for Teh Hoard Hammer, and somehow I managed to still like you.

    Disregard? Did you miss the fact that I basically already own that guitar? Seriously, other than not being able to harpoon a whale with the guitar, I’ve already got a humbucker/Floyd Rose guitar… and the one I have has active pickups!! Plus, and not for nothing, it is called the “Hellraiser” which in this environment should score extra points!

    I get that the ESP has a higher level of prestige for being made in Japan versus Korea, and it neck-thru rather than set neck. On the other hand, I miss my Strat and I am just as awesome/shitty with one or two metal guitars. On the other hand, I can do things with a Strat that no metal guitar will ever do.

  4. FossilFishy (Νεοπτόλεμος's spellchecker) says

    For the threadrupt:

    A move is afoot to help out JAL and her little one.

    Explanation of her situation here.

    More detail can be had by following the thread from that point.

    Beginnings of organisation here. Yay Esteleth!

  5. JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says

    Joe, I’m going to level with you. I don’t think you are a terrible person at all. I feel extremely guilty that I’m such a project and need so much assistance when the same assistance would help several horde members. I’m practically the worst case scenario in our broken, fucked up system so my case is multifold “we need to re-build her” kind of thing. I don’t, repeat do not, feel bad because of your comments or other people’s comments about my situation grabs everyone. My feeling guilty is due to a lot of reasons, mainly that I know how much it sucks to struggle and how amazing it is to find such a community help you with open arms. I want everyone to get that help and feel like I have in this community. After the move, I really truly think I will have a far better chance to get it together and fully plan on paying forward by helping The Horde soon.

    I really don’t like playing the Oppression Olympics by comparing hard times. That just never works out well. I am thankful though that your situation was temporary and has improved. I hate to think of people not getting help here because everyone is wiped out helping me. I will get on assistance and find programs to help me along so the full burden shouldn’t be on The Horde.

  6. says


    I’m going to call my parents tomorrow and ask them about their old house. Like I said, no credit check or deposit… and no guarantees but I’ll do what I can. There’s room if your parents want to move with you, and it would certainly help if there’s cash coming in at some point. And with the lack of credit checks, it makes it a little harder to track you directly.

    Don’t want to get your hopes up… but right now I don’t think my parents can sell their home for anything close to what they want, and they could use the extra income whatever it is… as long as you can cover the power and heat everything else is profit for them.

  7. Esteleth, Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo says

    JAL, would you appreciate help in getting set up in a non-Phoenix part of AZ? Would that be good enough?

  8. JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says

    Wait, re-reading Joe’s comment, I have no idea if I read it right. I think I misunderstood it because of my guilt. I’ve confused myself.

  9. FossilFishy (Νεοπτόλεμος's spellchecker) says

    Ah Joe, I was kidding. You’re reasoning was perfect. Besides, I’m a Strat-head all the way.

  10. thunk, Blob Alert! says


    Sorriez… I have some money, but I don’t feel my parents would feel good about giving it away to “people who should help themselves”.

    My utmost sympathies. I’ll try anyway.

  11. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    Improbable Joe:

    Plus, I’m not even particularly liked or likable.

    I would just like to say that this is NOT the case for me.
    Joe: I like you. I appreciate your contributions here. I think you are a good person. I like hearing from you. I think you are likable.



    I’ve, well, failed. I’m sorry. =(

    I know if feels this way, but you haven’t failed. You’re struggling to be sure, but you’re doing everything you can to ensure your daughter is taken care of sufficiently. You *ARE* a good parent. Circumstances have happened that have thrown your life into disarray, but that doesn’t mean you have failed. You are a good person. You are raising your daughter well. Please don’t doubt that. Times may be tough, but you’re providing a solid moral foundation for your child and that is incredibly important.
    In addition, I think (I hope) you know that you have the full support of the Horde. I’ve never belonged to a community of people that look out for one another in the way that the Horde does. It is a tremendous honor and I hope-one day soon-to be able to give back far more than I’ve ever received. When that happens-JAL-you’re one of the people that are foremost in my thoughts. You’re one of the people that I want to assist as much as I humanly can. Please don’t doubt that you are a good person.

  12. says

    Oh, and JAL? The fact that I can even consider a Horde-Hammer guitar means that you win the Oppression Olympics against me hands down. Hell, I’d invite you to live with me here, except I’m moving in three weeks. I’d invite you to live with me where I’m moving to, except I might have already done that… I might myself be moving into my parents’ empty house for a few weeks if things go tits-up for me.

  13. says

    Hello Horde. Just coming up for air blogs. With no power, no running water and no end in sight, I escaped New York and am now with family in Maryland.

    Sandy sucked. And continues to suck. Friends on Long Island are in a world of hurt. :|

    I have a lot of catching up to do now that I’m back in Wifi world. Just want to say that little glimpses of Pharyngula on my dying iPhone provided some semblance of normalcy (and fun!) when shit got weird. Thanks for that.

  14. John Morales says


    I’ve, well, failed.


    You merely haven’t succeeded yet.

    (Please don’t give up)

  15. thunk, Blob Alert! says

    Tony: You win an internet for that.

    JAL: You haven’t failed either. You’ve done the best you can with what you had in life. Little One, if beset by difficulties, is growing up to be an upstanding young woman. Just keep trying your best; if you’re beset further, we’ll keep helping. It’s a community here.

  16. says


    So, you know I’m planning on getting a new 2012 American Standard Strat with an ash body, rather than some $2700 PRS swamp ash? Because there’s nothing that feels or plays like a Strat at even twice the price, the same way that the best Gibson clone will never feel like the best REAL Les Paul… although you have to wade through a few LPs to find a great one, when you find the right one it is better than everything else out there. Hell, I had to replace the pickups on my Lester because the guitar’s body is so resonant that high-output pickups sound like crap on it. I could sound a natural harmonic at the 12th fret, set it on a stand, and walk out of the house while it continued to ring out… an impressive end to a performance for the in-laws, let me tell you. :)


    I don’t think I’m the worse, but I know I’m far from the easiest… you know what I mean? I can be wrong and defensive about being wrong. I can be sensitive and lash out beyond a reasonable level. I’m aggressive in ways that don’t always create a positive atmosphere. I appreciate that people can see past it or don’t have direct experience with it, but I can’t lie to myself about who and what I am.

  17. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    Disclaimer: I’m drunk right now, so much of this might not make sense.

    100%, beyond a shadow of a doubt, I think that the members of the Horde-those people that make up the echo chamber and engage in group think-are some of the best, most compassionate people I’ve ever had the pleasure of interacting with.
    I’m going through tough times. Many of us are. Yet that doesn’t diminish the good will and heartfelt sympathy from so many of you. Those members of the Horde that are better off than others-you have no idea how much it means to those of us who aren’t doing well. It means the world. Even if you are unable to help out in a tangible way, just knowing that you are there…just knowing that you support those of us who are in a bad way…that can mean the world. That can literally transform a bad day into one that’s “not so bad”.
    For the lurkers out there I say: This is a community that supports and takes care of its own. This isn’t superficial support. When we say we want to help-we mean it; with every fiber of our being.

    I’m going to get all sappy and melancholy, but I’ve thought about this a *lot*. I want to be in a position to help others. I want to be in a position to assist members of Pharyngula who are having a tough time. With every paycheck I get, I think of you all. Not everyone needs financial help. Some people need emotional support. Some people just need a shoulder to cry on. Some people need a place to vent. The Lounge and Thunderdome are places that are incredibly helpful to many people. If you’re one of those people who think your contribution doesn’t matter…think again. It does. Please know that. I’ve been on the receiving end of tremendous kindness–from people I’ve never met (and may never meet)–and that doesn’t matter. Just knowing that there are people who support me, without judgement and who want equality for all–it means more than I can *ever* say.

    I know I periodically get in this mood. I find the need to express to people how much they mean to me. This happens on a semi regular basis and it’s not likely to stop any time soon. Those of you who are members of the Horde, followers of PZ Myers–my world has changed {in a positive way} because of you. I want you all to know that.

  18. JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says

    JAL, would you appreciate help in getting set up in a non-Phoenix part of AZ? Would that be good enough?

    If there’s a shelter to take me, I’m game to go for now. But while my ex has stayed in Phoenix, he has ties elsewhere in the state and in Mexico. That part really scares me because if he grabs her, he’s going to his family there and never coming back. He’s a thug and wanna be gansta that scared with tales of his family in Mexico. I have idea if any of it’s true, but it makes me want to flee to the exact opposite side of the country. Which is why I said, the fund can go slow with I move shelters in and around AZ until I can get a permanent move away from fuckhead.

    Don’t want to get your hopes up… but right now I don’t think my parents can sell their home for anything close to what they want, and they could use the extra income whatever it is… as long as you can cover the power and heat everything else is profit for them

    No worries, I know it’s all hypothetical at this point. My step dad brings in around 500 per month. I’ve always had apartments with utilities so I have no idea what that will cost.

    Also, since I keep mentioning shelters here, I haven’t found an opening yet but that’s nothing to worry about. I’ve only been looking today. I’ve been in and around the system so there’s places I know people and can get good referrals from. I’ve got case workers that are friendly that I’ve emailed earlier today but haven’t gotten a response yet. The initial OMG fear has passed and I’m back in the navigatin’ and smoozin’ mode. I suck at interviews for jobs, but my experience and referrals in the system are far greater. Plus with the option of Horde help I can look into areas that would require a loooong bus ride to get to here. The wheels turn slowly til there’s an opening but I’m so used to it.

  19. Esteleth, Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo says

    JAL, my landlord (a good 2500 miles from Phoenix) is a stand-up guy who does a lot of work in community outreach and has a reputation for being understanding about slipped rent checks and the like (within reason). It won’t hurt me to ask him about his willingness to rent to someone without good credit. Also, I live in a blue state.

    Of course, that doesn’t fix your welfare issue, but it is something. Would you like me to speak with him?

  20. JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says

    Oh, I know I’m still working and doing to the best I can. Just sometimes need to indulge that “I’m such a failure” for moment because I know if I let it grow and fester it will over take me. It’s a pattern I’ve noticed. It’s better if I just admit I’ve made terrible decisions and fucked up and feel like a failure so I can have that “I’m not going to let this keep me down!” moment to get up.

    I hope that makes sense. I find it hard to really describe my mental pattern and habits – at least when I’ve tried to express them, especially with therapists. They seem to get me the least while case workers are far more helpful to my mental heath, though they can’t write my prescriptions.
    I also completely and heartily agree with Tony’s #24. I seriously couldn’t think of any better community and I’ve felt that way before I became the Horde project. ;)

  21. chigau (棒や石) says

    John Morales
    All it took was to see the title and that thing is playing in my head.
    I still know everyfuckingword!

  22. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    Improbable Joe:
    You didn’t say anything more than the rest of us would. We’re all of us human. We’re going to make mistakes. We’re going to succeed. We’re going to screw up and/or succeed beyond our wildest imaginations. So you were sensitive and wrong. That’s it? All that means is that you’re human. No one can hold that against you. That you recognize your failings and are working to overcome them mark you as an introspective, thoughtful, empathetic human being. You don’t sit there and say “this is how I am…oh well”. You work to change it. You work to make yourself into a better person.
    In my book, this is commendable. You may never be the person that you wish you could be, but in my book, you’re a really good person.

    ****That goes for every one of you. If you are ever in the dumps…if you ever feel like you can’t do anything right…if you ever think life sucks…if you ever think-even for one split second-think that life will never work out for you in a positive way…Please remember this:
    The effect you’ve had on other people is immeasurable. Don’t doubt that YOU matter.

    (now if I could only convince myself of all that)

  23. mildlymagnificent says

    JAL You should accept whatever financial help comes your way. If you’ve kept up with Greta Christina’s situation with her surgery you’ll notice that she admits she didn’t realise how much the financial problems were affecting her – until enough money came in remove them.

    And then there’s timing. With enough cash on hand ready to go, you can go without notice if the ideal opportunity turns up.

  24. JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says

    Of course, that doesn’t fix your welfare issue, but it is something. Would you like me to speak with him?

    That would seriously be awesome. I got approved here but then again the landlord is friend’s with my mom. Plus Roomie has kept paying the rent on time and the cox bill and will continue to do so. Will that be a problem? Would it make my credit look better since those bills have been taken care for over a year?

    Roomie’s credit is beyond bad and that stuff has to stay in my name so he has a place. He can’t pick up and leave but he can’t go to his family here to live either. He’s going to at least stay awhile and when the leash and contracts are up he’s thinking of moving to another state with other family members. There’s just no way I’m going to that state.

    And really, I qualify for at least food stamps and medical care everywhere. It’s just a matter of filling the stuff out and figuring how that state’s system works and waiting for approval. I’m just saying I can’t get cash assistance from the state so the only income will be step-dad until I get employed. Plus my mom is really disabled so hopefully a saner state will approve her finally.

  25. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says


    Thank you for the kind words.

    Just so you know-you’re not a project. You’re a good person (and good parent) who is going through tough times. Even *if* we cannot help you, at the very least, we’re going to be here to support you (all the while trying to figure out a way to help you in a more tangible manner).

    (I’m going to wander off to other FtB blogs before my drunk ass starts crying)

  26. Esteleth, Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo says

    I am not sure, JAL. But I will talk to my landlord. Also, I have a friend who is a social worker who works for the state office of children and family services. I’ll ask her about how you’d go about getting aid and the like. Maybe it is easier that either of us know.

  27. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    I don’t know what’s financially feasible for you, but if you were able to pick, where would you move?

  28. JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says

    Oh, I know that’s just a joke. A kind of poking at myself. It also works since thinking it of as a project puts me in my much more successful “I have a school project and going to make it kick ass mode”. I feel like moving states really is a new change to change myself, which I have plenty of issues with, and my situation. I’m deeply terrified of getting lost in a new place and being alone (AZ sucks but is familiar) but that’s going to be a hard thing to do with an international community giving me directions. I’ll be able to find some place. =)

  29. chigau (棒や石) says

    I was trying to compose a sympathetic yet clever comment riffing on “Money can’t buy happiness but it beats the alternative.” and I found this:
    from the introduction

    Most of what we think we know about people with a lot of money comes from television, movies and beach novels — and a lot of it is inaccurate, says Robert Kenny, EdD.

    In an effort to remedy that, Kenny, a developmental psychologist and senior advisor at the Center on Wealth and Philanthropy at Boston College, is co-leading a research project on the aspirations, dilemmas and personal philosophies of people worth $25 million or more. Kenny and his colleagues surveyed approximately 165 households via an anonymous online survey and were surprised to find that while money eased many aspects of these people’s lives, it made other aspects more difficult.

    Read it.
    I weep for them.
    or possibly something involving spit

  30. Pteryxx says

    JAL, would you mind sending me an email before I fall over here? I’m not easy to reach, and if there’s any chance you might have to run *before* getting into a shelter, like in the next few days, you’d need to reach me if I could assist.

  31. FossilFishy (Νεοπτόλεμος's spellchecker) says


    I could sound a natural harmonic at the 12th fret, set it on a stand, and walk out of the house while it continued to ring out

    Nice. One of the things about the Strat is its quickish decay, contributes to the infamous quack of course, but sometimes you want it to sing a little more. ‘S why I bought begged Mrs. Fishy to buy me an Ebow for my birthday. ;)

    JAL: For some of us the only way we can help, bar words of encouragement of course, is to contribute financially. I’m on the other side of the world for instance. I would be honoured to help, and I choose that word, honoured, very carefully. Over and above just getting another human out of a shitty situation, your love and care for The Little One in the face of such circumstances is something to be treasured and fostered in any way possible.

  32. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    I just now saw the Lounge animal.

    PZ: You are diabolical. I love dolphins. I think they are some of the most beautiful, elegant creatures on the planet. I’ve only managed to touch a dolphin ONE time. It was fantastic. Swimming with the dolphins is on my bucket list as is riding horseback.

  33. Esteleth, Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo says

    JAL, could you shoot me an email (my nym at google’s mail thingy) so that if my landlord responds favorably, I can let you know, and send you want info I can on local services and the like?

  34. chigau (棒や石) says

    John Morales
    Actually they are both helping with my current earworm which the closing theme to a Japanese TV show.

  35. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    I’m starting to think you could recite the phone book to a crowd of people and it would be engaging

  36. JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says

    I don’t know what’s financially feasible for you, but if you were able to pick, where would you move?

    Uh. I don’t know. I’ve been in the mindset of I’ll go where I can. I can no idea what other states are like. I’ve been 2 states in my whole life and have no desire to be in either one. I will actually have to research and find out. I like green places and places that have, you know, actual seasons. Little One has never seen snow and we’ve never seen the sea. Snow and cold won’t be such a big deal. Little One will play in it and I grew up bundled up. It would be so awesome to see her face!

    Oh, that’s right. My father’s family is in MI. He’s a bigger asshole than my ex. I’ve turned down his offer several years ago when I was literally staying until the cops kicked me out of the apartment I could no long pay for since I couldn’t find a shelter for us yet and the threat of literally sleeping on the streets was very real and still I refused to move with him because he’s a fucking predator that wants my child.

    I should have mentioned that earlier. I keep forgetting important things because it’s just been apart of my life. Like the ever looming threat of the Mexican border. I didn’t mention it earlier because I’ve been acutely aware and forget other people don’t know that.

    Oh, and my mother’s family is in Montana. It’s just her abusive father and the brother that molested her. I don’t know their names, just my mother’s maiden name, or where they are exactly either. They haven’t seen me since I was a baby and haven’t seen Little One either though they do know my last name since it was my mother’s when my parents were married. So it worries me but I don’t feel an immediate threat from them and Montana is a big state.

    So, preferably a blue state that’s really helpful and friendly and none of the danger states.

    Wow. How the fuck as my family survived this far? I don’t think there’s a single, helpful, normal person that wouldn’t be a danger in my entire family except my mother.

  37. Tigger_the_Wing says

    *Wipes tears*

    Horde, you just made my birthday a very happy day indeed. I’d just like to say I can pitch in a little cash to help JAL and Little One get out – being on the wrong side of the planet makes it difficult to do more than that, except send e-hugs of course.

    Love and hugs to you all.


    irisvanderpluym, I have a sister living on Long Island that no-one’s heard from since the 26th. Now, I do know that her husband and son had a surprise planned for her 50th birthday on the 27th so it may well be that they whisked her off for a holiday somewhere and she doesn’t realise we’re all worried; or it may be that she’s just been busy and is now merely without power but otherwise OK. Do you or your friends know of any way to find out how someone is doing on Long Island? I’ve been Googling and searching the FEMA site, but couldn’t find anything.

  38. broboxley OT says

    Rev BDC
    from a thread or two back

    Romney to be charged with violating the federal Ethics in Government law by improperly concealing his multi-million dollar windfall from the auto industry bail-out.

    Federal indictment with jail time looming, neat!
    not the case, not even remotely

    A coalition of community, labor and good-government organizations is calling on the U.S. Office of Government Ethics to investigate GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney for noncompliance with the Ethics in Government Act and compel him to either disclose his investments or divest them.

    thats a little different don’t you think?
    Now the facts are, he put his wifes face in front of an investment into a troubled asset and leveraged/blackmailed into a huge taxpayer funded payday. Cool.
    Problem is he currently, or back when the investment was made he was not in government. Lots of noise, one armed faffing but no there there until Jan 2013 if he gets sworn in. A day later the complaint would be valid. Greg Palast must be a Trumpophile, his stuff is just as accurate.

    Now more important than any politics is Saturdays LSU Alabama game, the presidency rides on it.

  39. says


    Can you shoot me an email as well? My nym and no spaces at the google mail thingy? I was thinking I could probably hook you up with a cell phone in the next week or so, that can’t be traced to you, with unlimited minutes and texts(not unlimited data, sorry) so you can have a stable way to communicate with advocates and shelters and such.

  40. Esteleth, Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo says

    Tigger, I have a sister in NY, and a friend working for FEMA (in Brooklyn, ATM). Shoot me an email with some specifics and I’ll ask if they have any tips – even if just where to ask.

  41. Esteleth, Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo says

    (JAL, for the record, I am in Upstate New York). Blue, not one of your Danger States. Also, cold and snowy.

  42. broboxley OT says

    JAL, you are from/in AZ are you affiliated with any tribe at all? With BIA cert. If you were there are other ways to help. If not we can all chip in a tiny bit to relocate you.

  43. JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says

    Sorry! I typed all that and just saw your guy’s comments. I’ve sent emails to your both, Esteleth and Pteryxx.

  44. FossilFishy (Νεοπτόλεμος's spellchecker) says

    Ah Tony, that’s very flattering but in this case I’m going to call confirmation bias coupled with a situation of already heightened emotions.

    Errr, but just in case: what would you pay to see such a performance? [ponders raising enough money to fly JAL and LO to the land O’drop bears and hoop snakes]

    Besides, your number 30 above is damn fine. I couldn’t have said it better.

  45. JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says

    Okay, sent everyone emails and just in case it doesn’t go through or whatever my email is jals(dot)snark(dot)tentacles At the gmail thingy.

  46. Esteleth, Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo says

    Got your email, and replied, JAL. And now, I really need to head to bed. I am tired.

  47. FossilFishy (Νεοπτόλεμος's spellchecker) says

    Feeling the need to say something silly but I’m at work so I’ll just re-post:

    I like chill-ee’s and peas!
    I do!! I like them, Steve-I-be!
    And I would eat them in a shoe!
    And I would eat them with ragu …
    And I will eat them with your brain.
    And in the pub. And in the rain.
    And in a shoe. And with baby.
    They are so good so good you see!

    So I will eat them in a hole.
    And I will eat them with a vole.
    And I will eat them with marmalade.
    And I will eat them with a tardigrade.
    And I will eat them downunder there.
    Say! I will eat them ANYWHERE!

    I do so like
    chill-ee’s and peas!
    Thank you!
    Thank you,

    There, that outta put paid to this ‘you’re eloquent’ nonsense.

  48. cicely says

    Tony, for what it’s worth, I’m easily that maudlin…cold sober.

    JAL…you’re not a project. You’re an investment, and so is Little One.

  49. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    happy belated birthday. I hope it was an enjoyable one.
    Was this Friday or Saturday?

  50. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    FossilFishy @53:

    Ah Tony, that’s very flattering but in this case I’m going to call confirmation bias coupled with a situation of already heightened emotions.

    True, but that doesn’t negate the impact of what you wrote. It was still deeply touching.

    I can’t stress enough how much I prefer crying tears of joy vs tears of unbridled anger. When I see a posts by you, chances are tears of joy flow from my eyes.

  51. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    Something I’ve noticed in my time here:
    The compassion of so many of you is astonishing. There are many people in the world that wouldn’t think twice about individuals they’ve never met or have no connection with. Yet here-in our little corner of the ‘net-many of us have formed relationshiops/bonds/connections with far reaching effects.
    Why is that?
    How is it that such a disparate group of individuals are able to come together and display some of the best traits that humanity has to offer? What is special and/or unique about this? Can this compassion be duplicated? Bottled? Can it serve as a model for other groupings?
    Another thing I’ve noticed–the humility so many of us display. How many times has someone commented that “I don’t want to bother everyone” or “I don’t mean to veer off topic”? The consideration shown by just about *everyone* for the desires/interests of others is a testament to the empathy we all have. Despite the positive and negative stuff going on in our lives, we routinely show a level of care and compassion for others that gives me hope that humans are NOT self centered. We *are* able to control our impulses and perform duties that benefit others outside of our immediate circle.

  52. broboxley OT says

    Got a different piece of scammail so I responded as follows using the contact info from a previous scam mail local to atlanta

    Mr. Chen Ho
    This sounds very interesting, please call me directly to arrange this matter. A good friend of
    mine in Mexico Joaquín Guzmán is very valuable in helping with these kinds of transaction with much experience
    General Eric Kennedy
    Phone: 404-462-4302

    could get amusing if they don’t know shorty

  53. Tigger_the_Wing says

    Saturday Birthday. 55 years old today*. It has been very enjoyable so far. The community fire service held a barbecue in the park next door for everyone in the neighbourhood, so I had a party with the neighbours! Going shopping soon and then out to dinner.

    Esteleth, PM’ed you the details on FæcesBook. Thank you so much for your offer of help – it feels like a great weight is now being shared.

    *It’s weird. I’m starting to outlive relatives who had the same disorders as me. Thank science for modern medicine, and my neurology for not making me smoke or drink.

  54. says


    You ignore the fact that we as a group also pretty aggressively crush people on a fairly regular basis… regular enough that it makes me uncomfortable. The topics that we discuss tend to be empathy-based, so the people who survive the gauntlet of turning people into “chew toys” tend to be folks who care more about big issues involving other people as well as themselves, rather than being focused solely on their own ego.

    We tend to not be nice to other people when we can find a flaw in them, especially when they are strangers or disagree with the established norms. But once people are in, and as long as they remain so, we as a group open our hearts to them. Maybe people have to be so harsh to be so open… I can’t say. But when it happens, it is kind of incredible. I can say that my wife and I have sat down and cried in each others arms at the generosity we’ve encountered here, beyond anything we could have imagines. Not just with money, but emotionally as well.

  55. FossilFishy (Νεοπτόλεμος's spellchecker) says

    Happy birthday Tigger. May your next trip around the sun be better than the last one.

  56. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    Joe @63:

    I’m drunk and high right now, so I can’t respond coherently to your comment, but I hope to do so tomorrow, because I have much to say.

  57. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    [A Facebook status update I just wrote]:

    This early voting thing is great.
    I voted today.
    I voted for President Obama.
    I have concerns with him. Several. I sincerely hope they’re addressed if he gets a second term.
    However, unlike Romney, President Obama isn’t trying to roll back the progress made in the right to bodily autonomy and right to self determination of women, gay rights and programs for minorities that put them on better footing with those in the majority. President Obama is also not trying to cater to the interests of corporate American-IN THE WAY THAT MITTENS IS. President Obama has also shown the ability to deal with other countries diplomatically (he’s improved the approval rating of the US in other countries after the Bush years), which can be a boon in foreign policy (and I’m certain President Obama knows where Iran is). President Obama also realizes that our military is far stronger than we need it to be, hence the cuts in military spending. President Obama recognizes that R&D, infrastructure and education are areas the government should invest in so that we can compete in the global market and keep our citizens safe and secure. Mitt Romney might be a change from Obama (not much, since he wants to do more of the same), but the policies he would enact are detrimental to the country (but not to rich people-the only people he has anything empathy/sympathy for).

  58. Tigger_the_Wing says

    Thank you for all the birthday greetings! I am quite overwhelmed! =^_^=

    Tony, quite ready, thank you! =^_-=

    Ing, I am sorry it seems I missed what was happening with you. I’m so sorry you have had to go through all that. Bloody hurricanes. I hope everything gets put right before they say it will.

    FossilFishy, well it does seem that my chances of surviving it have improved greatly! Unless Tony gets a little over-enthusiastic, of course. But there are worse ways to go…

  59. rq says


    Happy birthday! A very happy one, and a hobby horse for you!


    Emotions are good things, drunk or sober. I do them a lot, some say too much, but I’ve never really regretted telling people how much I respect them.
    I came here because of alla yer good looks and charm (that goes for you, too, cicely ) but I decided to stick around because of the heart. More about that below.


    It’s a Saturday morning and I’m expected to be more familial, and I have about 100 comments to read through (damn you, time zones!), but here’s my take on the JAL situation. Everyone who has expressed amazement at the compassion, the willingness to help – I am similarly impressed and moved and happy to try to be a part of such a community. Whether the harshness of initial meetings is a way of screening those who are determined enough to make an actual contribution, I don’t know, but I know that most communities who ARE very cohesive (that I’ve had a chance to participate in – this is anecdotal evidence) DO tend to separate the wheat from the chaff (if I may) in some way.
    Anyway, it is so encouraging and heartening to see somethign being done for JAL, at the drop of a hat, no questions asked, just help. I love this place.
    And while I can’t contribute monetarily (saving for the house and it’s a lot of santimi counting) – for which I feel like a bit of a shit, and yes, I know that’s unfounded but there you go – I can fake a paternity test. :) We have lots of material in stock. (What I’m trying to say is, is there a
    ny other way to help?)

  60. says

    Happy Birthday, Tigger

    Well, my wild fantasies involved somebody marrying JAL quickly and adopting the little one to get them safe ;)

    Can you shoot me a mail: nymÄTyahooDOTde

    You’re not failing. You come from a background of incredible abuse over generations and you’re putting a stop to it, you’re breaking the cycle, you’re keeping the little one safe. That’s the work of Hercules. It’s just not the kind of work our society values :(

  61. didgen says

    So seriously sad to get up in the middle of the night to hold a face mask onto an asthmatic three year old. I’m not sure why but it makes it worse for me that he begins to calm as soon as the nebulizer starts, if someone tried to hold something to my face when I’m asleep the fight would be on. At least his parents have good insurance and can take him to a pulmonologist, if not the cost of meds would be prohibitive. Damn the freakin Santa Ana winds and all the stuff they bring in with them.
    I really hope Nate Silver is right and Romney doesn’t get the chance to take apart the admittedly minimal health care plan we now have.
    JAL I don’t have much but I’m willing to help if I can, the Pacific northwest may be a good place for you.

  62. Beatrice, anti-imperialist anti-racist Islamophobiaphobic leftist says

    Once again, all I can offer is virtual support, however much that’s worth. So, *hugs* to everyone in need and don’t hesitate to vent or cry here. I certainly don’t, complaining often and in many words, even though if we started playing oppression olympics I wouldn’t even pass the qualifications.

  63. Tigger_the_Wing says

    Thank you for all the Happy Birthdays! =^_^= I just got back from dinner; hubby and I went out with a couple of friends. It was yummy!

    Alethea, I don’t think the collection has started yet, but if it has I’ve missed the details too and shall have to go back and do some re-reading.

    rq, thanks for the hobby horse! I shall have to expand the stable.

    Giliell, seconding what you said to JAL.
    P.S. How does one fake a paternity test?

    Markita Lynda, Yay! =^_^= That is very good news indeed!

    didgen, that’s sad. Poor kid. And what a damnable system that would bankrupt people for having a sick kid. With all the problems we faced raising our five, I am supremely grateful that worrying about the cost of treating health issues wasn’t even on the radar.

  64. Beatrice, anti-imperialist anti-racist Islamophobiaphobic leftist says

    Oh, and happy birthday, Tigger!
    (Sorry, I left half the comment in the comment box and went to make lunch, so when I came back I forgot that I had meant to congratulate you.)

  65. says

    Tigger_the_Wing: Sorry for the delay, I fell asleep. (I’m bone tired these days.) The only way we’re hearing from friends on Long Island is via cell phone email. They’re charging their phones via car chargers, which is problematic not least because the car needs to be running to do so, and the lines for gasoline on the island are hours long.

    It occurs to me that their state or federal congresscritters’ offices might be able to help you — or prehaps point you in the direction of someone who can?

    Belated happy birthday wishes to you, and I hope your sister finds a way to contact you soon.

  66. Tigger_the_Wing says

    Beatrice, I don’t think there is any danger of any of us playing that particularly pointless game, fortunately. Each of us can only do what we are able – and you are particularly good at cheering people up and making us feel welcome and wanted; those are skills I wish I had. Thank you!

  67. Tigger_the_Wing says

    irisvanderpluym, please don’t feel you need to apologise! Thank you for the help. Those are useful ideas I hadn’t thought of. Plus Esteleth has offered some help too. Thank you!

    Bone tired? Nothing wrong, I hope? *Hugs*

    I know what it’s like to tire easily, and although I am vastly improved since the procedure in September, I still get tired easily and often need to fall asleep up to several times a day. Do take care and don’t overdo it.

  68. Beatrice, anti-imperialist anti-racist Islamophobiaphobic leftist says


    Ha! You are too kind. Thank you.

  69. carlie says

    We tend to not be nice to other people when we can find a flaw in them

    That’s not true. We don’t attack people for flaws in themselves, but for flaws in their thinking. We particularly attack people for flaws in their thinking that lead them to positions that case harm in others.

    JAL, I am in a position to help just a little, if details go up. Only the amount for a lunch for you two or so, but I figure every bit helps.

  70. opposablethumbs says

    Belated Happy Birthday to Tigger_the_Wing!

    Watching for news of JAL … and you’re not failing. The way you’re bringing up Little One, and the way you are both growing and learning and doing worthwhile things, is a fucking huge achievement in the face of these barriers and active opposition.

  71. says


    JAL: For some of us the only way we can help, bar words of encouragement of course, is to contribute financially. I’m on the other side of the world for instance. I would be honoured to help, and I choose that word, honoured, very carefully. Over and above just getting another human out of a shitty situation, your love and care for The Little One in the face of such circumstances is something to be treasured and fostered in any way possible.

    I could not agree with this more. I don’t have much, but if there is any way that I can help, I would more honored to do so. JAL, you have shown so much strength in dealing with this situation, so much love toward the Little One, and so much kindness toward everyone here. You are a lovely person who is working hard to get out of a bad situation. If there is anything that I can do to help you, be it financially, physically (I live in NC, so if you need anything over here, let me know!), or just in the way of encouragement, please do not hesitate to ask.

    To everyone else, the amount of kindness, generosity, and encouragement I’ve seen in my short time here is completely amazing. I can’t tell you all how much that means, even to someone like me who mostly sits around on the sidelines. I really appreciate this community more than I can say.
    So, umm, hugs for all that want them. Thanks for being awesome.

  72. Ogvorbis: broken and cynical says

    Hi, all.


    Hugs and best wishes.


    Happy circumsolar day.


    Discussion today while getting my morning soda. Old guy (well, he’s older than me which makes him pretty old by most standards) complained that Sandy was going to drive us back into recession because we can’t afford the billions it will take to fix things.

    I pointed out to the gas pumps where eight tree-trimming trucks from Indiana were filling up with gas and said that all the money it takes for immediate needs and both long- and short-term recovery is money that is going into the economy.

    “Yeah, but look at ’em. All fucking illegals so all the money goes home to Mexico.”

    One of the workers attached to the truck looked at him and said, “My family and I moved to Indiana 7 years ago. I became a US citizen three months ago. And my daughter is attending Northwestern University. Don’t judge me by my skin and my accent.”

    At which point I walked over to him, shook his hand, and thanked him for being here to help. As we talked, the old white guy (I’ve had more than a few conversations with him on Saturday mornings and I still have no idea what his name is) left. The man from Indiana said that he always feels a little guilty when people thank him for coming to a disaster area as he does it because he makes good money. I laughed and told him about my forest fires and we both agreed that it is nice when one gets paid for doing the right thing. Nice guy.

    He and his crews are sleeping and fueling here in NEPA but are then driving to North Jersey to work on downed trees.

  73. triskelethecat says

    Hi, all! I have been away from Pharyngula for a while again. Just wanted to let the Horde know that I am fine and well here in NJ. No power in my house but no damage – for which I am very thankful and damn lucky (google Union Beach, NJ if you want to know what I mean…I now live there). Currently in a hotel for a long planned con- and the hotel got power back yesterday so I am warm, fed, and online between con events.

    @Tigger: happy belated birthday!

    @JAL: I wish I could help! Still getting myself out of a bit of financial mess. Can’t offer much but to say you are doing a very great thing be tring to get away to protect yourself and Little One.

    @Horde: I’ll be back at times to check in. The iPad isn’t the most convenient way to work for me.

  74. FossilFishy (Νεοπτόλεμος's spellchecker) says

    Ogvorbis: Hell yes! Here’s to standing up and speaking out when bigotry rears its ugly head. Sure, old white guy will probably hold his prejudices close and take them to his grave, but now Indiana guy knows that sometimes he’ll be backed up by strangers who don’t look like him. One interaction at time and slowly a culture changes from the bottom up.

  75. Ogvorbis: broken and cynical says

    he’ll be backed up by strangers who don’t look like him.

    Not only that, an older white guy in a federal uniform backed him up.

    I also liked the calm, cool, collected way that Indiana guy stood up for himself. And silenced old white bigot.

  76. Nick Gotts (formerly KG) says

    Happy belated birthday, Tigger_the_Wing.

    JAL, I don’t spend much time in the Lounge, and haven’t had anything useful to say about your problems, but I do admire how you’re coping, and really hope things improve for you soon.

  77. Socio-gen, something something... says

    I’ve decided that today must be a day of rest.* I’ve been working (seemingly) non-stop for two weeks. Last week ended up being even busier than I’d expected, but at least it went well…mostly.

    The panel I moderated at the women’s studies conference went smoothly, and all three of my panelists complimented me on doing a great job. Later in the day, I got to meet and talk with Andrea Quijada of the Media Literacy Project, who was our keynote speaker.

    My alumnae committee meeting saw only two other people show up, of the seven. *sigh* Luckily (?) they agreed with me that waiting until we have a quorum will mean nothing gets done again, so the three of us just did the initial planning for the year. Decided on four events, picked a date & location for the first and possible dates for the others, and divvied the organizing of the first one between us. Plus came up with two great ideas for our program’s 10th institute keynote event. Then I sent out an email to the rest of the committee, telling them what we’d done and that, if they didn’t like it, they should have shown up. I used nicer words, but that was the gist.

    Best of all, I got a 99 on my audio documentary project and got caught up on my SPSS homework because I finally figured out how it works.

    * Sort of. I must go out and do the grocery shopping and the laundry; I’m almost out of food and clean clothes. I probably should do some housekeeping as well, because I think the dust bunnies are planning an offensive….
    — —
    *hugs* I haven’t got much, but I will definitely toss my tiny bit toward a “Relocate JAL and the Little One” fund.

    You aren’t a failure or a project. You’re an investment. We’re investing in a fantastic mother and good person who is having hard times, because we believe in you and your future. For me, and probably for others, this is paying forward the help others extended that gave me a new start.

    Sent an email from my nym at the yahoo place on another subject.

    Tony @ 24:

    Those members of the Horde that are better off than others-you have no idea how much it means to those of us who aren’t doing well. It means the world. Even if you are unable to help out in a tangible way, just knowing that you are there…just knowing that you support those of us who are in a bad way…that can mean the world.

    Same here. Being a (small) part of a community that cares and supports one another….it means everything.

    Happy (belated) birthday!

  78. says

    Clearly, no immigrant, whether legal or not ever spends money inside the country. That’s why German economy crashed when we invited all those people from Italy and Turkey to work here.
    Hopefully you’ve given tho old white guy something to think about.

    Hihihi, English language imperialists (alos known as linguists, although not all linguists are language imperialists) are funny.
    First they establish that English is superior because it has moar wordz and can therefore be more exact than other languages and then they go on to explain why English is superior because it so easy, look at those stupid Germans who have seven (!) words for you. That’s why I never had to clarify in German whether I meant you, Peter, you, Peter and Mary, or you as in everybody.
    I kid you not, the irony is lost on them.

  79. JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says

    Okay, really I just woke up because of a noise and haven’t gotten nearly enough sleep yet. Sleep deprivation is doing wonders for my imagination. Pretend I’m not really here and am just a roaming, typing TV for a sec.

    One interaction at time and slowly a culture changes from the bottom up.

    This comment and the earlier comment about bottling charity or empathy started me on a roll with an elaborate story of bottling hope, charity, empathy and dropin’ these bombs on people.

    IN A WORLD where good beneficial emotions can be bottled and spread to bring out the best of people, a small group of people protect the secret to this amazing feat from the greedy rich conglomerates who wish to use the technology to make people buy their stupid-pointless-expensive products against their will. Will they succeed? Will our heroes be able to protect their secrets? Are our heroes truly heroes or villains in capes? Is this bottled hope effecting our world more than we know?


    *cue music*

    **fade out**

    (more like pass out.)

  80. says

    This is a follow up to my post in the previous chapter of the [Lounge], where we were talking about the Republican tactic of either shooting the messenger or burying the messenger when the messenger arrives bearing facts they don’t like. Ogvorbis was in on that discussion, as were others.

    Last night, Rachel Maddow produced a segment on this tactic. She provided examples from the Bush administration, (terrorism incidents going UP, not down? stop printing the report!), along with examples from Republicans in general. The report includes a solid connection to Romney’s tax policy.

    Here’s a repeat of my previous post:

    Republicans never waver in their efforts to keep reality a bay. Remember when they decided not to publish a report that showed sea levels rising? Well, now they have a new target, inconvenient economic data. We the taxpayers pay for the output of the Congressional Research Service, but Republicans have quashed publications:

    In mid-September, the non-partisan Congressional Research Service published a detailed report, documenting the fact that reducing taxes on the wealthy does not, in fact, generate economic growth. Instead, the CRS found, the trickle-down model appears to be “associated with the increasing concentration of income at the top.”

    The report was no small development. After all, as David Leonhardt noted when it was published, the CRS analysis undermines a “defining economic policy” of modern Republican thought. Indeed, the entire Romney/Ryan economic plan is predicated on the assumption that supply-side theory works, and here was the CRS saying it doesn’t.

    As of today, the CRS report is no more.

    The Congressional Research Service has withdrawn an economic report that found no correlation between top tax rates and economic growth after Senate Republicans — including the Senate Republican leader, Mitch McConnell — raised a litany of concerns with the paper’s findings and wording….

  81. says

    Hmmm, I guess I cannot talk about the “moar wordz hypothesis” in an academic presentation, can I?
    And since I’m playing with the example:
    How many words do Eskimos have for snow?
    No comments on the nonsense and offensive message of this please, just the trope you all learned, how many words do they have?

  82. Ogvorbis: broken and cynical says


    English does have ‘you’, ‘y’all’, ‘you’ns’ and ‘all y’all’ which do differentiate nicely. Not to mention ‘youse’ (which is a different regionalism).

  83. FossilFishy (Νεοπτόλεμος's spellchecker) says

    Dammit, it’s 2am here and I must go to bed. But first:

    IN A WORLD where good beneficial emotions can be bottled and spread to bring out the best of people…

    We live in that world. Okay, maybe we can’t bottle them, but we can spread them. Indiana guy did so when he stood up for himself qne Oggie did so when he backed up Indiana guy, and I did so to a lesser degree by thanking him for that. Er, that is…hey Ogvorbis, thanks for making the world a better place. There, phew, I think I got away with it….

    When people think of spreading positive emotions they get too caught up in a kumbayah vision of that. Positive emotions aren’t just about luuving everyone, they’re about fighting for the dignity and humanity of everyone. And perhaps more importantly, being seen to be fighting for those things. The knowledge that we’re not alone in these beliefs, the knowledge that others value them enough to act upon them is the bottle in which they are spread. For that knowledge makes us more likely to act and actions are the only things that can change the world.

    Or something like that. Too tired to figure out if any of that made sense. Night all.

  84. says

    Salon link.

    Less than one week away from the election, a terrifying new poll reveals that more than two-thirds of registered Republican voters believe that people can be possessed by demons.

    A staggering 68 percent of registered Republican voters stated that they believe demonic possession is real. Meanwhile, only 48 percent of self-identified Republicans believe in another equally if not more scary natural phenomenon: climate change.

    Okay, so the climate change issue requires at least a nod toward science, and a temporary closure of the conspiracy valve, but what’s up with demon possession?

    Wait … I think I know. Michele Bachmann, Todd Akin, Christine O’Donnell. They have evidence.

  85. Nick Gotts (formerly KG) says

    This comment and the earlier comment about bottling charity or empathy started me on a roll with an elaborate story of bottling hope, charity, empathy and dropin’ these bombs on people. – JAL

    Something like that idea occurs in John Brunner’s fine 1968 SF novel Stand on Zanzibar, set in 2010. A small ethnic group in west Africa turns out to have a genetic mutation that causes them to produce a pheromone that reduces human aggression; their neighbours have long left them alone, due to a belief that they can steal the soul of a warrior.

  86. Rey Fox says

    Chiming in briefly to say to JAL that you’re doing the best you can in the face of what to me look like pretty incredible odds. I might be able to chip in a little to any fund that gets set up.

  87. says

    Sorry, don’t count. Standard English only. Which is pure. And simple. And complex. And clearly best equipped for thinking and describing the world. If only the n***s and the illegal Mexican immigrants left it alone.
    Sorry, I’m just fucking pissed by the openly racist remarks made by linguists in scientific papers back in 1985(!).
    The “fact” that the existence of the German word “Schadenfreude” is apparently not a feature of linguistic creativity and flexibility but a moral failure on our part is just funny, but the threat black speakers pose to the white English is just vomit inducing.
    I think I need to take a shower now.

  88. Ogvorbis: broken and cynical says

    I think I know. Michele Bachmann, Todd Akin, Christine O’Donnell. They have evidence.

    They have evidence, or they are evidence of daemonic possession?

  89. Nutmeg says


    How many words do Eskimos have for snow?
    No comments on the nonsense and offensive message of this please, just the trope you all learned, how many words do they have?

    I think I heard 40. When I took Boreal Ecology a few years ago, we learned about 10 different Inuit terms for snow and ice.

  90. Beatrice, anti-imperialist anti-racist Islamophobiaphobic leftist says

    How many words do Eskimos have for snow?
    No comments on the nonsense and offensive message of this please, just the trope you all learned, how many words do they have?

    I heard from Kate Bush that they have 50 words for snow, I don’t think I’ve had any opinions or knowledge about the topic before that.

  91. says

    To Ogvorbis up-thread, evidence of daemonic possession.

    On to a storm-related subjects: Victoria’s Secret saved the New York Army National Guard’s 69th Infantry Regiment.

    … The initial call to the Victoria’s Secret crew came at about 7:20 on Tuesday morning. Consulting producer Dave Shapiro and his co-workers were staying a block away at the Hotel Giraffe. They came over, and ran some feeder lines from the Aggreko generators through a transformer and into the building. Some basic lights in the hallways and the basement’s hot water heater were back up and running. It was enough to get started.

    Then one of the associate producers suggested they might be able to power the whole armory up. They went into the basement and found the main switch connecting the century-old landmark to the lines of Con Edison, the local utility. The idea was to shut down the connection between Con Ed, then attach the Victoria Secret lines during to the armory’s busbar — the long metal strips that conduct electricity to a switchboard. It was a kludge, and it had to be done right: the producers didn’t want to fry the building when the local Con Ed substation finally started generating electricity again. “I have to admit, I was very skeptical,” Shapiro says.

    But it worked. By 7 p.m on Tuesday night, the armory was fully powered; even the elevators worked.

    The soldiers were still having communications problems, though. Many of the local cell towers were down, and so was the armory’s internet’s connection. Luckily, Shapiro had answer for that, too. For the show, he had leased a T1 line connected to a microwave dish on the roof. “We plopped two routers in their command center,” he says, “and now they’re sitting on our internet backbone.”

    The troops also needed help distributing food. The Federal Emergency Management Agency had begun bringing tractor-trailers’ worth of emergency provisions to the armory. It was up to the troops to break up the pallets, load them in military trucks, and bring them to the seven distribution centers in Manhattan where the Salvation Army would hand out meals to Hurricane victims. One problem: the 69th didn’t have a fork lift. So again, they turned to the Victoria’s Secret crew….

  92. says

    Richard Dawkins debunks this “Eskimo words for snow” myth in one of his books, I be damned if I can remember which one right now.

    Oh, I’m quite aware of the nonsense of it, there are indeed also non-asshole-racist linguists out there, so I guess they’re better equipped to do so than a biologist, I’m interested in one aspect of the myth which is the number, but I just figures out that it would be fun to do a little google-search for it.

  93. says

    Ing: Yay! Thank goodness for heat and power. What’s the situation like up there? How are you doing? Are you ok?

    triskelethecat: I’m glad that you and your house are ok. Hopefully you will get power soon.

    On the subject of racist linguistics stuff: I am an English major, so I hear that kind of thing from self-important undergraduates ALL THE TIME. Of course if they would ever take the linguistics class here they would realize how wrong they are, but then they wouldn’t get to feel so smug, would they?

  94. Portia says


    Hey threadrupt but. TYPING ON MY COMPUTER. WE have power and blessed blessed heat

    Hooray!!! So glad to hear it.


    Saturday Birthday.

    I guess we are several time zones apart, but we have the same birthday :D Yours may already be over, but still, happy birthday to us both. I’m going to have as many mug brownies as I want today, to celebrate. And then I’m also going to a fire department event (jerks scheduled it on my birthday knowing full well…)

    The panel I moderated at the women’s studies conference went smoothly, and all three of my panelists complimented me on doing a great job.

    Awesome! Way to go. Sorry the road to a successful event was so stressful.

    I’m glad the initial panic has passed and that you and Little One are safe for the time being. Wishing you all the best from over here.

  95. Portia says

    Oops blockquote fail. I’m pretty sure Socio-gen can figure out which part she said and which part I meant to say.

  96. says

    Ing: Yay! Thank goodness for heat and power. What’s the situation like up there? How are you doing? Are you ok?

    News is better. Power company got a LOT of power restored in the last 24 hours (major switching stations were repaired). Gas rationing is allegidly not due to shortage (though fear of that) but an attempt to ease tensions of high gas lines. Statan Island has it much much worse as does Cape May, Ocean Grove and Atlantic. We’re mostly cleaned up in this area and it looks like life may return to normal by Monday. Huzzah! Going to rest a bit, warm up the house, and then take stock of what was lost in the freezer/fridge.

    Oh also in the midst of the storm I was promoted from probational trainee to full employee! I gain Union benefits and start collecting admin/personal/vaccation/sick time! huzzah!

  97. charlesbuchanan says

    Since this is an open thread I will use it to present a little diddy I wrote about Mitt Romney last weekend. I hope you enjoy it. It was recorded on my ipad.

  98. says

    Catholic Bishops are stepping over the line when it comes to telling the sheeple to vote for Romney …. again.

    Daniel Jenky, the bishop for the Roman Catholic diocese of Peoria, Illinois, is just itching to affect the presidential election. I think he went too far, and scratched that itch.

    In April he compared Obama to Hitler and Stalin. Jenky the Jerk. Jenky also has his conspiracy valve wide open. He is warning that the federal government, under Obama, plans to close Catholic institutions in the USA because they don’t offer contraception under their insurance plans.

    You wouldn’t think Jenky could get more obvious, but, lo, he has.

    Here is an excerpt from instructions that accompanied a letter Jenky sent to priests in his diocese: “… by virtue of your vow of obedience to me as your Bishop, I require that this letter be personally read by each celebrating priest at each Weekend Mass, November 3/4.”

    Guess what that letter is about? Getting Obama out of the Whitehouse.

    Furthermore, the letter focuses on those pesky women’s rights issues, and doesn’t give a damn about the Romney/Ryan plan to screw the poor.
    Think Progress link.

    The bishop looks vaguely like a relative of PZ’s. Skin deep.

    Neither the president of the United States nor the current majority of the Federal Senate have been willing to even consider the Catholic community’s grave objections to those HHS mandates that would require all Catholic institutions, exempting only our church buildings, to fund abortion, sterilization, and artificial contraception. . . . Nearly two thousand years ago, after our Savior had been bound, beaten, scourged, mocked, and crowned with thorns, a pagan Roman Procurator displayed Jesus to a hostile crowd by sarcastically declaring: Behold your King. The mob roared back: We have no king but Caesar. Today, Catholic politicians, bureaucrats, and their electoral supporters who callously enable the destruction of innocent human life in the womb also thereby reject Jesus as their Lord. They are objectively guilty of grave sin.

    For those who hope for salvation, no political loyalty can ever take precedence over loyalty to the Lord Jesus Christ and to his Gospel of Life. God is not mocked, and as the Bible clearly teaches, after this passing instant of life on earth, God’s great mercy in time will give way to God’s perfect judgment in eternity.

    I therefore call upon every practicing Catholic in this Diocese to vote. Be faithful to Christ and to your Catholic Faith.

    Petition asking the IRS to investigate:

  99. mythbri says

    JAL, if there’s some kind of donation account set up, I might be able to contribute a little. I hate that this asshole has the power to disrupt your life and the Little One’s – you both deserve so much better.

    Threadrupt, a little.

    My step-dad died in March, of Acute Myeloid Leukemia. It came out of nowhere, and he was diagnosed in February, and was dead a month later. He was such a vibrant person – one of those people that had no concept of “hire someone to do this”, because he could always figure out how to do it, and do it well.

    I never talked with him about religion or politics – he was a Mormon Republican, through and through. But we talked all the time about our shared nerdy interests. He got me into Red Dwarf and Star Trek TOS and all kinds of things. He was a good person, and he loved my mom and me and my brothers.

    I haven’t been sleeping well ever since he died. It was so stressful for me, not just dealing with the loss but dealing with the utter Mormon-ness of the funeral. I hated hearing the standard religious platitudes like “He’s in a better place now” and “God works in mysterious ways.”

    Everything reminds me of him. This morning I was frying eggs for breakfast and remembered that he was the one who taught me how to cook them sunnyside up.

    I’m seeing a counselor right now to help me deal with this – the lack of sleep got to be too much for me. It just hurts.

  100. broboxley OT says

    Giliell, Approved Straight Chorus

    your term Eskimo refers broadly to at least 5 languages with many distinct dialects.

    It is similar if you asked how many words for sheep in Athabaskan without contemplating dialects in alaska and arizona and that is just one language.

    In western Yupik there is about 30 that I know of and probably more. in Chupik there are more because Chevakers always claim to have more of everything. Also note that snow isn’t the same as “a frozen white crust with powder underneath.”

  101. Beatrice, anti-imperialist anti-racist Islamophobiaphobic leftist says

    Double yay! for Ing getting power&heat, and getting promoted.

    Happy birthday, Portia!

  102. Portia says

    Thanks, Giliell, thanks Beatrice : )

    I just took the philosophy survey PZ posted, and had to check a new age-bracket box. *sniffle* (I only just remembered that birthdays necessarily involve being older.)

  103. anteprepro says

    It’s hilarious due to one of those “edgy” people fail to be either creative nor scathing due to relying on “WORDS THAT TRIGGER MODERATION” etc.

    Holy shit, found that Twitter conversation, went to his Twitter, and saw that half of his jokes were either “lol AIDS” or “lol black people”. He’s got the humor of a teenaged boy who was raised by particularly racist wolves.

  104. ednaz says

    Ing – So happy you have heat and power!

    Oh also in the midst of the storm I was promoted from probational trainee to full employee! I gain Union benefits and start collecting admin/personal/vaccation/sick time! huzzah!

    This is awesome!!!

    How are things at your mom’s house?

  105. ednaz says

    mythbri –

    I’m seeing a counselor right now to help me deal with this – the lack of sleep got to be too much for me. It just hurts.

    I am so sorry for your pain. Losing a parent is a major change in one’s life.

    Mythbri, I hope between you and your counselor you can find a place of peace.

  106. ednaz says

    Happy Birthday, Portia!

    (I only just remembered that birthdays necessarily involve being older.)

    That’s just not right! : )

    *side hug*

  107. sheila says

    @JAL: You sound quite daunted at the prospect of moving to a new state. I don’t know if it helps to hear this, but I changed countries alone, and it worked out really well. Go anywhere in the USA and they’ll speak English and use dollars. That’s a bit help.

    I’d be very happy to chip in to a relocation fund. I’m on the wrong side of the world to do anything else practical.

  108. Portia says


    *side hug*

    Gratefully, if wistfully, accepted.
    My aunt is throwing a party tonight (for her birthday, not mine, whatever, I’m not bitter). It’s a 1950s themed costume party. I’m going to wear my favorite red dress and red heels and go as…the Red Scare. *nudge nudge* Geddit?

    ..and when I inevitably get tired of explaining it, I’ll say I’m Rosemary Clooney

  109. says

    How are things at your mom’s house?

    As far as we know from our drive by and outside check they are good. Sandbags really saved the day!

    My aunt is throwing a party tonight (for her birthday, not mine, whatever, I’m not bitter). It’s a 1950s themed costume party. I’m going to wear my favorite red dress and red heels and go as…the Red Scare. *nudge nudge* Geddit?

    I’d cannibalize my Halloween costume and use the gas mask to go as a Fallout NPC

  110. Ogvorbis: broken and cynical says

    I really am coming to dislike scouting groups. Dealing with a panic attack while dealing with 50 cub and boy scouts ain’t easy. And I feel like I’m shirking my job.

  111. Azkyroth, Former Growing Toaster Oven says

    On to a storm-related subjects: Victoria’s Secret saved the New York Army National Guard’s 69th Infantry Regiment.

    I bet they appreciated the support. *coughs*

    (Seriously, that’s really cool to hear :3)

  112. Ogvorbis: broken and cynical says

    Sorry. I don’t dislike the scouting groups per se, I dislike the emotions that go with dealing with them.

  113. raven says

    AP today:

    The Willamette Week newspaper reported the election worker filled in Republican bubbles on ballots where preferences had been left empty by voters in the county, which primarily comprises Portland suburbs.

    FYI. And FFS!!!

    An election worker was caught filling in Republican votes on ballots in Oregon. This is a felony.

    There have been a lot of cases of voter registration fraud and voter fraud in this election. There were voter registration fraud cases in Virginia and Florida.

    Virtually all of them involved….the Tea Party/GOP.

    For all their god babble and constitution babble, they really don’t like that democracy idea much. One wonders how much fraud they’ve done that no one has uncovered.

  114. Ogvorbis: broken and cynical says


    Back during the cold war, the Soviets would start making a lot of noise about something — that the US was supplying weapons to country x, that the US was putting advisers on the ground in country y, and the US would deny it (usually because it was not true (yes, I know that the US pulled (and is pulling) lots of illegal shit on the international stage)). The sovs would continue their propaganda and then, lo and behold, we would discover that the Soviets were dumping weapons in country x and advisers in country y. And when the US objected, the soviets pointed to their own propaganda and claimed they were only doing what the US was doing.

    The modern GOP operates the same way. If you want to find out what dirty tricks the GOP is currently pulling, or planning to pull in the next election, look at what they are freaking out over. For the past few election cycles, voter fraud has been the GOP’s bogeyman. And, lo and behold, who is getting caught, again and again, with their hand in the voting box? Gee. What a surprise.

  115. Portia says

    I don’t think anyone here begrudges you however you need to describe your feeling, Og. I’m sorry you have to encounter a trigger so frequently.

  116. Ogvorbis: broken and cynical says


    It just pisses me off. Damnit, I am a professional. Why do I let this happen?

  117. ednaz says

    Portia – If I lived near you I would go to the party and be bit- er, ahem…I mean, NOT bitter with you.

    I’m really good at that. ; )

    Knock ’em dead with that red dress. :thumbsup:

    And Yes, you are too clever!

  118. says

    In recent posts by PZ and in the comments in other threads “charitable” giving by the mormon church and by Romney has been discussed.

    Today, another wrinkle in the story showed up on the Recovery from Mormonism thread:

    We had a message on our machine tonight here in So Cali – can you believe it – the Mormon church is seeking donations of blankets, canned goods, money, for the East coast storm victims.

    I guess the cult opening their own coffers and donating cash outright is out of the question.

    This is not really surprising. LD$ Inc. often turns to their members to ask for more money, which the Church then donates while taking all the credit and making a big promotional deal out of it.

    Note that the donations requested are above and beyond tithing, fast offering, support the Boy Scouts drives, etc.

    Other ex-mormons comments:

    I always fear that the Mormon church tallies up the value of the donated goods and then uses that value as having come from the church. I believe that it gives them yet another opportunity to say they donated so many millions when they did not. In any case, each time they gather goods-in-kind and send them off somewhere, they are careful to claim the credit.

    And with their typical math, each blanket is assessed at $250 and each used water bottle at $45.

    That’s what they did with all the D.I. [Deseret Industries] junk they donated to the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami …reassessed to some imaginary “brand new retail” value and published the figures worldwide. “See how great we are!”

    The mormon church is not generous, the members are generous and the church takes the credit.

    Don’t expect much from the Mormon church, they don’t even help their own members anymore unless it involves paid-up tithe payers.
    And even then, church leaders will heap scorn and condemnation on members for even thinking the Lord’s one true church would help you out. Mormonism is a FOR PROFIT corporation.

  119. ednaz says

    Ogvorbis –

    It just pisses me off. Damnit, I am a professional. Why do I let this happen?

    Because you’re human.

    I bet you’re never as tough on anyone else as you are on yourself.

  120. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    scottyroberts is a really dense guy. I’ve been reading the thread for a while now and he can’t seem to understand what he’s being told.

  121. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    They say it’s your birthday,

    Happy Happy Birthday

    They say it’s your birthday

    Happy Birthday to Portia!

  122. Portia says

    Thanks, ednaz :)

    Apparently I’m going to need accompaniment tonight, because there’s no better time than your birthday to get in a big fight with your boyfriend, amirite! *grumblegrumble*

    Thanks Tony : ) Love me some Beatles!

  123. JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says

    Has anyone seen or heard from Josh lately? Does he live in one of the areas effected by Sandy?

  124. rq says

    I would just like to say that I really, really like being here.
    That’s the only contribution I have at the moment; I’m tired from all-day rehearsal and concert + after-party. Until tomorrow (or most likely Monday, because tomorrow is Sunday and I’m required to be social with the immediate members of my family instead of alla you).

    Happy thoughts and waves to all.

  125. Janine: Hallucinating Liar says

    Josh lives in Vermont. He got through alright so he is fine. Also, I have seen him lurking on some of the other blogs.

  126. chigau (棒や石) says

    re snow words
    In 1995, in a small museum in Sweden, I saw a display about Laplanders.
    The signs were in Swedish but it seemed clear to me that they said that Laplanders have more than 40 words for “snow”.
    40 is also the trope-number regarding “Eskimos” that I was given many, many years ago.

  127. JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says

    Josh lives in Vermont. He got through alright so he is fine. Also, I have seen him lurking on some of the other blogs.

    Oh, yay! I was writing an email and it just hit me, like wait, is he even okay? I’m so glad to he’s alright.

  128. Ogvorbis: broken and cynical says

    Because you’re human.

    I bet you’re never as tough on anyone else as you are on yourself.

    I don’t feel human. And if I knew that someone had done what I did to another person, I’d be pretty damn harsh on them, too. What the fuck do I do if I can’t forgive me?

  129. JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says

    Oh, mythbri. I’m so sorry for the loss of your father. *hugs* and I hope the counselor can help you.

    Ogvorbis, the thing is you didn’t do that to the other child willingly because you liked doing those things. I’m so sorry for what that man did to you and made you do. No one should go through that. I wish I could say or do something meaningful and helpful for you. *hugs* if you want them.

  130. cicely says

    Happy birthday, Tigger!

    *high five* for Socio-gen.

    WE have power and blessed blessed heat

    And additional Huzzahs! for your promotion.

    Happy birthday, Portia!

    *hugs* for mythbri.

    *hugs* ongoing sympathy for Ogvorbis.

  131. carlie says

    Og – it wasn’t your fault. I know us saying so doesn’t make you think so, but it really, really wasn’t. The asshole was to blame for everything, every last bit of it. And that other kid who was involved, if they remember any of it, if they’ve tried to process any of it, they aren’t going to blame you because they remember you were just as young and just as under the asshole’s control.

  132. Janine: Hallucinating Liar says

    The SB version of Pharyngula is easy to track down quotes and exchanges. I used to do that all the time.

    Not so much for the FtB version. I am trying to find where slc1 got banned. In an other blog, slc1 claims that PZ banned him because slc1 cite the feud between PZ and Abbie Smith.

    It also seems that slc1 likes Abbie.

  133. says

    scottyroberts is a really dense guy. I’ve been reading the thread for a while now and he can’t seem to understand what he’s being told.

    Incorrect. He’s doing fox news shit and is dancing. He knows what he’s being told he just doesn’t like it so he doesn’t accept it. Note how he refuses to actually commit to anything and always leaves some bullshit out so he can back peddle and scold you for misreading him?

  134. Tethys says

    Quoted from the dungeon entry on slc1

    Doesn’t like “Limey putzes” or “Texas white trash”, and since we’ve got so many of both, I thought I’d spare him the discomfort of our company.


    Yay Ing!

    Happy birthday to Tigger and Portia.



    You stop beating yourself up about having human feelings right this second! If I was in your position, a boy scout troop would induce a hiding in the bathroom crying anxiety attack.(or at least a session of circular breathing and self calming) It is unreasonable to expect yourself to not be affected by major trauma. The important fact to remember is that it is ALL YOUR ABUSERS FAULT!! I wish there was a hell to damn him to.

  135. Jessa says

    No problem, Janine. I saw that exchange over at Ed’s, and I was in the process of looking up where he got banned when you posted @176.

  136. Jessa says

    (and I just now realized that I don’t know slc1’s gender. Still have some work to do in that area)

  137. Janine: Hallucinating Liar says

    I loved how slc1 went off about how Abbie’s new blog is now oh so sciency, unlike PZ, who has an axe to grind.

  138. broboxley OT says

    Romney is up 3 but the President is marching down the field.

    1984: LSU 16, Alabama 14. Ronald Reagan (R) demolishes Walter Mondale (D).
    1988: LSU 19, Alabama 18. George H.W. Bush (R) defeats Michael Dukakis (D).
    1992: Alabama 31, LSU 11. Bill Clinton (D) defeats George H.W. Bush (R).
    1996: Alabama 26, LSU 0. Clinton (D) defeats Bob Dole (R).
    2000: LSU 30, Alabama 28. George W. Bush (R) defeats Al Gore (D).
    2004: LSU 26, Alabama 10. George W. Bush (R) defeats John Kerry (D).
    2008: Alabama 27, LSU 21. Barack Obama (D) defeats John McCain (R).

  139. Ogvorbis: broken and cynical says

    And that other kid who was involved, if they remember any of it, if they’ve tried to process any of it, they aren’t going to blame you because they remember you were just as young and just as under the asshole’s control.

    I was about four years older. And part of what I cannot forgive is that I still cannot remember who she was. I feel like I am still treating her as a thing.

    You stop beating yourself up about having human feelings right this second!

    But it hurts!

    It is unreasonable to expect yourself to not be affected by major trauma.

    Well, yeah. And most of it I can deal with except that I enjoyed some of it (I know that’s the way my body is made but . . . ) and That I enjoyed what I did to someone who was even younger, I know it was his fault but, oh hell! I don’t really know how to say what I want to say.

    I think I may be dropping into one of my depressive episodes. Which usually only last a few days. Sorry for dwelling on this.

    I wish there was a hell to damn him to.

    Unfortunately, I think that hell exists only in the human mind. And he damn well created one.

  140. carlie says

    And of course it’s not a Libby Anne post at all, but a JT post. I went directly to it from a Libby Anne tweet, and saw Patheos at the top without realizing it was actually JT’s blog.

  141. Janine: Hallucinating Liar says

    I had a friend who father was a surgical doctor and mother was an RN. She was diagnosed with gender dysphoria while still young. She transitioned while she was still a teen.

    If only her story, having support of her parents and doing it so young, were the norm instead of a rarity.

  142. mythbri says

    Thank you for the internet hugs, everyone. I’ve only seen the counselor twice now, but she seems to know her stuff, we’ve planned some goals, and I’m hoping that I’ll make some progress.

    Ogvorbis, I’m sorry that your abuser created that hell for you, and forced you to be complicit in harm done to another person. We’re here to remind you that it’s not your fault.

    Tony, that really is an amazing post by Libby Anne, and it was amazing to see people still fail to understand her points in the comments. Beautifully done, though.

  143. ImaginesABeach says

    I’m pretty much loungerupt, will catch up tomorrow. JAL – if we are hoping to move you to a blue state, that probably means north. If you still have my e-mail address, send me sizes for you, Little One, and your folks, so I can start putting together a care package of cold weather clothes.

  144. opposablethumbs says

    I’m late, but Happy Birthday Portia! And I hope you knocked Inconsiderate Aunt’s eye right out with that red dress red shoes combo, mm-hmm.

    Happy scrap of anecdote: teenage SonSpawn, who has communication disorder and is just barely scratching the surface with social skills, does indeed have a lot of difficulty integrating – especially with kids his own age. But he was on stage in a pub tonight playing sax in a semi-pro adult band, in front of a jam-packed-out crowd of happy (and somewhat intoxicated) dancers and drinkers. He had a lot of fun, and everyone is valued (e.g. the band will be splitting the gate equally) so it’s a real confidence boost :)

  145. dianne says

    du, dir, dich, Sie, Ihnen, ihr, euch

    Ah. I was counting (du/dir/dich) and (ihr/euch) as one word for “you” apiece.

    English does have an informal “you”: it’s “thou/thee” and is rarely used in modern English (and has taken on an ironic impression of being the formal form), but it’s perfectly legit, as far as I know.

  146. broboxley OT says

    Despite valiant attempts by the officials to assist the president, Romney has moved into the lead 17-14 but with 12 minutes to go in the 4th there is time to “correct the course”

  147. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    To me, so much of that is like a foreign language.
    I’ve never watched sports and only played a few of them. Football was not one of them. Having worked in sports bars before, I’ve listened to people talk, and I can’t really follow them. I didn’t really have a point with this, just a general comment about how I don’t “get” football.

  148. broboxley OT says

    Hey Tony, glad you asked (don’t groan)
    In the deep south football is a religion. SEC rules the college football world. Every year the SEC sends a team to the national championship, last year they sent both teams. Now there is two religious convocations in the SEC. The “cocktail party” where Georgia and Florida play in Jacksonville (old antebellum south)and the holy grail (let the goodtimes roulez and the shitkickers) brawl LSU and Alabama. Now before the Auburn fans start whining Auburn and Alabama matters to you and no one else.

    All week on sports radio they have been bringing up this interesting factoid. Do the apeshit redneck bama fans really want to lose and elect their guy? Or do they want to beat the loosey goosey partiers and ensure that the current office holder stays. Much amusement ensues.

    Since I will be retiring in Missippi I kinda like LSU’s attitude, coaching style and defence. Since I don’t like either presidential choice I find that part of the game highly amusing.

    It appears that with 51 seconds left the president has moved in front 21-17

  149. broboxley OT says

    four more years and the bama fans are gnashing their teeth in both hsppy and sad mode. Much Alcohol will be consume and vicious “God bless you’s” will be exchanged everywhere

  150. Azkyroth, Former Growing Toaster Oven says

    In other news, apparently unrequited Companionate Love is still unrequited love. >.>

  151. mildlymagnificent says

    Og, you were only a kid with a kid’s perceptions.

    You might have had a juvenile vision of yourself as having ‘possible’ choices to single-handedly hold off the advancing horde of Nazi troops or alien monsters. Or you could have been the brave French resistance fighter sacrificing yourself under torture to save the innocent villagers.

    But those are just fantasies and blurry constructions from hero stories. You were just a kid. And even adults under duress usually fail to do the heroic things that are needed to avoid disaster. The stories about women lifting cars or concrete blocks to rescue their children are amazing because they’re so rare. Most people in such circumstances can’t do the extraordinarily strong or brave thing to make it all go away.

    You’re perfectly entitled to feel horrible about it because you couldn’t do anything to save yourself or anyone else. Your problem is not guilt but the helpless powerlessness of the victim of a bully. You can be proud that you didn’t progress, as so many initiates to the beat-up-the-new-kid, shove-head-into-toilet, sexually-abuse-today’s-target process do, to graduate to fully fledged bullies and predators in their own right.

    You rejected the offer of becoming a ghastly predator. Now you need to give your child self the comfort and good counsel you should have been given back then to get through it. Be your own good parent if you can. I have no personal understanding of these things, but I’ve seen some people work through the remnants of childhood disaster. You’ll get there one day.

  152. mildlymagnificent says

    I didn’t really have a point with this, just a general comment about how I don’t “get” football.

    You could always come to Australia for a perpetually puzzled tour – “which sort of football is this supposed to be in which city”?

    How do these people jump so high? Why do those people all run the same way? Why do those people stand in a queue for someone else to throw the ball sideways? Why is that bloke allowed to touch the ball when the others don’t? (AFL, Rugby League, Rugby Union, Soccer.)

  153. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    I’m watching Alien. I really wanted to watch Aliens, but I haven’t seen either one in so long, I wanted to start at the beginning (I guess I should technically watch Prometheus first eh? j/k).
    Random thoughts:
    1- I like movies set in otherworldly locales; especially when the mood has a chance to set. I think they set the mood for this movie quite nicely and they didn’t overdo it.

    2- I wonder where the xenomorph homeworld is. What does it look like? What other species reside on their world? Do they have a natural food source? Do they have natural enemies?

    3- while I appreciate how much technology has grown, there are times I wish creators would use less CGI and more old school special effects. Far too many movies place too much emphasis on the CGI and SFX and not enough on the story and characters.

  154. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    broboxley @202:

    I should have mentioned that having lived in the Southeast US since 1988, and having worked at two sports bars, I’m quite familiar with the near religious level fervor football fans possess. Especially rival teams like Alabama and Auburn. Another thing I’ve seen is that there are many people who are attached to college football teams, BUT never attended the school. It’s like they follow the team their parents do.

  155. says

    Good morning

    Children are easily to manipulate. Remember the group you’re in: Do you think with the tolerance people here have for sexual predators they would tell you it’s not your faulf just because it’s you?


    I guess the cult opening their own coffers and donating cash outright is out of the question.

    I had a somewhat siilar discussion with one of those faitheists over at James Croft’s blog.
    To cut a long story short, he claimed that the catholic church does so much good because they’re giving 4.3 billion to the poor each year. I pointed out that they don’t. They don’t open their vaults and give, people give them donations explicitly with the purpose of helping the poor and that this is actually part of my chriticism, that they go on and defend the RCC and shield it from criticism. At this point he claimed that the discussion about the RCC was irrelevant and that I hadn’t brought up any concrete criticism…

    40 seems to be a popular number. It’s the top for search results “Eskimos have X words for snow”, but closely followed by 100, 200 and 50. Numbers with a 9 are very unpopular because it’s most certainly ridiculous that they would have 90 words for snow.
    Yeah, the whole thing is bollocks, of course.
    Not only isn’t there a group of people called “Eskimos” with a common language (Yeah, and Europeans have 500 words for beer…), also nobody can agree on a number. And linguistically speaking, if we look at the actual words in some of the bigger languages it becomes clear from a linguistic perspective that those words are mostly derived from two different roots and then modified, so, no, they don’t have many words, they make a distinction between snow in the air and snow on the ground and then instead of adding adjectives they modify the root.
    It’s actually a nice example of the topic I’m working at which is criticism of English as a world language and it’s fascinating to see how those scholars, in trying to distance English from the colonial past (because that means that the popularity of English in the world is mainly due to barbaric crimes in a barbaric era), search for objective criteria why English is superior to other languages (such as other languages are “jaw-crunching” and “atonal singsong”) use the exact same arguments used to justify colonialism in the first place. The Great Eskimo Snow Myth is a wonderful example of how linguistically “the Other” is constructed and I’m going to make good use of it.

    Yay for sonspawn

    If I could magically change English I’d never let “thou/thee” drop out of fashion. I mean, it would look perfectly ridiculous if I started adressing you with “Canst thou tell me…”

  156. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    I can’t even relax in my bedroom and watch Alien without somehow getting bit by a mosquito. How the hell did it get up my shirt and bite my armpit??!!

  157. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    “Get away from her you BITCH!”

    Ah Sigourney Weaver. Thy performance in both movies was nothing short of fantastic.

  158. opposablethumbs says

    I wish we still used thou-thee-thy as well, it’s fun …

    with regard to du, dir, dich, Sie, Ihnen, ihr, euch –

    does this mean one might say to ones kids, z.b. “wie geht es euch?” dative and “Ich liebe euch” accusative?????

    Or is it like Spanish in the conosur countries, where the informal “you” plural has disappeared and it is perfectly normal to call your mates or your own kids “Vds” when they are plural? (mind you, it’s interesting that the informal singular tu is also not used and what they use instead, “vos” comes from the informal plural vosotros) (I think. On Pharyngula there is always someone who actually knows!)

    Damn, Giliell, you’ve just reminded me again that I always wanted to learn German …

  159. Pteryxx says

    and it’s fascinating to see how those scholars, in trying to distance English from the colonial past (because that means that the popularity of English in the world is mainly due to barbaric crimes in a barbaric era), search for “objective criteria” why English is superior to other languages (such as other languages are “jaw-crunching” and “atonal singsong”) use the exact same arguments used to justify colonialism in the first place.

    (bolds mine) because it’s hilariously apropos to use “barbaric” while talking about English supremacism.

    The Ancient Greek word βάρβαρος barbaros, “barbarian”, was an antonym for πολίτης politis, “citizen”, from polis “city-state”. The sound of barbaros onomatopoetically evokes the image of babbling (a person speaking a non-Greek language).[3]

  160. opposablethumbs says

    Children are easily to manipulate. Remember the group you’re in: Do you think with the tolerance people here have for sexual predators they would tell you it’s not your fault just because it’s you?

    QFT, Og – and also very much QFT the whole of mildlymagnificent’s #207.

    I understand what you say about not being able to forgive yourself and also about being older and stronger than the other child, but imagine if it were three total strangers to you, imagine if it were an unknown-to-you schoolteacher or a cop isolating a handful of kids away from family and friends and ordering a ten-year-old to punish a six-year-old – we’d all know it was the adult making the whole situation happen, without any doubt, we’d see both children as the victims of that adult. And you did not go on to become a predator, in spite of this trauma you went on to become a great adult and a great parent!

  161. says

    There’s a cat curled up in the lid of my violin case, next to me, requesting attention. Which she’s getting.

    She’s the put-upon one in the family. Smaller than her sister, who’s often a jerk, bullies her away from beds she’d like to be snuggling in. Even, charmingly, when said jerk sister had been in an entirely different bed, prior to the altercation. So when said put-upon one finds a safe, soft space, up out of her (too fat to jump) sister’s reach, she goes full-on ‘pet me’ like this. I’d been planning on practicing that violin. Had got some done before the cat showed up. I guess the rest of the material can wait a bit.

    I almost posted this in the anti-Caturday thread. Mostly just ’cause I figured otherwise it’d just come out too sickly sweet. Context, context, context.

    … oh, also toward reducing the saccharine quality, I’m often tempted to give the jerk sister away. I really don’t like domineering people, nor, apparently, domineering vertebrates in general…

    … also toward reducing the saccharine, giving her away is by far the gentlest measure my instincts suggest.

  162. Pteryxx says

    also, *offers more hugs to Ogvorbis* and seconding what everyone’s said better than I could. You feel guilt; that needs to be acknowledged, clearly, but you still don’t deserve blame.


    (trigger warning for rape discussion)


    Dunno if this might help: “coerced rape” or “rape-by-proxy” is a thing… a very under-studied and under-recognized thing. Generally it means a person has been forced by a third party to rape someone else. I’ve only found one article so far, with a lot of discussion about the implications of the very limited data available at present:

    The CDC defines “forced to penetrate” as “being made to penetrate someone else.” In some cases, the victim may be forced to penetrate a willing accomplice to the rapist. In other cases, the victim may be forced to penetrate an unwilling person. In these latter cases the proximate instrument of a rape (the person forced to penetrate) is also a victim. In such instances, two or more people are sexually victimized: the person who is forced to do the penetrating, and the person (or persons) who is unwillingly penetrated.

  163. rq says

    AJ Milne @218

    How does the cat enjoy the violin? I mean the sound, not the case.
    Back when I still played regularly, the cat we had at the time absolutely LOVED sleeping in the violin case, but would run every time I pulled it out to play – once playing began, she’d return and claw at my leg and mewl very loudly and scratch her head against anything in reach. Once she practically crawled up my leg to get at the instrument itself (yah, a bit of a surprise).
    What I could never figure out was, did she like the playing; did she hate the playing and wanted me to put the devil down; or did it resonate in some strange way with the bones in her head and made her itchy? Because while her physical reaction tended towards the negative, she wouldn’t just go away to where the noise wasn’t, which made me think that, although annoying, it was strangely attractive to her. Perhaps some weird cat spiritual language that meant… Here There Be Fish? Don’t know. How do(es) your cat(s) react?
    (Haven’t tried with the current cat; violin on loan, but you’ve reminded me that I should get it back.)


    Language is very fascinating. The Japanese have many terms for ‘you’, as well. They have regular ones (male and female), several plural ones, and then they also have polite and impolite ones, and a couple that are downright degrading. (This is from memory from a second year linguistics paper.)
    I always liked learning German, though, because the grammar was easy (anything easy to organize with lots of straightforward rules is easy to me – and I’d already mastered French grammar, but also the grammar is simpler in many ways than Latvian grammar, but also similar…) and in some ways similar to English, yet, due to colonial influence, a lot of German vocabulary was similar to Latvian loan words (I mean that the Latvian language has borrowed a lot of German words; I doubt we’ve ever managed to conquer anything). Put me miles ahead of my class, until about third year, when we were expected to actually SPEAK the language more or less fluently (at a very simple level).
    The Inuit question, yes – I’ve heard they had 40 terms for snow, and was it really Dawkins that debunked that? Because how I heard it explained (but I don’t remember by whom) was that they weren’t necessarily always separate terms as such, but descriptive phrases – you know, ‘light powder’ for light, powdery snow and ‘fucking slush’ for late spring thaw snow’ and the like.

    And I would have to say that, compared to some, English isn’t all that specific a language. I have had many, many complaints from the locals learning English that it’s damn hard. Not so much sentence structures, but vocabulary and spelling and pronunciation (to, too, two… their, there, they’re… disparate, desperate… cough, though, through, bough…). But it’s also a matter of knowing contexts and the nuances in meaning for a lot of words, which then become specific, but only within context.
    Latvian’s a crap language for swearing, which is why most people here do it in Russian, but I think it’s a lost art – if speaking a poetic language, learn to swear poetically, too. And then you can come off sounding high-handed in addition to insulting.

    Apparently Latvian is difficult to learn for an English-only speaker, too. I think in some ways only-English limits people and their potential grasp of language, since there is so little conjugation and declension in English. True, probably a giant vocabulary (but I don’t know how that compares to other languages), but you need a lot of words to say simple things, sometimes. The whole idea of different endings for the same word is confusing, especially when small differences can have huge impact on meaning.
    One author for whom I have sometimes translated likes very sparse sentences, which works in Latvian, because all the declensions and conjugations and play with word order and all the implieds make that easy. But when transferred into English, suddenly there are all these objects and subjects that are necessary to be clear about his ideas – and he sees it all as avoidable clutter. Trying to explain the necessity of putting an ‘it’ in a sentence, when it seems to serve to obvious purpose, is not my favourite way to pass the time. And it’s so difficult to grasp for non-English (or at least those without an instinctual grasp of it) speakers.
    My currently favourite translating correction was someone writing ‘manhood’ instead of ‘masculinity’, so their whole letter of appreciation came out to be in support and worship of someone’s stoic ‘manhood’. Had a good laugh there.


    Sorry for that bit of a ramble.
    Anyone out there know what I can do with pumpkin to make it delicious? I’m not a big fan in general, and I’m waiting for the pumpkin cheesecake to be ready, but I still have half a big one and two little ones of which to dispose, and… and I don’t like pumpkin. But there must be some way to make it delicious. Anyone?



    I don’t know if this helps or if it’s reassuring at all, but my first online impressions of you have not left me with any kind of a bad impression. Does that count for anything? I think you’re pretty great, along with pretty much everyone here. As I said, I like it here. And that goes for all your comments and advice, too (haven’t had a chance to try the shifting, yet… lacking the guts).

  164. Pteryxx says

    Following up on my earlier comment to Ogvorbis: this is the post author speaking in comments. (responding to challenges by an antifeminist, but anyway…)


    further trigger warning for discussion of rape-by-proxy


    It’s crucial to make a distinction between the proxy and the passive victim (though of course there are situations in which both victims can also both be proxies). This is because the burden of being a proxy doubles the guilt and pain of the proxy. Do you get that? I’m not downplaying the situation by calling the man who is forced to penetrate a “proxy”. I’m emphasizing the horror of the situation. When you victimize someone by making them do horrible things to another person, you create an intolerable moral and ethical situation — it’s a separate and additional mental torture that is added to the sexual abuse itself. This is why torturers in wartime often use prisoners as their proxies — because it is torture.

    Link to that comment: linky

    for searching the comment thread: by hepshiba on Fri Dec 30, 2011 at 03:00:28 PM PST

  165. broboxley OT says

    Giliell, Approved Straight Chorus
    even tho I may be putting myself at risk of making you annoyed again

    they make a distinction between snow in the air and snow on the ground and then instead of adding adjectives they modify the root.

    in Yupik they don’t have adjectives as we understand them. That is why they modify the root.

  166. says


    (Lawls at violin love/hate cat…)

    That’s really funny.

    Re mine, I can’t really tell. Neither of them seem to have particularly obvious reactions to it. They were both snoozing in the room in which I was practicing, for quite a while, just now, and while there are lots of other places they can be, they like this room, generally, and tend to be a bit social, and I was the only one home at the time. So it’s pretty hard to know if it’s anything to do with the instrument or the music, either way. The smaller/put-upon one did leave after a while, but she often does this when her sister is around. So, again, it’s not obviously anything to do with the violin.

    A lot of people have very definite and powerful reactions* to violin, played well or poorly, of course. The folk wisdom on this, which you’ve probably already heard, and for what that’s worth, is that violins come a lot closer to human voices than do a lot of other instruments. I do find this kinda vaguely plausible, just given how they and we make sounds–again, for what that’s worth. Not sure how directly that would explain a cat getting quite so agitated about it, tho’…

    Tho’, come to think of it, seriously, violins and cats in certain moods, they do have some similarity, just to my ear. This, too, I’d expect I’m not the first to say. So, yeah, you have to wonder what your cat was hearing.

    (*/And speaking also for myself, I do find a poorly played violin an especially painful thing to endure, and I’ve heard a lot of poorly played instruments, in my time–many of them poorly played by myself. And bowed strings in general–double bass thru’ violin–sound particularly lovely to me played well–again, it’s obviously hard to know out if that’s really so much about the similarity to voice thing.)

  167. says

    Hi there
    My presentation got postponed which gives me a bit of air to breathe.
    And time to dig up more language nonsense.
    Something not even the cool person who wrote the book I’m currently working on and who pretty much debunks the “English is superior” myth noticed is that pronounciation and orthography don’t get mentioned at all, probably because there’s no way to spin it into a supportive argument why it’s clearly superior to have a language where pronounciation and orthography have only something vague in common. Surely a truely superior language would follow the Spanish pattern where orthography and proounciation fit more or less 1:1.

    Yes, accusative and dative don’t always have extra-forms.
    2 person plural doesn’t have, but it’s never replaced by the formal “Sie” because it would be just weird for a German native speaker. Wie geht es dir/ ich liebe dich – Wie geht es euch/ ich liebe euch.

    mind you, it’s interesting that the informal singular tu is also not used and what they use instead, “vos” comes from the informal plural vosotros

    Not exactly. The “Voseo” is actually an archaic form that kept well alive there. It came directly from Latin and was used instead of the “usted”, which replaced it in Spain and the more closely connected colonies, while in the more remote ones it didn’t follow. Vos was originally the formal pronoun but underwent a change frome respectful to equal to offensive in Spain which is why the other forms replaced it in both instances.

    Pumpkin cupcakes!
    100% delicious

    Hehe, Latvian was also one of the languages bashed by the most renowned authors. Did you know you’re a backwards tribe? OK, that was written in 1911, but yeah, I know other stuff that was written in 1911 and that’s better.

    One of the “snow myths” is the second part that “they have no word for plain snow”, acting as such a thing as “plain snow” right out of Plato’s world existed. The argument is very much “language cuts up the world and English does it best”. All distinctions you can make in English are relevant (like meat and flesh. Not possible in German. Makes us so confused that we bite each other all the time) while other distinctions made in other languages that English cannot make are irrelevant. Because!

  168. says

    Okay, the end of election season is finally upon us. Let’s make sure we are all up to date on the latest conspiracy theories from the ragged edge of the frayed minds of the far-right.

    Top Predictions of the Obamapocalypse:

    One Thousand Years of Darkness. … Chuck Norris and his wife, Gena, warn of “socialism or something much worse.”…

    An Obama Dictatorship. Robert Ringer, who calls himself “A Voice of Sanity,” is a motivational speaker, a self-help author and big fan of Ayn Rand. He’s also got the president all figured out. After the election, the “Marxmeister” will move swiftly to unleash a“dictatorial full monty.” We’re talking instant citizenship for all Third World immigrants; a new sedition act that criminalizes criticism of the government; forced equalization of income; suspension of habeas corpus; the end of fossil fuel production, and much more.

    Obama Will Take Away Our Gun Rights…. Obama’s first term was nothing but a “conspiracy to ensure re-election by lulling gun owners to sleep.”

    U.S. Will Be Enslaved by Globalists….

    U.N. Troops and Civil War…. “I don’t want ‘em in Lubbock County, OK? So I’m gonna stand in front of their armored personnel carrier and say, ‘You’re not coming in here.’”

    Hunted Down Like Dogs. … “If [Obama is] re-elected, it’s gonna be war,” said [Joseph] Farah, who swears he saw a drone surveilling his Northern Virginia property. “We will be hunted down like dogs.”

    My question is, “Is that all?” [mild disappointment — the only part I liked was the “dictatorial full monty.”]

  169. opposablethumbs says

    Re animals and music, current dog used to sing along with the clarinet but not the violin :)

  170. Ogvorbis: broken and cynical says


    Thanks for the support.

    At this point, though, it feels like I am trying not to think about pink elephants. Part of my brain is telling me, quite logically, that it really was not my fault, that I was manipulated and used. But then that nasty voice in the back of my head tells me that I enjoyed it so it is my fault, that I never told so it is my fault, that I went along with it so it is my fault.

    The good thing, though, is that I know that, in a few days, I won’t be feeling quite so depressed and the whole ‘I’m to blame’ shit will recede into the background again (based on past experience, anyway).

    The information about proxy rape is scary as hell but it makes sense. Doesn’t change the little voice, but it makes sense.

  171. Socio-gen, something something... says

    Well, my day of rest turned out not-so-restful. My new-to-me but only 1yo laptop (that I got 6 weeks ago) went dead as I was watching a show. Just shut off, no warning, and wouldn’t turn back on.

    I hadn’t planned on doing anything yesterday besides watching Netflix and hanging out here, but now that wasn’t happening. Even worse, I have a 15-page paper due at 10am on Monday that needs to be finished and edited, plus an essay midterm to finish for Tuesday, plus a blog post to write for media class, plus a reflection paper…. ACCKKK! And, of course, I don’t have a working battery for it. I only use it at home so the AC adapter works fine, and thus, my stupid self figured, I could wait and order one in January when I’ll have real money.

    I went crazy. Checked connections (fine), and called my computer-fixing genius friend who came over a couple hours later. He checks the connections, tries a couple things, tells me that at least it’s still under warranty. (Yay me for buying the 6mo warranty on a used laptop, but OMG HOMEWORK! NETFLIX! *withdrawal*).

    Being bored out of my skull, I did all my errands and even got all the housework done (including the “do someday” list, like cleaning out the closet and dusting all the shelves). Did a 3.5 mile walk. Went to the thrift store up the street and spent a couple hours browsing and trying on stuff (came home with three sweaters, four turtlenecks, two pairs of jeans, and a couple new books.)

    About 11:30 last night, I go to charge my cell phone and…lo and behold, the charger doesn’t work. Plugged into the same outlet as the laptop. Sure enough, changed outlets and the laptop is perfectly fine.

    Thanks! I think panicky stressing is part of my process. I guess it works because when it’s actually time to stand up in front of everyone, I’m too exhausted to be anything but calm.

    Happy belated birthday! I hope you rocked your aunt’s party!

    cicely: Thank you!

    I always heard it was 50 words for snow.

    Ah, German. A language that brings back so many memories…of my utter inability to grasp it. PA required a year of language in order to graduate high school, and I took German because the French teacher was on maternity leave and hadn’t been replaced. I only passed because Herr Urban let me do projects like “prepare an authentic German meal for the entire class” and “write a 10-page paper discussing the common themes of these works of German literature.”

    I can (sort of, in an accent that would make native speakers sob) count to ten, ask for directions to the bathroom and the airport, and say, “I’m an American; take me to the embassy.” (It was the 80’s. This was considered an important phrase to know in any language.)

    Congrats on power, heat, and promotion!




    . Another thing I’ve seen is that there are many people who are attached to college football teams, BUT never attended the school. It’s like they follow the team their parents do.

    I think that’s the same everywhere. My family has five generations of Penn State fans (fewer in number now) and not a one of us ever went there. Heck, most of us have never even been to State College.

    Speaking of dogs:
    For anyone needing a bit of a laugh — the sad and bad antics of canine companions: Dog Shaming.

    I think my oldest son could keep that site in business for years with the stuff his two monsters do. Tank eats electronics (10 remotes, 4 Xbox controllers, and 2 cell phones at last count) while Tyson is half-mountain goat who enjoys chewing on DVDs and brand-new Xbox games if left below the 6′ mark.

    Last week, while he was working outside, they ripped the couch cushions apart, then dragged the foam pieces to the bottom of the stairs where they made a nest. As he was trying to clean up the mess, they were frantically trying to “rescue” and relocate the pieces to the dining room.

  172. says

    I just noticed that apparently the roof is leaking and the wall and ceiling above one of the doors is wet. Because repair-people expecting me to be there when they say they’ll come, be there when they actually come and then stay while they turn my flat into a wreckage is just what I need.

  173. says


    Yay for people who had good things happen! Support and hugs if you want them for whoever needs them! Boo-hiss to the bad people out there who need their asses kicked!

    How much did I drink Friday night? I sort of lost consciousnesses there at some point… had a really bad nerve pain episode and just kept drinking until I was able to make it upstairs I guess.

  174. carlie says

    Re-read one of those old threads, miss Antiochus Epiphanes. :(

    Have huge amounts of paperwork to do this weekend, so of course yesterday I raked leaves and cooked, and today I scrubbed down all the kitchen walls and floor. Procrastination? Never!

    I think I need a nap.

  175. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    Good day all. Happy “I woke up to find a new mosquito bite on my ankle” Day.

    I stumbled across a Yiddish dictionary and read something that reminded me of a something you mentioned about Eskimos and snow:

    Yiddish offers more ways of identifying various kinds of “idiots” (with all their subtle variations) than Eskimos have for different kinds of snow.

    It was fascinating to learn that some words I’ve used or heard before-such as bubbelah, bupkis, shlep, shlong-were Yiddish terms.

    I forgot to say thank you for the Intro to American Football.


    AJ @218:

    Have you had both the cats for a long time?

    I’ve had my girls-Kayta and Cassie-since 2000 and 2007(?). They bonded quickly (perhaps b/c I rescued Cassie from the shelter at 6 weeks old) and have almost never fought (from what I can tell). I’ve noticed recently that when I pet one of the girls, the other is not far behind. It’s like they have a sixth “kitty sense”. I’ve been trying to pay attention to each time I pet one of them to see if I’m wrong, but without fail, it happens from both of them. Cassie also gets jealous when I give Kayta yogurt (I let her lick the inside of the lid), so she always rushes over to see what’s going on. Which is funny because she doesn’t *like* yogurt. I’ve tried several times, and she always sticks her nose up at it. Oh well, more for Kayta.

    You have my sympathies. I wish I could do more than offer support and USB hugs for you. What you went through as a child was horrible. Just remember there’s nothing wrong with you. You’re a good, caring person.
    You’re also an inspiration. Am I misremembering, or have you mentioned that your journey toward understanding your privilege and the nature of sexism in our culture has been a relatively recent one? The fact that you recognized areas of improvement, and didn’t double down and reject the lessons you learned is a testament to your strength of character. You’re exactly the kind of person that we can point to and say “<—-That guy, Ogvorbis. He searched deep within himself and found some troubling beliefs. He recognized where he was wrong. Where others double down and refuse to accept they could be wrong, he reassessed his beliefs and came out stronger and more empathetic towards others. “
    Personally I think that’s nothing short of amazing.


    feed them to the dogs. They love the treat. That’s about the only redeeming thing going for them once you’ve scooped out the delicious seeds.


    How are things with your parents? I know that some parents-even those that accept their children when they come out-may need a period of readjustment.
    Forgive me if I’m being too personal.

  176. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    I wonder if PZ is going to take one loooooong nap through the upcoming holiday season (once this semester is over).

  177. says

    1- I like movies set in otherworldly locales; especially when the mood has a chance to set. I think they set the mood for this movie quite nicely and they didn’t overdo it.

    Fun bit of trivia, the space ship is supposedly designed with inspirations from Dracula’s castle and other Gothic architecture. It was very consciously chosen to build the atmosphere of a gothic piece in a scifi setting.

    2- I wonder where the xenomorph homeworld is. What does it look like? What other species reside on their world? Do they have a natural food source? Do they have natural enemies?

    If we’re ignoring Prometheus (and we should), I believe the consensious is that there is no known homeworld of them. IIRC they’re presumed to be a basically interplanetary wide invasive species due to reproduction, being carried away by space faring species and wind up aggressively colonizing and consuming ecosystems they come across. Which would kill off other species quickly but because the eggs can remain dormant for a long time until someone else comes by and cusiously pokes it…

    3- while I appreciate how much technology has grown, there are times I wish creators would use less CGI and more old school special effects. Far too many movies place too much emphasis on the CGI and SFX and not enough on the story and characters.

    QFT. Look no further than the difference between 80s The Thing and 10’s The Thing. Practical effects have an added bonus that the actors are reacting to a real thing so subtle body language and eye tracking is often better. Practical effects have another advantage that due to being actually onset will be easier to integrate as shadow and lighting is guaranteed to match and they can do things simply that would be very difficult for CGI (such as flowing hair or many moving tentacles or tendrills)

  178. Aratina Cage says

    @Tony way up there

    “Get away from her you BITCH!”

    Ah Sigourney Weaver. Thy performance in both movies was nothing short of fantastic.

    Agreed! Now you have to watch Paul which turns that scene on its head.

    I just got the Alien Quadrilogy on blu-ray (thanks to Prometheus which I hate with a passion) and am loving it. One thing I learned that made me more appreciative of the film is that Joss Whedon wrote Alien 4 (Alien Resurrection). Another thing that has more to do with blu-rays is that, because of the ability to see facial details and subtle posture and movements more clearly in high definition, you can really tell who is a good actor and who isn’t, and Sigourney Weaver truly is a fantastic actor.

  179. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    I never did watch Prometheus (I intended to, but it wound up slipping my mind; plus I trust the opinions of you all on that movie). As I read the synopsis on Wikipedia, I kept thinking that the movie was only tangentially related to the Alien franchise.
    Was it meant to explain the backstory of the crashed ship at the beginning of Alien?

  180. Nutmeg says


    How are things with your parents? I know that some parents-even those that accept their children when they come out-may need a period of readjustment.
    Forgive me if I’m being too personal.

    Not too personal, no worries. There’s no such thing as too personal here! Thanks for asking.

    Things are…good? I kind of expected that a few days after I came out to them, one or the other would corner me and have a bunch of questions. So far, that hasn’t happened, despite plenty of opportunities. Today, my mom asked me if I’d emailed my brother yet (I haven’t), but that’s the first time either of them has mentioned anything related to me coming out.

    We’re not really a “talk about our feelings” kind of family. So I guess it’s not too surprising that things are proceeding as if nothing ever happened. I just hope that they’re processing their feelings okay.

    My mom might have been showing her support when she bought me a flannel shirt for my birthday last week, or she might have just wanted me to be warm.

    God, parents are confusing.

  181. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    You know what I’d love?
    To sit around in a *real* Lounge with some of you and rewatch movies like Aliens. There are things I don’t pick up on, and having a group of insightful people to discuss movies with would be cool. Your comment about the body language of an actor is something I haven’t always been aware of.

  182. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says


    God, parents are confusing.

    only a whole lotta bit!

  183. Ogvorbis: broken and cynical says

    Am I misremembering, or have you mentioned that your journey toward understanding your privilege and the nature of sexism in our culture has been a relatively recent one?

    Well, before elevatorgate I thought of myself as quite the supporter of feminism. Reading that dreck was very eye-opening as I saw some of my attitudes being used as tools and weapons to attack women and, yeah, that was a wake up. That, and realizing just how privileged I am as a middle-aged, white, college-educated, straight man.

    The fact that you recognized areas of improvement, and didn’t double down and reject the lessons you learned is a testament to your strength of character.

    Willingness to be wrong is not strength of character. It is honesty.

  184. says


    We’ve had them both around six years now. I think. Must be about that, anyway. They were litter mates, rescues, apparently, tho’ we did get them from a pet store.

    They were very close as kittens; I’ve old pictures of them together. They still do that, now and then, cuddle up on the same chair, but really only now and then. The fighting thing is more the rule now.

    I suspect it’s partly about food, or at least this was the seed of the resentment. The little one is a grazer, doesn’t eat her food all at once; the big one just wolfs it down, and once done, had been raiding the little one’s food, for some time, getting bigger, while her sister kept getting smaller. So now we feed the little one up high, have been for years, because her sister, as mentioned, can’t or won’t jump. This works out to a diet for the fat one (which the vet avows she did absolutely need), and also I guess unsurprisingly seems to make her cranky, tho’ now at least no one’s starving or ballooning excessively.

    And I wouldn’t really kick the pushy one out. Can’t, really–my little guy is too fond of her…

    Tho’ sometimes, man. As mentioned, the big one usually bullies the little one about where she gets to sleep. So it frequently kicks up at night, snarling and hissing, just after I’ve curled up myself, usually. So it’s get up again, separate them, before the whole house is awake. And I’m swearing under my breath, thinking, man, stupid pushy cat, I don’t need this crap.

    She’s not a total jerk, either, I guess–she’s really quite affectionate with people, generally. Just miserable to her sister.

  185. Mattir says

    Ogvorbis, as a scout leader, I think of you every time I make a deliberate decision to obey the official scout policies about not ever having boys in out-of-eyeshot, one-on-one situations with adult leaders. Even if it makes me late, makes me look like a rules-bound prig, or pisses anyone off. Both my kids, who work with younger scouts a lot, do the same thing. So there’s that – you’ve had a huge impact on my scout leadership because of your willingness to talk about what happened to you.

  186. Aratina Cage says

    @Tony #244

    A movie night with Pharyngulans would be great fun, no doubt.

    Your comment about the body language of an actor is something I haven’t always been aware of.

    I wasn’t either until getting an HDTV and a blu-ray player. The first movie I watched on it was Cowboys and Aliens and besides the Soap Opera Effect and feeling like I was looking through a window, the steep differences between good actors (Daniel Craig) and bad actors (practically everyone else in that movie) was what stood out the most to me.

  187. Janine: Hallucinating Liar says

    You know what I’d love?
    To sit around in a *real* Lounge with some of you and rewatch movies like Aliens. There are things I don’t pick up on, and having a group of insightful people to discuss movies with would be cool. Your comment about the body language of an actor is something I haven’t always been aware of.

    It seems that you should be able to get a few people to start watching something at the same time. (Be it Netflix, Hulu or personal collection.) IM, Scype or what ever works. Not the same as being in the same room.

    Just an idea.

  188. Ogvorbis: broken and cynical says

    So there’s that – you’ve had a huge impact on my scout leadership because of your willingness to talk about what happened to you.


    Weird thing, though. Sometimes his wife was there during the abuse, sometimes she took the rest of the pack off on a hike to give her husband some one-on-one time with one of us.

    I’m glad someone is listening, though. Because it seems like the upper echelons of boy/cub scouts just stuck their collective fingers in their collective ears and yelled “Lalalala we can’t hear you! Lalalal!”

  189. Ogvorbis: broken and cynical says

    Movie night would be fun.

    Right now, though, I think “The Muppet Movie” would be about my speed.

  190. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    Can we watch The Great Muppet Caper after that?

  191. Ogvorbis: broken and cynical says

    Tony and Improbable Joe:

    Those are good but, in my estimation, all the latter Muppet Movies lack something in comparison.

  192. says


    I don’t know about all of them, but it was nice to see that a Muppet movie could be made at all in this day and age, and with such obvious love and affection for the original. Maybe it suffers in comparison to the original, but when compared to other “cash grabs at Joe’s childhood” like the Smurfs movie, the most recent Muppet movie is Citizen goddamned Kane.

  193. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    I’m not certain how well any of the older Muppet movies would hold up (for me). I’ve noticed that I unintentionally rip apart bad movies or tv shows that I was fond of us a child (I could literally write a gigantic Wall O Text criticizing Superman 2, which was a movie I *loved* as a child). It’s like I want to watch stuff that hearkens back to my younger days, but I can’t turn off my adult brain.

  194. Mattir says

    One other thing for Ogvorbis – cub scouts can’t camp without parent chaperones who have the appropriate background checks and are *not* the official scout leaders (unless the leader is a particular kid’s parent). And no adult can sleep in a tent with a kid not their own. So when SonSpawn was in cubs, I had to either go with him or get him his own tent and an official chaperone from among the few other parents in the pack. It was quite the logistical challenge sometimes. I’ve been in a number of scout groups, and everywhere I’ve been took youth protection really seriously. I think it’s really difficult to compare the responses of organizations (schools, churches, youth groups) and individuals to child abuse in the 1970s-early80s and today – there were certainly a whole lot of red flags in my own childhood that would lead to mandatory reporting now, but then were just shrugged off as “parenting,” and most organizations didn’t even really have policies at all. So some stuff changes, even if way too slowly and patchily.

    On a completely different note, I’m lobbying the DC Horde contingent to consider a trip to the train museum next weekend. I vetoed driving to Skepticon for a bunch of reasons, including that I’m still feverish and fluey and really don’t want to have an 1100 mile drive looming on the horizon. We will not wear scout uniforms, but we might wear atheist squid patches.

  195. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    Please don’t tell me one of the four or five movies you’ve watched (I presume you were kidding) wasn’t the Smurfs…

  196. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    err, sorry Joe. Five or six of them is what you had said.

  197. Ogvorbis: broken and cynical says


    Oh, no question things have changed. Big time. For the better.

    Which train museum? B&O in Baltimore? PA State in Strasburg?

  198. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    Argh. Preview better.

    Let’s try that again:
    please don’t tell me that The Smurfs was one of the five or six movies you’ve watched (I presume you were kidding),

  199. says

    “I believe in God and God is going to make sure Mr. Romney wins”

    Yep, from their mouths will ye hear how their brains work.

    Video interview with supporters of Mitt Romney in Ohio: Salon link.

  200. rq says

    AJ Milne @225

    Legend has it that, when my great-grandfather played the violin, people cried. I have never had it confirmed whether it was due to his skill and mastery, or whether it was due to his lack thereof. And I’d heard the violin ~ human voice thing, too. Apparently the physics work out, too, but I’ll have to ask my dad for that reference.
    A friend of my father’s actually had a dog that loved to sing – soulfully, and painfully, heartrendingly so… Any music would do it, to the point where no music was allowed. The poor dog had an emotional breakdown every time.

    We also had sibling cats when I was growing up (one of which was the violin connoisseur – never had that reaction to piano, come to think of it), and the other (youngest of the litter) was more of a recluse, but also didn’t like the attention when it was actually provided. She’d spend summers wandering out in the forest, and would show up back home around the first snow. Then one winter she didn’t come back; we figure either the trucks or something bigger got her.


    Yes, I know Latvians are a backward tribe (in more ways than one!!). :) But I think Tacitus had the best description – ‘a small, thieving nation on the shores of the Baltic that lives in trees and eats mushrooms’. There are many, many variations on that description going around, including those where a Latvian’s favourite food is another Latvian. (Latvians, too, have one word for meat and flesh. Apparently it’s all the same.)


    I hope things start the upwards turn sooner rather than later! Can I hugs?


    I meant to write this in the morning, but didn’t have time, and here you come in again, with the mosquitoes – why do you have mosquitoes in November? That being said, you have my sympathies for your current arthropodic situation. I do not envy you those mosquito bites one bit(e).
    Also, no dog to which to feed the pumpkin. :( Dog = house.

  201. says


    Five or six… in the past week or so. Without my wife here, I’ve got nothing but time to fill and no money to do much except dig through various archives for movies I’ve missed. I only needed to watch about 5 minutes to feel incredibly insulted by the Smurf thing and turn it off.

  202. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    I live in NW Florida. It’s still decently humid.
    Either that or I’m just such a sweet guy that I attract some of nature most pestilent pests…

  203. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    Once the election season is over (and hopefully Romney fades into obscurity), what are you going to post about?

  204. rq says

    Tony @244

    Movie night is a nice idea, but it would be interesting to co-ordinate, what with all those time zones. Not impossible, though.

    And this is where I admit that I have never seen the Alien(s) movies. Ok, that’s factually wrong. I’ve seen I THINK the first two when I was really, really, small – like too young to get it small. (Watching Candyman in grade 5 gave me nightmares for months.) All I remember is the bit where it comes out of her, and then the bit where she gets split in half and there was cottage cheese all over the place. Did not understand anything that was going on, was very confused, and that has influenced me enough to never have watched the movies. I’m a bit curious, but not overly so. That being said, if there was ever a group Alien watch going on, I wouldn’t mind participating.
    Oh, I DID watch Alien vs. Predator , but I doubt it’s in the same category as the actual series.

    Also, I have seen the new Smurfs movie (in English and in dubbed Latvian) but I haven’t yet watched the new Muppets movie. It’s on the list for the kids, though. Turning off the adult brain works well when you have little ones watching a movie for the first time, and you pretend you’re just as young, and then I somehow manage to forgive all the inconsistencies that the adult brain keeps seeing. Although, yes, I do wonder why I loved certain movies when I was little…

  205. Ogvorbis: broken and cynical says

    Shit, Mattir, I’m sorry. When you wrote ‘railroad museum’ my mind went elsewhere.

    The park will be open on both Saturday and Sunday, 9 to 5. We will have short (1/2-hour) train rides both days at 10:30, 11:30, 1:30 and 2:15 ($5.00 per person ages 6 and over). The Park Entrance Fee (usually $7.00 per person ages 16 and over) will be waived both days (well, all three, actually) in honour of Veteran’s Day (all National Parks are waiving their entrance fees). I will be on the short train rides on Saturday (all four of them) and will be presenting a one hour walking tour of the Locomotive Shop on Sunday at 10:45 and 1:45 (included in the (waived) Park Entrance Fee) which, if you really want to find out about steam locomotives is the tour to take. Visitation will be heavy — heavier on Saturday, lighter on Sunday.

  206. says

    One thing I learned that made me more appreciative of the film is that Joss Whedon wrote Alien 4 (Alien Resurrection).

    From what I gather Whedon’s script was fairly mangled by the director. There were apparently quite a few number of scenes that were supposed to be funny that were filmed to be dead serious.

    Also fun trivia his work on Alien 4 and frustration over the failure for the script to capture the tone and atmosphere he had in mind led him to recycle his ideas in what eventually became Firefly. The fact that the Firefly Verse is one with “No Aliens” may be a subtle jab at the disappointing movie.

    It seems that you should be able to get a few people to start watching something at the same time. (Be it Netflix, Hulu or personal collection.) IM, Scype or what ever works. Not the same as being in the same room.

    Just an idea.

    I do that all the time for Riffing with friends. A BFF and I are going through the BBC Narnia series now

    I never did watch Prometheus (I intended to, but it wound up slipping my mind; plus I trust the opinions of you all on that movie). As I read the synopsis on Wikipedia, I kept thinking that the movie was only tangentially related to the Alien franchise.
    Was it meant to explain the backstory of the crashed ship at the beginning of Alien?

    Sort of…Though in true fashion to prequals the explanation is a major let down that destroys the sense of mystery. (The really alien looking alien corpse is actually just a space suit and there’s a giant Caucasian inside it). Cause you know…ancient astronauts where all white!

  207. says

    Once the election season is over (and hopefully Romney fades into obscurity), what are you going to post about?

    I’m thinking recipes. Yep, that’ll work. Recipes for food that will comfort despairing mormons.

    They’re going to need something better than jello-based “salads,” “main dishes,” and “desserts.”

    Or, I could just check out for awhile. Cloud-gazing sounds appealing.

    Join my conservative neighbors in long lines at gun stores? (Note to self: get camo-themed paint job on fingernails at local salon first. Disguise required.)

  208. Ogvorbis: broken and cynical says

    I’m thinking recipes. Yep, that’ll work. Recipes for food that will comfort despairing mormons.

    They’re going to need something better than jello-based “salads,” “main dishes,” and “desserts.”

    Try mixing vodka with the jello. Or pure-grain.

    Try this one:

    Make lime jello, substituting vodka for the cold water. When it has set, add marshmallows, diced apples, and whipped cream. They’s never know what hit them.

  209. says

    For reference in Alien 4’s original script the idea was supposed to be a character arc of Clone Ripley being tempted towards the two ends of her duel nature. Call the android representing humanity (being a synthetic made in humanity’s image and an attempt to distill and perfect the idealism and ethics of humanity) and the Alien Queen representing the mindless beast/monster. Ripley was supposed to start out very dark and end up rediscovering her humanity in a climatic final fight with the new hybrid alien (an albino, vampiric spider like abomination).

  210. says


    Gun stores suck bad now, I can’t imagine how bad they’ll be when Obama cleans Rmoney’s clock. Big chain outdoors-type stores are relatively safe, on account of the clerks are generally a little less obsessed, as opposed to the owner of a small gun shop and his gun-obsessed friends who work for him.

  211. says

    Also no spoiler tag as none of that made it into the final movie…

    Even the hybrid doesn’t show up and is replaced by the Newborn

    An alien, to be sure, but nothing we’ve seen so far, its forelegs arch out of its back like spiders legs, its back legs set on enormous haunches, thick and powerful.

    Its head is long, eyeless, like the others, but along its white expanse red veins, coming out of the skin and running like thick black hairs to the back.

    It has retracted pincers at the side of its head that come out when its tongue does.

    It’s much bigger than the others, nearly the size of the queen herself.

    And it’s bone white.

    Yeah that doesn’t show up in the movie…at all.

  212. rq says


    I’d never tried that with the marshmallows, apples and whipped cream. Sounds delicious!

  213. Beatrice, anti-imperialist anti-racist Islamophobiaphobic leftist says

    Smitten kitchen has a recipe for apple cider caramels. We regularly make our own apple juice, so cider is no problem. I really really want to make these caramels, but I’m afraid candy making is a bit beyond my capabilities.

  214. says

    I’m in sort of a weird/crappy headspace tonight. I’m out of here in 3 weeks, give or take a couple of days. I’m happy about that, and I’m happy that I’ll see my wife just a few days later. On the other hand, I’m solely responsible for packing up all this crap, and it is a pretty daunting task when taken as a whole. Plus, driving 1900 miles with four cats and a dog in a Toyota Corolla? NIGHTMARE! And I’m leaving here for a new place, and nervous that things won’t be any better there than here.

    Just sort of… it feels like too much for me to do on my own, I’m afraid I’m going to fuck it up somehow, it just all weighs on me pretty heavily.

  215. says

    I know that feeling. The desire to just pull the blanket over your head and wait until it’s over.
    I usually feel pretty able to do each and every task on its own, just the sheer amount of them scares the hell out of me. And it’s hard to be the one who has to do it alone (don’t ask how many times I’ve cursed Mr. for not being here), you feel truely left alone. But you’ll make it!

  216. Beatrice, anti-imperialist anti-racist Islamophobiaphobic leftist says


    It wouldn’t even be a terrible disaster if I botched it, considering that the main ingredient is the one I can get for free.

    And caramels would make a really good little gift for friends.

    Maybe. When I get rid of this cold. Wouldn’t want to make sneeze-candy.

  217. rq says

    Improbably Joe

    Is there any way you can parcel the things you need to do, to make them seem more manageable? That sometimes helps, if you can separate things into doable chunks, even if there are a lot of chunks.
    Good thoughts and moral support for you!

    Oh and Giliell crap about the leaky roof. :(

  218. Aratina Cage says

    Thanks for the explanation, Ing. Alien 4 has grown on me each time I’ve rewatched it. The director playing serious where it was supposed to be funny does make it a bit campy, so if you watch it that way, it feels like a better movie. Besides, it’s got Ron Perlman FFS! The new hybrid alien they ended up using was pretty frightening in the scenes that copied the style of Luke Skywalker vs. the rancor beast.

  219. rq says


    I might even try them myself, if I remember to press some apples next time we’re out in the country.
    The more I read the recipe, the more delicious they seem.
    I say do it (without the sneezes, of course).

  220. says


    The worst of it is now I have a specific timetable, so I can’t just hide from it. But I can “hide” from it because there’s no one here to hold me accountable. I’ve given notice that I’m moving out, I’ve booked the trailer for my stuff, and tomorrow I’m going to reserve a moving crew to help carry the larger furniture items out of the house. I still have to buy cat carriers, and the calming pheromones… I don’t even know if that shit really works, but I have to try and see and hope and cross my fingers that it does.

    And through all this I have to keep living in a neighborhood where I don’t feel safe, with neighbors who all have barking dogs and screaming children and no consideration for other people. I have to try to be supportive of my wife who hates where she is and has to live in a series of hotels for the next few weeks. Between the two of us, we have to find a place to live in Albuquerque, NM sometime before I arrive with the pets, or else it is all of us in a shitty hotel until we do.

    In the plus column, my wife has finally agreed with me that it is OK for us not to live in Albuquerque proper, but rather to move to an outlying suburb where the rent is cheaper and the standard of living is somewhat better. Preferable to drive further and not have to deal with the sort of neighborhood I’m in now. Poverty is a terrible thing, and I’m sympathetic… but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck when poor people won’t STFU all day and half the night. There’s all sorts of complex socioeconomic stuff involved, but knowing it objectively doesn’t help when you live a few feet from it.

  221. says


    That’s my standard strategy… I’ll do this many boxes per day, clear so many rooms per week, let me pack for one hour now and see where I am. That’s how I do housecleaning: I’m going to clean this room for 20 minutes, I am going to just vacuum before lunch, and see how I feel after. It is still a little tougher when it is EVERYTHING… at some point I have to do it all, and that point is approaching like a train loaded with TNT.

  222. Beatrice, anti-imperialist anti-racist Islamophobiaphobic leftist says


    It’s understandable that you’re nervous. As someone for whom nervousness about something nearly insignificant can evolve into not sleeping half the night (and the next, and the…), pacing the room in near panic for hours contemplating all the ways I can screw it up… I maybe can’t imagine exactly how you feel, but I think I can get pretty close to it.

    I don’t know how much packing you’ve already done, but once you lose yourself in those tasks you will probably feel a bit better, at least temporarily. The work will give you a reprieve from worrying. When you feel the panic creeping back, try to distract yourself – Pharyngula should work just fine. You won’t be able to avoid these feelings altogether, but you might find it easier to push through these weeks until it’s finally over and you are in your new home with your wife.
    And then you’ll realize that you haven’t screwed up and that the trip wasn’t half as bad as you expected.

  223. birgerjohansson says

    “Laplanders have more than 40 words for “snow”.”

    Yes. The Luleå dialect of the sami/lapp language provided material for a whole booklet of words for snow and ice.
    It is not enough to say “there is a hole in the ice”. You need to know if the hole is surrounded by sturdy ice that will support your weight as you fill up your freshwater stores.
    If a hilltop is free from snow, you need to know if this is because it is so exposed that the wind keeps the snow away, in which case it is not a good place for a camp.
    The sami wander the whole region from high alpine terrain to the coastal area, so the terminology need to describe a lot of stuff.

  224. Aratina Cage says

    For another fun trivia SW actually does make that behind the back shot, no movie magic.

    That pushes Sigourney’s badassitude off the charts.

  225. Mattir says

    I have 8 more hours to go and then I will have been fever free without medication for 24 hours and can consider myself non-contagious for the flu and go out in public again. I can retrieve DDMFM from my friend’s house, where he’s been staying to avoid contagion. I can begin to ease back into life, but I suspect the flu cough is going to persist for a while. Get your shots now. Or else.

  226. Beatrice, anti-imperialist anti-racist Islamophobiaphobic leftist says


    Want us to yell at you to go packing?

  227. says

    Oh, and I can’t start packing. I have no money for boxes, I’ll be picking those up on Wednesday. And then it begins…

    Thanks Beatrice, and chigau, and rq.

  228. Beatrice, anti-imperialist anti-racist Islamophobiaphobic leftist says

    Good night, rq.

    I should probably head for bed too.

  229. MissEla says

    @ Improbable Joe
    What size are your cats? I have 2 nice cat carriers (they open top & front) that I could send your way. (They were originally bird travel cages, so they’ve had minimal wear.)

  230. says


    Kind of medium-small cats actually, the two who need carriers. How big are your carriers? I have to wrangle them in a pretty small car. Damn I wish I had been able to buy that damn bigger car before the move happened!

  231. says


    I’m just going to buy boxes for the sake of efficiency. I save money on the move if I take up less space on the trailer, enough money to pay for the boxes. Plus, matching boxes? Totally helps my brain deal with the issue better. I can count how many standard paperback or hardcover books fit in a box and how long it takes to fill one, and then calculate exactly how many boxes I need and how many minutes per day I need to pack them all up.

  232. mildlymagnificent says


    Your comment about the body language of an actor is something I haven’t always been aware of.

    I’m not sure I ever was aware of it in films until I watched Sunday, Bloody Sunday. I’d always admired Glenda Jackson, but one scene where the boyfriend is off for the Sunday tryst with the other, male, component of the classic love triangle was outstanding. I think it’s the part where she’s just made fudge and it’s still too hot to eat/handle and she’s on the verge of tears, trying to hold it all in. And she tries to conceal the tears from the camera.

    Hard to describe until you watch her do it. But it’s brilliant.

    The film itself got a lot of kudos at the time for being brave about bisexual relationships. I found it unconvincing because the bisexual young man at the centre of the powerful emotions of the others – played by Peter Finch and Glenda Jackson – is shallow and, to me at least, emotionally unattractive. Hard to tell whether it’s the script, the direction or the contrast with two mature outstanding actors. I suspect it lies in the script, and the casting director went for someone who would emphasise, rather than work with or build from, the role’s character flaws.

  233. chigau (棒や石) says

    Yes! About standard boxes.
    I think trying to use liquor store boxes as a student prepared me for Tetris.

  234. ibyea says

    On special effects in movies:
    That’s one of the reasons why I like Nolan’s movies. For him, CGI is a last resort thing. You want to create a scene with a hallway where gravity changes direction? Nolan tells people to build a gigantic rotating hallway.

  235. carlie says

    Some of us do Mock The Movie; you could do that, or set up something similar for “real” movies. We all follow Mock The Movie on twitter @mocktm, and then start up the same movie at the same time, and then tweet the hell out of it MST3K style. It’s fun. Lousy Canuck and Stephanie Zvan usually publicize it.

  236. Ogvorbis: broken and cynical says


    Try liquor stores for boxes. They are not too large and are usually quite strong.

  237. mildlymagnificent says


    Your best investment is in a set of different coloured markers. I have no idea how many boxes you’re dealing with but having survived a recent move (from the house we’d lived in for 30+ years) I find having to read. every. label. really tedious. If it’s green it’s for the kitchen, red it’s books, blue it’s clothes/linen makes it go just that little bit more smoothly. (It forces you to not throw in incompatible items – but at least you don’t have a dozen eager helpers with their own ideas about it.)

    Whatever suits you will probably be OK. You’ll do some of it well, some of it not so well, and some of it-in-a-hell-of-a-rush-and-things’ll-be-all-mixed-up. But you’ll get it done.

    Incompatible cats – sundry worriers.

    We had 3 cats a long time ago. 2 of them were snuggly, in bed with the kids type cats. The other one we thought of as more of a cat cat. She never snuggled up with the other cats. She’d very graciously allow some cuddle time with one of us, but she preferred the foot of the bed or the floor. When all three of them wanted to get through a door or a space, she desperately tried to be first, she’d even find other ways through connecting rooms to be first.

    The years passed, and one cat died. More years, the other cat died. Within a week! her whole personality changed. She’d never wanted to be first at all. She wanted to be only. She’s now 20 years old, as deaf as a post, adjusted to the new house and neighbourhood and as contented and cuddly as any other cat.

    We’ve decided that most cats are content to be lion types with family all around. Some cats are tiger types, they want to be in sole control of their area. Other cats tolerated with poor grace, or not at all.

  238. says


    Since I’ll have no helpers but me and my wife, boxes shouldn’t need too much marking. The houses I’m looking at all have garages, so the plan is to have people carry the furniture into the specific rooms. Everything else goes into the garage until I’m ready to unpack. :)

    Cats? My cats all sort of don’t get along with each other, but all love me like I’m their fucking mother. Which is weird, because I’ve never been a cat person at all. They all sort of take turns with me, while the dog is a near-constant presence.

  239. broboxley OT says

    ruh oh, looks like the election may not be a lock after alabam’s win last night.

    History dictates that the Panthers 21-13 victory over the Washington Redskins at FedEx Field bodes well for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. In the 18 presidential elections that have taken place since the Redskins moved to Washington in 1937, 17 have been predicted by the team’s performance in its final home game prior to the election.

    So it is too close for the football gods to call. Turbulence in Canton

  240. Esteleth, Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo says

    My body is confused.

    Technically, it is 8:30 pm (body time). The clock says 7:30.

    And it has been dark for 4 hours, making my body say BEDTIME. Or rather (HAVE A BEER AND PLAY SIMS TIME)

    I found my voter registration letter. Woohoo! I also found some bills. *sadface*

    *wanders off in search of beer*

  241. chigau (棒や石) says

    Isn’t there an octopus somewhere for predictions?
    Oh. Right. He was predicting football.
    And his name was Paul.

  242. says


    That Spaceship Alphabet was cool, although in my head I had a couple of different choices. “N” should have been “Nostromo” for instance.

  243. Aratina Cage says

    My cat is still on daylight saving time.

    Funny, mine too for some reason. “NO, KITTY!” /Cartman

    Isn’t there an octopus somewhere for predictions?

    Not for presidential elections, but there is a dog this year who chose Obama on YouTube.

  244. Menyambal --- Sambal's Little Helper says

    Speaking of cats, you may need a flea trap some day.

    A lit candle in a pan of soapy water kills fleas. The fleas are attracted to the heat of the candle, land in the water, and the soap lets the little biters drown.

    I’ve got one on the carpet, now, and have been moving it from place-to-place in the house. It looks like a couple of dozen fleas are in there.

  245. says

    I don’t know about fleas… I’m pretty religious about treating my cats and dog for fleas every month. I just did them up on Friday since it is the beginning of the month and all, along with the heartworm stuff for my dog.

  246. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    One of T’s cats has a wicked case of the sneezes. He may have seasonal allergies (if cats get them)

  247. cicely says

    *hugs* for Giliell, with commiserations for house repairs. We’ve got a metric butt-load of ’em waiting for after we get my ass paid off.

    *big hugs* for Joe. I’m sure you can handle the pack-and-move.

    I have confidence in you. :)

    And rq is right; sometimes it helps to break a long and stress-inducing task into manageable bites. Then, you don’t even think about the portions you aren’t currently doing.

    As someone for whom nervousness about something nearly insignificant can evolve into not sleeping half the night (and the next, and the…), pacing the room in near panic for hours contemplating all the ways I can screw it up… I maybe can’t imagine exactly how you feel, but I think I can get pretty close to it.

    Beatrice, you get outta my head right now, dammit!

  248. Therrin says

    Patricia, could I trouble you to email me at notechasing at the yahoo service? I’ve got a question about a family member of mine that you might be able to answer.

  249. says

    So, everything becomes something in JoeLand. I’ve got the TV on in the living room, and music in my office. I can hear both just fine inside those rooms. I can’t hear the TV from my office, I can’t hear the music in the living room, and they are connected by a set of French doors. I can’t hear either outside my house when I go out to walk the dog.

    When the neighbors are out and about, I can hear them loud and clear like they are inside my fucking house, and shouting over my TV or my music. Sometimes they are in their own houses, shouting so loud that I can hear them in my house over the TV. Sometimes it is shouting outside, but several houses down and/or across the street. And when I occasionally get fed up and ask them to be a little less loud, they look at me like I’m the one doing something wrong, like I’m a terrible person for intruding on their right to be so loud that my windows are vibrating.

    It is a wonder I haven’t shot anyone yet. And probably the only reason I’m still alive is because they know I can shoot them, and I’ve called the cops a few times and they show up pretty quickly.

    *sigh* Time for some Joe Satriani. I’m thinking Andalusia which I think I first played for my wife when she was in the hospital and had to have her gall bladder removed, and it was the thing that convinced her to go see Joe Satriani live with me when he came to town later that year. It was a great show and a great time and I’m hoping for more times like that when we get moved and settled.

  250. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    I am SO trying that out when I get home tonight. I suspect we have fleas in the carpet.

  251. carlie says

    Well, I pulled Feministe off of my reader, thanks to their most recent post. I am apparently a horrible excuse for a feminist because I haven’t divorced my husband yet and, full disclosure, have no plans to.

  252. Menyambal --- Sambal's Little Helper says

    The flea-candle is an old, old trick. I haven’t had to use it for years, since the time I moved into a place with *many* fleas already in the carpet (the landlord assured me it was all my imagination). But we now have two indoor cats, and a dog that goes in and out, no money for proper medical preventatives, and difficulties getting some of our people to keep things clean. So I bathe the animals as best I can, pick up and wash everything I can, swear a lot and wonder how I ever wound up in another house with carpets. Luring fleas to their death is oddly appealing right now.

    Speaking of stress and difficulty sleeping, I again recommend an audiobook under the pillow. I use a speaker-cellphone with MP3s I rip from library CDs, but you can download audiobooks, and maybe find a pillow speaker online. It keeps my mind from spinning, and kind of directs me down into the pillow, and gives me a reason to keep still. It also lets me know that I have slept a bit, when I realize I have missed a chapter. (Blackstone audiobooks has a reader named Frederick Davidson (or something like that), who does marvelous British accents in P. G. Wodehouse stories—that is heavenly. Various volunteers lurching through LibriVox recordings isn’t quite the same.)

  253. Janine: Hallucinating Liar says

    Well, I pulled Feministe off of my reader, thanks to their most recent post. I am apparently a horrible excuse for a feminist because I haven’t divorced my husband yet and, full disclosure, have no plans to.


  254. Janine: Hallucinating Liar says

    Carlie, I just read that post. Even I would say she is painting with an extremely broad brush. Just because the leadership and most vocal part of the current Republican Party are those who actively work at restricting the rights of women does not mean that all Republicans are like this.

    Also, I do doubt that you would put up with being married to a man who believes as Akins does.

  255. carlie says

    Joe and Janine – it’s all about how anyone who has any relationship with a Republican is basically a piece of shit. My spouse is a Republican, always has been. He’s one of the old-school kind of moderates, and votes according to issues rather than party line, and he agrees with me on many issues. But according to the post and subsequent comments, doesn’t matter. Also doesn’t matter if it was different when you developed the relationship, it ought to be cut, no matter where it stands now. Yes, I’m being emotional about it. Yes, I’m being an accommodationist. In this particular case, I’m granting myself that. Because, you know, spouse. A pretty fucking awesome spouse, if I do say so myself.

  256. carlie says

    Janine – yeah. I was hoping that the post was just too vague, but the subsequent comments were pretty clear that it was a hard line. It’s not like I was a huge commenter there or anything, and they’ve dropped down a lot in the “must read” category for awhile now so it’s not like I’m making a huge bold turn, but damn, it made me upset.

  257. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    That’s fucked up. It’s no different than atheists who paint all Christians as being evil immoral S.O.B.s. Just because some Christians (or in your case, republicans) are vile doesn’t mean they all are. Does the author think all Democrats, Independents and Libertarians are totes cool?

  258. says

    carlie… no comment about your husband. My parents are nominally Catholic, and I still love them, and they don’t act Catholic, and I don’t know why they can’t reject a label that doesn’t really describe them. I don’t know why your husband doesn’t reject the label that associates him with anti-humanity sociopaths, but I can’t explain why my parents don’t reject the label that associates them with an international pedophilia ring.

  259. says

    I’ve been trying to figure out why Bush had a “mandate to lead” in 2000 and 2004, and when Obama won by a much greater margin in 2008 the media insisted that he had to compromise at every turn. Didn’t understand then, but I understand now.

    If President Barack Obama wins, he will be the popular choice of Hispanics, African-Americans, single women and highly educated urban whites. That’s what the polling has consistently shown in the final days of the campaign. It looks more likely than not that he will lose independents, and it’s possible he will get a lower percentage of white voters than George W. Bush got of Hispanic voters in 2000.

    A broad mandate this is not.

    In other words, if Obama’s majority doesn’t include a majority of working class white people, it doesn’t really count. Apparently “Hispanics, African-Americans, single women and highly educated urban whites” aren’t actually Americans, and scoring a majority of their votes means that you’re an illegitimate president. I wish those fuckers had told me sooner, because I wouldn’t have bothered crippling myself in the Marine Corps if I’d known that still wouldn’t count as a Real American.

  260. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    oh darn, scottyroberts go bye bye?
    can someone explain to me what firetree is going on about in the updated Matt/Kristine abortion thread? Hir position seems vague as all get out.

  261. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    Joe @347:
    I wonder what that makes gay men and women of color then…

  262. says


    I think that’s pretty obvious… but look what that says about mainstream media thought. Obama doesn’t have a “broad mandate” if his majority involves a broad demographic? Because ultimately, in the eyes of the mainstream media, only white males count. How fucked up is that?

  263. says

    oh darn, scottyroberts go bye bye?

    Bet you not

    can someone explain to me what firetree is going on about in the updated Matt/Kristine abortion thread? Hir position seems vague as all get out.

    firetree is trying to pretend to be prochoice to waste our time while sounding like someone who is anti-choice and then taking offense to people pointing out that her jargon sounds anti-choice.

    Cause you know if I start talking about alignment, THACO, and armor class it’d be totes irrational for people to assume I know geeky RPG stuff

  264. MissEla says

    @ Improbable Joe

    The smaller carrier is 10 1/2″ wide x 16″ long x 10″ tall. The other one is a little bit bigger–the smaller one nests inside the larger one (about 12x18x12, I’d guess).

  265. george3 says

    Cats. I came across this recently, if you have cats I think you may recognise this beast. I like cats.

    London Tom-Cat

    Look at the gentle savage, monstrous gentleman
    With jungles in his heart, yet metropolitan
    As we shall never be; who – while his human hosts,
    Afraid of their own past and its primaeval ghosts,
    Pile up great walls for comfort – walks coquettishly
    Through their elaborate cares, sure of himself and free
    To be like them, domesticated, or aloof!
    A dandy in the room, a demon on the roof,
    He’s delicately tough, endearingly reserved,
    Adaptable, fastidious, rope-and-fibre-nerved.
    Now an accomplished Yogi good at sitting still
    He ponders ancient mysteries on the window-sill,
    Now stretches, bares his claws and saunters off to find
    The thrills of love and hunting, cunningly combined.
    Acrobat, diplomat, and simple tabby cat,
    He conjures tangled forests in a furnished flat.

    I particularly like the last line. A warning to us all.
    Allthebest to the Horde (and the cats).G.

  266. JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says

    Hello everyone. Just checking in. I spent the day winding down and reading. I started really thinking about moving states. I mean once I get into a shelter, Little One will have to change schools. Then moving states, I’m worried it will be too much too soon. I don’t want to mess her up and the withdrawal from Grandma and Step-Dad, while short will be hard. I don’t want to get behind in school, start acting out and suffer from losing friends, gaining friends and losing all over again. She’s moved so much before and now we’ve been stable for awhile. It just breaks my heart to think about it. It makes me want to just plan and save til after school break and move in the beginning of January. But then, I’m like, can I risk waiting that long? Even in a shelter I worry about running into someone connected to him. I don’t know them and it’s not possible to move where they aren’t because of this. Unless it’s completely different like another state. I’m all kind of confused. I mean more time would mean I could ask for apartments available two months from now but I could miss opportunities as well. I mean it’s a lot to do and I would like to just take donations as people can and not demand a lot in a short amount of time. But then my PayPal account has my real name and it’s not like I can just post a link to that here. It’s like I can’t start planning without information and then information depends on the place and then the place depends on the information.

    I’m very seriously overwhelmed. With hearing voices outside my window and panicking making Step-Dad check it out, (it was just a party on a balcony, no connection or anything) my brain just shut down. Panic makes me want to do it all now and my standard thorough planning mind is struggling to stay focused.

    BTW, I finally got the sized for snow/cold weather clothing and will send out that info in emails. Deciding the Little Ones size is so hard since clothing standards all vary so, so much. I wish I just had a tape measure.

    Ok, so that’s not winding down but after doing that all morning I did relax and read two books.

    Speaking of which:
    Is it weird or wrong to bring up in a book review how a main character focused on finding out another characters gender? It was minor, only a couple of sentences through the whole book but she did say it would drive her batty to not know. No one else had mentioned this anywhere. I keep thinking why is now one else bringing this up? I think I’m too used to Pharyngula I’m expecting the majority of people elsewhere to be like the people here. I mean why is it so important? It’s not like gender mattered. The main character said all of one sentence to them and only thought about them when trying to decided gender.

  267. says

    Good morning

    Thanks everybody for the sympathy. I’m going to turn it from my prolem into the housing-company’s problem in a few minutes (but let’s face it, it’ll still be my time wasted, too), and it’s not like there’s water dripping into buckets.

    What helps me is if I create “accountability”. Since I din’t trust myself to actually do the stuff I needed to do and find excuses, I tell Mr. beforehand and then we’re going to talk about it afterwards. It helps me to see some recognition for the stuff I’m doing and to have a (stupid) reason to do it.

    How isn’t that any better than Pat Robertson telling people to dump their non-christian spouses?

    Snow words
    Actually, it would be completely unremarkable if some language or other had 50 words for snow and ice, even 50 different words and not just variations of one or two roots. The search for “language universals” has so far proved to be as fruitful as the search for unicorns and different languages work differently. English really “dislikes” changing words. Inflections are mostly lost, superlative and comperative of longer words are constructed with more/most, and while Old English Kenningar fill books, modern English really doesn’t have many compound nouns that are made into one word. Other languages work differently and that’s fucking unremarkable. The interesting thing is the construction of the other. Everybody whose language isn’t English is the other, their native languages are kind of character flaw, their thinking is obstructed (while English-speaking people think straight, Chinese people think in circles!) and if you don’t speak English at all you’re a deprivd savage.
    So they’re trying to re-introduce a concept that had actually pretty much died out in linguistics: the superiority of one language and variety over the other.

  268. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    I’d forgotten how much I love Elton John’s “I guess that’s why they call them the blues”. Great song.

  269. ednaz says

    “Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues”

    Don’t wish it away
    Don’t look at it like it’s forever
    Between you and me
    I could honestly say
    That things can only get better

    And while I’m away
    Dust out the demons inside
    And it won’t be long
    Before you and me run
    To the place in our hearts
    Where we hide

    And I guess that’s why
    They call it the blues
    Time on my hands
    Could be time spent with you
    Laughing like children
    Living like lovers
    Rolling like thunder under the covers
    And I guess that’s why
    They call it the blues

    Just stare into space
    Picture my face in your hands
    Live for each second
    Without hesitation
    And never forget I’m your man

    Without me girl
    Cry in the night if it helps
    But more than ever I simply love you
    More than I love life itself

    And I guess that’s why
    They call it the blues
    Time on my hands
    Could be time spent with you
    Laughing like children
    Living like lovers
    Rolling like thunder under the covers
    And I guess that’s why
    They call it the blues

    Big hugs for All the Pharyngulans. If I could, I would wrap my arms around the entire world.

  270. JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says

    Little One just woke up out of no where, counted from 25 to 39
    (even getting louder and more forceful) and went right back to sleep.


  271. rq says

    Good mornings to all.


    Children are strange. :D

    Menyambal @331

    I’ve tried that, it actually works, but it’s a slow process.
    Tony , for more recommendations – What worked really well to get rid of fleas was letting current cat escape outside, and use ourselves as live bait. If fleas don’t have a dog or cat host, they can’t survive to reproduce, so 2, 3 weeks of suffering and ducttaping the little shits off your ankles, and voila! Infestation free! Provided, of course, that you manage to catch the cat outside and treat it with the anti-flea drops, to get rid of those already feeding off him.
    Actually that was a terrible time, because it was bad – we literally could pick the fleas off the floor. Vaccuuming twice a day or more. Cursing the animal that brought them in. Now, we treat once a month or two (oops) but the cat doesn’t go out anymore and we’re pretty careful about washing all clothing as soon as we come back from the country (The dog there has fleas like crazy, but what can I say? It’s the country…).
    Needless to say, I HATE FLEAS.

    Also, Tony , Elton John is great (or a lot of him is). My sister and I used to enjoy driving long distances with the windows down, singing him very loudly, especially while waiting at traffic lights. Other people just didn’t get it.


    Thanks for that, very nice!


    Yes, accountability like that works. Although I find that if I tell someone, it makes the activity more real somehow, and also just the fact that I’ve told someone I have to do it helps me to do it because I don’t like the feelinge that I’m lying to people.

  272. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    Do you know any tricks for repelling/killing mosquitos in the home?

  273. Beatrice, anti-imperialist anti-racist Islamophobiaphobic leftist says

    You know that feeling when you get up and go into the next room to get/do something, but the moment you enter you forget what it was and just stand there, lost?

    Hate that.

    Not as much as mosquitos, though.

  274. birgerjohansson says

    Improbable Joe,

    “I wish those fuckers had told me sooner, because I wouldn’t have bothered crippling myself in the Marine Corps if I’d known that still wouldn’t count as a Real American”

    Didn’t you know, volunteering to become cannon fodder for the country just proves that you are a sucker, and thus unworthy* of respect?
    (Hint: conscripts exposed to nuclear tests, Agent Purple, Agent Orange, Vietnam veterans with PTSD ignored, Gulf war syndrome victims)
    — — — — — —
    * Unlike the Job Creators.
    I suspect the Old Boys get together sometimes, smoke cigars and laugh at how easy it is to screw people over.

  275. rq says


    Hate it. Makes me feel old. :P
    Although it usually helps to go back into the previous room and re-do what I just did. Doesn’t always work, though – and then memory strikes sometime after midnight.

  276. says

    Oh yes, I know that. Often you remember when you go back because it had something to do with the situation you were in before, but sometimes you don’t and then you spend the rest of the day wondering what it was…

    I was just revising last weeks content and preparing this week’s for a pedagogy lecture and noticed that whenever the lecturer uses imaginary pupils they’re male. I guess I’m the only one to notice, but I’ll tell him, I think

  277. rq says

    But Giliell , didn’t you know that girls don’t even like going to school? And you want them in examples? :P Very interesting observation, though – I wonder how he’ll respond? (Oh, and if he does use girls in his examples, how will he use them?)

  278. says

    Holy shit I just saw an add here on the pinboard where a mid 40’s guy (with picture) looks for a female French student (I’m on the border) to spend time with him (restaurants, cinema, short trips), good hourly pay…

    As it is fundamental with privilege, I don’t think he’s doing it on purpose. I think he just doesn’t think about it and the default is male*
    *Actually, he should know better. A professor of pedagogy should have enough of a background in sociology to notice.

  279. rq says

    Actually it might depend when he had his education. If he’s younger, he should definitely notice (or at least make a positive change when it is pointed out to him). If he’s older, I think it’s just entrenched thinking, and in that case, it’s a bit harder to say how he’ll react.

  280. birgerjohansson says

    Strange. It is Monday, and it is not raining. Fate is waiting for me to let down my guard…
    — — — — — — — — — —
    Forget the US election, this is far more serious for the world economy:
    China’s economic destiny in doubt after leadership shock -The Old Guard wants to perpetuate themselves through their successors, thus setting up a recipe for economic downfall. Economic Lysenkoism?

  281. Ogvorbis: broken and cynical says

    Good morning.


    I’m feeling a little bit better.

    Had a horrible dream, though.

    I dreamed I was back in middle school. I showed up and could not remember my schedule or where the classrooms were. So I went to the home room I thought was mine and the teacher was my old cub scout leader (who was not a teacher in real life). And all the students looked exactly like the little girl who I was manipulated into hurting and cannot remember her name. She, all of them, looked at me with such a look of hatred.

    I tried to run from the room but couldn’t. I left through a window and ran down the hall (which is curious because our school was one of those 1970s open classroom places with huge open areas, classrooms around the edges, and no real halls).

    My first class was a science class and the teacher was, once again, the old scout leader. Today’s lesson was photography and, of course, I was the model. Not me, though. I was watching as he manipulated and cajoled and threatened a much younger me into posing for pictures, and doing things with other boys, while he took photos. And all I could do was sit and take notes.

    I have no idea how much further that dream from my own hell would have gone but, luckily, I woke up — hyperventilating, soaked in sweat, terrified. How much longer is this asshole going to infest my mind?



    Wife and I have just completed a six-month war on fleas. And we won. I’d never heard about the candle trick. That could have been useful.

  282. rq says

    Meh, it’s Monday and it’s (still) raining. Next no-precipitation Monday: sometime next May.
    I read the article. Scary. But it just proves that, where humans are involved, nothing is certain, and all predictions are only approximations. And all long-term ‘definite’ prognoses are suspect.

  283. Pteryxx says

    JAL: *offers hugs*

    But then my PayPal account has my real name and it’s not like I can just post a link to that here.

    No need… Esteleth offered to coordinate via her paypal, right? Just contact her and folks can send donations there in the open.

    Maybe helping get one thing cleared and ready to go will help with the awful logjam. There’s a bunch of us pulling for you out here.

  284. opposablethumbs says

    Fuck, Og, that must have been beyond-words horrible. Is this unusually specific?

    That is to say, I just wondered if it seems to you that there’s any kind of pattern or progression going on, as I remember you have mentioned nightmares before but nothing as specific and detailed about the abuse before. Is it possible that you are processing these memories now (previously not processed)???

    If you think there’s any chance this somehow relates to dealing with the abuse so your mind can cope better, that could be a positive thing I suppose …??? But as a mere internet-acquaintance miles away I have to say this sounds very frightening and I wanted to ask whether you have any options with regard to getting some back-up in meatspace if you need it.

    Hugs via USB, dammit.

  285. opposablethumbs says

    … and I’m late to the thread today. I can hardly imagine the levels of stress you are having to face, JAL. Do you think that if you were to go for the mega-upheaval of moving to another state, as opposed to the merely huge upheaval of moving within state, that it could end up meaning long-term or at least much longer-term stability for you and Little One? FSM I hope so.

    I hate hate hate that she and you have to suffer through changing schools and moving home just to keep safe. It’s so fucking unfair.

  286. Nick Gotts (formerly KG) says


    While China certainly has plenty of problems, it has also had an absolutely unprecedented,/b> run of rapid economic growth (averaging 9.9% p.a. over the last 3 decades if I remember rightly). The Telegraph is a right-wing rag, which simply can’t bear the fact that a still largely state-directed economy has done this. Consider this quote from the article (a quote from the World Bank and China’s Development Research Centre, but relayed uncritically):

    “The role of the private sector is critical because innovation at the technology frontier is quite different in nature from catching up technologically. It is not something that can be achieved through government planning.”

    It’s utter crap. The worldwide web, the internet, satellites, nuclear power, transistors, electronic computers, antibiotics, jet aircraft are just a few of the last century’s “innovations at the technology frontier” in which the state played a key role. As I noted on another thread, it did so for machine tools – the basis of the modern industrial system – in the 19th century. The private sector is good at developing and mass-marketing once the key innovations have been made; much less so at making those key innovations.

  287. dianne says

    Threadrupt change of topic: I would like to now praise modern dentistry, without which I would likely soon be losing a tooth. I thank not god but an observant dentist for avoiding that need. What would make it even better would be if everyone had health insurance that covered necessary dental procedures.

  288. Esteleth, Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo says

    I checked my PayPal this morning, and I have received some donations! Thanks to those people! ♥

    Since it looks like things are starting to move in JAL-land, can others who are interested also start chipping in? If people do not have PayPal, email me (again, email is my nym at the googlebot’s email system) and we can work out something with a snail mailed check or an EFT or somesuch.

    JAL, I emailed you a bit ago. :D

  289. Janine: Hallucinating Liar says

    Guess what group of people a Teabagger organization, the Virginia chapter of True The Vote will be targeting?


    Have to love the image of a transgendered woman they use here.

    Yes, Virginia, transgendered people are inherently fraudulent people.

  290. dianne says

    English really “dislikes” changing words

    It’s probably still traumatized by the great vowel shift.

    Honestly, I don’t see why people feel the need to rationalize English as The Best Language Ever. It’s just the current lingua franca. That’ll change eventually and the next widely used language will be The Best Language Ever as well.

  291. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    Just dropped off the Redhead’s vote-by-mail ballot in my company’s outbox for mail. I sensed a middle finger salute to all things rethuglican. I’ll vote tomorrow during a commode run as the voting place is only a half block out of my way.

    I have my tentacles crossed for win by the democratic candidate for congress. For once, the state democratic party put a lot of money into the campaign, and the last redistricting dropped off the southern end of the district that was the main suburban republican vote.

  292. Esteleth, Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo says

    English’s current dominance is a historical oddity. As is the duration of this dominance. A century and a half ago, English was dominant – but it was British English. Now American English is dominant, but AmEng is steadily losing ground to Mandarin Chinese. Before BritEng was dominant, French was the language of diplomacy – and before that, Latin was dominant for a thousand years.

  293. dianne says

    Ni hao ma, Estheleth? What’s your paypal info? If I can’t get my paypal working, may have to do some other form of electronic transfer* for JAL.

    JAL, have you considered Philadelphia? It’s far from Mexico, has seasons (but not too severe of seasons), is a blue region in a purple state, and has some affordable yet livable areas (I’d suggest around the U Penn campus). I don’t know much about the public schools, but could point you towards a private school with good financial aid policies.

    *Embarrassment. The word I had there originally was “Ueberweisung” then realized that probably wouldn’t work for a generally English speaking audience…and had to use to translate it. Honestly, I can this English real bien. Actually, I think it’s an innately monolingual problem: I first encountered the idea of electronic transfers in Germany and learned the German word and apparently by brain really only accepts one word for a given concept. Sigh. US induced brain damage.

  294. broboxley OT says

    #378 Nick Gotts (formerly KG)
    no government required.

    The main street of the town of Darra is the show place for a never ­ending gun collectors’ convention. Since the days of battle-axes, these men have made weapons. Gunmaking skills date back to the long, curved­ stocked “jinghals” and the forward-striking matchlocks, festooned with ivory and brass, which were made here and shipped out over the trade routes of the East. Today, the Darra smiths are making modern guns, passable facsimiles of Webley revolvers in .38 and .45 calibers; wrist­busting Martini-actioned pistols chambered for the powerful British .303 rifle cartridge; highly polished “Berettas:” and, naturally, rough but serviceable “Bren” machine pistols and burp guns. In a pile of captured rifles held by the Iranian army at Abas Abad Arsenal outside Tehran, I ex­amined one of the Darra products: A “spittin’ image” of a Czech VZ-24, with the carefully hand-stamped lettering “WAUSER-WERKE OBAN­DORF” on top of the receiver. For serial number, the Darra craftsmen had stamped a series of ampersands-&&&&&&; not very informative, but very official-appearing!

  295. dianne says

    Another off topicish medical rant: Can we stop pretending that pregnancy is safe now? One half of one percent of pregnant women (in the US) will experience a severe morbidity where “severe morbidity” means something like respiratory failure or loss of an organ. About 1-2 per 10,000 will die in pregnancy, a risk about 10x higher than skydiving.

  296. broboxley OT says

    Rezonomics”, a documentary on the eclectic and inventive survival strategies of residents of the Pine Ridge Reservation, navigates the seamless web of economic and social relations of the Oglala Lakota, challenging the Western European notion of economy, which separates the “rational” economic from the embedded moral, normative, and reciprocal relations at play in many indigenous and rural communities.

  297. Portia says

    Thanks for the birthday wishes : ) Yesterday was my faux-birthday, and it was really great. The party Saturday night was pretty good, I did indeed rock the red dress. At some point someone asked if I was dressed as Marilyn Monroe, so that made me feel good, ha. Inconsiderate Aunt had a good time, but lots of others wished me happy birthday and sympathized at having to go to someone else’s party on your birthday…

    Yesterday was, as I said, wonderful. SO and I drove about an hour and a half to have brunch at a winery, then tasted some wines and spirits. Delicious and fun and carefree. We had no obligations so we just wandered where we felt like going. Next was the megamall nearby (he’s great at watching me shop). Then we went to an Irish pub for a pint, then to my favorite art supply store so I could grab a couple of canvases, since I was low. Next was our favorite sushi spot, and then we drove closer to home and stopped to see Argo. I expected it to be good and I was not disappointed. It was so suspenseful though that I think I put a permanent dent in SO’s hand.

    This morning another aunt stopped by to give me a birthday gift of a hand-crocheted doily. Such a lovely personal gift made my Monday start off great.


    I can vaguely relate to feeling overwhelmed like that. When there are so many options and so little gauge for what will be best, it’s easy to get bogged down. I hope that you find some clarity and peace soon. Hopefully Little One will always know that her great mom always did what was best for her, and that that is your primary objective.


    Good luck with all the moving minutia.


    That is so awful. I’m sorry you had such a vivid dream.


    Hugs and good wishes to all who need them.

  298. Jessie says

    Many apologies if anyone has already posted this: the words to Eric Idle’s new biological version of the Galaxy Song, to be used in Professor Brian Cox’ upcoming series “The Wonder of Life”.

    Galaxy Song updated

  299. Beatrice, anti-imperialist anti-racist Islamophobiaphobic leftist says


    Good news: According to Jill of Feministe, you are allowed to feel platonic love for your Republican relatives or others.

    Bad news: You should really ditch your husband.

    I guess maintaining a friendship with him would be ok, as long as it’s strictly platonic.

  300. dianne says

    Re Republican relatives: My sister is pro-choice, pro-marriage equality, pro-universal health care, not afraid of taxes…and regularly votes Republican. I don’t understand her thought processes sometimes.

  301. Janine: Hallucinating Liar says

    But pregnancy is also a punishment for women because Eve tricked Adam into tasting the forbidden fruit. Because one woman is just like an other woman, we’re all the same.

  302. rq says

    dianne @389

    This is why, especially with the high infant and birth mortality (for mothers AND children) in this country, I like to think of myself as a childbirth survivor. Makes me sound brave.
    And it’s also why the process scares me so much.

    I DO admit, freely, that it is safER in some places than it was, even a few years ago. But I don’t get the feeling that that applies to my particular location.

  303. dianne says

    Pregnancy is Natural®™ therefore Good™®.

    But…I thought nature was the evil thing we all had to overcome to reach angelic perfection. I’m so confused now!

  304. Janine: Hallucinating Liar says

    It is that ineffable mystery that the big sky daddy made pregnancy both right and natural as well as a punishment. Looked at from one angle, it is what women were made for. Looked at from an other angle, it is a punishment.

    How wonderful god is! Just beyond our comprehension!

  305. dianne says

    It is that ineffable mystery that the big sky daddy made pregnancy both right and natural as well as a punishment.

    Oooh, I get it: it’s like sex! Sex is dirty and disgusting and you should save it for someone you love! Pregnancy is right and natural and a punishment on women for sinning! I’m all clear now.

  306. Beatrice, anti-imperialist anti-racist Islamophobiaphobic leftist says


    I’m not sure what Jill’s position on libertarians is, but if he’s recovering, you’re probably good in any case.

    I think I might stop reading Feministe. It has become more of a source of nearly fatal eyerolls than anything else anyway. If they write anything really good someone will probably link it here.

  307. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    Ing @281:
    Are there any images of this version of the xenomorph that didn’t make it into Alien 4?


    Aratina Cage @297:

    That pushes Sigourney’s badassitude off the charts.

    Some SW fan you are.
    Her badassitude was already off the charts for me :)


    rq @403:

    I think they make a topical ointment for that…should clear up that rash of Libertarianism in no time.

  308. rq says

    dianne @404

    Wait, now I’m even more confused! What about that whole order to ‘be fruitful and multiply’?
    And if sex in marriage is not a sin, WHY DO I STILL GET PREGNANT? Shouldn’t marriage then have some kind of anti-pregnancy hormone?

  309. rq says

    Oh wait… According to my MRA handbook, marriage is the anti-pregnancy hormone, because once you get married, nobody ever has sex anymore, because married women are such sex-killers, and that’s why nobody ever gets pregnant, unless they’re getting it on the side… Right?

  310. rq says


    That topical ointment seems to be me. Over time, works wonders and miracles of varying degree.
    Guaranteed to cure a Man(TM) of all Independent Thought(TM) (not just Libertarianism). ;)

  311. dianne says

    And if sex in marriage is not a sin, WHY DO I STILL GET PREGNANT?

    Because pregnancy is a blessing and as soon as you see the baby on an ultrasound, you’ll immediately be glad to sacrifice your eyesight and kidneys to gestational diabetes for its sake.

    I’ve been pregnant once. It was a wanted pregnancy and I don’t regret it, but let’s face it: the fetus looked like a moebius strip on the first ultrasound. And that was the 14 week amnio ultrasound. An ultrasound gives a wealth of information to a trained radiologist and is essentially a Rorschah blot in anyone else’s hands (eyes).

  312. Janine: Hallucinating Liar says

    Because pregnancy is a blessing and as soon as you see the baby on an ultrasound, you’ll immediately be glad to sacrifice your eyesight and kidneys to gestational diabetes for its sake.

    Because pregnancy is also a curse because the big sky daddy has to send his inaccurate smiting by causing death through complication to either the woman or fetus. His rage cannot be understood, just accepted as just as well teaching you a valuable lesson.

  313. rq says

    Oh I don’t regret it either, but I’m just wondering if I’m looking at it from the wrong perspective.
    Apparently I am. Any way I look at it.

    All hail the all-confusing being looking down on us from above in his endless and invisible and unknowable mercy.

  314. broboxley OT says

    responses to anonymous threats to shutdown facebook

    nooooooo!!! dont do it!!! it will kill me to not see pictures of food, people posting quotes they found on the internet and girls posting the 10,000th picture of themselves posing in the bathroom mirror wearing a bikini.

    How very trivial you are Madam or Sir.
    I’m waiting for an update on how big my neighbours dogs terd will be.
    Now that’s social media at it’s best!

    how will i live without seeing the video of the funeral of my best friends pet rock
    oh the humanity !!

  315. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    Fuck. Fuckity fuck fuck.
    I was all set to wash a load of dirty clothes only to find a water soaked carpet. Something sprung a leak and I don’t know what to do. Don’t have money to do anything with. Argh!

  316. Portia says

    Tony – when that happened to me last month it was a really simple fix. I don’t know enough to say whether it’s your problem too, but the hose in the back may have just come unhitched from the drain pipe. It’s a really cheap little part to sinch it back together. I know this is of limited helpfulness what with no names of anything, but have you pulled the washer out to look behind it? If that hose came out, depending on your washer, it will be easy to spot the problem. Sorry you have a flood :(

  317. says

    Threadrupt, and wow have I missed a lot. I’m sorry, but I seem to have missed Esteleth’s email? Could someone repeat it for the thick kid who was late to class?

    I am USBing fresh homemade baguette with Nutella for JAL, Og, Tigger and anyone else who’s having difficulties and/or celebrations.

    Been deep in research paper mode. This is my first “big” paper (2400 words with 8-10 research sources) and frankly, it scared the heck out of me. It loomed and loomed and suddenly, I finished and the loom was gone! :D This paper is my “final” — now I only have one piddly little paper with only one research source required, and that’s it for this class. The quarter has gone by so fast! I’m going to be sad when this class is over.

  318. says

    It’s been a while, but I’m trying to start being sociable again, and this seems like as good a place to any to start. Hi everyone. *Hugs* and best wishes to JAL, Ogvorbis and others. Happy Birthdays and congratulations where relevant. I’d like to be able to help more tangibly, but my roommate just fucked off with minimal warning so my rent this month is doubled.

    I suspect that a great impetus behind ‘pregnancy is safe’ is ‘abortion bad’ in another disguise. A la that Repub congressman who was blithering about how there’s never a need for abortion to save the life of the mother. Because of the way it’s packaged, though, a lot of the ‘Nature is Best’ types are willing to jump on board.

  319. cicely says

    Esteleth, if you want to email me your snailmail address today, I can drop a check in the mail tomorrow morning.

    *moarbighugs* for Ogvorbis. Wish there were some concrete help I could offer.

    Tony, perhaps the hose has slipped off where the washer plugs into the plumbing? Happened to us once; it was an easy fix.

  320. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    Thanks for the suggestions folks. I’m going to try them out.

  321. JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says

    Oh, no! That sucks. I hope it’s a small problem and an easy fix like people are suggesting. *fingerscrossed*


    Oh, wow. Somehow in my overwhelmed state I completely missed the fact Esteleth is taking the donations, which definitely helps since it one less thing on my really long list. *whew* Thanks so much for doing that!

    As far as the adopted kitty, who I really should call babysitting kitty, is concerned I really do want to take him with us but we have to notify the original owners of our move so they can take them back if they want. I’d hate to tear one more family member away but it’s not really my choice. We’ve all gotten terribly attached and I really want to take up their previous offer of getting Little One a kitten once they take back Tiger. But they haven’t responded to us trying to contact them yet so if all else fails we’ll just take the kitty. I mean there’s no one here to leave him with since my parents are coming with us or right after us too. And our minute cellphone numbers the family has isn’t going to change so they can contact us if they want. While my parents have pets it’s just not the same, you know?

    Come to think of it, I don’t even know what state they moved to and we haven’t heard from them at all after they moved. I must ask mom about it when she gets back.

    I did pass out last night after my rambling vent so Socio-Gen I just sent the email regarding clothes sizes.

  322. dianne says

    This is my first “big” paper (2400 words with 8-10 research sources) and frankly, it scared the heck out of me.

    Congratulations! The next one won’t loom, merely shadow you a bit and the ones after that will be just another paper.

  323. rq says


    Hope the fix goes well. More time for clean clothes, yay… :)

    kristinc @418

    Yay for getting that done! I love the feeling of finished research papers. May the work have paid off! Here’s a white chocolate muffin (except with cranberries and almonds) for you. Didn’t use that recipe, but they’re fresh!


    Good thoughts for all those who need them and for all those who want them!


    I hate the Nature is Best argument. Hate it, hate it, hate it. Because if that were true, we’d let all our kids have measles and eat unwashed vegetables and all that other fun stuff. Like not washing – because all that dirt, It’s just nature .

  324. Esteleth, Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo says

    Kristinc: my email is my nym at the googlemess.

    Cicely: what is your email again? Did you email me earlier?

    In general: Morgan has fleas. DAMMIT. Now I have to CLEAN ALL THE THINGS.

  325. Esteleth, Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo says

    Morgan has been dosed with Advantage (and I got sent home with a followup dose), and I picked up a can of house-defleaing spray. Will use the opportunity to do a (delayed, and needed) CLEAN ALL THE THINGS. *flail*

  326. rq says

    What’s with all the fleas coming out suddenly? I get the feeling I should be double-checking our critter for them, too, even though I know he’s been treated only a couple of weeks ago…

  327. Esteleth, Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo says

    Also: while it is probably psychological, now I feel all itchy and like little feet are crawling all over me. :(

  328. Nick Gotts (formerly KG) says

    WTF are you on about? Did I say no-one made guns before there were machine tools?

  329. cicely says

    Esteleth: I only sent you a “test” email, a coupla days ago. My email is: c9i9c9e9l9y9a9t9w9o9o9d9AT9a9t9t9.n9e9t9 (casting out all of the nines). I’m at work right now, whence I may not send or receive emails.


    What’s with all the fleas coming out suddenly?

    It’s the Horses again, I’m afraid. See what happens when you Give Aid And Comfort To The Enemy???

    Not for naught are they oft referred to as “flea-bitten nags”.

  330. Esteleth, Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo says

    Yes, I found your email about 30 seconds after posting that. Replied with my snail mail.

  331. ImaginesABeach says

    JAL – I had asked about sizes. I’m pretty sure I can meet most of your cold-weather-wear needs if you are going to move north. Let me know if you need my e-mail address, or send it to Esteleth who can forward it to me.

  332. broboxley OT says

    #431 Nick Gotts
    up stream you linked to this post

    Not only that – so, in effect, was the entire modern industrial system. The US army, working from ideas pioneered (again by government) in France, spent 50 years in the nineteenth century developing machine tools, because no human worker could make parts for weapons so precisely measured they could be interchanged. Clastum3 should insist on using only hand-crafted products.

    I just provided a link to a place where they in fact do exactly that, have done so for centuries, without instruction or backing of government R&D.

    Located in between Kohat and Peshawar, a wide variety of firearms are produced in the town, from anti-aircraft guns to pen-guns.

    Now I agree with the premise that most western tech is a by product of war and by necessity government funded. Just pointing a spot where it isn’t

  333. JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says

    JAL – I had asked about sizes. I’m pretty sure I can meet most of your cold-weather-wear needs if you are going to move north. Let me know if you need my e-mail address, or send it to Esteleth who can forward it to me.

    Oh! Whoops. My bad. Yeah, could I get your email? I think I might have it, and just forgot to add a note of the Pharangula nym to keep track so now I can’t figure out who is who.

  334. rq says


    So now horses are flea-bitten nags, who are also master-minding the flea-takeover of the world? Somewhere, your theory is full of all kinds of holes.

  335. rq says


    I meant that according to you, they are also stupid… Or HEY, maybe it’s the fleas with the brains and the horses with the nimble hooves spreading them everywhere. Amirite?

  336. JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says

    You were the one talking about Target giftcards right? If so, I have it can reply asap. I feel terrible for not remembering. I knew who was who at that time but my memory clearly is not being cooperative currently.

    I’m so used to Pharyngula nym’s I have to keep reminding myself who’s Eseleth in my inbox. Sounds stupid considering her email address but Google is pushing G+ and circles so much the email address is dwarfed in comparison.

  337. JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says

    Er, 439 was to ImaginesABeach.

    I swear I’m not usually this spacey.

  338. cicely says

    rq: Nonononono! The Horses are, in fact, fiendishly clever; they carry blood-sucking parasites as a matter of course.

    In any case, contradictions are de rigueur; this is dogma we’re talkin’ ’bout, here!

  339. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    Somewhere, your theory is full of all kinds of holes.

    pea shaped holes…

  340. dianne says

    Why is it that reading the Lounge thread always gives me a craving for pea and mushroom risotto?

  341. rq says

    Thank you, Tony ! hahahahaaa… ALthough I think the holes are slightly bigger than peas. What were cicely’s thoughts on pepers?
    But, cicely , how do the horses transfer the fleas to our poor helpless and defenseless housecats? You can’t just say MIRACLE and be done with it… Oh wait, you said dogma , right?
    In that case, my dogma is better than your dogma, and I say that kind, loving horses are incapable of such evil perfidy due to the fact of being hooved (hoofed?) and also rather dumb. They would never, ever, wish any evil on anyone, much less condone it with their own active participation.

  342. Ogvorbis: broken and cynical says

    Is this unusually specific?

    No. That’s pretty much what all of the ones about the abuse are like. I think this is the first time that I have gone into that much detail. Sorry. I’ll try not to do that to y’all again. I wasn’t thinking.

    Is it possible that you are processing these memories now (previously not processed)???

    Some of the memories that have surfaced have surfaced through dreams.

    so your mind can cope better, that could be a positive thing I suppose …???

    Well, I haven’t seriously considered suicide, so I guess I am coping.

    I wanted to ask whether you have any options with regard to getting some back-up in meatspace if you need it.

    I do have access to a psychiatrist that I trust if I need it. If I think I need it. Or want to go down there. Not sure yet.

    I’m sorry you had such a vivid dream.

    Unfortunately, they all are.

    I am USBing fresh homemade baguette with Nutella . . .

    Baguette is good. Nutella is an abomination unto Nuggan! Though it is good for achieving a peeling paint effect on model aircraft and tanks.

    Wish there were some concrete help I could offer.

    Using y’all as a sounding board helps. It really does.

  343. Portia says

    I am USBing fresh homemade baguette with Nutella



    I tried to post the following earlier but I think it got eated.

    I was worrying about how to pay the bills, and I just got a call from a law school classmate with a referral for a significant case, with possible litigation. I’m so relieved I could cry.

  344. Esteleth, Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo says

    In the interest of promoting family peace, I just posted the following on FB:

    How to make the head of a conservative Christian explode: explain that if the Gospel is accurate, the Last Supper was held at a gay brothel.

    It isn’t even hard to explain this.

  345. birgerjohansson says

    Improbable Joe, et al

    I just watched a documentary about US veterans in a small US town dominated by an army base. It was depressing, it was obvious that the soldiers were not getting enough time between tours to recover.
    By contrast Swedish soldiers going on UN missions are not allowed to go back until they have had 1-2 years at home, since the stress levels cause physical changes in the brain and the brain needs time to rewire itself back to “factory settings”.

    It seems USA is going to to have yet another generation of veterans getting inadequate help and ending up with PTSD.
    — — — — — — —
    Nick Gotts,

    I notice that it is usually smaller companies that are good at exploiting new ideas and new technology.
    There is a reason IBM is a shadow of its former self.
    — — — — — — — —
    Improbable Joe
    “I’m solely responsible for packing up all this crap, and it is a pretty daunting task when taken as a whole”

    Are any members of The Horde within driving distance? Sounds like a case for SuperHorde! (Pharyngula theme music)

  346. Nick Gotts (formerly KG) says

    I notice that it is usually smaller companies that are good at exploiting new ideas and new technology. – birgirjohansson

    I’m not convinced there’s any general rule: the Japanese zaibatsu did it pretty well for several decades, for example.

  347. Nick Gotts (formerly KG) says

    I just provided a link to a place where they in fact do exactly that, have done so for centuries, without instruction or backing of government R&D. – broboxley

    No, you haven’t – or at least, you haven’t shown that you have, because the article says nothing whatever about interchangeability of parts. It also says the gun trade there started in 1897, which is not “centuries”.

  348. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    Only leftist, Marxist, Connie, socialists like pea and mushroom risotto…

  349. cm's changeable moniker says

    Following up KG’s point; broboxley:

    I just provided a link to a place where they in fact do exactly that, have done so for centuries, without instruction or backing of government R&D.

    vs. what’s at the link:

    The tools are astonishingly primitive, yet the forges turn out accurate reproduction [sic] of every conceivable sort of weapon, from pen pistols and hand-grenades to automatic rifles and anti-aircraft guns. […] A Darra gunsmith, given a rifle he hasn’t seen before, can duplicate it in around ten days.

    (My emphasis.)

    I’m not sure those “astonishingly primitive” tools could build an XM25, even if they had one to copy. Let alone invent one.

  350. cicely says

    But, cicely , how do the horses transfer the fleas to our poor helpless and defenseless housecats? You can’t just say MIRACLE and be done with it… Oh wait, you said dogma , right?

    rq, you clearly do not understand the life cycle of the blood-sucking parasites in question: Hellpit—>Horses—>house pets (need not be limited to cats)—>carpets and furniture—>humans—>your Immortal Soul, which when harvested ferries the fleas back to the Hellpit to lay their ghastly larvae.

    In that case, my dogma is better than your dogma, and I say that kind, loving horses are incapable of such evil perfidy due to the fact of being hooved (hoofed?) and also rather dumb. They would never, ever, wish any evil on anyone, much less condone it with their own active participation.

    Your dogma is flawed and inferior, and I can prove it!
    1) There are no such things as kind, loving horses. That is the Masquerade, and I’m afraid you’ve been taken in. Repent! You can yet be saved!!!
    2) You do know that Hell is ruled by the King of Hooved Beasts, Satan Himself, yes? Therefore, I think we can simply discard your implication that hoovedness implies incapability of Evil, or Perfidy. Or both.
    3) “Fiendishly clever”, remember?

    Using y’all as a sounding board helps. It really does.

    Then sound away!

    I was worrying about how to pay the bills, and I just got a call from a law school classmate with a referral for a significant case, with possible litigation. I’m so relieved I could cry.


  351. triskelethecat says

    (Whimper/moan stage. May ignore for more interesting people)

    A week since Sandy and I am still powerless, staying with friends who JUST got power. I know I have it much better than those who lost family, or homes or pets. But I just want to go HOME! I’m tired of living with other people – even those I dearly love. I need hide time. And now the threat of the nor’easter coming on. I’m tired, stressed, and want to cry, and I never cry well around people. I also think I’m getting sick, so scrapping my plans to come down to DC this weekend.


  352. broboxley OT says

    #457 cm’s changeable moniker
    dunno, but if you can give me one I could see if they could duplicate it. :-)
    As far as the mechanism an XM25 is still a projectile weapon so that really isnt the hard part.

    The XM25 CDTE fires 25 mm grenades that are set to explode in mid-air at or near the target. A laser rangefinder in the weapon is used to determine the distance to the target. The user can manually adjust the detonating distance by up to 10 feet (3.0 m) shorter or longer; the XM25 automatically transmits the detonating distance to the grenade in the firing chamber.

    that can be duplicated with different timed fuses and a hand held range finder. Despite all of the fancy add ons it is a mortar, an arc based delivery of an air or ground burst of shrapnel.

  353. Ogvorbis: broken and cynical says


    USBHugs. And USBChocolate. And USBScotch. All on the way.

  354. FossilFishy (Νεοπτόλεμος's spellchecker) says


    Something has died in my shop. Unfortunately my sense of smell isn’t that great so I’m going to have to let it get a bit riper before I can find it. Blargh.

    In possibly related news today’s a state holiday, for a horse race. I’m not sure how this squares with the whole notion of the ebilness of horses.

  355. cicely says

    *hugs* for triskelethecat. And *chocolate&booze*

    In possibly related news today’s a state holiday, for a horse race. I’m not sure how this squares with the whole notion of the ebilness of horses.

    Mind control and/or PR.

  356. says

    triskelethecat: Hugs to you if you want them. And USB pumpkin pie, if you’re into that sort of thing. I hope your power comes back soon and that you get all of the alone time you need.

    In sad news, Elliot Carter, Pulitzer-winning composer and giant of the classical music word, died today at the age of 103. With such a long life I guess we shouldn’t feel too sad about his passing, but he left a huge mark on modern classical music, and he will certainly be missed. For anyone who is interested, here is his String Quartet No. 3.

  357. broboxley OT says

    bleh, menopause and teenage female hormones are battling. Reaches behind ear turns hearing setting to selective.

  358. Menyambal --- Sambal's Little Helper says

    I made some pulled pork today, out of what was called a “picnic shoulder” which I saw on sale. It turned out the cut was the same as a ham, but uncured, so I kept feeling like I had a bad ham in process. I roasted it at 350F under foil, for a long time yesterday, and it didn’t look good at all. So I refrigerated it overnight, and pulled it apart, getting rid of a lot of fat and bone and guck. Then I put all the good meat back in a skillet and simmered it for another hour or so, and that looked great.

    Pork tacos were yummy, with some of the hot sauce I made last week. (I buy corn tortillas at the supermarket, and heat them up in the microwave—do NOT eat them cold—so that part was easy.)

    My phone’s plugged into the USB, or I’d send you some.

  359. Portia says

    triskelethecat, I’m sorry, that really sucks. Not being able to hide away when you need to can be really draining.

  360. Azkyroth, Former Growing Toaster Oven says

    So Nate Silver has it down to 8.6% for the American People falling for Pull My Finger, at least at the presidential level. >.>

  361. broboxley OT says

    #469 Menyambal — Sambal’s Little Helper
    next time you get one,
    put in crock pot
    put in one of the following

    1. 2 cups salsa verde

    2. Mix of brown sugar, worcesteshire garlic pete’s hot sause to taste about 2 cups woth

    3. 1 cup pete’s hot sauce, 1/2 cup cider vinegar 1/2 cup yellow mustard

    leave that thing on high for 4 hours then on low for 6 hours.
    Eat on bun with coleslaw topping

  362. Pteryxx says

    as long as China’s a thing this Lounge: via BB

    In Foreign Policy magazine Eveline Chao writes a fascinating, insider account of working with Chinese censors and trying to do the job of a journalist in a place where your entire staff can be fired for the crime of accidentally having a Taiwanese flag in the background of a photograph.

    main article:

    We knew we were lucky to have the censor that we did, if we had to have one at all. Snow was patient with our push-backs, and, though she didn’t have to, often went to great lengths to explain the “why” of her changes. When we wanted to run a piece that was somewhat critical of China’s healthcare system, Snow spent days poring through it, typing up lengthy explanations for how we could rearrange the piece to pass muster. The changes were surprisingly minor. She reworded the subtitle “China’s ailing healthcare system — and the government’s plan to fix it” to “The Chinese government’s plan to fix the ailing healthcare system.” She replaced pull quotes (excerpts from the stories displayed in larger text to the side of the article), pointing to flaws in the system, like “High medical expenditure is the main cause of poverty in China in 30 percent of cases,” with more positive ones that highlighted ways China was working to reform the system – “Reform of the healthcare system has been at the top of the political agenda for some time.” But Snow allowed the more critical statements to remain within the body of the article itself.

  363. Portia says

    I am covered in tiny bits of apple and earned two more gallons of cider for my freezer. And tomorrow I will have lots of organic locally grown sweet potatoes, red potatoes, and spinach to put up. I am liking fall more and more.

  364. broboxley OT says

    Hi Portia,
    The only way I know how to put up red potatoes is make vodka out of them. What do you do with them?
    /me interested

  365. Portia says

    I’m thinking I’ll bake, mash, and freeze, if I have enough. I’m not sure how much my farmer friend will bring me. Granted, I haven’t ever done that with red potatoes before, but I’m getting more into being diligent with taking advantage of the wholesome foods I have access to. I know sweet potatoes freeze well, so we’ll see.

  366. says

    You can also dry thin slices or grated bits.

    As far as making firearms by hand, that’s why parts were not interchangeable between weapons. Each one had enough differences so that the fast motion needed was blocked. If you needed a new part for your gun, it would be made to work with your gun. Until precision mass machining.

  367. broboxley OT says

    #478 Markita Lynda—threadrupt

    As far as making firearms by hand, that’s why parts were not interchangeable between weapons. Each one had enough differences so that the fast motion needed was blocked. If you needed a new part for your gun, it would be made to work with your gun. Until precision mass machining.

    beg politely to disagree. I have test fired a Peshawar made ak 47 in the 70’s. Watched them make it with great interest. Skeptical until I swapped parts with a Russian issued AK 47 and it worked flawlessly. They offered at that time for me to try one of their at an undisclosed location. I declined.Did’nt trust them that much.

  368. Esteleth, Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo says

    *steals Markita Lynda’s chair, forcing her to stand corrected*

    *evil laugh*

    *is surrounded by heaps of laundry* :( :( :(

  369. broboxley OT says

    Portia you can flash freeze hashbrowns. Grate rinse then place in an extremely thin layer on oiled tinfoil in freezer. Once frozen, bag. Actually taters in a cool dry place can last all winter. They get wrinkly and soft but make great mashed potatoes.
    Never tried it but slice french fried style, coat in olive oil (place in bag with olive oil and shake) with spices then place in single layer on cookie sheet and freeze, then bag. It would be worth one cookie sheet to see if that works and if it does fries all winter.

  370. Azkyroth, Former Growing Toaster Oven says

    bleh, menopause and teenage female hormones are battling. Reaches behind ear turns hearing setting to selective.

    Sounds a bit redundant.

  371. Azkyroth, Former Growing Toaster Oven says

    I’m thinking I’ll bake, mash, and freeze, if I have enough.


    Have you done this successfully before?

  372. broboxley OT says

    #486 Azkyroth, Former Growing Toaster Oven why, do you referee professional wrestling on the side?

  373. says

    Are there any images of this version of the xenomorph that didn’t make it into Alien 4?

    To my knowledge no. No model, puppet or costume was ever made as the change came before that and as far as I know the script was changed by the director before there could even be concept art of the thing.

    Incidentally the rumor on how the fuck the director missed the point of the script so much; he didn’t speak English basically. Oops.

  374. Ogvorbis: broken and cynical says

    And I’m heading off to bed. I hope that, if I dream, I dream about scotty. Yes, even scottyroberts would be an improvement over last night’s dreams.

  375. chigau (棒や石) says

    And before I go to my rest:
    we stopped at the liquor store and the night manager said:
    “Hey, it’s not Tuesday!”
    We are ‘regulars’ at a liquor store.
    I need a drink.

  376. Tony–Queer Duck Overlord of The Bronze– says

    Ok, so there was nothing loose or exposed behind the washing machine. There was no trace of water behind the washing machine, nor on either side. The water was present only in the front (which soaked the small carpet we have, which I put outside to dry…and it rained tonight). I ran another load of clothes and watched it, and there was no leak. I have no idea what the heck happened…
    …therefore God :)

    Janelle Monae is truly amazing!

    I don’t know if anyone listens to The Script, but I’m really enjoying their third album.

    Now that I think about it, of all the recurring topics here in TET/The Lounge (that I’ve followed), I don’t see music come up that often.

    I had a couple come in for drinks tonight. The woman said she worked in a hospital in Louisiana (one that’s privatized and by state&fed) and had been in the healthcare field for some time. She said everyone she knows hates the ACA, and that she’s genuinely worried about her career when it goes into full effect. She didn’t give me many details, but I was really curious why she felt this way. Anyone with experience in the field have a clue?

  377. ednaz says

    chigau – *whispers* psst…chigau, look on the counter. : )

    ogvorbis – wishing you a peaceful sleep *hugs*

  378. chigau (棒や石) says

    My clock has quacked midnight.
    sleep and/or awaken and/or lunch
    to everyone

  379. rq says

    Good morning!

    cicely @459

    Wait, FossilFishy gets a national holiday for a horse race ? I am so signing up for that.
    Fleas? I can kill ’em. I choose to welcome my pepper-sprinkled, gentle overlords. I am protected from their non-existent wrath because I laud them regularly to people like you. Gives me extra points for the Eternal Hay-Barn with Oats after death.

    Tony @455

    Just curious, who was that comment referring to?
    And yay on the washing machine. (Yay god…?)
    Re: Music. Really? Doesn’t come up that often? We just had a (short) singing-animals discussion…


    I wish you only good dreams or, preferably, no dreams at all for you tonight!


    Yesterday: stomach flu-like bug and lots of vomit for the eldest.
    Today: dentists and eye doctors for the two older ones.