Did someone tell him I was the president of the US? Because going after Obama, who has been no friend to the separation of church and state and is openly Christian, for his war on religion makes no sense at all.
But wait, even if I were president, I wouldn’t forbid people to pray or celebrate Christmas, and neither of those things are forbidden now. And why does Perry hate our troops?
I don’t know which is worse: that a Republican candidate for president can freely lie and campaign against imaginary enemies, or that there are swarms of people listening to that bullshit who will agree with him.
Probably the latter.
(via JT.)
Here’s a reply:
Amusing irony alert: take a closer look at the jacket Perry is wearing.
I’m confused about that last issue too. As a Texas native and resident I would like to remind everyone that Rick Perry won the last gubernatorial election with well under 50 percent of the vote. I’d have to look it up, but it may have been less than 40 percent.
By the way, the man is just old fashioned stupid.
What a dipshit!
Perry is flooding Iowa with this message. I don’t watch much TV but apparently enough to see this crap. Telling outright lies is a poor strategy for a long campaign.
Hey docsarvis, fellow Texan (kinda)!
It was 39% last time I checked. ‘course, he’s bound to get a big rise in support from the lone star state, simply because its denizens want that moron OUT of there.
I kinda like Perry. Sure, he’s an idiot, a religious zealot, beyond stupid, totally fiscally irresponsible, not even slightly progressive in any social issue, corrupt, a climate change denier…actually, a science denialist in general, and the governor’s mansion burned down under his watch. But he’s got a funny way of talking, so I would vote for him…if I could!
Rick, the problem is that Gays can serve in our military but can’t get married, not some contrived bullshit about kids not being able to pray in school.
Rick Perry,
You are an ignorant fucking ass.
Did I mention you’re a fucking ignorant ass?
I’m Jeff A., and I approved this message.
The video has 3,459 likes and 156,304 dislikes at the moment. That is to say, barely 2% of people voting on the video liked it.
You know that’s gotta hurt. Is it any wonder they have comments turned off?
“Hi, I’m Rick Perry. I love Jesus more than any other candidate and I completely agree with all of the Christian virtues about honesty and charity and stuff, except that it’s okay to lie about things when trying to advance the kingdom of God and my political career. It’s the Golden Rule: The ends justify the means. Besides, it’s not a sin if you’re sincere. God bless you now, and don’t forget to vote for me.”
Having worked in education, the prayer thing really ticks me off; that talking point from believers is no where near the truth. Kids are perfectly free to pray (or read the bible, or the Koran, or anything else) as long as it isn’t disrupting class (which includes kids who try to float it as a substitute for taking a test or doing their work). School officials cannot lead prayers, students cannot pray (or do anything else) that disrupts class INSTEAD of doing whatever they are supposed to be doing, and that’s pretty much it.
You want to pray briefly before a test? Fine. You want to pray for all of remaining class time after your test is done (or work is done)? Fine. You want to hold hands with fellow believers around the flag poll and pray to America before class starts? Fine. You want to read the bible after you’ve read your English assignment? Fine. And guess what? If a student asks another student (at an appropriate time), “Hey, I love Jesus. You want to hear about Jesus?” and the other student says, “Yes, tell me more,” they can talk to their hearts content to proselytize that (one) person. But as soon as they say they are not interested, the proselytizing must stop or it is then called harrassment.
No one cares about any of that because it puts Christianity on the same level as any other religion, worldview, dogma, etc. Which is why very few students ever do any of that, and why believers lie about the entire debate. They know that very few students are going to do much of that on their own, so they want it enforced by adults. (And believe me, there are MANY Christian teachers, coaches, parapros, administrators, etc, who sneak it in around the edges where they think they can get away with it, sometimes more overtly and sometimes less, and kids who feel uncomfortable about it either don’t care enough to make a fuss, or don’t want to be a pariah in a sea of believers by making waves.)
Republican strategy:
Step 1 – convince the persecuting majority they’re the persecuted minority.
Step 2 – convince this large voting block that you understand their plight
Step 3 – make $
Another “christians are being oppressed because we’re not allowed to oppress others” claim.
Huh. 3,479 “likes” and 157,557 “dislikes” on YouTube, and the Perry campaign has disabled comments.
He’s not exactly winning hearts and minds, is he?
Pander to the christian majority. Lie if you have to as long as it is for Jesus. Hey, it worked for that other moron from Texas.
frankb, I’m also in Iowa and every time this guy’s face appears on my TV, I want throw one of my shoes through the screen.
Now that our Gov. is out on the campaign trail the rest of the country has a chance to share our pain. He believes in Prayer. He prayed for rain and got wildfires.
I used not to have to pay much attention to religion when I lived in the Northeast. Now that I live in Texas I have found it to be downright offensive. Now when someone tells me they are a christian, I offer my condolences.
That’s the issue for many christians. They feel that if their religion is on the same level as all the others, it’s being discriminated against.
Heh…Also interesting: in the seven minutes between Gregory’s post and mine, the video collected 2o “likes” and….over 250 “dislikes.” Probably most of the latter from Pharyngula?
I’m pretty sure /r/atheism had something to do with the votes on the video. We’ve been making fun of it before you yanks even got up this morning!
I’m also going to leave this here.
Ah, yes, our fine religious heritage. Our freedom-loving forebears would never permit atheists to wage a War on Christmas, would they? No way! They conducted the war themselves! In 1659 the Puritans—the fucking Puritans!—passed a law in Massachusetts, wait for it…banning Christmas.
You could be fined 5 shillings for celebrating xmas for giving gifts, taking the day off work, having a spiral-cut ham for dinner, or even so much as saying “Merry Christmas”. You might not even get away with it if you just tried to call it a “holiday tree”.
You have to wonder whether Perry is even living in the same US as the rest of you transatlantic types. I mean, persecuted christians banned from
talking to their imaginary friendprayer, while homosexuals run the military and a suddenly ultra-antitheist Obama* wages war on the faithful? How can he even say that stuff with a straight face in one of the most highly christian societies on Earth?Oh, I forgot, lying is a fundy sacrament, and he’s a politician, so his mastery of the Dark Side must be near absolute by now…
* A victim of ‘teh atheist cooties’, one supposes.
My favorite reply http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rF7KCjg_vBM&feature=related
It’s always best to reply with vague references to velociraptors.
“I’m Rick Perry, and I believe whatever you want me to say I believe.”
Matt Taibbi nicely delineates his history of taking Cleveland steamers from whoever’s willing to give him a ride in their Lotus.
The perfect exemplification of desperation.
This reply is perfect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-eqpJYGtvk
President Obama MUST be an atheist, doncha know?
Don’t you know that all real Christians are Republicans – their preacher told them that so it must be true. I have no doubt they found some Babblical reference to prove it.
On the other hand a Republican Liar for Jesus shouldn’t come as any surprize to anyone.
Best reply.
History suggests otherwise.
What’s particularly egregious about this ad is that Perry himself is strongly rumored to be closeted.
Back to basics!
Has Perry possibly read through the oath he’s hoping to take in little more than a year? It says not one word about any of the topics on which he’s so smarmy and sanctimonious.
I love the response video you posted, Professor. I, too, am a godless “heathen” (I live near downtown Seattle, which isn’t exactly a heath, but I’ll use it in the spirit intended) and very much approve his message.
The fundie xian death cultists don’t seem too powerful or numerous.
Their political party, the Theothuglicans/Tea Party has two leading candidates right now.
1. Romney, a Mormon, who isn’t even a xian.
2. Newt, a convert to Catholicism, a Fake Xian with all the charisma of a mud puddle.
They aren’t looking too powerful when they can’t even nominate a True Xian to their own political party ticket.
The most likely scenario right now is that the fundies will nominate a nonXian to run against Obama. If Romney wins, the fundies will have elected the first nonXian president in a long time.
Wow that is one scarily ignorant message.
Rick Perry is
confusedstooopid.FTFY. No charge…this time.
I guess, willful liar, shameless panderer, gutless braindead loon was too long for a title?
Cliff Hendroval
Strong rumors are ever so much better than weak ones.
@SQB / neilweightman:
I don’t get it, you guys posted Rick’s original video.
Morbo endorses puny human candidate Rick Perry, for his pathetic imitation of the towering hatred Morbo feels at all times. Exclude gays from your pitiful military… It will make your feeble armies even smaller and easier to crush! Bwu-hahahaha!
That commercial by Perry was disgusting. Just a bunch of lies.
It’s probably his last chance hope because he is desperate.
The next and last step: Calling Obama a commie, atheistic, Kenyan born Moslem terrorist who is the antichrist.
The part that breaks the old irony meter is when Perry demands special rights for christians (based on non-factual bunk about kids not being able to pray and not being able to celebrate Christmas).
Perry is not really demanding equal rights for the christian religion, nor an end to persecution of christians (a non-issue in the USA), but is instead really expecting that Christianity be promoted.
If Christianity isn’t promoted in the public sphere, in schools, in politics, then Perry interprets that as persecution.
Perry demands special rights and privileges for christians, while simultaneously taking rights away from gays. Making sure gay people don’t have equal rights is what Perry calls not granting special rights and privileges to gays.
Promote Christianity, deny equal rights to gays. This is Rick Perry’s idea of fair and balanced.
Takes a special kind of spavined thought processes to be that blatantly wrong.
I’m confused about that last issue too. As a Texas native and resident I would like to remind everyone that Rick Perry won the last gubernatorial election with well under 50 percent of the vote. I’d have to look it up, but it may have been less than 40 percent.
In 2010, Perry won with 55% of the vote.
You guys are thinking of 2006, when he won with 39%, in a four-way race.
Perry is pretty dumb.
We have some serious problems in the USA, notably our economy, high unemployment, and way out of whack budgets.
So he babbles on about the gays. Who in the hell really cares? It’s just a small minority that is socially acceptable to hate in some circles. And those circles are getting smaller and smaller.
I doubt if the fundies or Rick Perry really care about the gays. They do care a lot about hating as many groups as they can. No hate = no fundie xianity. It’s the core of their religion.
Oh–and in 2002, he won with 57% of the vote.
I doubt if the fundies or Rick Perry really care about the gays.
The fundies do care, because they cannot abide anyone enjoying life rather than sucking up to their genocidal scumbag deity.
Perry, if the rumors* are true about him, definitely doesn’t give a shit about gays.
* Rumors have persisted in Austin for at least 8 years that Perry is bisexual.
Well, in fairness, Rick Perry chose exactly the right issue to be stupid on, and chose to be stupid in a way that is consistent with the conservative misperception of reality. Bashing gays, pretending that Christians aren’t allowed to pray in schools, and playing into the meme that “Obama ain’t no Christian [being either an atheist or a secret Muslim]” are all abhorrent and obviously moronic to us. But these things are basically the core delusions of his base. It was an excellent rallying cry, specifically designed for Perry to herd the ignorant that would be supporting him if he were only the option aside from Romney.
Everybody knows that bisexuals don’t exist.
Wait a second.
Rick Perry is the Urban Spaceman.
He does not exist.
What a relief.
One of my beefs with Obama is not disbanding the Office of Faith Based Initiatives. I’m still not sure how this department survives the Establishment Clause smell test, despite what the Supreme Court said in 2007.
Other than constantly ending speeches with “God bless America,” is there any other Obama Establishment Clause errors I should be aware of?
On top of all that, it turns out NJ has a similar office. I’m trying to find out when it was started and what they funded with my tax dollars. Ugh.
The man seems so jovial and lispy when visiting New Hampshire… maybe he has a ‘prayer’ partner up there? How does he get along with Michelle Bachmann’s completely straight manly husband on the campaign trail?
Where have I seen that jacket before?
anteprepro @ 43;
You forgot the third option that really exercises Republicans – what if Obama is both? Now, to ‘ebil libruls’ like you and I, on the face of it such a statement makes no sense, being something of an oxymoron, but once you apply the magic of Republico-logic(TM), then a very different picture emerges…
…After all, if godless heathens and muslim religious fanatics are bad individually, just imagine how much worse a godless/muslim fanatic must be? It’s like commie/nazis, a double threat. At least it is if you have that… special Republican way of looking at things.
Just ask them to explain 9/11 for an indepth (and frankly scary) look at how they think atheism and islamic fundamentalism go hand-in-glove.
Who needs reality when you have ridiculous conspiracy theories and crass scare tactics? It has served the GOP rather well, afterall. It got Bush into office, despite the fact that he really shouldn’t be allowed out unsupervised.
First sentence of the video: “I’m not ashamed to admit I’m a Christian.” Perry is not ashamed to admit he’s an idiot. Why does this uneducated moron pretend he has any chance of becoming President of the United States? — Human Ape
Shorter Perry: blub… blub…. blub…. (bubbles come to the surface)
Gregory Greenwood @ 48: Since the Christian fundies believe that Allah is not the same as the god they worship, and he doesn’t exist, then anyone who worships a non-existent god must be an atheist.
I need to lie down now.
Some photoshopped Rick Perry.
I like the one with the teletubbie.
It’s kinda heartwarming that vast majority of Christian-like people percieve small bunch of folks who tell them “i don’t belive in nonsense, here’s a proof why”, as a threat. Are they afraid of realizing that they wasted their lifes believing in nothing? I often imagine living in state similar to described in Asimov’s Foundation trilogy. It would be awesome.
well, thanks to Rick Perry, I’m ashamed to be a Texan.
Dubya wasn’t enough?
Perry is using the old GOP school politics.
The politics of Lee Atwater, more commonly known as Dog-Whistle politics because you (the sensible ones?) are not intended to hear the whistle, just those who think like Perry speaks.
It’s a telling commentary that many Americans still think like this enough that Perry’s appeal to hate will resonate with many.
I wish I could believe Perry was stupid. I really do. Willfully ignorant, spoiled brat used to getting his way, typical texas bigot shit-kicker. All those I can agree with.
Sometimes I wish I were James Bond.
This was posted on FARK last night, so a lot of dislikes came from there as well. Shots were taken at the 100,000 mark. I also noted that if you look at the stats for the video, there used to be 69 comments before they turned them off. I would very much like to those. And you can still leave comments directly on his channel.
Well, I wasn’t living in Texas then. Now, I know that every time I buy groceries or pay for anything in this state, I’m directly funding Perry’s administration. But y’know, if I move, I won’t be able to vote against these jackholes anymore. So yeah…
I’ve been telling folks for a lotta years Texas is nice place to be from.
Much as I’ve alternated between dismayed and fascinated at the weirdness that has been the GOP presidential field this season, one thing and one thing only has really made me truly happy.
I live in an era where the official presidential campaign response for a serious (though small) candidate can contain “LOL.”
” It’s like commie/nazis, a double threat.”
Yeah, I have heard this, too. And the thing is, people would buy it. Yet, if you had to describe WWII in one sentence it would be “A war between Nazis and Communists but some other people got pulled in, too”. Atheism muslim makes as much sense as Black KKK member. But Perry’s base can’t think that through.
HIs being a scumbag liar without either interest nor ability to do anything but whatever his billionaire masters demand doesn’t bother me – that’s everything EVERY “Republican” politician is (though a few are so crazy they might not always be able to take commands) – it’s that he’s a conscious and cold-blooded murderer and, since he now thinks (wrongly) he will never, ever be brought to justice, proud of the fact.
I’ve yet to even meet a Perry-supporter (and there are damn few “Republicans” who cross my path, ALL of whom wish to pretend Mittens is something other than a pile of reeking, lying shit), but rather look forward to doing so.
“You are talking about voting for a murderer” I will say. “You are either a very, very stupid, or very bad human being.”
The time to persuade passed over five years ago.
The same folks who whined about Obama’s pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, are now claiming Obama is anti-Christian.
I get the impression that a lot of them don’t view things like “nazi” “socialist” “terrorist” “atheist” “Muslim” “gay” etc. as being antonymous concepts. To them these are fancy bad-guy names for people who have “turned away from god,” or “hate America” or are “angry minorities”. The idea that someone might have a viewpoint that doesn’t need to reference the Christian God or the USA in order to exist is terrifying and unthinkable.
Just a couple days ago I found out that there are thousands of videos of people dramatically wounding testicles on youtube, and that with wonderful youtube technology, apparently some of these are ordered or are randomly assigned as needed (I don’t know how it works) to something called a “channel”.
Then comment #23 draws my attention to an extended fart joke, literally a series of fart jokes, that – wait for it – doesn’t have any “joke” – it’s just farting sounds over and over and over.
Then there’s the actual stupidity of this man, Rick Perry, who is considered a serious contender for the leadership of the USA? Worse, a heck of a lot of people in the USA think that would make him the “leader of the free world” (because the meaning of freedom is having other electorates submit to the will of the most conservative, violent electorate that so-called “Western democracies” have produced)
…and the idea that this man would lead not only the country but the “free world” however many countries that includes and whatever work or power that would entail, ***does not dissuade them from supporting Perry,*** but actually fucking seems a point in his favor to voters not numbering in dozens, but in tens of thousands.
And I thought Idiocracy’s dystopian 500 year-distant future was hyperbole. We’re going to be watering our crops with gatorade in the next 20 years!!!
This is where I remember that I just got myself a mad crush on a fantastic woman who lives in another country, and that other country, as “backwards” as it is seen by the folks in the US, would allow us to marry and me to immigrate.
At least there’s a possibility I might someday have an out…
Oh–and in 2002, he won with 57% of the vote.
IIRC, that makes Perry the ONLY governor ever to be elected for 3 consecutive terms in Texas.
This is exactly what makes my respect of your average Texan so low.
It’s not the same Texas I recall when I spent time there in the early 90s.
was there a brain destroying virus that ran rampant there, or what?
We’re going to be watering our crops with gatorade in the next 20 years!!!
Well, it’s got what plants crave!
By the Emperor. I’ve not heard that kind of hate from a presidential candidate in… several weeks.
“Then comment #23 draws my attention to an extended fart joke, literally a series of fart jokes, that – wait for it – doesn’t have any “joke” – it’s just farting sounds over and over and over.”
I lol’d.
I get the impression that a lot of them don’t view things like “nazi” “socialist” “terrorist” “atheist” “Muslim” “gay” etc. as being antonymous concepts.
well, if you plan to try and explain it to them, you’ll have to avoid using big words like antonymous.
and maybe concepts and impression too.
and you’ll have to stick to only comparing two words at a time.
and even then, well, good luck?
ROFLOL @ the response video. That made my day. (Pathetic, I know).
So…Rick Perry is trying to go down the extreme xtian path that works so very well. Like for Bachmann…oh wait…
It’s ok to die for your country, just keep your sexual orientation to yourself. Fuck.
non sequiturs for 1000 alex
And for the last fucking time, EVERYONE can pray in school.
Just because it isn’t school sponsored doesn’t mean little Timmy Tebow couldn’t pray at lunch or between classes or at recess or before a test or taking a shit or whenever.
Die Warzau – Bliss
The idea that anyone could fall for this shit makes me ashamed to be human.
I’d love to rip on Americans for this, but this is merely the tip of the stupid iceberg.
How on earth can this clown credibly claim to be any different from people who fly airplanes into towers?
Here’s the secret, Rick Perry is working hard to re-elect Barack Obama in 2012. It’s the only thing that makes sense. I mean, when you’ve got two pandering loons to choose between the incumbent has the edge.
I feel dumb. “Antonymous” was supposed to read “autonomous”.
That probably makes more sense since at least some of those words lead to categories that can overlap.
I have a hunch it would be exactly like explaining your reasons for atheism to the troll who keeps pulling the “you just don’t want to answer to God” argument. Its an easier world if the Christians are the adults and everyone else is a rebellious teenager or freedom hating terrorist.
IIRC, that makes Perry the ONLY governor ever to be elected for 3 consecutive terms in Texas.
It is indeed. Plus, he served most of GDub’s term from 1998 as well.
This is exactly what makes my respect of your average Texan so low.
It can’t be as low as mine. But then, I live here.
It’s not the same Texas I recall when I spent time there in the early 90s.
It is the same Texas. This is a bigot state. Always has been. Always will be, until the Hispanics finally attain the majority sometime in the 2030s.
was there a brain destroying virus that ran rampant there, or what?
I used to joke that what happened was that enough of the old guard racist Ds had finally died off. These were the people who always voted D, never mind how tolerant the D politician was, because the racist D would have rather died than vote for a Republican. You’d be amazed at how many of these people there used to be in Texas. Their racist kids and grandkids are just as much of racists; they’re merely “modern” enough to vote with the party that represents their viewpoint.
And while I say that I joke about it, I’m afraid that the racist Ds finally dying off in droves is the only explanation that makes sense.
…In my limited experience, I suspect some of them switched to libertarianism and became Ron Paul supporters. Some of their discussions made half sense, though I was really startled to see old white Texans talking about rights to privacy, cutting defense spending and regulating corporations.
And while I say that I joke about it, I’m afraid that the racist Ds finally dying off in droves is the only explanation that makes sense.
and here I was, blaming it on poor Karl Rove…
@37. raven : 8 December 2011 at 10:31 am
Moslem, no,thats far too recent, Mahommetan, definitely! ;-)
Fire up them stakes guv’nor we be burning heretics if wez winnin’!
@ 53. janine : 8 December 2011 at 1:42 pm
I like the one with the cowboy cat and pink jacket.
Cheers for that.
On the bright side Perry is already politically such a dead man walking.
Its going be Romney in 2012 – and he’s going to lose to Obama at least in part because the fuckwits just don’t find him convincingly teabggingly extreme enough.
@ Hurin, Nattering Nabob of Negativism : 8 December 2011 at 9:57 pm
That is indeed an infelicitious context to find oneself enmeshed in. I appreciate your disquietude. ;-)
@mythusmage : 8 December 2011 at 7:44 pm
So Rickyboy is yet another Deep Cover Liberal then, ya reckon?
Just like Anne Coulter, Colbert and Glenn Beck!
Ah, “the breastplate of righteousness”. Laud Humphreys.
Looks like comments are disabled on all his videos now as well as on his channel’s profile.
No. But it does get hotter than hell here anymore. I find that the heat has a brain addling effect that I must combat by staying indoors with lots of cold beverages. I’m not sure that all my neighbors are so cautious.
Also, one must remember that the parasite load is negatively correlated with latitude.
Oh. And would I be correct in guessing that you spent the early 90s in Austin?
Oh is he one of us racists who just wants a black man in office?
Or do you have something to back up your magic telepathy?
Here’s a hint: Don’t try to pass yourself off as some expert on people’s motivations and emotions while at the same time claiming to be have a condition that makes you ill equipped to do so.
Here’s a secret, Ing takes some posts way too literally and way too seriously. The dude either was joking about his “Perry is working for the Dems” conspiracy theory, or he is a loon. No one in their right mind would assume the guy had evidence to back up the conspiracy claim, which makes your double posted complaining kinda pointless.
My theory is that Perry is a moron. The GOP has a lot of those. No conspiracy needed.
My theory, which is mine, says don’t count Perry out yet. The goal of the Republican faithful is to nominate and elect the candidate that will most piss off the few sane folks still living in the US.
Looked at that way, Ricky is still golden. And if he gets in, after 4 years, we’ll be Haiti with nukes.
It has a higher like/dislike ratio than Rebecca Black’s “Friday”, which officially makes it the most disliked YouTube video ever. :) Unfortunately this probably just adds to the prosecution complex.