It’s this weekend, in Cincinnati: the Free Inquiry Group 20th Anniversary. It’s got a nice lineup, with Greta Christina doing the opening, JT Eberhard somewhere in the middle, and me closing up the show, along with some other people who are not affiliated with FtB.
Come on out. What else are you going to do in that area, go to the Creation “Museum”?
Yeah, it’s not like a group of atheists would travel all that way to see Ham’s parody of a museum.
Would they?
Glen Davidson
If it wasn’t $50 bucks I’d love to go. I only live 15 minutes from the venue and I’d love to meet PZ. Is there a free after party? lol
Cincinnati’s a lot of fun, actually. Over-the-Rhine, Hyde Park, and Clifton have all kinds of awesome bars and restaurants. Neons in OTR is a particular favorite of mine.
I’d go, but I’m driving to Baltimore instead.
Try the Hofbrauhaus in Newport, KY while you’re there, for anyone who’s going. Fantastic beer, German food and dancing on tables, what could be better?
$70 is just a bit too much, or else I’d be there for sure.
I’m partly put off by the price, but I think it’s really darn cheap for what you’re getting. My problem is that I can’t invest in a whole conference. The offspring require my time, and to pay the full conference price to see one or two speakers, plus baby sitters – well, I guess I’ll have to miss out, which makes me a bit sad, but I’ll live. Besides, it’s in Kentucky. I avoid Kentucky like the plaque. I hope it goes well, and PZ, do try to get someone to bring you up into Cincinnati proper and hit some of the hotspots AndrewT mentioned. Mt. Adams is my favorite neighborhood for bars. Try some Mt. Carmel beer if you can find it.
And just because I bring it up every time my town’s reputation gets slimed with Ken Ham’s “museum”, we do have the Cincinnati Museum Center, which houses the actual Museum of Natural History and Science, in case anyone is ever stuck here and bored.
Seriously, GO EAT CHILI! Then go to Graeter’s for a nectar sundae!
I’m with Gus, the Hellions have to be at a birthday party that Saturday otherwise I’d be there. The FIG crowd are bunch of cool folks and I wish I had more time for them. Where’s the Skeptics in the Pub afterwards?
You can always join the Horde collection in Rhinebeck, NY. We will have DDMFM, Walton, Sili, Jules, Mattir and spawn, and many more (including Heatherly, goddess of organization). What’s a 11 hour drive among friends?
I noticed on the Cincinnati Atheist Group’s meetup page that there will be no charge if you show up on Sunday for the last day of events. So now there is no reason to miss PZ’s talk.
So are you going to walk amongst the people of this fine city at any point during the weekend, or are they holding you captive at the hotel, PZ? There is bound to be a bar in MainStrasse Village with authentic bluegrass or some junk-jazz group playing Saturday night.
I note a profoundly disturbing lack of sheepy wonderfulness on the FIG agenda. Rhinebeck wins.
Perhaps you could note this PZ?
There’s nothing on the website that says Sunday is free. I’d like to see independent confirmation before I note it.
SUNDAY IS FREE. Since most of the price of admission covers the two meals we are providing on Saturday, our generous founder kicked in a few more bucks to make Sunday free. Also on Sunday – Dave Silverman, Tom Flynn, and Jamila Bey. And a virtual tour of the creation “museum” by a local rabbi: “Bad Science and Bad Bible.”
Also we have a signed copy of “The Magic of Reality” to raffle off.
Forgot to mention that I am President of FIG. Independent confirmation confirmed.
@John Welte – Is there any process for unregistered people showing up on Sunday? I’d hate to screw up your system/ show up and not be able to get in/ cause you to violate fire code.
@PZ – Is your talk topic to remain a surprise, or can you reveal it? I’d like to come if we can find a sitter, but the wife may take some convincing…